La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 27, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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IslandZCitv. Orpfrnn
BWINET . - . -v- ;
We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cote
wold and ehropshire8, ready for service, Anyone need
ingfhoice buck, should see these to appreciate them
Young stock ulways on hand, and always glad to
have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for
the Farmer, and ask you to couSpnre our paicos before
buying some where else. "
La Grnade Evening Observe-!
THURSDAY, OCT. 27 1904 ;
Meat Market
Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
Had he been continued loathe servioe
net been promoted In bis regular turn
ha would bava bean one of tba oldest
englneon on the mountain division o f
be Q K 4 N today.-qGast Oregpafan. ,
Half a Carload of 2
New Wall Paper. J
We have just received half a car load of the newest
and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 si
rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever g)
thought of bringing into this county in a single season. )
, ;
Tbla paper la all (or aale and moat be sold thia aeaaon. We - ay
have brought two first olaaa paper hangers direct from Chicago, Jy
who are without doubt the moat akilltol workmen In Eastern 9
who, with the Ave first olaaa P-rwi hangers already in our em
ploy, gives nathe best working ton , the Inland Empire. )
Ora Eiibanlta. - " "-"
The deotaaed waa born in Arkansas
twenty years ago, and when a child
came to Oregon with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. William Eubauks, who set
tled at Dry Creek where they lived
several years, dually moving to their
orchard borne, from whenee the tuner
al took plaoe Sunday. .' Here they lived
a lew short years ere the mother waa
taken away, leaving Miss Ora a little
child to the care ot ' Pather, three
brothers and a sister Etta.'- From this
time Etta and Ora have grown- Into
lovely companionship and womanhood,
Little more than a year ago Ora lay at
death's door but by the skill of Dr.
Molitor and the tender loving care of
her devoted sister Etta, ahe so recov
ered her btalth that friends and rela
tives were oerlain of her earthly piea
enoe and loving kindness ',. for many
happy years to come. But lo in the
stillness oi night with only a lew days
warning the angel ot Death 'stole into
her chamber and snatched from us oar
dear daughter and sister.
' She was a beautiful woman beloved
by all who knew her patient, sym.
pathio, forgiviog and loving. Pure as
the pearly dew, not a blot can be found
on her charaoter and her host of
friends attested'to thia by the beautl
tul way in whiob she waa laid to rest.
Abont four hand red friends gathered
to pay their last respects to the de
parted and sympathize with the bereft
family. By loving- handa tba. churob
waa beautifully decorated and the oold
tomb made beautiful by white lining
and a profusion of carnations, lillies
a'.d choicest roses.!
This beautiful light that haa gone
out should be a lasting beam to the
souls of those who are left behind.
She lived a pure life and died in per
fect faith, and her parting words
"Glory, Glory, G'bry," there was joy
in Heaven and on angel .wings her
spirit was borne to the baven of rest.
For those who remain to mourn her
loss and especially the dear sister,
wor Is cannot express our sympathy.
- Dry Creek Drifting
Work In the orchards" bontlnaea at a
favorable pace and many farmers are
iuiproviug this oppartoulty for fall
plowing. -
Mrs E Fisher waa quite sick a tew
dsys ot last week, but is recovering
bar usual health again, . '
.-' Mr and Mrs Turner- Oliver visited
at the borne ol Mr Olivet a parenta Sun
day and incidentally "ad a view of the
flue Fine Needle factory In whtih the
are interested. i ,
Dr. H A?mf&T0N
Veterinary surgeon,
Oittoeat a.T Hill'a Drug Store
La Urande, Oregon fbone 1301
, Kosideuee puone 701
The Osteopathlst'a plan is to give a
thorough examination to this human
organism to and oat just where the
trouble is, and then ooireot thie trou
ble, just as any other intelligent ma
bhinist would do with with a maohlue
of hiaown oon truotlon. Osteopathy
Is baaed upon scientific - prinolplea
and Its technique la insorurabln to any
but the trained Osteopathic physloien;
yet the oom tnon sense of It appeals In
stai-tly, to all unoiased minds, and its
philosophy it easily understood. 1
C. B. Cauthorn
Office Over Hill Drug Store
La Grande,''0regdn -
" AUUTK HHKU HA'ilfcBT "."
