Walla Walla And Obfter SpeoUl Wall. Wall., Oct. 29 Yesterday morning orley Scott a young man " well known in rbis oily, near wbicti bit la'ber bits resided lor many yean left Eureka lo occupy a few hours with the pleasure o( hunting geese on Eureka fi t Tody his body lies hi the residence of hie ur.eln, I) i.glai Qwinn, surrounded by mournii'i friends.flone of whom exurefees great-; f er 'n.; than William Kngrs in 1 a Whoa hands the gnn wboae an- omental ditobarge coat you g Hoc it bla life Accompanied l.y Jimes Doed, Bc.itt and Rogers bad reached a point about eight miles northwest from Johnaou's aiding and wire prrparing to fire at a SPOKANE BURGLARS GET $1000 aii BpoKana Oo.. -28 -Ex pert burigHra made a hlr hnnl flnmn tiinA thin mnrn int by era. king the s.ito In the bar of the Golden West hotel, first avenue ?nl"'.'ln"t0n 8tTu' 'at,0iar 7 iwi m uiMuojr. iuo wM uiuwu open without dlatrubing aiy of the many sleepers in the hoiet rooms above. Am Voux Unjor ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are buildtug new r.r' rebuildtug their lioiiies, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms bulla etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason i able price, as we are in position to undersell any ' fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our office a complete stock of assorted m'vles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de 8'igus and finish. Also Shades of ell designs. We cor. Hull) invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p in. 4 La Grande Light and Power Co. The Most Stylish and Most Modem Fall Millinerv At P;i:os Far Below Previous Offer Now on Exhibition Mrs. I. R. Forrest, Masonic buluiugon Adams avenue. Hunter Shot Killed flock of geeiee when the fatal aocident occurred Mr. R ger was loading a 'hot gnn and diil r ot observe that Orley bad moved diiecly in trout nf bim. In an tff.iri t i sniptp he gnn of loaded shell one sms ihsrhargAd and the boy who r iH .Uniting b l' aix feet liom M.r. Rogr w nouisdcn in ln right thieh. I'ht wom.drd man waa nnt on the train wiwie he died before be reached hooie. Mr. RugiM ia hoar- broken by the accident to hm friud. 8cott waa 23 year-t of agn anl wa a member of VVainingt-to lodge nf Odd Eelluws. The "liberal will be be d Sunday under the auspices of tl e Flour for Japan Portland, Oct. 29 It became kii here ttiie morning that great or ta. fi r flour I. are been received rum nr Jupaneee government with urgent in slructions co ehip with treat expeili- tion. The orders contain the state f6?' that deliTtr and not Prlce ' ,De rBBlaera'nra I The V C T U met Th irerlay after noon at the Home of Mrs U U Simmons uud ii nod to the eporia of Mrs J H I ''Rter end Mrs John btopbenson the delegate! to th State W(J I U con veo'ion. i i Any . . . . i settlement Has Been Reached Observer