La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 02, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Island4City, Oregon
8JVINB. .. y
'"' w,ii We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Gote
Vu'.'Wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need.
vu' 5,DKcboiee bucks, should see these to' appreciate them
; vt mi Young stock always on hand, and always glad to
'y.hSjVe you call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for
the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before
m1buying some where else. , .;!
'lit In . ' ' " ' ' ' ' '
tin bl
Meat Market
(p .1
Btellwell & Vanderinuelen, Proprietors.
ti WnOLbSALll
"IHighest market price paid
"A stock Hides, pelts and furs.
,'fehtful Route, Daylight Ride
p$iy Crags, Deep Canons,
i :-A Golden Opportunity See
nature i In all her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
maa'd, handiwork. ' The first is
found along the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
artfJMin latter at the St. Louie
World's Fair. Your inp will be
ofli.'M. pleasure make the most
cjj; it.'For information and illus
trated literature write
Wi C. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Oregr.
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
,':!tf6mach. ' Try it by using
lddes Bros' canned fruits,
-delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
'from the garden. We are
'the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
i'the choice of everything.
1 1 We always have the fresh,
'est eggs, butter, etc.
Special attention giveD to
phone orders.
Geddes Bros.
C. B. Cauthorn
I. 1 ACS i
trice Over Hill Drug Store
La Grande, Oregon
'VETERINARY surgeon,
Office at A T Hill's Drug Stt.rt
La Grande, Oregon Phone 130 1
Residence phone 701
and liram-
mar tiraue
IfriT tOl OATJlMtll Collrcee
Boarding school tor young men A boys
Box 348 University Park Station,
PotllmJ O'fon
Lodge Directory.
HAULKS-L (IniDdc AtriO iu F O K lrci
vorv Kmlay Qlxtit iu K of I- hli 8 p n.
VWtltin brother i) Invited tt.uoi ..
C U Hookweli, AN MAjrvtllo, W Rr.
Mftrioa, No St tiiwu each Tue-iay la Kilt'
halt llrotbr Invited lo ntlond.
Al lleUuer Chief Ranger
U J Vtndorpool kcoHco.
IOO F 1 Orann Lodge, No 16 n
thslr lull every ftuurday uiitht. Vltl-.iijg b.t I
bert oordtalLy lavlud to
S h. Kluehart N U
H B Ueolidie, 8n
' A. F.4 A. M. La Grande IaxIk
Mo. 41. meet every 1st ind 3rd balm
day ol each month.
A C Williams 8eo,
O D HufTmsa W. 11,
KaSTKrN TAH OEM Ho) Chlfr Ni
IS mem the aecoiul anil fnunli W'edi'eMilar !
ten month al u m In Miwonir 'IVittula
Mr. i Ura l Lyle, W U
Mary A Warnick, dco
(Ut-j t.iUi
for all kinds of butchers'
' Also chickens & poultry.
Chief Sick
Chief Paul 8sulway of the Umatilla
Indians who ha been working in the
beetflels ii reported to be dangerously
111 at Union. He ie one oft he leading
rc presentntivei of tribe having made
fourteen tripe to Washington in the
interest of his people whlob aocording
to Joe Allen who called upon ui list
evening slates the number of Cmatillaa
to be 2400. .
The Apple Crop
This week mill practially oloae the
apple picking in the valley this season,
The yield baa been very satisfactory
and the aire and color has been except
tonally good.
Mines Closed
St Louie Nov, 1, DispatoheB from
Illinois points Indicate that less than
100 of the 300 coal mines In that state
are hoisting ooal toiler, as the result
of the strike of engineers at midnight
and nearly 60,000 miners .. re thrown
out of work. An early settlement ia
not looked fur, though many miners
were against the strike and are work
ing hard for a aettlement.
Famous Stallion
Lincoln, Neb Nov 2, George Starr
the famon Nebraska slnllion, valued
at $10,000, perished in a Are this
morning at Norfolk, Neb.
