La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 26, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Serves them In any style
. Reading Room.
Tbe east room ol Central Ohuroh ot
0 brill. Open every day bom woo to
Is in the evening. .Sally and WMklj '
papers, anegesines and hu ki. ' Men
and boyi cordially invited. Strangata
always welcome.
How Osteopathic Pa
tients Are Treated
"How are Osteopatbio treatment
given V This qoetlou is frequently
pat by thoaa tint learning ab ut the
new ayttam of beating.. . -
t orget your flrat inferenoe that Os
taopatby is a 'Sort ot solsutiflo mass
age," lor lb it U misleading. Massage
la all right, a lar aa goes, bat it is
not a oomplste solsnoe ol modiolus. It
ia ona tbarapautiq agcuoy, and a uioat
wholeeome one, too, in It placet but
Osteopathy ia an independent aoienoa
aad a oomplata ona, having an art all
It own, and that art la not maaaage
treatment, either. .:
First, it la ouatomary (or man to re
mova ooats ana vests, and often their
There vu a big aenaation in Leeeville
Indiana, when W. U. Brown of that
filaoe, who tu expected to die, had hi
He saved by Dr. King' New Discovery
lor Consumption, tie write: "1 an.
dared insufferable agonies from Aathma,
bat your New Dieoovery gave ma im
mediate relief and aoon thereafter
Sauted a complete oara." Similar
coia ol Cooaamption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis and Grip ere numerous. It's
the peerleaa remedy for all throat ' and
long troubte. Price 60c, and 1. linen shirts, wall woneu discard their
ZXR&JiF'SSLEH. ou. clothing and corset, to don asm.
I light, flimsy robe, sach as --a kimoaa
ior other looss-uttlng wrapper, not
Try the Observer for first class
Job Work.
KlrtQ-ln this city, Tuesday, Oct. 86,
1104, to Kev. and Mi. O 11 King, a
nine pound daughter.' .
IOR 8ALK Good rlob Loam for
Lawna alao Gravel tor atieettllllni
Inqalre ot ;Johu Antbonv.
New Phones
01x8 '
J R MoNouo Reaidenoe
L 3 Jordan Reaidenoe
Ursword AOrewlord Law Office
Mrs. Grace Dray
KJaoobton .
3 W Davis ;
J W Oliver I '
T W Berry
F K Snydam
ANewiln .
V s
Street and Dress Wear
Furs in the latest style for smell maids,
broidery silks, handsome golf gloves.
New em-
E M Wellman & co
'ams Avenue.
All who are building new cr rebuilding their
homes, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms
halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason
able price, as we are in position to undersell : any
fixture in the Inland Empire.
We have at our office a complete stock of assorted
styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de
signs and finish. Also Shades of 11 designs.
We cordially invite . the public to inspect our
stock even if yon are not ready to bay. Office
open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m.
Sirande Light and Power Co.
The Most Stylish and Most
At Prioes Far Below Any
Previous Offer
made with pleats, tuoka or clow yoke,
over their underclothing, This admit
ot proper manipulation by the phy
sloia a without oue'a garmenta bunoo
log up under bia Angara, and at the
same time permit perfeot freedom ol
tue patient's limb under paaalv me
ions, .nany Osteopathia in addition 1848
t v-r their p-iticnis with a tutu, am- 330
.e spread tu cover ti e fiet II tleiiug
e lui.hs or rutatiug the blp bones,
it l better lor tue doctor to have one
or two ilucknetsi-s ot thin ,nat rial be
iweeu bis lingers aud I be patient's
uojy, betause it pro v run Ii i ringers '
rom slipping iu uiuKiug deep i , jnures.
Ouly at the ueok and bead, au gene.
al tulug, la treatment (liven upon tu
patient' akin diieclly Uynuoologio
al oases, It is worth remarking, eeoape
a great part of tne ususl ordeal ao
tryiug to women ' '"
tfecond, there la no kneading, pull
iug, rubbing, ate, aa in maBsage. i hat
i why tbere ia no need of giviug treat
ment directly upon thu body.