gpenial London, 1:07 p ro Oot a. The Aa soointed treat ia authorized to state that in prinoiple a satisfautory .settle ment of. the Anglo Russian dispute has brn reached, Several d. tails and lornialties remain to be arranged but the proposal to refer the matter to a unurt of Inquiry bae been aooepted . The entire ispure ended when Am bassador Benckendorff saw Lord i.ana downe after tun cabinet meeting today Ihe final inquiry will be held at th Hague nndet the rules cf the Hague convention and the appointment o arbitrators will be dissusaed tomorrow by itei.cheudorfl and LamlsJowne. The nrily detail nhieh remains rnrel tled Is the permission of -pa n for that portion of ibe Russian squadron concerned in the Indigent to remain in Vigo until the inquiry Is oompleted This will po rtoulit be obtained ai d the remain 'er of tho squadron ia ex peered to proceed to ltsdnatlnation. Loudon. Oot 28. Orders have been ro oitul end acknowledged by Ad miral 'tojeslranakv of the Russian sq ia lion to remain at Vigo until the e n lusion of the present negotiUtious This eliminates what wus regarded ai one of the most dHDgeruus features of the sit i-1 ion, viz, the possibility nf a premature clash betwe n the British and Russi n squadrons The rabinet totlay considered the Kussian proj.oi-itiin to unbuilt the question In a commission and the Kin laus hare rxpr. 83d lie Ir willl-iinoae to ilotiirli the a m endo of ihe s. o ond sqnailr n and aui h othe Individ, u .1 ollli'irs as ore tjiiud dilwtly ou- ceane I in Ibe llri, g fi r ixuunrialiou by such corutuitsiou . liy ax eeiu to abide by the veulicl.it this com mission Russia would undertake to carry out th ei nte ces hich H nny impose and hue th-separate ituurntee of puiii'hmi'iit -a i l,st.k-to:ul to Kusai t, may he ulivialed The cabinet meeting broke up short 1 before 5 o'clock miuoturn laughing aid chatting conllrmin ihebeliel thai be crisio ia iu a lair way to be dis ipato'l. Just before tl.o nie.'tiug end ed C'o int Bi uekemloift hi. the fore gn ofUce nod lner lie aid Lrd L aus downe onuferred at lu gth. it ia pVe slimed ib-i It siiian imbussail r vva-i i-.i formed ipf the inhitiui's il.ii-ion T: e The matter nf th" a;v.) ntim'Ut "t in bitera will be die U4.m1 touinrro INTEUliSr MMFU1'TEU Th widespread int'Teat In toiliy's cabinet meeting whs evidenced by the early assembling of crowds in Downing etieet. The gathering so. tl I ecamo so thick that the police weio obliged to disperse them Into the neighboring Whitehall ilii-trlct. CLASH WAS AVF.RTED The dispute thus aettled has pre vent'd a clah betw en the llritieh channel equsdron and the Russian squadron whicb must have plunged the countries Into war. How near was rupture ie evideneod by the fact ihat Groat Britain wcut to the length of conveying a strong hint to Rnasla that unleas satisfaction was given