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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1904)
: GRANDE EVBNNO OBSERVER VOLUME Ilk LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1904 NUMBER 54 1 St. I -. J i MAY GOTO: WAR. Russia and England May Yet Engage in Battle Russia Must J Expla'n. : . .. fa ' , Vigo Fpaln.Oct., i!7 The anival .,. .: o' the Bosnian Bal'io eqnaitroo io 'bi -, . port today earned considerable ex- ... eitemenv " , ' The oommaDder ol tb) pott inimedi j ately boarded the Russian flagship v v,' and informed admiral Roje tvensky that the Spanish government woulu ' -f. not permit the worships locoal witb in the pott. BojeaivnHky , replied ' , j; thai the vessel Deeded repairs aud for that ref ion bad separated from the f- remainder ol the squad mo The com j manner of the port promired to in a form the Spanish government of. tbe admiral's statement and to communi cate tbe government's reply. In spite of this live German ooliiers anchored alongside tbe battleships whtrenpon the commander of the port sent an aide-de-camp lo 'tag. Rojeeteveofky not to violate tbe Sptnish neutrality. He also ordered the commanding offi cer of the Spanish orniser Eitrema dura to notify the ooliiers to obey the port authorities" Eventually Roj ;te eneky promised he would not coal in Hpanish watira at tbe same lime bil ging permission fur eaoh warship to take 400 tons of ooai and to proceed ' Taogier. Eventnally 'our of the col lier- will proceed to Tangier, two re maining. As far sa can Off seen the cewa of the battle hips are veiy un easy. 8entinels are o'osely wttohing every movement within tbe barbor. All fonr of tbe warships are cleared for immediate action. FriDoe Keretelii, offioer of tbe bat tle Emperor Alexander III. bas TWENTIETHCENTURY" The La been interviewed and give the lol ow ing explanation of the attack of tbe Baltio aqua Iron on tbe British taawL rat ,. The transport A oatol, while steam ing abead of tbe squadron was sud denly surroondrd by eight torpedo boats and requested assistance where upon the battleship division advanoed and signaled the unknown vessels to leave xa to diasloae their nationality. 1 be vessels refused to obey and ad vanoed among tbe Russian battleship Suddenly a cannon shot was heard from an unknown vessel. Then tbe admiral formed a battle line and re plied to the fire afterward coot Doing bi voyage.' Tbe prioe added that the Rusaians feared the strange tornedt boat a were Japanese orall as tbe admiral was avaie the Japanese bad purchased biats in England. ADMIRAL EXPLAINS Vigo, Spain, Oct. 27 In an Associa ted Press iotervlew Admiral Rojes't venaky expressed bis regret at tbe North sea incident. The - admiral staled that tneun'ortuneteocourrenoe was purely accidental. Tbe weather was beiy, Ahout lam two torpedo boats wbiob tbe Russians supposed were Japanese appeared between two d visions of tbe squadron and seemed to discharge torp'doee. The Rusaiaos upened fire and saw no fishermen and and were not twero of tbe damage done. Evidently the admiral said, tbe fishermen shown no lights. ' Tbe ad miral, said that no doubt tbe Russian government would give ample com pensation ... TO SHADOW RUSSIAN FLEET Gibrelta-, Oot. 27 Tbeba'tleships Victorious, Illustrious and Majestic and tbe oruisers Lancaster, ' These and Endymion are under orders to sail on October 27. It is rumored their purpose is to shadow tbe Rus sian Baltio squadroo and they are ex- peoted to go by tbe way of tbe Cape of Good Hope . ENGLISH GETTING READY Gibraltar, Oot. 27 Tbe channel fleet has filled ber bunkera with coal replenisbed her ammunition and le ready for the sea at a moment a notioe, There iB great activity in the dock yards and men are working night and day. When Your Boy Needs You think too much of your boy and his appear ' alice to Bay "anything will do;" you think too much of your pocket book to waste money on cheap cloth ing. In the TWENTIETH CENTURY Clothing, whieh e offer for your close inspection there is noth ing slighted but the price. We do not offir you something, but we Kill convince you that you can get more value for your money than in any other make oi boys olothing. $1.50 -j Boys. Norfolk suits, belt effect 3 to 12 years at 2 25 3 00, 3 50, 4 00,5 00 and 16 00. You can't afford to to bny elsewhere till yoa see oar line of