Third, a irt-almcut is not a ruulli.o
ol or jet of nioiiuns like maa
age or Sne.ilth movemonta, aud doe
uot occupy a definite lime. Tne Os
teopath due what i needed and quit.
Sometimes it takes hail au hour for
diagnosis and Ave minutes for a treat
ment Borne dlaguais are not com
pleted after a aoore ot treatment. In
otuer cases the diagnosis requires flvi
minutes, and treatment may behalf an
hoar. It is not done by the clock
aob case receives what attention It
needa, be that much or little, aa tb
Osteopath determines, aud when that
isdone, he quits. It is llks pulling a
tooth the beat of aervloe may be ren
dered in leea than live minute, while
it may take op tne best part of an
houil Perhape treatments average
twenty minutes, yet in giving treat
ments practitioners differ. Some are
awift; aom t are alow; and that without
regaid to tuetr relative abilities for
obtaining results.
K'oui th, the number and frequency
of tr-jatmenta required dependa opon
the case and all lecture that have led up
to the condition or which may still be
influencing it. That ia a matter w -ol -ly
for your Osteopathic physioian to
determine. It is a part of hie diagno
sis. Xoa employ him for bis profess
ional judgment quite aa macb as bis
skill. Trust bis judgment, not your
own convience or wishes. It may take
a dozen treatment, it may take three
or aix dozen, or It may u you will be
relieved or cured In a single treatment I
That is for your doctor to advise you
alter he has made a diagnosis. Nature
farther mast be consulted . He cannot
work tauter than Nature will let him.
Then, too, your pbysician may deem
it best f treat von thne times a week,
or only wiahto aee'yoa twice a week;
in some case it may be once a week;
while certain acute case bed ridden
cases like kt grippe, pneumonia or ty
phoid fever may demand several visits
daily. Bo it f oea. Treatment ia a
matter tor professional akiil to deter
mine according to circumstances, and
ltia not to be taken according to
measurement or programme. One oase
ia no prodeoent tor another. Each
case requires special study and is a
la onto itself.
Does this make the mysteries ot the
new drag-less treatment any plainer to
For farther Information consul
your local Osteopathic practitioner.
Yoa can get any additional informa
tion thrt yon want Yon will find that
the tenet of this soionce appeal to you
as full of good, practical aenee Os
teopathic Health.
Dr. Moore Oateopatb Sommer Bldg
W M Monroe Hy Grain Wood
Kobt, Eakln Reaidenoe
. Mra . J Htirghan
B W Noyes
Kd Stringliam
DM Cook
F Tietjen
J Elton Jackson -Mrs.
O P Ooodall
WT Davis
8am J Torrance
L (J Smith ,
J O Heidmirvich
J B Oonuur
- U. V, tdiuii umes at ta (Iranila, Orauu
Auuat II, lUUi.
Notlve Is iwreby gtveu thl lu eumiUauii
will tits umviHluns uf the atit of (UKrui ol
Junes, l7i. lUllUod "Au iwl lur lUo wig ul
tlwotir iauusiii ihaHbtltw u( tlaltAiriibk. pre,
gun, NnvHilu. auu wuBlltlikltou leirilury," as
eUiiiiiiHt lo all tun t'ubllu fuu tilttUu by ut
ul AUSIU14, IkiJ, llavid U Husdvo, uf Uuxtvr-
vuie, iktauur ui vy uou, huw ui w imxiiuib
aa. tui dy oiea in tuts otitoe ois swrora
a do. dlcAL rur me uurunaa ol tits
emil 1-)L 40 MJO
u, a.Moulu uauae no.
auil will olfrr nroat to show that ihm land
ouiiiit U more VMluabln tor lu tluitw ur
iuiit vuiui r Mriuuiiunu -iiuriHMtw, uit ut
wtsulUU usr ulwtia to Mtta laud bvlure tile
Utiauuar and IWoclvur ut tlila ouiw at L
Uauda. Uruuu. ou Tugaday, tlie SfiUl
dur ol CMtotuir, IWU.
tla aatuaa aa wituoaaoat IWipu H. Sutlia,
W, Ueury Urown. uf Uvitsrvilla, WUoouitlui
Loouurd U. liullu, ol I'urry, Oregulli aua
Udward Boau, ul Ia Uraudo, Orutfuu.