the Rub elan squadron would not be allo.ved to proceed beyon 1 1 snlrii, Throughout the affair Influence of the recent Anglo Fre-'oh an'lesUDing bne been a potent e lement and Ambassador Camhon has been lmlofntignble to bring abou'. an honorable settlement. wm the CHURCHES CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. John E Page, 1st Readei. The Onristtan Scinioe sjrirlcea at the home of J K Page old town every Sunday at 11 a. m. All are cordially invito 1. LATTER DAV SAINTS Sunday School 10 a. m Regular services 2 p. m Mutual Improvement AeBoclation meets conjointly at 1 M p. m. CATHOLIC CHUKCH Mass I'Tery Sunday exoopt the 4tb at 7 and 0a. m. Rosary and Benediction on the sam days at 7:30 p. m. Mass on the 4tu Sunday at 7 a. m., no evening service on that day. Mass on week ilnjre at 6:30 a. m. VY. J. Whyto, Rector GERMAN LUTHERAN There will be Girman Lutheran ei vices at the North tieihodist o-ureh Bunday Oot. 30, 2:30 iVclock p m. K Haase, pastor M. E. CHURCH Bunday Hob ool Epworth League 10 ro 6:30 pm Serm '. Mrl Romuad a mioister of the Filenus Ouurcb will ipeik io tbe M. llioUUt ohuron ocurnuig and otea ing tomorrow. Toe meeting, pastor Gil lilan announced laal 8unday for the evening aervioe of torn ir row did not materia!:x9. Rev. Gililino will spend Bunday la Union and Cove but ex pects to be at home thereafter for ser- eral weeks. Be J W Oillilan, pastor BV.PTI8T CHURCH 8unday School 10 a m Olaeaea for all ages You are invited. Sermnns Horuiug " Rev. Qdo T Ell s, general Eviingelitt for Eastern Oregon will occupy th pulpit ' Evening ' Feeding the Multitude" Oouie and bring your friends. "Reon nib r that Sunday week Rev Roy Palmer 1) D will be rvr to con duct evng(.i'io mmiiugk in the Bap tilt church, don't fail ro here bim. J. F. D, pastor. St. PETER'S KP180OPAL CHURCH 22th Sunday alter Trinity tiuiidny Sohotil , 10 a m Morning prayer and aerniou 11 am A lay service ' AM invited. . PRESBYTERIAN CH JBOH Pieao iing i .morrow 1L m and 7:30 by pattor R r. Ldwin Hays, morning theme, " Bi lie I'.ul s For Giving" Evening theme "Healing the Springs Sunday i hool - , - 10am Ju it r Eode vor ,3pm. H-liinr Emteavor 6:30 p in t'luyer meetiUK, Thursday 8 p in A cordial invitaiion is given to all l o Hava no oburoh horno to attend these rv.crs with u.. CENTRAL CHIIROH of CHRIST opposite: so i mer house O II King Minisier . l.it-16 hool l' A M , 11 M 7 :(0 1' M J.il . . 'Ai ' ' ' w it t ( tigff' " h h A me- - - t -I a Iiii. l r hi o fir- on iik -or i e ti, . 