Uncle Sams New Ally
(Observer Special)
Paris, Nov, 1 Tbe news of the sign
iawg oi tbo arbitration treaty between
France and the United states which
ooc urea" at Washington today waB re
ceived here with tbe warmest express
ions oi approval particularly in gov
ernmentul circles where the treaty is
legarded not ouly as a strong bond
between the two republics, but also as
an important, extension of MinUter
Oocla so series of pence treaties.
District Attorney Returns
District Attorney Leroy Lornai re
turned yesterday from Enterprise
There be bas been in attend noe upon
ilie District Court.
To a Herald representative be said:
"the dockets, both oivil and criminal
it Enterprise were quite light this
term and tbert were no cases of un
usiul importance."
Mr. Lnmax left lit night lor Union
where he bas a number of legal mat
tela to engage bis attention. Herald
A Jolly Time
There wks a large and mi rry oiowd
at tbe Rebnooa'e Hallowe'en social
given in the Odd Fellows Hall las'
Ono of the (natures of the evenin
conMS'nl ol a oontojt as to who ooul
oat the grealeit number oi or acker i i
wo minutes. Mr. Roger Deal u
in a walk bu' there were sever 1 othi
oho starttd. The prise was a rubl
The merry making, wasiuteraperee
with tnusio and recitations. MU
Worslel and Aldricbsang Anuie Lau
rie and Naomi Williamson delighu
lbs audience with one of her incotn
parable reoitations.
The reception last eveniug In honor
of Mies Katharine iianna, at the home
ol Mrs J O Ardrey was one of the most
ilollghtfut social event ol the season
The reception was attended by almoat
the entire Kmloavor and MUsloua y
societies of the oity. alias Hanna
ha bton a mlaslouary among the lu.
lians a Noah Bay, Washington and
baa bven viiiting relative iu the city
the paat three weeks.
Try to Rob First National Bank-Buffalo Bill on
- Trail with Indian Scouts and Seeks
(Speolal to the Observer)
Cody, Wyo.,Nov. 3. A bold day
light raid by bandits from tbe mount
aio eegiona was made this afternoon
upon the First National bank at this
place. Cashier I O Middaugh was
shot and instantly killed and the oat
laws fled without securing anything and
under a rain of bullets from the arous
ed citizens who ware attraoted to the
scene by the shooting between the
robber and bank officials. Two oow
boys who had been seen loafing about
Cody for several days, without mask
or disguises of any character, rode - up
to the bank and with U shooters in
eaoh hand ordered everyone within to
throw up their hands. - Instead of
complyidg the bank officials grabbed
weapons from beneath the counters
and opened a fusilade upon the In
truder who beat a baaty retreat Into
the street followed by Casnler Mid
dangh, who emptied his gun at tbem
at abort . range. When Middaugn
ceased firing the smaller of the two
robber wheeled, and taking deliberate
aim at the bank official, seat a bullet
through Middaogb's breast, who fell
The citizens, aroused by the Bring,
seized every weapon in reach and guns
were trrined upon the fleeing bandit
from every point. The outlaw swept
the street with their six ehiotera, dig
King their spurs frantically into the
aide of their horses.
Deputy Sheriff Chapman, at the
head of rbout twenty armed oowboys,
quickly left Cody, making a detour in
an effort to head off tbe flight of the
two desperadoes who were apparently
making for tbe mountains of tbe Mod
tana line. A number of shots were
heard shortly after tbe posse out
through the field, and a the officer
cannot be far behind tbe fugitive, it
Washington, Nov. 2. The report of
he commissioner of education for tbe
Bsral yf ar ended June 30, 114, made
public today by the secretary of the
lut rior, ehowe that 10,007,631, or 9 per
cent ol the entire population ot the
country, attended the public achools
Inriag that year. As oompared wttn
the previous six years, this percentage
shows a slight decrease in the number
of Diinils a compared with tbe total
The total oost of the pnblio school
syBtem is given as t'2ul,4'j7,625. This
Is an lm reaBe of $16 000,000 over the
previous year. Unmounted to $3.16
oer t aoita ol U tal population and
322 75 par cap til per pupil
S noe 1V70 t lie proportion of mate
tencnors hr doir, aitd from 89 per
ointol the entire number to 20 per
cent the paat year The average oom.j
peusation for malo tenobe-g last ear
was 4't)K, and (40 51 (or femaleB.