Deep tearing or wrenching puna,
occasioned by
For Rent
Eight room on North V Strset an
quite ol Mrs Bnearer.i 8-t ;
net tins wet through;
worse when at rest, or on first imoviug
the limbs and in oold- or. damp weatu ,
er, la cured qalokiy ty iMiiaraa onow r
Liniment. Oscar Oleaou, Ulbaon u7
Illinois, writes, fab 10 18021 rJA year
ago I waa troubled with a pain -in my
back. It soon got ao bad 1 eoold not
bend over.i -One bottle of Uallard'a
gnow LJniment -rare me1.' SSc, 60o,
el 00. - Sold by N.wlm Drug Vo. ;
V i U. 8. Land Orfloe, La (Jrwda, Oregon
rJept.6, WOt .
Notice Is hereby given that la compliance
with tbe provisions oflne act, of Congreaa or
June a, 1H78, entitled "An set for the sale of
Umber lands in the States of California, Ore
aon. Navaila- and Waahlnifton Territory, as
extended to all tba Publlo Land States by art
1 be building (formerly oocupied . by
tbe Salvation army. t For full par
titulars and rates inquire of Mrs
S O Zuber. Aug. 31 ft "-4 " '
son, Nevada, and Washing-ton Territory,"
udMidmitAHll lha Wiihlln Tnd Statu bv
of August. UUrcDO S. UtuulLel. of Salt
' Lake City, county ot Bolt Lake, blale of Utab,
hat thia Aav ftlart In Ihla nfflaa hla aWOrn
no. siw, tor ine purcuaaa oi
FOK RENT Bouse keeping ro ma
very nicely furnished. '' 1'wo block
west ol High School, on the corner
of 1st and H it.
FOR RENT A suite of rooms nicely
furnished for light bouse keeping
at the corner of fourth and Q streets
tor turther.parlloulara apply , to or
Mrs E O Moore, 1017,' th st.
Itegtiter and Ueoelver o( this omos at Lk
- lie namea aa wunmjiea; xaipu tx, zuiua
ofBtarkcv, Orcson, Edward Bean, of HUrkey,
Oregon, vraiik a. Mur,liy, ot f eny, uragoa, Aoe
Uoutin, of ferry, Oregon. .,
Any and all persons ulalralnj adversely tbe
above deserlbea lands are roqueated to flit
their olalmi In this offlos on or before said
sthday olDeoember, WW. m rf
vv s Amvaaa, avaaaiw-
EStackland & McLachlen
State Wins
At The
102 Awards
St. Louis
St uis. Mo., Oct. a. uregon
xhihi's at the world's fa r have ro
reived altogether 1j2 awards, uocord
to he f llowing etatemeut mailc
.y tie .ra! S.ipirinlei dent ,Vhrini)f
t lie i-xli hit.
In . :ir iigrirtillural departmeut
y;iu today bow many r-f each denomi
nuti- ii We have received In mine)
ii ml metal, irol.l, silver and bronz;
mt'dahi i.giiroKtu in- Iwelve. I h.ivi
eiitione.l in int. rests of eig t mines
which I believed aere overlooked. In
we our ed xationa! iepar(meut we received
ve l--"i awarded thirty Hve gold one gold mod. I. me ellvor an I o e
i old- f.r.ylo.r silver and tweniy br..nze. The method of wnnlin.nt o
r,. !.:un.'.o,au.l grand pris-.i for itrains prizes by the superior jury of awards
i I afgr-'intini 102. 1 have nn edun itlon disippoin'e l ns In
Itli.' -.;pirior jurv ol awarna wirau o. ,w .niini? pr w " i uivm m,
linn-for fourteen moro med- tchool.-, the jury arra'ied our school
tii l.' eiilinr imrl. ok.d or In three groups, awarding Weachgrmip
IS In 'ct, 1 know s ine oi . one prize,
,. I ,,..-,1 i hi irnly nve.l.ioKon Mipet intenu-ut. wimimiik bu ,,m
'. I with the superior jurv of dom said l.ile today that thny
ii forri.'lrv, llsli and game
Hallowe'en Social
Some merry, friendly, country folks
' Together will convene,
To barn their nits, an1 poo tbelr stocks
An' haud their Hallowe'en
Fa' bly the the night.
