La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, November 02, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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tavices From Port Arthur State "that it
Withstand the Siege For Months
Observer frpe-ial)
Japanese official reports regarding
the sle of Port Arthur indicate that
the atUek begun Ootober 24, was still
in prognai October 29 the statement
being made that the fire of the bcsieg
era wat Increasing In . effectiveness,
, Nothing of Importance has devolped
on the Shakhe river where both tides
seem to hesitate to assume the often
, uuiuugu me iiapam-se are more
active In the matter of attacks upon
Russian positions. : t . j, , .
uoncnepu, Nov, 2 Everything Is
quiet today all along the lime The
trenohes of the opposing parties are so '
..I . I I. , 1
w uiuu aunui collisions ooour
especially daring the night Th . Jsp
anese on (ictober 30 ami 31 heavily can
nonaded the RussIao right and center
but the attao did not develop into
' he ezpeoted advance. The Russians
shelled the village opposite their
right Bank on Ootober 31. An tin
me nee volume of smoke was seen' fof
lowed by the sound of a heavy explo
sion and it is supposed that one of the
Russian shells exploded mag isine or
auimauition train inside the J.piQSt
' Et Petersburg Nov 2 - A dock yard
man who just returned from Port A
thur whence be escaped In a junk to
Cbefoo a month ago was Interviewed
by the Associated Press. He said that
then he left Port Arthur the fortress
sf provided .with an : abuudsnce of
' ammunition and food. Up to the time
of bis departure be said be had not
missed s single meal. He said - that
Toessel and the garrison were confld
dent of tLeir ability to hold out for
many months snd he denied that any
vfnffships In the harbor were seriously
damaged by the Japanese shell fire.
St Petersburg, Nov. a A dlspateh
from Knropatkin annoances that no
The La
Ij ; . : ., :. '-I r i
engagements wen reported last night.
Bakbaroff telegraphing yesterday re
ports reconnaissances on Oot 30 by the
the Russian left flank.
. Tangier, Nov, 2 Offloers ot the Ros
tlan warships now here are awaiting
the coming of Admiral Rojestvensky
' Berlin, Nov. 2 The Hamburg baby
termer, Elisabeth Wie e, has bee.
found guilty oj the murder i.f five in
fante and s long series ot other grave
erimee. In aooordaaos with German
laws she has been sentenoed five limes
to death, onoe for eaob murder. For
prejury and forgery she was sentenoed
to six years' penal servitude. Another
ourioua pendant to her sentence was
the loesol honor for the remainder ot
her natural life. The details of the
trisl were revolting in the extreme,
proving the woman to be a monster of
iniquity. - V ' !' : -.
The story ot her . career is one ot
the moat revolting, la the orircinal
annals of the empire. It appeared
irotn ttM evidence giteu at the tri'l
that she was born in Hanover in 1859
ber maiden name b.-iog Berkefeld.
After somewhat oheokered career in
her native provinos, where several
proeeoutiona snd imprisonments lor I
illegal operations and imposture - bad I
When Your Boy ,
You think too much of your boy and his appear--'altce
to say "anything will do;" you think too much
. of yonr pocket book to waste money on cheap cloth
ing. In tha TWENTIETH CENTURY Clothing,
. whieh we offer for your close inspection there is noth
ing slighted but the price. - We do not offr - you
something for nothing, but we sill convince yon that
you can get more value for your money than in any
other make of boys clothing.
Bo? Norfolk suits, belt effect 3 to 12 years at 2 25
8 00, 8 60, 4 00, 5 00 and $6 00. You can't afford to
buy elsewhere till yoa see our line of boys, youths
and men's clothing.
We also have M. Born & Co's line of made to
measure samples We have ) ad fifteen years exper
ience in taking measures and handling tailor made
agency business and guarantee a fit Let us show
you our samples We do not charge express on suits
made to measure
Grande Cash
rendered it impossible for her to carry
on her eslling of midwife, aba moved
to Hamburg renting so expensive
residence in one ot the lasbionable
tboroogulares. Here sbe established
bersell as professional fotter-motber.
Her method ot pacoedure was to in
sert In both German and foreign pap
ers- prominent advertisements : in
which the adoiition of ahildren horn
out of wedlock was promised in re-
turn lor a single monetary payment. I
These notices brought to ber many
olienla from the fashionable as well as
from the bumble ranks of society.
For instant It is staled that lor tak
ing over a child whose parents belong
ed to the highest oiroles ot tbe town of
Hanover sbe received a fee of $1000
in tddition to $2M) as hush money.