This la a alight Increase over the pre
vi us year.
The enrollment lu tbe private aehool
lor the year la given na 1,093,086. By
the addition of pupil lu elementary
acboo's, 'luslnoss college, atale school
,11,1 school iir dot ctlve orpbana, the
fond total ol 18,187,018 pupil is re
The r p rt hitiuit thntthe average
anhO'iling givu each inhabitant iu
1870 a 1172 days a id in l'JOl, 1031
The rep rt tloa that las1', year 1,
578,072 co o ed children were enrolled
iu the common clioo for timt race
in the forme 10 -I ve et.uea end the
District ol C.umlila. Tbe enrollment
in 1877, the Mrat statistic were
taken nf ibC"lord si-h .'i!s, was Ml,
506. Slino 1870 it. ia is'lmated that
4130,000,000 has been et.on led in the
education of tbe colored chd!ron ,u the
fomii'-r slave stales ai.d nearly 1000,
OOO.IKX) for th same purpose tor the
nhitu ihildien of ibu a.irae teotion,
Then) nrn in tha piesjnt time 86
In t ill ' orkitig in th I eot Held from
th I'matilla reserrntiou and lhy x
lct to be en ployed two week m re
'I boy dig and top for to 50 per acre.
is considered probable that the outlaw
will soon be taken. Excitement Is at
ever heat and a lynching is threatened
if the fugitive are apprehended. . -Buffalo
Bill who ia emonte from
Omaha in a speolal oar with two of bis
bioox Indian aoouts, baa telegraphed
orders that horses be waiting for the
party at the depot He will take the
trail In person Immediately on hi ar
rival. -
Kansas City, Mo , Nov 3. - A speolal
to the Times from Omaha, says:
William F Cody' private oar went
west tonight on the Burlington flyer.
Exoltemen is at fever heat over tbe
man bunt.
I wired White Beaver, my manag
er at Cody, to offer a large r ward for
the capture of the outlaw," said (.ol
onel Cody, "and a double reward in
case the outlaws were killed . We want
to kill, not capture them. ,
"Within ten minute after we reaob
Cody we will be In the saddle ready for
the trail. My best horses will be in
readiness at tbe depot. I have with
me mv old soout, tbe Sioux chief,
Iron Tall."
Tbe old fellow wa oleaning np lit
gnns and seemed overjoyed a the
chance of gettirg into a scrimmage
"The government had several hun
dred thousand dollarB on deposit in
the bank and it was a narrow esoape,"
he said.
Itolouel Cody expects to reaoh Cody
at noon Thursday.
Tbe posse led by Sheriff Champion,
overtood the outlaws at dusk, twenty
miles southwest of Cody. A battle en
sued. Champion's horse was shot
from under him. but he waa uninjured.
The bandits etole fresh horse at
ranob and escaped.
Cures Kidney and Blad
der Diseases In Every
Form Many . People
Have Kidney Trouble
and Do Not Know It
It Is the function of the kidney to filter
ad purify the blood which la canstantly
passing through them.
When the kidney ire oat ot order th
ether wrgaa are affected Immediately
and yea may have symptom of heart
trouble, stomach and liver trouble, aal
ether ailment, which are all owing to th
kidney being weak aad ont of order.
If yon an sick Foley's Kidney
Cure will strengthen and bnild up th
worn out tissue ef ths kidney o they
WIU set properly ud tbe symptom ot
weakness, heart, stomach and Uvei
trouble will disappear aad yea will B
restored te perfect health.