The Crystal Rebeca Lodge will give a
Hallowe'en social Tuesday eve. Nov 1
at the I O O F Hall, A ptogram will
be rendered, approbate ' amusements
will be furnished Refreshments srved
and a royal good time assured to alt
Admission 15 cents.
Gentle sister thou bath left ns,
Gone to join the Angels fair:
From tbU world of sin and sorrow,
Fiom this world of toil and care
In onr home a place is vaoant.
Sadness dwells where onoe waa cheer
Yet within our hearts forever,
Thou shalt dwell most loved and dear.
And thy gentle loving kindness.
While on earth to ub was shown;
Now in Heaven Bplendor beokons,
To a far and better home.
' - Furniture For Sale '
And bouse to tent apply to Mrs
Shearer opposite Star Grocery North
ol track . -v .-.".' ''.
1 - Furnished Rooms
Furnished room for gentleman sleep
ing nights.. t. , Mrs O..W Preston.,.,
atfxo Aoaiua ato.
No tjunting
Sale or Exchange
Eight aorea, six room house, lar;e
barn, place for hogs and chlcku
four acres In orchard and herrl -i
Just east of flour mill. This will lit
investigation For particulars tnq r
at MnoFarlane'a grocery store. .
sell or exchange for city properly,
, . ,10-20 1120 .,
All persons are forbidden to hunt
with firearms or dog on my land on
der pain ot being pn seouted for tree.
DOSS.!. , nt . r -1 "") V .
Sept U N7) Joseph Anson
ataUtmnnt .
Lnt 1. .sao. 1H. To. aaautn. raniia
ANEKbEW of Beetlon No. Ill In I
Mn . M H.nv, N lL At K W.M.
And will offer proof to show that the land
sought u more valuable for lta timber or
atQua man ror aariouiiurai purpuava, iuu w
eatabllsh hla claim to said land before the
Oninde, Oreaon, on Munday, the 6th day of :
IntheClrtraltOoottofthaHUio ofOreM lor
Colon Oottuty. v,-. .
L O WILLIAMS, Plaint It ' '.'
To UuBfA A WtllUmi. til alMVsVDUIMtl
defosdaQt; 1l tbo name of tbe HUU of Urexou i
you ara neze&y requirea u appetw aa. muarmvs
ice cotaplaint filed agutiut you la the bovt-r
ea titled aaifc oa or beton the ilat day o ;
Oclolxyi. 1904. And iryoa fall UK fntwr, f or ; -wftut
thereof, the phUutltt will take dtcree?
against you for the aloiuUon of (he nierrUg i
UO end for coeu and duburMemeoU of thu auit. i.
ThiBBummouB i
Oregon UDaerrcr,
id union ooumy t.
uistra oi uie viruuii joun oi tne qhh.ii :
Oregu .inoe a week for ilx tonieouilv wcka
the nm Mloutlon theiool to be made on tlto ;
Sth day oi September, 1V0. and toe last publl- i
oaUoo on the Hu day of October, xfi04, whlob '
Furnished ( Room
"-. i.'."-- .-' - -
Centrally located cottier of "W ashing,
ton and 6th Streets. Known aa Geo.
Ball's lodging house. -
FOR SALE An alrr.ost new' 4 room
house, nice lawn, in beet residence
part of town, very ohesp If tukon at
oine, only part cash. See 1701 loiret
l orni-r Spring ets. Oct 12 10
!1 li r
Ill "II i.-
:.ii-i'i 1-'
; em h
ii v,.r I .
