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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1904)
la GRANDE EVENING VOLUME II! LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON ; THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1904 NUMBER 63 OBSERVER it- " RESERVOIR:: TWENTY 6" Warning Thirteen Caused by a Defect in The City Waterworks Dam Winston, Salem, N 0, Nov. 3 Sot entail people are known tc be dead, and many more missing as the result of the bursting of a reservoir at this plaoe today. One of the briok walls ot the reservoir collapsed, burying the home and family of Martin Peoples. A million and a half gallons of water vers released and over a mile of lerri tory devastated, thirteen residences being destroyed, while t.e colored set tlement In the vicinity of the reservoir was entirely wreoked. - The cause of the disaster was the overflow of the reservoir, and a thor ough investigation will be made to as certain If the n gligence of any em ployes at the pomp station was respons Ible for It. Mysterious Murder New Ulm, .Vlnn , Nov. 3. Dr. L A Bebbsrd, a dentist, aged 20, was mur dered in his office last night. A P . brooks, a newspaper proprietor in his -vj office beneath the dental office, beard a .-.v. scuffle bat found the door locked. He looked through the transom and aaw .. . the mur.lerer deal Gebhard blowa on .- the head with a hammer, felling bim. He then etabbed the nnconsaloos man. As Brooks oslled for help the murder er jumped through the window snd es- "Ikped. There is no clue to the motive of the murderer or his Identity. Council Meeting ' Last night was the regular meeting night ot the city oounoll and about he -Offy matters of importance which came before the meeting waa the resignation ot Fire Chief Pears and Assistant Chief B L Lincoln which was accepted. The matter which has been before TWENnETHCENTURY" The La J-i 1 T f I ''I ' V v , I St BREAKS DROWNED Residences Destroyed The reservoir buret without warning the victims being drowi.d wbiie aaleeD and one oounla fltad on a hjyl for five bandied yards, neither being injurea. ome of the vlotlms - were winnea nnaer us debris ni nuiui houses and many bodies washed into ueioe-s pond a mile away. The pond is being dragged for bodies. Masonry from the reservoir weighing tons, was carried half a mile and one child was rescued from a tree half a mile from home. Later The latest rannrta mlro th. number of dead lit and say that as ma' y mors are fatally Injured. Mar tin Peoples waa fatallv iiilnnut. a young nephew staying at the resi- the ooonoil for the past several meet Inns, In which Turner Oliver asked the city to vacate part ot the street near his residence, was disposed of by the connoil declining to grant the re quest. The uautl grist ot bills were allowed. Piatt is Confident New Fork. Not. 8. Senator Piatt toniirht expressed it aa his oonfldent opinion tnat the Republican state tick et would surely be elected. Proves Too Slow Rockport, Mass., Not. 8. The ar moured oroiser West Virginia is mak- ing her trial trip today over the Caps Ann course : The government requit- ment is twenty-two knots, and her average rpeed for the first two at -gee of the coarse was less that the re qolrement. When Your Boy Needs Clothes You think too much of your boy and his appear ance to say "anything will do;" you think too. much of your p6cket book to waste money on oheap oloth ing. In the TWENTIETH CENTURY Clothing, which e offer for your close inspection there ia noth ing alighted but the price. We do not offr you something for nothing, but we sill convince you that you can get more value for your money than in any othef make of boys clothing. tpl 50 yoilwillsa in and Boys Norfolk suits, belt effect 8 to 12 years at 2 25 3 00, 8 60, 4 00, 5 00 and $6 00. You can't afford to buy elsewhere till yoa see our line of boys, youths and men's oloihing. We also have M. Born & Go's line of made to measure samples We have l ad fifteen years exper ience in taking measures and handling tailor made agency business and guarantee a fit Let us show you our samples We do not charge express on suits made to measure Grande Cash Pleasant Surprise The young friends of Mr Fred Hoff man made him a very pleasant surprise party on Monday eve Oct 81, The eve ning was spent in fortune telling, and the usual Hallowe'en games and In dis pensing with an ' exoelent Innoheon. Those present were: Zella, Lena, and Alex Roblson, " Myrtle Allen, Vest