VOLUME III LA GRANDE. UNiON COUNTY, OREGON FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1904 ' NUMBER 63 i r 1 L BEAR AND LION SHAKE HANDS Draft of Treaty is Prepared and Not Probable . that Either Nation Will Object to : Its Terms . . ,'.'';U,t:':- St Petersburg Hot 4 Th negotla- tions regarding the North sea raw are not yet concluded. The Associated Prees ii Informed that the present position is as follows: The terms of the draft of the tieaty for the examination of the oo art are now nnder oonsider atlon. The emperor, who may desire some modifications, in which case a ELEVATOR ; COLLAPSED Buffalo N Y Mot 4 Prom some un explained caase which can not be de finitely explained the Ontario elevator collapsed todsy and sank into the waters of the Evans slip. The elevator contained about 870,000 bushels of barley, a large portion of whloh lies at the bottom of the slip The loss on tho grain and the building ir estimated at 350,000. Charles Birtholomy 62 year old, ths elevator inpeiintendeot, was seriously injured. . " PRINCE OF WALES NEAR CONSUMPTION London Nov 4 Rumor that the Prince of "Wales is in deliosle health have been confirmed. The Prinoe's lunas ire weak and he has every tudl . oatlon of consumption. A consults -tlon of physician waa held last week, and a long sea trip advised. The prince . will probably visit Portugal, Egypt; and possibly Amerioa, While no immediate eetlona eon? - IF YOU SEEK FALL CLOTHING OF CHARACTER and MERIT ' & combined with style and accurate fit, come direct to our store where you will find an immense stock of smart styles and handsome fabrics from which to make your selection. - We are sole agents here for the celebrated r MICHAELS - STERN FINE CLOTHING : and can vouch for the qoality and fashion-correctness of every garment, and guarantee to fit yon no . matter how yon are proportioned. We are particularly proud of our large and magnificent collection of Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats at $15 which in point of style, quality, tailoring and fit, are every bit as good as to-measnre-made suits and over coats at 130. In fact you never saw smarter appearing nor better made apparel at other stores for f 18. Men's Brown Oaaslmere at $ 7 50 worth f 9 00 Meu's Oxford Gray Cheviot at 7 50 worth 9 00 Men's Black Clay Worsted at 8 60 worth 10 00 Men's Gray Mottled Worsted at 9 00 worth 11 00 Men's Oxford Gray Gh'vt eq. out 9 50 worth 12 00 Men's Bl'k Diagonal Clay W'st'd 11 00 worth 12 50 Men's Scotch Tweed, beautiful 9 00 worth 11 50 Men's All Wool Castimere at 12 00 worth 15 00 Men's Scotch Mottle, very stylish 15 00 worth 18 00 Men's All Wool Caasimere at 20 00 worth 24 00 0 The La resubmission of the draft to London will, of course be necessary, bat an amendmeut, if any, is not expected to be of importance. One of the points already agreed upon to that Britain and Basal will jointly propose that Franc and the United States appoint each naval offioer as a member of the. oowrtwhloh will probably sit at .Paris. . qaeno are felt, the condition reveal ed at ths consultation, was of a nature to determine immediate aotion. Advices Confirmed fans. Nov. omoial advloes con firm the Associated frees cablegram, ol last June oonoerning tue sinkiog of tbe Japanese battleship Yashima by a Bnsaian mine Tlie vesesl endeavor ed to reach the Dalny harbor but sank in deep water. The loss of the Yaah- ima on of the Unset boats ol Japan's navy leaves Japan with fiut four mod ern battlesbipa, the Asahi, Fuji. Mik aia and Shikiahima. J -.pan fs bow ever greatly superior in armored orul eer strength to tbe Russian navy. BUSMAN GENERAL WOUNDED ; London, Nov 1 A news egeuoy aiapaton ir. tic, retemburg says that General Mcoess was wounded during a fierce assault of the Jipinese on Port Arthur. Boys Be Good Oir esteemed eootempariee - tbe Pendleton East Oregonian, and Horn- ling Tribune do not exactly agree on 1 tbe proper melhods ol handling tbe . ....... Grande Cash Store. loos! option campaign, which to now being vigorously proereuled in Pendle ton and Umatilla county. The fol lowing appears in tbeii last issues, and to the readers ol both papers who have fallowed their repartee during the last two wsekt. y It . certainly mut be amusing: . ." v The whiakey peddlers who are writ ing the anti-prohibition rot editorials for ths Horning Tribune can't dictate nor suggest any part of the policy of lb East Oregooian now or at any otber time, The Tribune bas lost all the rsspeot of even the whiskey men because they now know tbey can handle its policy, dictate its every nt teranos, boy it from top to bottom and from tin devil to the editor with a pit'enee ol corruption found, East Oregoman. . . ,,' -.. . , THE ANSWER . . Tb East Uregonlon;nat caught on to something at last. It baa really discovered what everybody knew months ego and now we must oonfesi. The Tribune gets (1000 every morning before breakfaat for opposing prohlbl tlon and the East Oregooisn . bee heard of it and is awfully mad because it doesn't get half that much from the prohibitionists onoe a week. Tribune Exonorated , The corooer'e jury at. Taooma ex oner ted Elmer J. Carlson for shoot ing snd killing bis fat her October . 81 in hi own and bis mother's defense. Oarlion is night ohief operator for tbe Western Union .; " ' - . . .Pine Cones The Savage brothers, ol Herlip Ore, will furnish 8,000 pine oonee for de corating the forestry building at I be Lewi and Olark exposition. They are gathering tbem this fall and win' tor. - ' ii Card Of Thanks I with to thank ' tbe many ' kind friends who so nobly rendered aaaii tanoe to my wll and family during bar last illness and tbe illness of my little ones. I wUb my friends to feel assured that I fully appreoiale their kindness snd will ever remember I them ' Thomas A Wat Lumber Daring the peat season 87,600,00 feet of lumber were Imported from Osnada into tbe United States some ahat Iras thsn Iaat year. " Hlohigan this year produced 160 ,000,000 feet of lumber, ae against 110,000,000 feet last yeai. -' y Early Pioneer B. P? Hell died November 3, . at Woodborn, Oregon, aged 78. He oame to Oregon in 1845 being in the parly lost in Ifetk's cutoff Bad Ice Cream All of the 300 guest at a recent oslebration in Presentation Convent San Francisco, were poisoned more or lees serlovsly by iceoresoi, ' IIIFat;d . Iv : Otis H, 8 orer of Bedding O 1., Nov 1, fell from high trestle and . was killed. Hie fiance, Hits Grace Hart on September 34, was killed by a fall ing fir tree ONCE MIGHTY Only Tw? Old Squaws Left Who Can Speak the Language. "The (iayute Indian Ipnguag Is lost," )id Charles Wilklns, who for the past nine rear ha been agnt on the Umatilla Indian reterv. tlon. to the East Oregonian. "The language spoken exclusively by all the Indians on the Umatilla reservation is the Nez Peroe. But on or two eld squaws re member any part of the beautiful Cay. as tongue, wbioh was one the' only la, gnage epoken hy the tribe occupy ing ths present boundaries and Iocs tion of the Umatilla reservation. The Oayuse were once the proud' en and most prominent tribe in the West and from time immemorial theii home has been on the Umatilla river, (ram the agency to Bingham Springs. Their langusge wss one of the great independent Indian tongues, seperate and distinct from any other language, Most of tbe other western tribes had a language transmitted from some east ern or southern tribe, aod had no pur tribal tongue, a had the Oayuses. The Cayoae Igngoage was one of the origin al Indian tongues, equal in age and purity to that of the Iroquois, In the East or tbe Cherokee in tbe South. "The Walla Wallas and Umatlllas lived on tbe Columbia river near Wal lula and the mouth of tbe Dmatllla river and bad not a pur tribal tongue, but spoke a mongrel language, made up from all the tribe with which they had come In oontaot. "Finally after the nnlon of the trlbee and their confinement on the one reservation, and their Intermarriage and association with the Nez Perce b, that language became the universal langusge among them. Tho Nei Plro es are nearly all ooosins of the Uma tilla ol today. Tbey are very friend ly and are wldelv Intermarried, t !' "Tt ere are perhaps but two or three very old equawe who now remember a .few word of the original Cayuse tongn, and they never ne that lan Knag, but converse altogether in the Nez Peroe In spesaing of Joseph, tbe Nex Peroe ohief who recently died, Mr. Wilkin