Any aud all tMraoua tiUiluilu' advemaly
tha alxiva duaortUwt landa are rtMiuualad to
Ola Uialr olaliua In lUuullloegu or iMloieaald
UU day of Ouuibar, Uot.
K. W. Dta, Rltaf-.
kLMldOlaut MU. JIM. tli
Nb.'vrtWU. HKl, NWU
UunNii a lu iwuaUtu i
Sa It. W, ii.
Notice (is hereby given that al
peraoua owing the estate of J H Ket
log are requested to pay the same la
the La Uraude Bang, -4
M Oharoh. '
Adni, olthe EsUU of ,
t H Kellag
U. M. Ijiud UUltw uL lk UisLUila. ()r-
Notion In liaruby glvon (nui In uumintauuti
with ilia uruvUiuu) or tUutuii of (JuuatruMi ut 1
Juuoa, tmtuiutl "Au ttot tir thu win olj
IllllUOr 1UUUM 111 HID aitallM Ml -MllllirUM
m iiv
ufAumwU. IftUj, witlUut UUrowu.oTt'c
gun, NuvuUu, unil WtmUiitgiuu Turrlbury,1' w
u jvtuuuou iuuii tut ruuuu i.utm ouatoa u:
l ul LIII
atty nioa iu
IlluU, tiUUl of UmtfUU UiW lllli
utw oniuu uu Hvvuru Bittiumoni
ur Uttt iiamUtutu uf Uiu KJ of A iV Ji
N.ibtt.MM iN W k ul tioottou
i'uvvukiilu Ku. 4 ti lUugu o, e!7,
Lodt;e Directory.
stAOI.VS L Urna Alrle iw P O b IUtU
vury Kriilay uiithl IU K Ol I' Uall V I . m
VUitlnH brtiUiru litvltd U iui
No.tttiti, fur
No. 17 lu
And will oltur proof to Hltovr llmi the Uud
uuitUl In iituru vuluttblty fur IU Unibor oi
io.,tt iliku for tmrluuiiuml purpoetui, uuU tu
UjUlbllla Kur UUtlllt Uiikilll mutl btifort Ut
tuvistitiruiiti iuiut,ivtir ot una, uiuuo it.
urauau. iiitiou.outiattsrUa'.Uitf 7tu tbty of
Jaiiibuy HOj, I
uu uitiuu im wnuoMuii nvinon viuuTar
uf CU, w Idatio; Kaiiih 11 bull its of I'orry,
uiKuit, ucjiijttiuiu v iuuui ' -s
goui WiiiLtiu U toittluy of Uiigtuil, uruguu.
Alii stuu at 1 1 ruiauu( uiuiiitiii slmtuisiji
LIlHitlittV. lluHlirililltl ils.Il lei el ru runiiUsiUiii Lo
alt tiiulrolaiuiw lu uiIh uitluuou ur boiorn mlti
7tb Hay UI JlellUitry, 11AJ6 (
list TTi UttVMi sfOgtaieV-
Marlou, No a himU twoli Tutnditjr la IClk'a
lulU BroUion m Invited to aiUud,
VI UuUuerUii HQRer.
O J VsU)drpOOl KfcC hoo. .
IOO Thk OrDd IidKt. No 16 n mm
their hall every tw urday ulgbt. VJI .iig u.oi
uura ooruiaujr ittvitcu w atuiuu-
H B Coolidge, BC ' - ,. .
f . A A. M.-'Ln Grande Ixxlg
3 41. meutg every ut nd Hta Hutur-
-T ul eacu uiouiu.
. . AO William. &o,
O U Hull mm W. Ms
Ul'lOlii I'Uii tUiiUOAriUN,
U, tt. aUuid UUlo), Im lirtiudsi, Oreyuu.
UuUU. Iuur.