11 1 ii tl '1': ( p fil.H ' Ol IO Mtli'"-I . Literary SoJety D;; The (oloMim U the report of yster- liya tnoe in f th 'iigb Srho 1 Litem ry Society. - ' Quottitlona from Western Poetn 611 ool Song ....fccbool Original Story Insiruti'-ntiil Duet Ivy Long . . .Kihel Uarirj Roeltuiiuii Maud CleineiUH. "tong School Ueba e UoBolved; That all meu'e motivpB are eelUab. Leudor: on Allirmative, Lizzlo Buo- lli:l. Colcaguee; Zora I-nne, Jennie Harris Loader on KiVBtivH; Jameu Nell, CoIuuub : by ron Gooda 11. Bidney Haiuea. ; Critics report Mr' Hockonborry The debate waa deolded in favor of AlDnuailve. The next meeting will be Nov 11. Portland Markets HAY AND GRAIN Wheat, export price 81a to80o Barley, Lest $21.50 to miO Oats .- 20. to 27.60 Hay, timothy $15 to fl0jBuVJdu;ribud laud ctro uilvi.o.J lu 11 lo llicti litTTrEli. E(5(1H AND POOLTRV n.,tt.. i..i ..,. 071,. i an I. UbVa. UBQb VPB.(.W, , ... n " Dutter, ordinary 2no Gkub, per dozen 25c to 20c Unickens, fier pound 10c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes per owt ill Onions, per owt (1.50 to I1.C5 Apples, best, per box 75c to tl 1'eacbes, best, per box UOo to 75o Beets, per tack ,- 81.25 Cabbage, per pound ... 2c LIVE BIOCK Steers 2.70 to $.1 Cows 12 Bulla ,,..1.75 Stags 12 Hogs, best.., KJ00 Uogs, feeders 2.0I U 20 NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 'I won Id cough nearly all uinbt long," write! MrNCtitu Applegaie, of Alex andria, In d., "and could hardly get auy sleep. 1 had oonamnptiuu to bad tlmt If I walked a block I would coiwh frightfully and apit blood Lui wuuu all other tnediulnea failed, three $1 00 bottles of Ur King's Sua Dtacovury wholly cured me and 1 gained 5S pound " It a absolutely guaranteed to cure Coutcbf, Colds, La Urtppe, Bronchitis aud all Throat and Lnng troubles Price 60o and (L.OO. Trial boltlee ires at Newlin Oruic Co. Dissolution Notice Notice Is hereby ffive'i that the co pautnerablp of Win. Grant and Harold Her ron, uu'ter (he firm name of (Jrant A tierron. has this dav been dissolved Harold llerrou leiinuK. The buciueu will lie rondueted by Win. Urant 'who will pay all debts and collect all amounts due the Urm. Dat d at La ( nir.de, Union county, tiregon.tbis SOtli day ol hen t ember, im. Wm.Urant. 9 30-10 30 Harold Uerron. LEGAL NOTICES ustate Notice J R Kellogg deieaacd, ISaia'e. Notice ia Uereby giteu that the untie, signed, J M t;huub, Las quali lled aa Executor of th' lust will and tea anient of J K tirllogg, deceased. Ail persons havi g cluiuie nvainsi tuiil estate are bereLi reiiu: 'd to present the aame fropei 1. ven..ei to the undersigned at ihe Fina. eommer Huuai uufoes ui O li j Oregon, within six incLib from the dale of the Uiet publication ot this uotice. Dated and first .published October OtblUOl. J M (Ihuroh, Executor ot Estate ol J R Kellogg, deceased. t, tl. nun, Attorney ror tveootor. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878. NOT1CK FOB. I'll III, IC'ATIO.N. U. V Laail OUloe, Ml Im liruuUe, ur., ili-t 1?. luol. Police ia hereby given Ibai lu coiupllanoi Junes, ldln, enllllixl "An act lor lliuwtlooi limber luuilijll me blules ur uiurorlilu, Oru gnu, Muvuilu, uud Wiwlilnglou Xornlnry " tut exieudeU luuli inu 1'uollu Ijiitid mutt by net ol Augiui i, IMfcj, Uerlierl K Cleuvur ul Caldwell, oouuly otoauyuii, lUluof ldtUjo, liatf ILilH day bind lu tula ollluu Ilia aivoru alalie uieuv iu. 3-4, lur tue lUreniiNa ul lue W)J undSWiJuWI and NW!i 6b.!4 of fto. Junes, lli.il, oull-e.1 i".lu ucl lor tUu oale or Ko?l5iu lowu.liip.su. 4 H. Sso. i, li. W.jjn tluioiluil.ilul:io;u 0.01 Oillforula, Ore And will Oiler prool U..UO.V llml llio luud Novudu, uml W,iluiution lerrltoiy," aa r. ilu k... ... loue tnuu lor agrluullural nurpoaen, and lo eatublMb tils olutiu lo auld luud heroro lbs Ueglaler uud tteiwlver oi luia ollloo al LHOnmde, urogou, ou friduy, lue 6Ui duy orianuiiry, luOoT lie uuiuim ua wilneuoi: WllhaiU a Brown ; jfflriouuol lii.ad'uiK"-0''- ""y"' K , uiir omtiit 111 iiim uiuutj ou ur ueiura tutiu 6LU day oX Jtiuuary, IW$. ri W. UuvIh, iCogUlur. UWUiiLt LAND, ACT JUNK 3( IH78 a-sUTiChi FOtt' i'UULlUATlON U.f. LholI Uillceul lid Uruuilo, oiugou ' . AugUk il, .Wl. No Ilea U bert'by giveu that lit cumplUiuue will lUe iiroviKtuii ol Uiu uul ul l.'ougrLM ol iuuiii, io 1 J, vutiiicii u uol lur UlU rill 111 Ol li'UOtir IttllUo 1U Hie .Shlluk ul' L'liillm'iil.i. lli u- tilHI, NUVliailt Ulti WilJilUllnlOll iulTlLui,' i ii.iueuiu it u iiiti I iiui itiiti .uitoet ny ii'AiuU'.l t, IsJ iMVI'UJhUAtluu, di U viut , vuuiil ul WfutJ nialu ui Iauumii i tlt .lllk U.tJ UiUtl III llllrt Uilli'c UU A.UI1J v-tlo iicut .t. MM. ioi , ut? iiti.viiii-i' til uii i. k, a V;'4, .-si; -4 V .4 1111.1 ijU .rtJid iJi.iiv ir u .t, i hi loMiihuit' .'. -i .uiiii u.tiiv 1 n.. w. jix, Ij-i wu oiler iH'u.d lu niiow Cmuiut luuu Milium tn UHH4 vitutamu uu u iiii.hu, ut uhf ill. u lur :iyiiuuililiiii jutriit'di, mid lu uiklr(ii h-Ji ti.iiui Lu uitl lait'i bL-Uiic uu; ' dtui mid aivvfivwi' ui uu. -ilict .it Ui U1141IU. uifuu. uu 1'u -au.t,, , . U.u Itiiu oMt Ul Llulubiri. lUUi. At uiiiiivn Mb wiiutt-HO; liiouii li. tiultu, W uuuiy uuMvn, ui uuiivnuiri, v intuu-iii; l.oouma C. bun in, ot Icirj, tvgon, nuu ivtwaid lluitu, ul l tiiuudu, Uiou .V '.y iiiii) lt pulAUilb Ci.tliilitl iidVttrlj IUU JWV UuJft'.riirtM l.illdn silo ll-tlvli.O l nltJ lUeir Oi jiaia ID Uil-utliLV uu ui Ik fuiv KI.J iitu duy ol UvUiUrr. itMf. r. w 0 .- Katfi.ttii ' TIAVBEK UNU. AC1 JU.hc i, $6-. NUllCt uK .UtucAf.o. U. ti, ikiuU Uil .4.0, Liu Uiu.itiv, . -ey, iWl. Not leu Ik Willi the in June Ifiia IlillUCI'iiUn itnuy ivt'ii lii.tt in .1 iiifimiiiu , si mi. an U it l'i 01 iii-t o..,,.j.- .j . 