0 tV M' LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. VOLUME III vy LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON' WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1904 NUMBER 53 . LOCAL ' v4 OPTION VOTE Will be Talip in Twenty-one Out Of The i . ,.,r. Thirty-three Counties in Oregon. being tb flra individual Methodist obareh tending oat foreign mission ary qf lie own and sustaining nlm on aided In his work. For tome' time the oharoh has been contemplating this move and boa finally concluded that il ia able to raise euffloient funds (or hie upporV On recommen .ation of the national missionary board they hare selected Thomas S Molesworth of Ea soz, Ia , and be nils from New - fork on November 16, . to a station in the Pi'nja1) territory In India. Une thons- and dollars has been pledged to bis support. He will report ' to the in dividual oharoh instead of to the na tional organization and will keep his supporters ailvised from time to" time ot bis prog'ess.-' The ehorcb has taken tbla action feeling that more personal interest would be taken by the ohuroh eople In a missionary they could call their own.- i. :....:...;. v There will be 21 oonnties in the state ,j oat ol a total 33 that will vote on the local option law at the November election. In a fw of the conntieB there In qolte a campaign to be waged on the Issue." The following are the counties with . . the vote on local option cast last June For Against Bonton.. .......... ..1,055 : 675 Clackamas 1,943 1,689 Columbia..:: ; 656 672 X Coos ..1,321 : 957 Carry 241 142 Grant 673 641 V Gilliam , 120 251 Jacison 1,561 1,212 Klamath (petition detective) ....... 329 ; 453 Lane V 2,679 , 2,061 Linn..."........ 2,386 1,798 Linooln..., 438 .835 Malheur..'. 601 '' ' 467 Marion. ....2,338 2,7(l8 Mnltnomab 8,005 9,030 Sherman 450 410 Union .1,761 1,509 r Umatilla 1,059 1,816 Mi:o 1,358 1,303 Wellington 1,317 1,579 Yamhill....- ..1,714 1,314 Missionary ' The Taylor street Met) oil is t chnrob of Portland enjoys the distinction of branch met with a new experience the other morning aa he ws taking his nrew out, between beta and bland City be met a farmer looking for sev eral bands to work In the beet fields when foar of the section crew stepped off the hand oar and got Into the farmers wagon and rode away, leaving the section foremen ard two men with the entire responsibility of the Elgin branch ' 1 his was too much and be rever. ed his hand oar and reported to the Eoad master -and ' explained his position but here be waa op against it again when he. was informed that if be could not.seoure a sufficient orew to da the work his services would not be needed by the company. For the ptat few d .ys he has been scouring the country for men who want work but at the last reports he was damming thi republican party, for so muoh "blasted prosperity" .. ; ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHT A' large and aopreoiative audience greeted Miss Ka'herine Trevette at ue Presbyterian oharoh last night in her reading, under the anspiies of the Lyle Tuesday Mnsioale. Miss Trevette Is a splendid reader and her selections w-re enjoyed ss also were (be solos by different members ot the Musiotlt. The program oarried out Has as follows : PART I Stories from Eugene Field : (a) The Untch Lullaby, (b) Plcnio Time, " . (o) The Night Wind Vooal Solo.. Seleoted Mrs. Carr. The Buggies Dinner Party . (Kate Douglas Niggln) Vocal Solo Selected Miss Townley A Little Girl's View of Life PART II Aux Italians (Musio L Trovature) Meredith Vocal Solo Seleoted Miss Townley (a) Shadows (b) Implin (o) In the Usual Way Vocal Solo Mrs. , Riohardson Mindln the Kaby r reserving Fruit Col. R C Judson, one ol the best antborltiea on the subject n the West furnishes the following solution for preserving fruit lor purposes of exhibit Ion In glass jais. It has been used by him for a num ber of years, and haa proved to be one of the surest and most ; satisfactory formulas known. It preserves the color and shape of the frnit a n.0at perfeotly and gives it a rich and deep er color, If possible. The solution Is as follows; For pears, peaches, plums and graps, 100 per cent of dUtilled water, 25 per cent of glucose, ard 1 per cent of formaldehyde. For applea leave out glucose and 3 per oent of