At the same time she inserted. in the
papere other advertisements so the
effect that a "young and beautiful
girl" appealed to noble-minded gentle
men for tempo-ary pecuniary - assis
tance, sod forced her own illegitimate
daughter, ' into improper relation
ships with the men who replied 1 to
these tbinly veiled enticements; She
visited London and tils names ot per
sons said to be resident in the English
itropo'is weie mentioned in tbe
oourse ol tbe trial just closed
It is further alleged against ber
though this ouut has been Acquitted
that she attempted to poUoo her hus
band, who found ber proceedings . not
to his liking. One . of tbe obildren
adopted is said to be tbe child' ol an
English woman ot title. 01 the ohil
dren whom she was paid to take those
whose age made tbe pre seeding profit
able were corrupted. Others sbe poi
soned with morphine, throwing their
bodies into the Flbe, or burning them
in berkitohen fireolaoe. The orint!
ol infatioide was brought 'home to
ber in no fewer than flvespeoifio cases
and bow far that number was from
completing the gruesome tale of ber
iniquities there is no means of know
ing. A dramatic feature of the trial
was the appear'auoe of tbe woman's
husband and daughter as -witnesses
against ber; . :' :
Mr. J H Adams, of Alice!, was In
the city this afternoon. : Mr. Adams
had 48 aoree in beets this season and
made an average of eight tons to the
sore. Mr. Adams says this makes the
beet business very satisfactory to him.
Boys two piece suits, ages from 8
to 14 at 1 50. They are values,
you will say so if. you will come
in and see them.
Natinn I P.A tfl KtMItVt that War With KtlSSO WaS
Only a Matter of a Few Hours-Peace
is Near.
(Observer Special)
London Nov 2 Negotiations between
Urest Er tain and fcuisla ere progress
ing favorably and without the slight
est danger of Motion arising between
the two governments The constitution
of the International commission under
Tne Hague convention la on the verge
of settlement In spite ol these psolflo
conditions; Great Britain today ex
periencea war panio mat can ouiy
be compared to tbe panio oreated on
October 23 when the news of the sin
ing of the trawlers in the North sea
wat received. The most extraordinary
feature ot the are was that there waa
note single circumstance' to' justify
It . The , exolteraent started early In
the day when newspapers announced
the departure ol the Russian Initio
squadron from Vigo. ' the pnblio wa
not in possession of information cabled
by the Associated I'ress to the United
States that only the offloers concerned
in the attack on the British trawlers
would be detained and it jumped at
the conoloslon that Russia bsd broxeh
i "J" ' " aiming the vessels in
,n B""r'
On the top of
this came wild reports of tremendous
activity at Gibraltar. Hour by honr
tbe news from Gibraltar become more
serious, Until at last the olimax was
with the announcement that the, Brit
lsh flet had cleared Its decks .or action
When all London was In this state of
mind, and while . anybody supposed
to know anything was constantly ask
ec", "Has war been declared?' the
foreign office decided to adopt a course
most unusual for It and in order to
allay tbe pobllo exeitment gave out
a statement.
The Ross lao fleet had left Vigo with
the full knowledge of the British gov
eroment, and In compliance with Ens
eia's agreement the four offloers im
plicated have been left behind at Vigo.
The general public, - however , went to
bed tonight : firm .in the oonviotion
The Verdict -
8o far as the verdioi rendered by
tbe ooroner's jury that has , been ex
amining into the cause of the death
of Beymore Bwsnger is concerned . it
throws no light upon tbe manner in
whiob tbe man met ' bis end; This
morning alter eight days ot "delibera
tion and theexamiriation of 27 wit
nesses, the jurymen brought' In their
verdiot. It is s strong . supposition
that Bwaugcr came to bis death in
some ton! manner, snd the jury msde
a strong effort to traoe down all cir
cumstances and clues that would tend
to confirm the tell el. '
Tbe verdiql follows : , ,
"Beymore Bwauger . came . to bis
death by being run over by a train on
tbe Oregoo Railroad , dc Navigation
oompany road, one and one bait miles
west ol Bingham Springs, on tbe
night of Oosobee 21, or' the morning
of Ootober 12.;
"Tbe evidence shows that be left
Pendleton- while in an intoxicated
condition on an eastbound train t 7
o'olook in the evening. Tbe evidence
end location ot the body end clothing
when found indioate that he Was kill
ed by a westbound train.". j
The jury was oomposed ol the fol
lowing: J A Blakley, A ' Schmidt,
0 O Hendricks, H E Lasts, T E Mor
gan and Jotepb Dunn. E Oregonian
The olty oouncil meets this even
Oscar Lund, of Cove, was In the city
yesterday. Be states there are , more
potatoes in Core this season than for
msny years. .!
Tbe funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas
A Wait took plaee this afternoon from
tbeM B Church, tbe Rev. Gillian
officiating. The funeral was oondooted
under the auspice of ths La Grande A
that it. ould wake op to hear of Bojee
tvensky at the bottom ol the sea. To
day's furore would be luiliorous except
for the striking Instance it has afforded
of the willingness ol the British publio
to believe any development possible
alter the North sea affair,' and by the
enthusiasm caused by Gibraltar's war
line news. ; ." '' , '.-?.