1 AiliiaI 1. icmJ, ji( it 1 01 , H.ilcoi Uiuii llVU 111 AlVclll Hiicii, it ul 1 1 iv 4 sue ii I u p, .nit ";- A III l UiicK.wuiluly ul U111.1I111 ioiM tii ia day ihtid 111 tm i ul.iU iiii'U Ni. .t;W, 1 1 iu f-h4 9vu. il Wild , IV 4 . . Hll.U tiud .Ail I olc, ii'a.i 1 I JWIIlll I IX, lUliltiCo.1, I'a tl Jl. Aud Will ul.ui uiuul lufiiuiv IUHL tilts luud kuiittul in liiciu v .t lii.iUic lui 11 It in bur ui MtoiivlliHU lei u;i'iuiiliiti.il nliii.v, mid to us L 1 1 nu bin o uuu to mud mud iieiuiu Die ItclUir uud uocvivur ul tin ollieti ttt i,tt ui.iiidt, uici uu, uu lUcnd ty, LtiD 9jlu duy liO.'Vlll0((!lllUUl, iiu UdtiluHaui wilui-mjen; Junira.K llmiun, of McKay, ori-gun, aUksii iViuicm 01 riUi itoy, t'lnuu Alduu.of duiiiiy Audi-uvv bttliivuu ul dUrltuy, Auy hiidall jierHoiin uiriiiiinig adversely the titiuve dencrn-ud iuuds uiu ruijuuauii to n it iiioiruiuiuiri iu Hub uil'iuu uu or buiutu mid iotu day ul Ducoiuuut, ittvi. fa). Ur , Us l latfl. NuriUKrUK PUUMCAl'IOU. (tsuliiltid ItMl) I'UIUdC l.AMi tiAl.H. Notice It her. by ifiXHu, Hmt in ptirtMiica of I ill iruolioua Iruiu Hie CuliiiiiiroHuiur ul the U Cat rut Utnd Dfdoo, Under aiiliiurny vented In bllli by Huttioil Zti U. ti. Kevic-d ftUl Uu, im aiUUIKlcd by UlS UOI Ul UuilKrerU t4pIUVl'U Kcbruaiy Vh, l(i5, w Will prm'Ujd u ol.ti al publlo wilo, al ten o't'lth k a. in. 0.1 Hits 2 0. ty ul AUKilil, lyU4r ul Una o.llte, llio (olloWiug itu t ol luud, (u-wii:- 5 W'4 aW hue 2 T4 rili 67 i. V. M. Aliv aud all iurH.un t:i limine .ul i.rMrlv Dim dcHlifiiHUd lur Ihe noiiiiiuin'ctinftil ol u.tid s.ilo, VV1!""""' "s"" """ '"' llvd. Uiitud JIIIIVW IJ4 lu. IV. Liavl A II. KubL-il. Tl.UllKU LA.SU At'T iUfc; 3, imiS NUTICH KOK 'Ul(MC.,TiU.S U. b. Luud Office U diriiniu urttioii, Uciobct ti, iH. No IU' In hereby g!vtn Ihat lu ruinpllauuo llBIIKUtllllll Ul lll HUt Ul UUjlUWiUI JuneJHH7S,cuiiltltid "An aa fu. tiiu n,ue of tiliibLT laud iu tltc HI ale of yajiloriilt, tJicK'Ul, lSuVadlt Uud WUfitllUlILOU IVr llurv." Mi. t-M- teiidud toull tho fublio Luud tutes by uct uf AugUMt 4. IKi, lUiljiu 11. bulllfl, ol la Grunde, county of Uuioti, .'iiito ol Orutfon, Iiub ttiin duy tiled in MiIh oiltcu tiin nworu t.itmiKjut No. ;i!2lurlliepucliasuoftba ftWiMWiii becuou 1?- WBKol Hcctlou No, K W tUwailf No 4 tuuu'. llu'itfe u iii And will offer pntof to utivw that the lund fSifUi(lil H liluro vuluOiilu lur Km Umber 01 Muiiu ttian for iiitricullilrul UTnnCH, and lo ffcUbllall liucluiiu toMid lUUU UoloH! Utv Kerf, inter uud Hc-iver of Him olllcu L Ia Ci-mulu Oteou.uo Friday, Uiulrd day of )ecjiuiur liutiamo-u witociwe: Andrew HuHivan KU111 K Julie, hciijBfiiiii MiiKcy, of Blarkoy Ur vKuil and Uuurgo u llolliios ul lA ,raud Ure gwi. Any and all (rorauttH cluiitilni; a'lvcncl) the aWvu dita-TiOtd It. id rj rt AtL-d iu 11 le ilu-lr claium la lliit otricuuii ur buloro Wild llfc'd duy ol Heooiubcr 1IIU4- K W iAviM, koUtcr. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NU1ICC l-UK HUUUCATION U. r. Iuiid Ol) ice, Im lirunde, urrK'in Hvpl.6, Notiue Hi linby kIvcii Unit In , oniilu. r Willi lliu iiiovmlona. m ihu hi:1 of l.'iiirt:Mt ul Juu 8, IA7&, eiilliii-d "An im:1 for lliu haW ! Ilmbor laudH in the Htuii-fi of Onn.,riii.i, Un -Kou, .Nuvudu, und WaxliiiiKUiu Teriitury," u vx tended luall Hie I'uOilc Lund iau-s by m l of AuKiiHt.4, ivri, cinrfin- K. i;liuii..il, of Kslt . kb tuj, uxiuiy oi nan tk. SUile ul Utah. I.M litla day (tied lu UiIm oillw hta nwnrit Mtutcineut No. ai;t7, fur llio initrliur nf "" I in, i p. v wi.'i hi, I II II), U Ol, a innivi oi rjijcnuu ti. I, No. 5 H, lUiiritt So. U K.W.H. I iuAllilllp And will oihr lumir in mIiow Umt tho land aouKht In mora viilimhiu for lu Umber or HtoiKMlmn for iiKrlcullurul iur(iw, uud lo tjMUiliilHii hli (-liilin lu Mulu luud tielorolliv Iti-KlfiOT Nild ILix-IVOr ill till- lIIU;g ul Uru title, Unv'u, ou tM- ndny. tlio 6th day of iMj-unitvr, 11J04. Hh imtoeti hm wllucAKfiH: Ralph II. Hull,, of HlMrkey, Oreifon, Kdwanl IWmi, of Mlarkcy, UreK"D, l-iaiik K. Murphy, ufl criy, Urvguu, Abw Houuu.of rrry, t-kiu. Any aud all porno n cliilmlliif ftdvemely tli above dicriiMni ImikIh ura rivtt l to iiu UielrclAtm-i in ttitn otfliu uu ur Of lorn auld 5thdmy ol iwcuiubvr, luoi. H. W. Davis, IbvUtef: GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue'of.an order and license madeand entered by the lion. County Court of Union County-State of Ore gon, on September titu, 1'JlM, in the matter ol tne lluurliaueblp of the per ' ions and eatatea of Ernest N Patty, 4 ileatrice Putty, and Frank A Patty, minor heirs of Thomas K Patty d- ceased, and warda of the undurajgnod uraude.tneir guardian, i win, troin aua uiter ne xiai uay in uctooer r.wi, at uiy home No. 14 lo Aduins Avenue, l.a Grande, Union County, Orogou, pro- eeed to sell at private sate tho' Houtii' cht quarter oi Section 31 of Township Three North ot Range ail East of the Willamette fuoridau in Union County -Oregon, for tne bei:etlr ot said heirs aud toe i-eatnte. Terms of a.. le, cash to me lu hauo, Zora E r.iiiy, liuardiau nf Ibe psrauna find aitutos oi Ernest N Patty, ZBeatrio " Patty ' a nd Frauk A Patty, Minora. Dale I lepieutOe- 111, UWi. . Oot 21 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. I87 NOTICE -M HUBlICATION. - U. B. Luud Uliiueul iiii' iraudtt,Ore. Ocu Is, 1001. Notleo Is lieriiby ;lvou Unit tn tHniillauce Willi Lnij nrovliiloiia hi thu iiel of Oumrruoa ul extended to ull too ublto on d rilulea uy act o. Augdair, iisii.. wi, uiu u in,.u, oi rerry, 501"".!', "'! ""' Hfl" V1 ' "l'a t"1" "' i? ..'"V1, ""'," ".',,tn,'l""'!i J-iV l6" H,"!? t"f H 'S' , oi beclloa. TowuJnp Nv 4 , ttauuo No. S7, ""g"t 1-mof. vuluabio rortu umber or mi,n,iTh h,,VVr.:im 0..0 1 ,Tr n7,V.,-u utttiiblfKii borolitlm Uut-t ia id bufore the iiuguiernna Hvooivor ol niiti ouioo ut u tlruiidu, Ureuou,ou Uuturiiiiy, iiiu7iU Uuy of Jitimury. llfOt). Uu uumoi u.a wlLuoitftoti: U-'ibert R Cleiivor ol Caldwell, i(lal)juJni:h It liull of iVurry Orentntj Heiijamiur Vntiug. or tiagur I, Oi guu; WllliniUii LtOdgloyot tlilffiir