Von can easily determln If your Ud
y ar oat et order by letting aside for
24 hour a bottle ef th urine passed
pon arising. It upon examination It I
(loudy or milky er ha a brlck-duat d
Iment oi small particle float about ia It,
your kidney are diseased and Foley's
money vure anouia t taken at once.
Foley' Kidney Cure 1 pleasant te
take and acta directly upon the parts
affected aad you begin te leal bettaf
at once.
It correct alight disorder la a few
days and it has cared many obstinate
etas after other treatment had failed,
Dectors Sals H Woult Net Lhe.
Pater Prey, of Woodruff, Pa., writer)
"After doctoring for two year wltb th
beat physicians In Waynesboro;, and still
letting worse, th doctor advised m U
I bad any basinet to attend to I had bet
ter attend to It at once, aa I could not
possibly live another month, aa there waa
so cur for me. Foley's Kidney Car
wu recommended to me by afrlend, and
I Immediately tent my ton to th ator
tor It and after taking three bottle I b
gaa to get better and continued Ie las
prev untO I waa entirely wall."
Twe tlsee, Me aad DM,
Ii You JHave Anything to Sell let
the People hear about ltttirogn
ThisDepar ment and'.Tou will
Find a Buyer. II You Want To
Sell Explain Your "Wants and
You Will Find a Seller. f,
LOST A Waterman fountain pen on
Adam Avenue between Model Beat
urant and - Poet Office Finds
kindly return to Romlg A Btaplsa.
LOST A yellow Jersey oow' branded
O on right stifle. Was list seen
October 16. A aullable reward will
be paid for her return to F D Gaakell
or for information leading to her re
turn. ' ' "" ",
FOR BALE One first dais milch cow.
For particulars telephone 1276 ' :
FOR SALE) An entire suite of .house
hold furniture with steel range,
folding bed, combination book oass
and a , complete let of utensil of
, e ery kind for houaekeeping purpos
es. Will be sold cheap If sold at
onoe. For p. rtionlara apply to llrs.
William Oonley, on 7th between P
and Q at.
WANTED Girl to do general -house
work for pajtioulars call at this
offlo.. . . ..... ..-
Lots' 17, 18, block 102,
Chaplain's Addition.
Address bids to ''P" vare
of Observer
Beautiful Columbia
River Folder
A passenger department of tbe Ore
gon Railroad A Navigation .Company
has iust issued a. beautiful and costly
panoramlo folder entitled "The Col
umbia Biver, through the Caaoade
Mountains, to the PaoiOo Ocean."
From Arlington to Portland and from
Portland to tbe Pacific Ocean, every
curve ot the river and every point
ot.tnterett areahown while Mt Hood
Mi Adams, and.Ms St Helens, porpo-
tually eoTsred with snow, stand out
in there beauty. On the back of the
map ia an Interesting story In detail
of the trip from Huntington to Port
land and from Portland to the ocean.
not overlooking the beaches and the
Ban I raucisoo trip by ocean- A copy
of thl folder may be secured by lend
lng fouroent in stamp to pay postage
UAl Craig, General Passenger Agent
of the Oregon Hallroad ds .navigation
Compan Portland, Oregon, By send
ing the address of some friend in the
East, and four cents in postage the
folder will be nromDtlv mailed.
ejt oksUu 1, Sins, M if 5 193 2.
Baard Snow Liniineut Oo Tour So ow
Uniment cured an old sore on the airla
of my ohin that was supposed to be a
cancer. The eose was stubborn and
would not yield to treatment, until
I tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work In short order MtiI,U,. M.
Sophia J Carson, Allenevllle, Mittln
Co, Pa, ha a sore and mistrnsts that
t la a oancer. Please send her a
0 c bottle, SoldbyNewlio Drag Co.
occasioned by getting wet through;
worBe when at reef, or on first moving
the limha Anrl In nA n. .1 ..... i I.