Smith, Minnie, Lilly and Earnest Hoi man, tba Huffman, Roy Gekeler, Zthel Greenwood, Beba, Sarah and E.anor Williamson, Frank Melriag, King Row. ' " ;'. " - ; Ten Miners Killed Wilkes barre. Pa, Nov 3 Ten miners were crashed to death or drowned In Anbhinoloss abaft ol the Delaware, i Lackawanna k Western company at Nantlooke today. The viotims, with ' one excentlon are said to be Poles or Biavs. ana women baa UKen meir position in the osge to be lowered Into the shalt, a total depth of 1700 feet. at the bottom is a sump Oiled with water, . When the signal was given the engine got be.ond oontrol and - the engineer and cage fell to the bottom The bodies were horribly mangled and those not killed by the fall were drowned in the sump. ". :-. The hoisting gear is wreoked and much diffloulty In reaching the men is expected. " ' ' . Death Releases Boodler St. Louis Not 8. John A (Kid) Sheridan,, a former member of the boose of delegates whose trial for bribery In connection with the subur 'jan deal has been delayed on account of his Illness died this morning Sherl dan waa convicted and sentenced to five yeare Imprisonment, bat the su preme court remanded bis case for a new trial. Pope Seriously III. Rome Not 3 The pope had an at- tack of heart failure daring the night bat Dr Lapponi save him immediate relief. His holiness Is much improv ed today and '.he goaty pain in his right leg is almost gone, He hopes to continue his andlenoee tomorrow. Thar will hsk n hnelneaa meeting of the Hloh Five olnb. Saturday after- niwm at 2 -SO, At thn PARidanoa of Mrs. M L CauseT. All members are re- ------- I quested to be present. piece suits, ages from 8 50. They are values, say so if you will come see them. Store. Neighborhood Club "A regular faceting of the- Ladles Neighborhood Olub was held Tues day Not 1st. ' Boll call was an wend by giving Oarrent Events, OlTiea ...i. i...'. bur 8 Jhoola by Mlas Olive Slater j Cooperation of Parents with the Teaoner ., ....... . Mrs McAUater Foandatioo . . . ;. ;. . . . .of Teaching v.vMrs Tbomason '' :i There was good attendance and tbeafternooa was one of exceptional valca. ' ' WAR SCARE ? OVER St Petersburg, Not. 8 OfBoial re ports from Tokio describing the des perate absanlts on Fort Arthur begin ning Ootobor 20, have oreated a vis ible depression at the w tr offioe. 1 The sustained obaraoter of tbe bombard ment with siege gups and tbe breaob ing of tbe walls by underground mines bat above all the fact that the J.pan ess Government, after weeks of silence has given out tbes reports before ao tnal success had crowned its efforts oonvinoee the military : authorities that General Nogi li not only making a supreme effort to otrry the fortress bat feels so oonfldent of success tbst the result of his preliminary operation is made public They believe the as- aault was timed for tbe announcement of the fall of tbe fottre ;s to bt made upon tbo birthday of tbe Mikado. To morrow, wbtoh by strange coincidence ia tbe tenth annivareary of the acces sion of Emperor Nicholas and la also a great Russian holiday. Tomorrow, thorefore, is expeoied to be marked by late for a day of immense rejoicing either for Japan or Russia, r Tbe war offioe is trying to buoy op Russian hopes with referenoe to tbe long and aueceaslul defense of General Ster;el, but things have reached such a pass with tbe garrison and tbe char- actercf the present attempt upon the fortress is so dslermined that tbe authorities frankly admit they would not be surprised if tbe end was at hand. FIGHTING WAS DE8PERATK The detail! of the assault show that tbe Russians at first straggled desper ately to block every Japanese advanoe and then met the concentrated Japan see artillery Are witn its kind. Latter ly, since the Japanese began tanning parallels and traverses and extending mines, the Rueslont have been oon atantly making sorties. They rushed into tbe Japanese trenches and en gaged in lerlooious struggles with tbe engineers and pioneers. , With des perate courage the Japankse continu ed to olote in on the fortress, progress ing stage by sisge, and never failej to respond when asked to make an as. ssnlt on almost impossible positions. When the troops gained a foothold tbsy generally held it with unfllnoh ing determination. . ... St Petersburg, Not 32 p, m, The Associated Press can authoritatively annoonoe that the basis of ths British Russian , agreement i to submit the North sea incident to a commission Insures an amicable settlement