formaldehyde. IS NOW E CtllEF Aliff Remans Vicory Steamer Strikes Float- ' Mr Piatt and family left lor their old home in Arliona.; jT"e" v im Min? -Armor pjate is Shipped Through Seattle . ; "Obeying Orders Pendleton, Ore. Oot S6 With 'the departure of four Japanese for their native land id enter tte army the ex odus ol Japanese from this city in re sponse to the order from the Japanese government bM . commenced. ' There are baut ifOO Japanese in '. Pendleton a majority of whom are expected , to' cbsy the order, Wade Residence Sold ,. Hon Walter Pierce haa bought of Colonel J II Wade rest ten. e in Pend leton ani expects to ooonpy It by Deo ember 1 This property cost over J30 000 the consideration in the present Instance ia not made public, toea are going a begging In this oil they wonld undeoelvo themselves by bringing In a few wtgon load and try- ins; w 001 1 iiwui my ll miiii, tuol mk. . ,;r It has oome to. the pais that the grov- V Ara. nnc nr.illncr a markfifc fop their no... tatoes along Front street at the hlg'i . At- . . . . J tall groceries and sell them at lass figures. This condition brings ahou": "" a very small demand from the jobber , - ' : anath y hardly care to boy at any quotation. . until potatoes go mown to . nrantloallv RSimS there will be alien. 1 leiyoo uemaua.iroin ouiaiue (Im. D.'tnln!jtu.M nn.ln.t h -v market! Portland Journal. : j Carload Of Incubators To Much Prosperity The section foremen on the Elgin POSTMASTER VAN COTT DIES New fork- Oct 6-Cornellus. Vao. Cott, postmaster of New York city, died suddenly this afternoon from heart failure following an attaok of acute nervous Indigestion . ' He was taken 111 yesti-rday after noon at bis office in the federal build log. Stockmen from the ranges state that the grass on the mountains Is muoh better then 'hen they turned their cattle ont in the Spring. The Eastern Star meet this evening there will be five initiations tonlerred followed -by a banquet. : , No. fighting of any onnsqnenoe in the vicinity of Shnkhe Is reported. Emperor Ni. holas haa deafened Kuro patio to command the Russian land orew. in the Far East Alexih has been oonti ued in the office ol viceroy. , STEAMER STRIKES MINES J Cbefoo, Oot 26 The steamer Rush ing struck t floating mine north of a small island t midulglit last Tuesday Two Chinese were killer and three wounded. The Kusbing reached Wei Hal Wei today. Seattle Oot 26 Steel platea to be used in i he construction of several sub marine boats tor tho Japanese navy are said to bave pansed through Ever ett today m flat tare. The shipment of material for the oonBtructlon of the boat will likely be shipped to the Orient from this port. Acoordlng to the Information" received here today the cars are the aame that were recent ly wrecked at Minot, Dakota preteum- abU by Russian spies. Inquiry waa made at the Great Northern wharf and it waa stated that shipments of steel plate were arriving daily but that care containing oontra band cargo for Japiin had not arrived today. Itia probable that the steel for boat building will be billed as machinery. Many tons of steel are now being shipped to Japan for use in repairlig damaged war vessels and (or the 00U' structlon of torpedo boats. t ' . tumn I m.Tff7ngCT Hill iff r ' pummerviiie 1 Have your shoes failed to give yon satisfactory wear? ' t Then try our JOHN STROOTM1N shoe lor ladies and children. We know from our many customers who wear them that thera a none better. Come' in aud let us try on a pair of our ladies' $3.00 welted shoes with oak tanned soles. They will wear; they are stylish aud you vill come again. We also carry the Star 5 Star brand of shoes for men," ladies and children'. J )so the RED SCHOOL HOUSE line for boys and girls, all thoroughly tested and proven satis a ;tor y. JTJST RECEIVED Shipment of RAIN COATS at popular prices Lhdies Oxford Gray Covert coat,. .$3 25 Ladic s Olive Worsted, pie id linkg . . 4 75 Ladies gray Dutchess, belt effect. ... 7 60 Misses Tan Covert, with cape 3 00 Gents, wool mackinlobb ... t 5 00 Boys covert ccat tan color 2 25 Ladies Blue Cashier, velvet collar . 