" - bwtu w, u.uip TT Oi, .11
er, Is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow
u,M.u.ou. uair isiuboii, uioeon uity
Illinois, write. Feb 16 1902: "A vear
ago I waa troubled with a pain in my
back. It soon sot so bad I could not
bend over. One bottle of Ballard's
8now Liniment cured me ." 25c, 6C3
1 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
Serves them in any style
Aohild'sKO gooart at
Almoat as good ' as new.
half prir
Phone 1776
farmer line.
n.i. n hamwIw mnnA mm nAW. tWO OOOk
stoves, bedstead, and springs, dishes,.,
cooking utensils sewing machine near-,
ly new, driving ors sale lor woman
to drive, cheap ; bujw?i.. Inquire of
ltVi9t . George UllU-.
FOR SALE Un fine Jersey oow
for patlcular caJ at ths residence of
Thoa Walah or phone 901.
FOR SALE An almost psw 4 room
house, nioe lawn, in beet residenos
port of town, very chssp il taken at ,
once, only part oash. Hee 1701 Hirst
Uorner Spring st., , , Opt. IS 1?.'
FOR SALE Milch oow Jersey, 1100 .
lb. driving boise, gang plow, top
buggy. Apply to A. Mullenburg,
mile N E of Island City, . .,
FOR SALE Good Nine-Roomed Plas
tared House with closets pantry and
bath. , Centrally, located, good. cellar,;
lawn, -city water. Also wired through
out. , Address. Box .60e oiAPl:cL 547.
Acre traot with new two room house,
In Pleasant - Home addition. S400.
Part oaah, balance monthly Install
ments. Enquire of V H Haworth at
Stoddard Lumber Co. 10. 17-24 ;
For Rent
Eight room on North F Street en
quire of Mr Shearer. . 8-t
WANTED A few gentlemen to board
and lodge at 2114 Third street. Phone
. 707. tf
FOR RENT A suite of room nicely
furnished for light house keeping
at the oorner of Fourth and Q streets
For further partioulars apply to or
address. :
Mrs E O Moore, 1017,4th St.
The building formerly oocupied by
tbe Salvation army. . For full par
ticulars and rates inquire of Mrs
8 O Zuber. Aug. 81 1 f :
FOR BENT Store room with lodg.
lng bouse Rooms above and living
rooms in rear. Beet location in oity.
Will give long lease to proper persons.;
Inquire at this office. t tf
Furniture For Sale
And house to rent apply, to Mrs
Shearer opposite Star Grocery North
. ol track..
Furnished Rooms ' 1
Furnished room for irnntlAman alAAn.-
ing nights. Mrs O W Preston.
. W15 Adams Ave.
No Hunting
All persona are forbidden to hunt
with firearms or dog on my land , un
der pain of being pn faecuted for tree.
pass. l i
8ept8-N7) "Joseph
Furnished Room
Centrally located corner of Wuhlnn.
ton and 6th Htreeta. Known as Geo.
Ball's lodging house.
I hereby notify all persons that I am
tbe ao'e lessee of the Thos Smith stone
quarry, also all atone on the 230 acre
pasture and all parties are hereby for
bidden from taking stone off ot said
traot. J L Mars.
Fruit Boxes. ;
Send your orders for Fruit Box to
Stoddard Lumber Oo. ,- at the La
Orande planing mill.
Sale or Exchange
Eight a ores, six room bouse, large
barn, place for hog and oblcken .
(yaraorei in orchard and berries
Jut east of flour mill. Thl will fce-r
Investigation. For partionlara lnq re
at MacFarlane'i grocery store. "
sell or exchange for oity property.
' 1C-W-H-26
Reading Room.
Tbe east room of Central Ohnreh o
Obiiit, Open every day from noon to
ix in the evening. Daily and weekly
papers, magaitnes and books. ' Men
and boyi oordially invited. Strangers,
slways weloome,