J, Or gon. -Any uud till pornoiii cliviiulatf Bdversalj thuubuvo (idhorlbeU Iuiiih ar reqauiUid to lllo their olat ins In ihtsorttOGoii orboXotD suld JtU Uuy ol January, IMij ,JtW D H, Utaglftttr i TIM UK K LAN D, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. U. H. ltud uilloe, Lu udiuUu, Orotii tut,. NoLlin In hornhr olvuii tlmt In iinullaniM Willi liie prOftitluliiiur lliu uur "tif Uouxiiwh ot Junu A, 1r78 tjiiiiiioO "An act for itw kio of iiiuuuruitiaii 111 uiootaU'8 or uuiironun, ure- mm, S ivuUii, uud Wuwbiniitou Territory, iw cMfjiulitd 10 nil tlio 1'ubllc Uxnd St a Lou by uuu , ul AUUU, mi, UlHTA A DroWU, of I'flrry, ! Cutniiy or Union, bin to of Oregon, , Inu iuln day Ulud lu IhlH ulTiuc hor Hworu ntaloiiiunl NO. iliiii, fovtlie pu.otiu8of ttiu BEi Oi IScirtluii It, To N04 1-, K4Urfi! Au 07. K W M. aiiu win ouur (IIIHPI 10 it now uiui. 1 no 1UUU uoiiKbt in iiiuro vi luubto t'oj It: limber or mouv limn tor lUfrkMiiiuml nurnoBt'N. uud 10 tUoliii hvr ciulni iu Mild luud before the tci;isioi himi Hntiior ol una 01110- at im linnulc, Orca'lir ou sotunluy, Uie ;tU dny.ut Jiiiuury, 111..,. , Mie iitiinu)i mi wituuHMwt: Hoibcrt R L'lvuvur oi tiildrfHl, Id ho; RalU H Jiullls of l'rr,i , tin-Kim; ituuj imlu l" Vuuiitc of tlilttard, Ort i;..n. dilain II Louglo.- tif Uitnilrd, Oru;uli. . A j - ulid ;iii tK-'itoiiH clmi.ilu uuveroly llio Hlluv!- ..irrt'lHHM 1 ill.!' Kit' rvjUHU'tl lO IlttJ I hull' :.ttniA lii IIiIn uiTlru uu or bv)liiw fluid illltlit -il uuinuity , . , , . iv A,, : UdvM tvlNtrs Km 'in 11 11 utiii'Hn i- Ueiltf'-'-". Srh 1 ut Mi .him. 1. 4ii 1 Nurtuul iiinT. 4 .'i'y, 1 ii'i'K.iii, ii.iii rmr OrtUa lUI .lOll-'gl'jpJJO.a l.U. u:it tilld WrtB uuiibtu to Mil til m tj!:. Our Htd.loil- a IUI K 'Oil piinlllOll- ' Wtl U Will j.QUJIJt. -t&.n:. m u uil ii n- a tie 1 they want H'lmblH competent help. Now id uio ti.no .tr y.iuu.c . people to enrull . L'titotinal Uu-tineaa methods . are tnuMht, Tho lltftu liuo SyaLein' of, yiijulmu la taught wlilub 0U11 bo luurul iu ubout hwlf tbo time the old Shaded 8y stoma, . .. :-. Tultlon;and Board reasonable M0 Pdrry Prlao. 0-21-10 21 DAfl ' CASH MEAT MARKET have reopenud my shop 011 North Fir Street. You wil, find my shop well supplied and the prices to suit Uu times. Yours tor business Free delivery. Phone 1 CO I I.HARRIS 9 Oregon mn Union Pacifii'. Time C hdul LA OIlAltUI, no. ; - IMp. m. j fli Ln, ueuvoi NO 6. 'Worth, uraaha, Kaiim NO. N rordnu'i. Da'u-fi, iVn dielL 'Valia Wall:. DavUin. f i ni :id- NOl. 6:50 a ru i a th via Hp Portland, IJiilrw, l'a- NO 5 III pm IIi'rMI Buulay nition umutiNi w Inia, i,uwii.n,i:iUHi M-i.uw, ' ill ice iV.u a n't. .iixii.iutt ,u i uaier (i-i uh o in md! 11 jrm vi i l ik i n Ala el. irr, ami r.xiii i t:JHo:i Ml yjiO ' t yc tor )-ii IS 5;p Ooi'AO Bteamars oetweau 1'ortiaod aud San Franclaoo every fire days mm