4 50 Ladies tan worsted mackintosh 5 00 vf eashmere with cape.... 3 00 Misses Blue worsted Automobile "Coat 4 25 Gents wool mackintosh 6 50 Sifting Sale or Exchange ; Eight ao.es, six room house, Inr i barn,, plat f. hogs and -ohlcki four aorea in orcliaid and berri Just east of dour mill; ' Tbla will . Investigation f'c partioulara ln'i r at MnoF'ttlav.e'a gVoovry . atom, -: , sell or eiihoigj, for oity (.roperty. ' . , . ? -lo-aejii-as v: Pendleton, Oot. 26 A. .oirbad ol inoubitorn arrived 1- st night (rom Forclaod oooaigned .to a general ageot vho has them already diepoied of to Umatilla county people.,,. This is a significant index qi a rapidly deVelppi log industry that has ev.ry natural opportunity to expand. 1 . .. . ,-, - . I. : t Married 1 k STEWART GROBmiECK -In Ih s ' olty on Wednesday Oct. 2U 1031 by. JuBtloeJ Hongb, Mr Melville C . Stewart ami Miss Kat P Groesb-olf, The youug po pie le.idenexr ImbWr, where the young people will ooafn ue to make their home. They are .- -VJMAtstggtt. H'x.-.-a-iiii-i.wftll .-knpwu , na nonorea ana re Hallriwp on nr.ial i peouxi- Some merry, friendly, country folks Together will oonveno, . To burn their nitft, an' poo their stocks , An' baud their Hallowe'en Fu' blytbetbe night..'' '' ' v " 1 The Crystal Rebeca Lodge will give a Hallowe'en social Tuesday eve. Nov 1 at the I O O F Hall. - A program will be rendered, approbate amusements will be furnished Refreshments served and a royal good time assured to all Admission 10 cents. Potatoes Go a-Begging If any one of the potato growers do not believe the statements that pota- The bill tonight at the opera house will be that time hoaorea. ana., always pleasing western .drama "Tennessee's -. Partners" "This Is one of the strong est the yTiedpmann'a bave and one which calls for tho best effort of thrf entire company:: Wiedemann's 'havw 4 reoalved. many flattering press notices; t ii regarding -their- presentation of the . ' ' piece, iece. I i The V? O T O will m-tet .Tburaday, aiternoon at 3:80 at '.be home of Mrs. ,. Q D Simmons. . 'J 's'!-' ffi , Stop-That Shivering And save that Coat . i r ' L3 a,. Items Sent By Our Reg ular Correspondent We are always glad, to show goods and will dolour best to please you- The La Grande Cash Store. Fine weather at present. ,. Mr. Jaok Wright Is visiting bis bro ther Mr Pete Wright. Miss Erfle Hobebo left Monday for Wallowa where she will friends and relatives. , . , Miss Hazel Ties haa a few street hats wblob abe will sell below ball prioe bring any thing In trade and get you a hat Mrs. John Vanderpool made a busi ness trip to La Grande Thursday BORN 1. 1 (his city Oot. 13. to. Mr and Mrs E E Tioe a twelve' pound daughter. ' Mr Matt Mills left for Lewliton Idabo last Saturday u. ftjr:u D A : r f T i ' were callers in Summervilie Sunday, jg Mr W Hamilton returned hometo Monday Irom California, IH Mr John Vanderpool and Mr Will Hamilton from Steel 8pur wore vicit- j ' lag their friends Sunday. Mr. Kenneth McKenzle and sister a Oraos of Lestine were visiting friends j and relatives in Summerviile. ! Miss Mable Tattle has taken oharge I a of tbe Prof, Lessor s room and Is pro fessing nioely. Mr Jap Cheat has moved tbe peti tion in bis store to make more room. I V our horse needs ;. blanket and we have the best assortment in the valley to , ot frjm. ; Floras blankets at all: prices. New stook just received sf ' ' MEN'S GLOVES ' , ; ((Workinmea'a high grade gloves. This is a new tioe with us and we(are proud of our seieotion, , Call and see them. ' Har. ness and saddles made to order. Winter robes just reoeived". Second hand sewing machine for sale cheap. . E. Christoffcrso.i " ' Harness and Saddles s ' ' La Grande, Oregon vvtvtttvv it 4 A Store With A Record- . We have been doing busi ness in this town for 6 ears Ih that time the town has nearly doubled in population . During the same time our business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words -our business has made a great deal more rapid increase than tbe town has. There are dozens of reasons for tnis all of which you will perceive, if you begin buying, drug store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy.. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical .-.side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to business until we know the demands of . tho people of this town, A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist i La Grande, Ore . , We all know Jap means business. CI lvMMtUtvittttMHv ,