boys, youths nod men't clothing. We also have M. Born & Go's line of made to measure samples We have Lad fifteen years exper ience in taking measures and handling tailor made agency business and guarantee a fit Let us show yoa our samples We do not charge express on suits made to measure Grande Cash Tennessee's Pardner The Wiedemann Company present ed Tennessee Pardner last night at Stewards Opera house to standing room only The pieee is a strong one and tbeoompany ia thoroughly eapi table of handling their parts. This role of Tennessee kent in the bands of Miss Peroie Marti could not have been better producsd. Tbe little lady was perfectly at home in ber part and oompletly captivated tbe audienoe Tbe specialties were good. Tbe bill tor tonight will be a jomedy, ''My Uncle from New York." y v Petition Denhd In an opinion comprising 12 type written pages handed down in the ciromt court br Presiding Judge Gee iu Portland the application of Henty Weiobard to restrain County , Jud e vVebtter and other offioiaiefrom hold ing a prohibition election November 7. in aooordanoe with tbe provisions of tbe local option law, was denied. Miss Townley's Recital One of tbe pleasanlett and most enjoyable events of the season was tbe Recital wbicb was given Tuesday alternoon iu the parlors of the. Com mercial Club by Miss : Mable Clair Townley assisted by Miss Lillian Mo Call and Mrs Lyle. Miss Townley bas a beautiful clear soprano voice which shows rare cultivation. Bbe sang the following selcotiona with but one intermission her tones b ng just as clear and firm for tne dosing num bars as for the first. . Beloved It Is Morn . . . .Emily Hlekey Because I l.ove You, Dear. . . .Hawley (a) The' Daily Question ... Erik Meyer (b)Oh, Death, It Is the Cold, Cold nigbt Heine Reading, Louraine, The Mable Dream Mies Lillian MoOall Fond Heart farewell.. .Hope Temple Say Yes. Guy D'Hsrdelot 0 Rose So Fair Viotcr Kemp Wanted Good convaseer for three or (our days work. One with experience prefered Good commission paid ap. I ply to nigbt 7 to 8 P M. Room 31 Hotel Bommer. Boys two piece suits, ages from 8 . to 14 at fl 60. They are values, you will say so if you will come in and see them. Store. MADE BEST TIME Dan Patch l-aced Mile In 1:56 Rat-Is Now The King of Harness riorsesr . Memphis Oct. 27 With the pace maker carrying a wind shield in front and aooompanled by runner at bit aide. Dan Fatob paced the fastest mile at the trotting park to day ever made by a burse in harness circling the track in 1:66 flat. The former reoord of 1:66 14 waa made by ' Dan Fatob in 1902, The time by quarter waa 29, 671-2 1; 26 1-2 Exhibit Hall V The soliciting committee are devot ing their spare momenta to secure the neeosaaary tnnda (or tbe Exuibit Hall and are meeting with ancoesa. Only a few mora dollars are needed to assure Ita immediate construction. Thia ia matter that will certainly be of gre at benefit to thia city and oounty, ", Parker Will Go On Stump New York, Oot . 27 Judge Parker bas been dissuaded from his determ inatioo not to go on a apeeob making tour. Between now and eleotion be will speak in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Receptions will be given in his honor, both here and in Brooklyn. Seattle Tunnel Done Seattle, Oot 27, Workmen at 11 o'clock tonight broke tbe wall between the north and south section of the Great Northern tunnel rnnning under the business section of the oity. Tbe shaft la dear from end to end. The tunnel has tbe largest area of any In the United. Found Sheep in Chicago Chicsgo Oct 27 Junius Wright, of Boise, Idaho, having discovered that three thousand of bis beat sheep bad been stolen by one of bis oamp tenders and abipped to Chicago, has come here ooly to learn that the sheep had been sold for seven thousand dollars and tbe man bas disappeared. The police are wort Ing on the case. Sugar Notes To date tbe Sugar Factory haa re ceived about 13000 tons of beets and worked over 10000 tons. The crop pro mises to reaoh the e pec ted 20,000 tons and tbe percentage of sugar la belter than was expected. The beets from Weiser, raised by Mr Yamaokl are excellent In yield and sacoharine. The first car from there arrived a day or two ago. Tbe Eoho beets do not equal the Grande Ronde beets In sugar or parity. The factory Is making u better ran thia year than ever before and will