Ii ion
J.-..1.1 lin
I 1 1 1 E fll
. :g: elis
or adilitional swnrdmxnt of
oi ii Klnno pri.e. u imvi-
ills or riini
oon .ivJnk-d
din bis iU-prt
I, . ilrer an-1 bronze meda s
twenty four. I cunu t tell
had re
oive l a lett.-r fiom tl.e national com
in ssl n ordering them to irive out ih
iiiwr. inforii iition (or piililicailon until
fur hoi nciiiu... '1 be detailed t.,teuieni
f :he in ihercfore not obiain
?ounJ Party
I .i ,.. ...(nailsi'it fifty of the mnm
l. s and 'rienil- Bai tist chnrch
,,f l,a (,r:i.i.levisite l the home of tht-i
i n.-' r lie v. J I'rsiiklin Day with, a
,-.. ' ii I In"" l'"""'1 Prty. I
"l -; ,. ! nor in- k' n i" leaorance ot
,.iBt v a coming u -lil called to the
door nv.;..t!. k"" k. Heaurrender.
edatoii ,oa.,l(..-'PP 'fok
po.-.tsi m olii.e ,.la ennd the kl chen
Lbleswer. se- 1 ''h 8od
things too nuiueious tu mention, ol
f v i . I. v.-nb jhly aj tmciated by the
: it - -1 .i ..I-.' - it wif Kverytbing war
.( .-- Iy n mied and the evonintt wa
Hji' .t in yHiii"!- and pleafant conversa
All r :i sun' f--. eniug the crowd
ad- f ivi-wi-ll to tin- happy Pastor and
ihiiii'v, i a-! "eoine again and do
lh. iiae ie."
. iiiHldy our commuti ty was
r.ed u uess ot thedtath ul Mis.
Tbe old A R U membership card
found in tbe pookota of Seymour
Swauger, who waa mangled under the
train Bingham Springs, Saturday
morning, recalls one ot the most in
teres ting periodo of railroading on the
O 11 & N system,
Vvhen the great Aineiican Kailvay
Union, the order sl'trted by Eugene
V Uobi in 1894 reached Oregon, Kw.iu
gur waa working at Kamola, as a coal
he J the little mouiuain town
coutuinml a population of at least 500
poplu, including railroaders and tim
brmen. Four helpers were running out of
K. 4 me la and tbe eight crews all joined
tht A R U, tugulher with Swauger, tbo
ooul heavur, all the section men and
teloraph o; erators. Wbon tbe strike
w a de-lnred, the oterator was tbe
drat man to be discharged, because be
e fuse I to send a telegraphic train or
der afte the strike had been ,de-
Then the tronblo bean. The coal
heavers would not shovel eiuugh coal
to keep the engines alive, tba engine
orews were compelled to wnlk to Ia
t.irande lecnuse there were 110 trains
running and tbe mat er ot can y ing
tbo mail was buginninaj to trouble the ,
A libt fnciue in charge of W J
Liudsay, then divieion roundhouse
foreman at La Graritie wun run over
the road and at Khiii -la someone threw
tccks at the engine and at Mndeay,
who wus la King tint pi ace of an oiigln
eer. Ttiig net of vlolonce was not
daoutioned by tbe striking employes,
and it is not known today who threw
the rock, but the Kamela crews being
on strike were hel i responsible tor tbe
act. und when tbe otrike waa settled
mtl tin u en went to work again tbe
operator, (Ire in en, coal heavrs, and
several eng o. era at Kamela were not
Ukeii back
Tbe operator who was let out at that
time was kept out of the railroad eor
vice for six years, and one of the ei
gineera Wats lin tlly given ork on tbe
O ii & N after something over six
ears i the mines oi Haver couuiy,
n t the T.remeo and oodl beavers nev
o "id get work on this system.
Swauger was among the number.
A child's 120 go cart t halt price.
Almost as iiood as new. Phono 1770
farmers line. 1
Blue silk girdle,
turn to this office.