Notion la liorubr irlven tlmt tu oomulluuoa
wtUi Uio urovlaloiiaof tbti Hut of Uougrusta ut
Juuu t, b)7Ha uutHiul "Ao aut for tUtt valu uf
Viuiuvr luuua 111 titu cmuiei ui wtiiiuiuw, ui-
gouthjrudu, uud Wtubiuguu Torrliory, an
tjXIUUUUU Ul Ull L1IO 1 UU11U ietllU OletMS U eaUl
of AugiuM, iuuJ, tilaia A Uruwa, of lTrry,
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it by using
Geddes Bros canned fruits,
delioious bcraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. ; We are
the first, store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything.
We always have the fresh
est eggs, butter, etc,
Special attention given to
phone orders : ,. - .t
Geddes Bros,
KaBTErN KTAIt OKU Hop. CliapKr No
W luataa tie aecoud aud fnunli Wvducaday uf
eacll uioulb at ? :iW p lu lit Mjuodic Tnluule
lira Clara 1 Lylc, W U
Mary A Waruiok, ooo
FOH BALE-Oue line Jersey oow
ior iaticalars oa.l at the reaidenoe ol
1'bos Walsh or phone 301. -
llau Llllal duV llllill iu tlilsi uffica hllT awiira
klaluiuttut NO, HiJA, (ur the imiilbtMlti uf tbu MilJ
of buuiiun In, Tu So 4 i, liitugu rto 6j, hi W Al.
And will uirui- uriMi to itlioW luat (bo ltba
aougui ii muro v luiibiu fui lu timber or
MLnuti limn lux ttairiuulLuriil mii'iMitft. uud lu
MUtDluu tier tsiulm lo aulil laud uufuro ltia
UugiKiuraua Htuvivtir ol una uinue m im
tirauou, Uiugou yuttaturilMy, Uie 71U Uuyut
JstulUly, llM).
Hbu uuiuud as wllnwuieeii llorbert K
Ultwver ol CalUweli, Waliu; Ktib II Uulila of
I'tjrry, urttgim, uuu)awiu f luuugus nugaiu,
Oieguu, W Ilium U Lougiuy ol Uilgtud, OicguU.
Auy aud ail uvrMjiui tiidluilJig uUvorsttily tho
abuvvdtMurlboulaoua arj request u Ilia
ibbirululiuj lu ibia uitloa ou or Iwfont tuud
71U dety of JaUUary, HWj.
' U W. Out, Hut-v
T. B. Kelluiia. deoeaB(). EtUte
Notice it heieby given that the under
imKi, 4 M Cburoh, ia order of t lie
County Court of Union County, Ore -gOD,
duly ftpnaiuted m adminiatrator
with will euoexed. ot the eaUto ol J U
Ralloiuf. deoeaaed.
Ala peraoua having claims againat
aaiufdsuce, am uereoy requirea w
preaeot tbe eaioe, properly verilleJ, to
the uoderaigueii, ut the omoe of O. H.
Fioo, iSommer iiulldang. La. (jraiide,
Oregon, wiibin eix mouths from the
date of the nrat publioatiou of tbia
Dated and flrrt pabliehed October
0, Wi. J M Church,
ft of the estate of J E Keiiog,
C B Finn, Attorney for Executor.
0. U. JUaad Otlio, JLs Urande, Orgon.
bOpt. 29, iWL
Notloe Is tiureby glvua tbat lu ouuipllwioe
Willi the provlaioua of Uieaot of Ouugruaa of
aJuuelt, IB(8-uUUwd "au act for U10 tale of
UuiJwr buicu la tbu Huu of Oallfurula, Ore
go lit Kvardse,aud Waabluglou Xorrltory," m
eiLeudad Lu ail Um fuulic Lmu4 Huttov by act
Of Augut , mi, Cliarica M Wrlgbl uf
fuoi uocJCVMUoiy ui uuuimtawuioi vsrugou
Uata Una oy Hied In Uiix omos bu awuru
tateuittUL no. OZ17. for tfce uurcbaa of thu
biifti bud Uft4 6x. IVaud totl Uuu l U
TowiutbJr. No. 4 H.. Katiite alb. K W M
Aud will oner proof m ahuw Uivi the land
aouifUt ia more valuibl fur lu timber or
touelUM.0 agricultural puj-poaea, a,ud lu
eaLsthllsili bia c.lui toaaid laud bulore the
KeyiaUdf a-ud Kuuuiver ul Lhla oUloe at La
urauac, urugou. 00 xugeuv,, iue afvui uay
Aetmuw, iwMa
lie Otuuea aa wltnuBtes: Jamrt R Hauua, uf
MoKav. Ortaeou. Albert Wiuutni uf BUrKey.