likely be in operation for five weeks A Letter Home La Grande, Oregon, ' : Oct. 26, 1904. To the bereaved family of F B Jack son, Newton, Iowa: ; , It ia with mingled feelings of sincere regret and heartfelt sorrow, that we, the members of tbe Wlederman Com pany, write yon of tbe denth of your beloved son and brother so suddenly removed ttjm our midst,'"""'.' " Words are inadequate to' express to yoa the deep grief that Oils our hearts. He waa of a noble nature and was en deared to oa all for hia manly traits aud loving oharacter; and while we shall greatly mice lilm, to you, his loved ones, comes the greater loss; but let ns add "that may He who tempers the wind to tbe shorn lamb," give yon pease and comfort in this hour of your great bereavement. . - Again extending to yoa our deepest sympathy, believe na we are, Very respectlully and sincerely yours, MamhAra nt the flnmnanv J Th.l.ln.l..,.i. lot,.. . , r' " : . " condolenoe sent by the members of the Wierierman Company to the parenta of Frank B Jackson, who so end lenly ly beloved and highly respected by all the member of the O.imnanv. who did everything in their power to relieve hit a ifferings, nd their kind and eym patbetio letter to hla parent and brother and aiater, will tend to alle , view tne enoqit me news or. ma auaaen death would cause them, Public Speaking There will be Republican speaking in this county at the following dates and places: . ...... . ,. .Hilgard-rToesday evening, Hot. 1, by Hon. Grant B Demlok of Oregon City, presidential elector, and Hon. J W Knowles, of La Grande. La Grande Wednesday, evening Nov. 2. In tbe Opera House, Hon. A O Hough and Bon. Grant B Demeok, presidential electors, who will also ad dress the oitliens of Elgin on the 3rd and Union on the 4th. Ladies are giv en a cordial invitation to attend all these meetings. ' Stop That Shivering And save that Coat four horse needs blanket and we have the best assortment In the valley to ot fr i n. 3.3 na blankets at all prices. New stook just received sf : MEN'S GLOVES 1 Workwomen's high grade gloves. Thin is a new line with us and we are proud of our se.eotion.. Oal and see them. Har ness and saddles made to order. Winter robes just received. Second hand sewing machine for sale oheap. A Store With A Record business bas increased FIVE FOLD. In other words our business. has made a great deal more rapid increase than. the town has. There are dozens of reasons fortnis all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug store goods ol us. ' In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to business until we know the demands of the people of this town. A. T. Prescription Druggist Married WRIGHT CARLSON In this oity, Wednesday October 28, at- the homt ol the officiating minister Rev Vtil- ; UrdBaxby, Mr Herbert T Wright - and "Mlsa Fmma T Carlson. Tbe wedding was a very quiet affair only . a few close frienda of the young . people being present. Thoae preasiit were: Mr and Mrs Geo Peach, Mrs ' Van Tress, Mrs A D Jones, Mr Wm ? Peaob, Mr James Peaob, Miss Olive . Jones, Misa Rose Herr, and Rev , and Mrs Wlllard Sax by. After the ' ceremony which took plaoe at 12:30 the guests were lnvt'ed to bartake of delightful wedding dinner. Mr and Mrs Carlson are both graduates of -Spokane brauon of the Buttle Creek Sanatorium and 1. therefore trained nurses. They will make La GrandHi their home, t0 ' Not Coming Bon Frank O Baker, state chairman oltne repuoiican oenwe. oumimiw, writes W B t'aivout, seoretary of ibe . . , ' ... 4h , i " o.". to tbe sndden illness of his son, Sen ator Geo O Browuell was compelled to 1 "'" "PPolotiasnte In Union "" Socialist Notice There wlu be meeting of LeGrande Vocal in Labor Hall. Sunday at 2:0 p m. All memoera are urgoa o ne present. Bird f Lewis, Seoty. p: i-),. , For Rent Store room " "with lodging house. Rooms above and living rooms In rear.-'? Beet location U oity. , Will Sjlv- long, lease to proper . persona, iaqnii at . this office. . :-:'-: .: '. tl Plush buggy, robe, between LaGrand . and Island City." finder will be suit ably rewarded for 'Its return to this lotlloe. :.".' -. E. CLnstoffcrso V Harness and Saddles Lev Grande, Oregon r' I We have been doing busi ness in this town for 5 years In that time the town has nearly doubled in population DuriuK the same time our HILL, . La Grande, Ore 4 r