Finder please rest
Wood Saw
Having lease.d.the G W Alie steam
wood saw, 1 am prepared to promptly
take care of all orders entrusted to
n.e, W M Andia,
Corner Greenwood and Hill afreets
f hone 730 S 12-0 I
For Sale
One rgoodilseoohd hand Kimball
piano. For Particulars eaquile of
Mrstuglo or Phone 1727 Kesldenoe
Cor. oi 3rd K. .
Tea and eoSee agent A hustling.
oapable man of large acquaintance to
work up ar wagon route in olty or
country, for tatabliihod firm; largest
retailers in tbe united Btttee. pieu.
did inducements offered to the trade.
no graft. Good pay to tbe right par'
ty. Addre-a,) stating .experience and
references ---
. . . . Seattle Wash.
FOK BALE! Good Nine Koomed Plas
tered House with ..closets pantry and
bath.. Centrally" located, good cellar,
lawn,- city water. Also wired through
out. .Address Box 006 oi PhcLS l41
Voi sale, weight 2500, prloe 50
Call or w i its La Grande Pawnbroker
Pnotie l.iBl. ,
Located in La Grande, I will give
you luck that wins -success in business,
Love, Marriage, Divoroe, Speculations,
Health and transactions of all kinds,
Looited at 1012 Sixth street Hours
0 to 12 a. m. and 1 to S p. m. dBily. ., -Headings
25c, 60c, 75o and 1 CD ,
Prof. Weber.
Por Sale
Acre traot witb new two room house,
In Pleasant Home addition. 9400.
fart cash, balance monthly install
ments. Enquire of V U Uaworth at
Stoddaid Lumber Co. 10,17.24 '
Fruit Boxes.
Send your orders for Fr jit Boxes to
Htoddaid Lumber Go. at the L
Grande planing mill.
"I would cough nearly all night long,'
wpllaa Itlpaniina Aniiiainta. nt .Alar.
anuria, lud., "and could .hardly tetany
sleep. had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block 1 1 would' cough
frightfully and spit blood, but when
all other medicines failed, three $1.00
bottles ol ir. King s Mew uisoovery
wholly , cured me and 1 gained
pounds,' Its absolutely guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds, L Grippe,
Bronchitis and - all Throat ana JUnng
troubles. Price 60c and 11.00, i Trial
bottles ires at Newiin Drug u. j
Beautiful Columbia .
i i
River Folder
.... ' WWW . ."if. d
i IA passenger department of the Ore
son HBllroad A Naviaatlon .Com nan v
as Just Issued a beautiful and costly
anoramio toiuer entiiiea -rne uoi-
mbia iurar. through the- Casoade
Monntaina. to the Paoiua Ocean.
rrom Arlington to Portland and from
Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every
corve of the river and every point
ot interest aresbown while Alt Hood
Mt Adams, aud.lls at Helena, porpo
toally covered with snow, stand out
la there beauty. On the back ot the
map is .an interesting story in detail
ot the trip from Huntington to Port-
laud and from Portland to the ocean,
not overlooking the beaches and tbe
San Prunciaoo trip by ocean- A copy
of this folder may be aeoured by aend
ing four cents in stamps to pay postage
to' A L Craig, General Paasenger Agent
of the Oregon Hailroad k .navigation
Com pan Portland, Oregon, Hy send
ing the addresa of some friend in the
East, and (onr cents in postage the
folder will be promptly mailed.- ... w
U. H. Land OUku, Lm Grande, nr.
Mar 14. Iqim.
Notlne la hernby given that In oomjillnnve
ri, ealltl.Kl "An act fur the aulo ul
lUa in the Htalm or uulir.trnlA, Urc-
Junn S.
Umber lani
son, NvaUa anil WaaliluirUiii Turrltorr,1
exlendil bi all (he I'.ilillc Luinl HUiton by at'-i
ui Auifuat 4, Isiri, I'liix-lHi ilullls vt Per.y,
Oourity of union, Htate uf Oreson, lnu
inia iuv nun in inis onire ner sworn auiiv
incut, No. .iIini, for the jiiiixliuH.; oi the n;
W Kectlon -X and 4jiii K'4 of Section No.