sKrauic Ajdau.ul bUakr, Auurew bulilvau oi
Auy and all peraoaa claim lug adveraely the
above dusicribua ludji are nMjuottlbd tu file
Uielr cuaJiu in tbta uirioe ou ur betore auu
th day ol leowiaUHir, uui.
ML T t BVaB, Hi W tmT.
Is open for your iaspeotioa.
In fttat we will be pleased to
aliow you through our etire
eatabluhinent, JSverythiug in
kept eorupuloutly net ana
KOTlUli 1'llH 1'Ulll.lCAllON
U. H. Uuui Udlue. La Uraude Ureaou.
Auaoatj, UU
Notice la'beruby ylvea that la ooulpilauoa
Juiw,!;, eumjtMlAtt act for llw cyGm ftn,l we hft?e a0 beilteiioy
Hiawr muu iu tun nutvm ui wiioi uu, wit-. . . - :J!,.
guu,, audWuuliiguu ierriwry," aa lij 8UQW1U1Z ttlO lUOlt faStiaiOOw
August 4, laust, sVLary lioherly, of Viuaou.oouu-
ly ui uiiuuiui! auttu oi uruguu, ium iuu uti
died lu Oil otllov her iwuiu nuwiuai t
4w Utouurcutue of tue ot!
t owji aotxiou is iu
kuug iSu. avli. w. u.
ft W'iaud
V oW4 ttouiou Lb lu i'owuuiujp Jio. 4 boubb,
Aud will oiier proof 'to ehovr that lb laud
ttouitbi U mora valuable for lu Umber 01
jttuuiiilutu Jor egrltuJiurul puiuottett, audio
ukUblUb her claim to uld luud beoiutba
lU-lkier uud iluuulvur uf Lb la- ullluu ut ld
Uiuaciu, Oli'guii, yu WoJiiiy, the lb di of
oU iLtuiiut tu! w.tueMMi Nell UoUivlU, Uuu
lelMaUtiuu, ol A'cuditH-u, Urcgou; Joaoph
beny, llamey McliUghllfi, of Vinson UfegQU.
Auy aud ull peraoua uldiuiug aJverikiJy the
above djacribea iaudj are fuu,ueiod tu bi
thoifolaliua lu Uiia otfloe ou or betyre gald
aUtu i-vy ul OvIuImw lybf.
it. W. sOavia, AegUtar,
DO'I'KS yUK fVUL.lVA't'Httt.
U. B. ImihX Uluue, tit .Ui Uraude. ur.,
ua ly, ivto.
Notice la horvby givuu tbailutxijupjuiuoe
WiUi ihe orovlsluua ul Lbeuutof Augreaauf
Juuelir iO't, outiUod "Au uot lor ibeauieol
tliubur Utuua lu 4Uo biuiusi uf CuiuorulM uru
guu, Nevuda. uud Wuitblugtou XeiTltury."
tut extuudud to uU the 1'ubUu lUtud UiUat oy
aut ul Auguat 4, ItfJi, liurbert K CluaVnr uf
Jai'iwell.ouuuLy of uuyuu, oUleof idttiiy, ba
tbla day Uld iu tuia uilioe hia awOru te.l
umui o. jaUsj, (or tue pUiuliaM) ol toe hW tt
W4 sUiUrt4l4W UlO a Ol BoO.
Ait, is 1U iuWuaUip .u. 41 U.o. n V W.J4.