without sequel. Tbe understanding is com. plete and tbe whole affair is regarded as a deplorable mistake bat as tbe result of she inquiry, which will es tablish the facta each government Is expected to take action r without de mands from either side and no pledges have been siren or received by either country. So far as future com plica tlona are concerned tbe incident Is re garded as oloaed. Gllbraltar, Not. S. All excitement caused by th moboliiation of yester day bas abated, and tbe crisis is be lieved to be over. London, Not. 8. Tbe cabinet met this morning at Lord Balfour's home and it Is believed tbe final draft of the Anglo-kussUn convention was tinder consideration. London, Nor, 8. Count Beneken. dorff and at Oambon bad a conference u-"-' 1 naslan ambassador BANDITS ESCAPE After Being Surrounded ---Their Capture is Expected v w - f Omaha, Neb. Not. 8 A special ' to the Bee from Oody, Wyo., says. .. ; ';. Several battles were fought between the posses snd outlaws who attempted to rob tbe first National bank of yesterday. Tbe bandits are still at large although t jeir oapture or death ia matter of a few hours. .; ''' V. At dawn today tbe officers cams Tip- on tbe bandits in a oamp. Tbe rob bers refused to surrender and put ( up a hard fight and euooeedin j In getting away. The outlaws were aga In V over taken on Eoos oreek, eighty miles from Oody. Another fight followed. A WELL KNOWN- . 1 ATTRACTION , The Wiedemann Co camo to f the west two years ago, unknown to - the theatre ' goers and the price they did not expect mnob After their first performance 'he verdiot was "Better than moat of our dollar attractions' ' and their appreciation waa shown, . by the house being packed at every per formance. Tbey return tor a two nights engagement at Stewards Opera Houston Monday and Tuesday Nov. 7&8. The opening bill is ths heart story of the west. The Silver King dramatized from Bert Bartes f i.uous romance. As the playright hua lven as the very atmotiphere of Barte all tbe faithful adheranta of this brilliant western writer will appreciate tbe A Store With A Record business has inoreased FIVE FOLD. In other words our business bas made a great deal more rapid - increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tuis all of which you will perceive if you begin buying ' drug' store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we had ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmaoy in a successful drug store of the highest ataud- I . T . 1 ., 1 . . . . 1 ing. in me inira place we nave Kept our eyes uuen ana attended to business until we know the demamld of thi people of this town. ; i A. ;T. Prescription Druggist f Team Harness Is our specialty. We know hoM to make ood liar ness and we mske good harness. Call snd see tbe kind we recommend for logging.. ' ROBES The finest assortment of winter robes in tbeoouuty. We carry everything which should be found in a first class harness store E. CHR1ST0FFERS0N Harness and Saddles ' La Grande, legon THREE TIMES by the Sheriffs Forces One taadit was wounded in the thigh but both got away ag ' desper ate fighting. t . A courier earns to Heeteetss tontg'-t with the news that tbe murderers were surrounded in a forest on Com- monwGOd oreek and their oapture was likely to occur any time. If c.p tured thoy will be take , to Oody and possibly lyoobed. Colonel Oody ai rived in Oody this eveniug with bis Indian trailers, scoots and cowboys f aooompanied br a party of. English f noblemen and New ' York Idermen.V Oody will take the trail of tbe outlaws atones. '.'";!o3 romance ao its dramatis form. The scenic effects are partlcalary approp- : riate, and tbe stage eettinga are true to lite. Tbe caat is headed by tbe well known artists Cbas King frank Mont gomery and Francis Long. The sup porting Co is uuuaually strong ' lie tween acta the Vaudeville offering ia Geo Morrison, Baby Fox tbe clever ohiid artist and Mian Peroie Martin. An entire change of Piay and Vaodville la made at every perlormanos The . prices are 10, 20, and 30 cents, . Married. DAWSON-DEBOIE-In this city on November 2nd 1901 by Hon J 18 Bough, Isaac N D wson and Lorene DeHo e. The partiea are both from Elgin, and tbe Observer joins th ir manr friends in wishing them a bap ' py aud prosperous married life, y We have been doi ig busi ness in this town for 5 ears In that time the town has nearly doubled in population During the same time our " a M t e HILL, ' ; La Grande, Or ; - 1 f it r