The Associated Press la authorized
to at 'te that no orders were given for
tLe huge fleet concentrated at Glbral
tar to make any preparations in con
neetion with the departure of Rojest
vensky's squadron.. . - -Both
the Rus isn embassy and tbe
forgeln office affirm that. , the. nugotia
tlu&a today wer entirely confl .ed to
the selection of tbe international com
mission in which there was' no btich
It Is said; that at a cabinet meeting to
morrow decision will be, reached aa
to the date and, place ot meeting and
the i ersonnel of the commission.
Officers detabhei from the Baltlo squad
ron to testify regarding tbe North sea
affair are expected to reaoh 8t Peters
burg lu two days. It Is hoped thev
will be able to throw a clear light np
on the myati rlooa Inoldent. '
Tbe news of tbe departure of Admlr
al. Rojestvensky and bis ships from
Vtgo considerably relieved the tension
here. The great mass of Russians Is
quite as suspicious of Great Britain's
motive aa the Biltona are o' Russia's
purposes, and there has been BMeu ap
prehension i here', that Great v 'tain
might use the trawler inoideut aa
pretax for! detaining tbe Haltio squad
ron. . '
AStore With
A Record . ;
business has increased FIVE FOLD.. In other words
our business has made a ureal deal more rapid inorease
than the town has. i There"
Q all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug 3 J
n store goods ol us. In the first place we had a thorough ' m
training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex- J
- eeptional opportunities for learning the practical side of J
z ' pharmaoy in a sucoestful drug store of the highest stand-1 v
a log. In the third place we have Jfept'pur eyes open and j I
a , attended to business until we know the demands oi , the
a , people of this town, iii;;-. ..!"-
A. T.
' ' Prescription Druggist
B - r . ... ." J,.
I p ": harness I
Is our specialtv. We know ,hoM to make tood har
ness and we make good harness. , .Call and see the kind
we recommend for logging."
ROBES Thejfinest assortment of winter robes in
the county., We, jCarry,. every thing which
found in a first class harness store
' ' ' Harness and Saddles " '
La Grande, Oregon .
His Boy
V . . ,-' - "'-,
8t. Louis, Mo, -Nov. 3. With his
eldrst son, Gnesle. tying projtrtte on
the ground, an intnrlatad deer stand
ing over him . ready to paw ; him to
death, . Adolphus Bosch, the naltl.
millionaire brewer, fearlessly attacked, '
the big deer, using a beavy rifle as a
club, and with a powerful blow stun-
ned the enrsged animal temporarily.
Ibis gave Augustas Busoh time to
extricate himself and selxe a rifle and
despatch the animal. Guisl Bosch
plaoed himself in the dangerous post-;
Uon while going to tbe rescue ot
young friend, Frank Parriso, IB years .
old, whom the book first sttaoked. Tbe ,
deer oha-ged the bey and lifted bim on .
its spreading antlers. The terrino
fight took place on the farm formerly
owned bv General V 6 Grant, near Old ,
Orchard, in St. Louis county, whloh
Busoh has bought and converted Into
a gsme preserve. .tfsa;: '.T-'i "'".(..
Miss Leoua Thompson of Pendleton , '-
IsvlsiUngfrlendslntheclty . -i ' ' "
Peventy one candidates were Initiated ' :
In the order of Bugles U Pendleton - :.
Monday. .,.' '.-"'n-:'
Euglneere Will real and Walt Myer
of tbe OR ,N. at. La Uande, who
attended the Bwawer Inquest as
witnesses, returned home this evehlng. :
They, were among'; the engineer! to
pass over the ground betwee the time
HnantfAP vtui'v mntvtieitmA to h&Va MMll
killed aud th-MmMJ4
traok when they pasted Ihe epbt wbery i
. . ,t vws 2
It was atterward diooveml, U
' .nnlnu. "fl'-MrtrithhlMl'-
T ' . 1 . t
Grande returned 'home , last evening - I .
alter having nKtn ' testimony io T the '
Swaoger case. x f' -Z'si.z-gty
i i E l'ollook, proprietor of the Queen -
chop house, purchased 108 sacks of
potatoes yesterday for which he paid
Boots, per sack
Attend the public speaking tonight
at Stewards opera house, . . , - . i:
; . , f :0
We have been doing Imsi
' iiess in this, town for6 ; ears
In that time the town has
nearly doubled in
are dozens oi reasons for tnis A
t. i '
. 4
p, tL4 Grande, Or
rl "0 .7!
. ft.-
.. - K t ,. .
ffAAMNo. 41. '