ssld : "Joseph was a trouble maker. wherever he waa loosted He was op posed to school sod wanted the In dians lo go back to their original lay. age customs, His sol ambition in trying to seoore tbe Wallowa valley was to establish a borne for himself and follower on tbe orlg nal Indian plan, where they would be free . from the restrictions of the whites." Faithful Member David Bell, of Uniontown, Pa., I 98 year of age a d hss.belonged continu ously to on I O O F lodge 76 year. Expect Port to Fall , St. Petersburg, Nor. 4. There le scarcely veiled feeling of relief that to day baa passed without bringing tbe news of th fall of Port Arthur. BANDITS STILL EVADE OFFICERS Robbers May Secure Reinforcements Oovern- mentTroops May , -. Take Cheyenne, Wye Nov. 4 Officer! In the United States marsosl's offioe her sre of the opinion that Harvey Logan a notorious robber, outlaw and general desperado, I the- man who killed Cashier Middaugh ol the Ooody bank, , Logan was reported .killed . in Colorado four months ago but tne people who know Logan tar that he was In Cody a few days before tbe ': at tempted bank robbery. STh reward for the bandit baa been inoreased to 10,00O. i ,:' ' Cody, Nov, a Tbe poea- In purauit of tbe outlaws have tbe men practical ly surrounded in the foothills of tbe ! Owl oreek mouotaine fifty tailea from bare. Their deatb or oaptur is be lieved to be certain within a i.iort time.- It i reported that a large force of their Iriends Is coming to their istanoe from tbe Hole in the'. Wall country.. II this report is true a live in hands; - ; OF RECEIVER Lewisttt., . . 4. The Lewlston National KanK yesterday brought an aotion In the dlstriot court agnintit O A Foresmau for $11,244.68, and au at tachment wae iesued. againat ths de fendsnt's newspaper, tbe Lewlston Era ning Teller, whlob 1 now in charge of a receiver. The oomplaint In the esse ata es that of th 111,244 68 sued for, ammammmmmmmmmm Heavy Team Is oar specialty. We know hoM to make gooi har ' ness and we'mske good harness. Call and see the kind we recommend for logging. ROBES The finest assortment of winter robes in the county. We carry everything .: which should be found in a first elass harness store E. CHR1ST0FFERS0N " : : Harness and Saddles ' ?1 A Store With A Record , business has increased FIVE FOLD. . In other words our business bas made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis all of which yon will perceive if you begin buying drug store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In tbe second place we had ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open end attended to business until we know the demands ' of the people of this town, . .... A. T. .'" Prescription Druggist Be Called Upon To.. a Hand : ly time is anticipated. Th bandits , have oat thewiree through the eenn- . try and it ie almoit impossible to (St further laot. , . ... . : t ,;; TBOOP8 MAY PUBS UK Lander, Wyoi, Nov 4 Prepcratlons bave been made by the military 'au-V thorities at Fori : Washakie for .two troops of cavalry to lake .he Held in pursuit of th Cody bandits should $ tbey enter the Wind river reservation i wbioh tbey are almnet sura to do if they escape th pnss tr m Cody snd Other plaoea tbt are now almost in touch with Ibsm. ' - CODY 8HIE8 FROM FIGHT" Denver, Col,, Nov, 4 A epeoial to ' tbeBepubli an from Tbnrmopo'la ssys that Colonel Oody will not Join in tbe . men hunt, but with hi English guest . will leave for a bunting eipedltlon into tbe wills nortbw.-stol Cody. all but tflOO embraces overdraft on the bank. The $900 embraces two not one iesued Jsnnary 2, 1903, for 1600, and the otber isBUe.1 July 3, 1003, for 300. Th total claim, the oomplaint states, a.-enmuiated during the past , two yesrs. ' From ata'ement made. It eem that einoe the Teller beitin th public ation of a daily paper about a year ago, tbe publloat on ha been uftr ing heavy flnanoial loaaes monthly . TH Baynton has about recovered from hi repent attack of appendicitis. , La Grande, Oregon - We have been doing busi ness in this town for 6 years In that time the town has nearly doubled in population During the same time our HILL, La Grande, Oro u if it "t. , 1 1 J l : !.! '. i : . m f i j H 1 !