27. Ill TowuhiiIi, .No 4 S, K.No. 'i't l. Vv ..M., and
wllloHnr priMtf to .Imw that Hie lanil ainiifltt
Ik more valuable Cor It. ilmbeifxir alone than
foraKrlcullural ilriiMiiid l ,tAbllnh lii-r
lialm Ul aulil liinil Iwion, the KeglHterand tU
cf.ivi-r of thia ultli-eat iai (irHU'li-.ureson, ou
Monilay.thelMt day ni Ausuirt, lioi.
Hhe i,aiii, aa witn,mma I A. 1. flean, John J.
Murphy, Ralph tl. lluilla, and Mary u.
Muri.hy. all of t'errv. titvmui.
Any ana all MrM.nn claunlitir odvernely the
Mimve-tivacriiK-u are rr.inrioii 10 nil
.hrir.''nn In thia olhce on or before aald
lat asy ui august, iml
HW O Ii, Ifc-aUlet.
gbtful Route, Daylight Ridt
uizzy tirags, Uoep (Jttaous
A Gulden Opportunity Soe
uuiure in an Her glorious
beauty, and tbeu tbe acme ol
man's handiwork. .. : Tbe firtV is
foiiml alonp the line of (he
Deliver & Rio Urande Rutlroad
an tliB luttnr at tbe St. Louis
World's Fuir. Your trip will he
one of pleasure make the most
of it. V or information and illus
trAtnrl literature write
W.O. McBRIDE, Qon.Agt.
Portlausl, Oregt
ytoM made on th. 8ro dsy h
v AUuroay lorPlatuUl '
1 hereby notify all persons that t am
the so'e lessee of the Thos. Smith store
quarry, also all stone on the 230 acre
pasture ass ail parties an nereoy tor
bidden from taking stone o9 of said
traot, '.(".it' J L Mars.
For Sale
Organ nearly good as new, two cook
atoyoSf. bedstead- dnd aprlegs, dishes
cooking utensils sewing machine near
ly new, .driving horse safe for woman
to drive, cheap boggy, Inquire 61
-. 10-10 26 ' f-'.. - George (tail i '
: l-nr-rM- '
' For Kent
Three .bouses for ' rent on H. F. D.'
No! will .make liberal 'terms to the
right persons. . Special Inducements
to long term leasers. - L B Hyatt. !
B S D No. 1 U Grande
tSept.!l3-Oot.S3' i ' ' ff
Eastern Oregon Business Oolledge
Sohool of Shorthand, and Normal'.
Baker City, Oregon, had four calls
for (stenographers last week end wat--
unable to Oil them all.. Oar students -
get good positions when competent.
Business men call on as when they
want reliable competent help. . ,.,
, Von is the time for "young people
to enroll.
Practical Ousinesa methods are
taught.-"The light line System of
Shorthand is taught which can be .
learned in about half tbe time the
old Shaded Systems.
Tultlon.and Board reasonable
1 w.M.O Perry Prlno. DAK
By virtue of an order and'' license,
made and 'entered' .by ' the 'Honorable
County Coortin September 10, .1904,
in the matter of the administration, of
the estate of Angle A Wood, deoeased,
I will from and after October 22nd
1004, at my office No. 1110 Adam
Avenue, La .Urande, Union 'County,
Oregon, proceed to private sal
lota numbered eight (8), in block No,
CO In Chaplin's Addition to the City
of La Orahde, Union County, Oregon.
Parties desiring to pnrohaae said prop
erty may deposit sealed bids on or be
fore. said date, together with 'oertifled
oheck for ten per cent of the amount
bid for said property ai a ' guarantee
that aald offer will be oomplled with
In cass tbe offer la ac-epted. So offer
will be considered for a sum less than
11200. 'Terms ot sale, cash to me in
bod.,i I J. K. Wright1 r
Admlnlstrator'of the estate of Angle
A, Wood, deceased,
Dated Beptemberjn, 1001.