Aud will uUur urool toaUuw Uu.l the buid
auught la mote vuiuaOle ior lu Uiuber or
atuue lUau lor agriouiturai uurpoea. aud
tu wiuoiuih his uutiiu tu aaia levud beture
the iiuguiur uud Ueoulvur ui Uiia oUloe at
La UiaaUOe. Urugoii, uu sVrtday, the Olii day
of Juuuttry, Uiu.,
if: luuiwM witueaaua: WiltUiu H Bruwu
uf i'erry, Uiegou; Clara A Hiuwu of i'erry,
Urugou, ii ii Jluliu, uf i'erry, cjreguu; JtWuV
auuu kuuug, ut iltlgurd, utcgoU.
Auy uud nil oernuua ulaluiiuji adveraely Lbe
taUoVw-UosKirluoU ibvuda tue jlkuuoLdU to llie
t-uuir uuimi iu thut oUloe ou ur buforeaaid
Otb day ol Jauu&ry iw.
JoL WTbavla, Huglater.
how our uaeaU are handled. We
now have 'ho latest improved
auuaage maobiue and eaa sell
you sa'.iflage ia all styles.
Bock & TKomas
Sacred Heart Academy
La Orsude, Oregon. This well
known institution, wmducted bf toe
bisters ot 6t. frauds, aSorda excellent
eduoatiouKi advantages. Musie, draw
ing and painting optional etudies.
preparing vouug ladies tut tu proleae
ion ot teavniug a speoialty. Boarding '
and day a uool opens tlie nrst Monday
in Uepteuiber. b'or oalelogoe address
bister Huuerlor. Aog-Or4
n 1 ganMean
Now on Exhibition
Mrs. j. R. Forrest,
Maaonic bnlding'ou Adams avenue. Z
Ouly coeta about 60 per yard
more thau eoiamon plaster, aud
worth many times over.
No danger of freeziag as it
can be used iu zero weather
I Jteiug flexible iuetead of OriU
1 tie ae all eaud uxortors are
1 it will deut )ike wood wheu
ir boow t 1, ; rA : j . r
.Uulated ircti
Notice ia hereby gleu( tusit lu puriuattoe of
luUruolioua itoui tue tUuiuUitiwuer ut tu
Uc.iil iauud ijiluM, utukr autituilty raaled lu
uliu by oemiuu tyjtt U. 0. KcviMal autuUia, a
aiuauucU uir u.m aot ol (juuaraaa auuiuvud
1-eUuarr Jfc. Ian-,. will iMuouod ut uUki at
pubuu aale, l leu oikick a. iu . uu tu 'I uVy uf
aff.UgUat, ayUa), at UU UiaaUS, MM ftUilOWUlg MaVti
vi tauu, ivwiti'
o4 0V4a4k;s1T4UK7i. W. M.
Auy aud ! uwauna uisbitumg adreraal the
abuVe uunH,dbwI Uud at- adviaed lu btu tUu
UaaUitta in Uiia udiMi uu wr ucturu the dty abvvt
wiKfau tvf uter wwiueutjuiucui ui laauu Mte,
tuiwcwiK, their ritfttta wiii be furuiutd. Dated
JUiut iyUi.
K. W. Davla Keg-iiter.
A. U. Kuimrt. JUvoelvwr.
I buve reopened my shop ou
Nortli Fir Street. You will
find my ehop well supplied
aud ' the prices to suit the
times. Yours for bueiuees
Free delivery. Phoue 1601
I tried bnow Liniment, winch did tlie 11
work lu abort order Mr eistsr, Mra
Boohia J Caraon. Allenartlle. Mittln
Co, ra, baa a sore and mistroau ina
it ia a oaneer. Pieaae send ber a
aOc bottle, ctold bj Aewlin lrug Oo.
FOK BALE One Urat elaas milch oow.
For particulars telephone 1276.
Runaway Girls
Depntj Bbriff Bnow waa boay jaa
tanlaj In ao effort to locate aud bring
back to baker City (trace Kiobarda and
Koee Knlier, two 7000 girls wbo ran
way trom their paxenu, and wbo ware
feaad la Weieer LUtoemaorat,
LA.NU Al'f LuuU Odce; JU Uraude urcgoo,
otuber t yu)
Notice la btweby nlvvu tbat Id uuiuuiutuoe
WUU hue psUVMtUUk Ul Ui aU Ul isagfUM V
Juuc 6 lo, eu'.ittud "Au a-;l ioi the ti ul
tiiutaur baud iu tbe 6 let Us ul Uuifof ma, UugvU,
lNatd MUU WaAltlUsitUU 'I'Wll'XV." UA r.K-
Wuued lOall tbe i'uliliu Utud OUtj ly act ul
Aujtuat 4 lA Ituluu M. UullU. uf b (Jrmnle,
touuty ui If uiuu, ALle of r';gw, Uua Uiis
Uiatti ii. Lliia oUtuu bia iwuru abtlumeul No.
tUJU. Hlf UC pU.CUaUI Uf tli nW48W OvUlUU
KXeKfcB W i H K i ol bcvtluu So,
lusvUaUiu iSo. a UuUkU. ilawiare Au M.
Ir ia nnn nnnri.iulA .f 1.. K.W.M.
trinitv mid tlma nrmvAnbi iiinrl Miiuui u uure vatuotl) lo iu uiuUf uf
aiotac toaij lur atriuuitural uuruueitsa. and tau
WUUWI UlCiaiUi to MlU UIUU tWUIV Ustt. Keg,
Mr ud avwiter ul Una uibii at La Ocaiide,
Uiejguu, uu tr riu, tue Mtti day uf lMieuiLr
UBaiueaa itosjMM, AndUcw ; Kulhvaa
LL.IU ' JuU, bcuia.uw Heagcy. rf BUwitey Ur
.-Kuu uud Uewigu V liuiutaa uf La Cude Ui-
. . ......
aiij iuu ajii uortuui auumuui lUTirKir vuv
atbvve UosKrtiOt'l Uudaie t-etacatcd tu bic their
Cta4U) lu Uit utiicu r beiwta atud itVd djr
Baard tioow Lluirneut Oo 'oar Bnow
a 11 ti the a i rial w
of mi onin that' waa aauooaed to be a breakuue LOure, wiuduws, pipe
caooer. Tbe oe waa stuutiorn aoa hole, etc ure easily cat turouu !!'
circutuug it uaUeree equally
well to brick., stoue or coiumou
latli It cuuiiue uo acids uor
cuemicaU to corrode It will
ut bstrn uor disintegrate by tire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blietr
Parties having plaeteriu to
do should commit me regarding
ibis class ol work Eetimatea
cheerfully given
L RE1SLAND, Phone 37
Position Dejired
Ii Uakaguoiii, a Japanese, deairea
poeiuoii aa oook, cbauitwr work, diab
waaber or waiter. Addrea f O but
Ibaut tt-tlj
USPABT f Xlm. aehaeul )
HO. i , .
a0 p. m. Hall LaX-, Doutar It.
NO a Woita. Omaha, Jtauaaa
a-SiaL m. uu bwala. Cttioaau "(It
-ia.m. aad lUat. SiS f.m
yonlutt. ballaa. Fan.
Ol. aiawa. TTalla Walla, n ,
lAla as SJofta. Muaouwpo-
Knm a. - IULaemButm r MP S
i.d u .Ui rla Bfn
kaas. '
ifartlaed. Pallas, fan
HO aiolou Uruatllla Wat ,
lula.lwlalou.Ooi'AX 9
JliMMiuw, WaliaeaMej . m
SeS pro duar, HpoaMoa ana -ulliar
point Mutt aud
uot-ttl Vj, Hpokane.
"?55'.1' C-r, Alloai. .
iiu.biar, and Klain tt
bunda oumuKtiu,,, at l2in wo .
Ki a mlwiin auau furouiuu
I in ftaiioa-a ouuuljr
Uoean Bummers between Portland1 and
Xan fraacisuo every five days
. 0. MOO&B, Ageetl
(ipiea snotua oe earrieaootsneeeeafalljlfa
it is believed, suspicion wonid (all op-1
La Grande, Oregon II
1 T