La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 24, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Oar daily talks in the Observer. It will keep you polled on what we are
doing with
A $50,000.qo STOCK OF THE VERY
If, perchance, you cannot always come and take advantage of the tremendous values we are offering you in the best and most up-to-date meroha dise this side of
for it or telephone for it, Yoir little boy or girl can buy just as cheaply and satisfactorily at thia Greqt Satisfying Store, i-.
Portlaud, send for it, write I -
Spirited the Buying in Our Ladies Ready-toweacBepartment.
This department would make quite a respeotable store by itself
and has our history been better prepared to meet the in
creasing demand for high class Tailor suits, Jackets,' Coats, Skirts
and waists. Join the happy crowds that daily visit this depart
ment, Price these beautiful garments wherever you will, compare
them with ours. If there are two qualities you will find ours the
best, if there is a difference in price ours the lowest
Sensational Values all over this Department
of $12,50
Ladies Suits
serges, zeh-
eliuea, and numerous novelty
suitings, representing all the
most wanted styles, silk lined,
$12 60
Ladies Suits
New arrivals
iu the so much wanted brownB
and olive effects, straps and
belts satin pipnd Al silk lin
ings', a maguificent value,(22-
I $5 00
Ladies Jackets
.In blaok'
, kersey an d
, Frieze effects with and with-
; out cape, well lined and well
. made, priced .everywhere at
1 $7 00 Choice at 15 00
$12 50 Ladies Jadtets it A A
In black, castor
and many other colors, styles
and trimmings, equal to (15 00
garments, all silk lined Our
price $11 00
CLQTHINGffif1 Rb "nd " my-
Great good news of tempting values that seem good
when you rend about, them and actually look better than
they seem. No cheap trashy, sweat shop goods here, hut
clothing of the highest merit made by well . paid expert
workmenr-rClotbing that any liberty loving man or boy
will be proud to wear. ' '
Note the pricesthey arc hard to Duplicate !
well made.
Black Clay Worsted suits, abso
lutely all. .wobf satin lined extra
; $8 5o
i $12 00 Black Kersey overcoats with extra good
quality velvet collar and farmers satine lining
8 50 pin check caesimere suits, extra
weight satine lined
: . 9 50 Oxford Gray Kersey Overcoats
"atine lined wi'h velvet collar......
$6 50
$7 00
You will never fully realize how much money you can save on millinery until you have visited our Millinery De
railment. We o u aave you from 25 to 35 per ceat on millinery. All wanted styles ' are there in trimmed and
tailored hate)
Real SIO Pattern Hat.; &7 50; Real S3 Scratch -Pelt Tailored
Keui 8B2O00 Plumes, SIS 50 etc. etc
DON'T DON'T DON'T ,. buy your
rubbers without seeing us first. We
handle nothing but the beet known
makes and if you investigate you will
buv your rubbers here BECAUSE they
will cost you less.
Boys and Girls
;, School shoes One of the leading features of our Shoe DeparU
raeut -We are proud of them, they are made to last they will
meet your every expectation ana prioes will please you
v Academy School Shoe, b to 8
si to m
. , . " 12 to 2
.1 35
. 1 50
Is milled with' the idea of pleasing'every dealer's high.1
class trade-custpBMM who appreciate quality. The
name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re
liability and highest grade in every saok of flour
bearing the White Eose brand.'
Pioneer Flouring Mill Co.
J. R. " ' Kellogg, deceased , Estate
Notioe is hereby gifen that the under
signed, i M Cburoh, is by order of tlie
County Court of Onion County, Ore
gon, duly "eppainted bs administrator
witli will annexed, of the eaUte o( J
Kellogg, deceased .
All persona having claims against
aid estate, are hereby required to
nromnt the tame, nroperly verinea, to
the undersigned, at tbe offloe of U. H.
Finn, Sommer linildsng, La Grande,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of tbe first publication of this
Dated and Brat published Ootober
6, 1804. J M Cburoh,
Ezeootor of the estate of J K Kellog,
C U Finn, Attorney for Exeoutor.
of Study
Immediately followed the winter
holidays, tbe Oregon Agricultural
College; at Corvahia, will give free ol
oharge two popular short courses of
instruotion one in agriculture, tbe
other in dairying. These courses
eonsist obiefly ol lectures by specialists
from the Faculty and from si road
combined with work in tbe laborator
ies, where students have access to the
apparatus of the College and . Experi
ment Btation. Tbe lectures are de
signed for busy men and women who
desire to advance with this progressive
age, but cannot avail themselves of
the full-four year course of instruotion
henoe the courses of lectures will
oome at tbe most convdnient season
ol tbe year for combining pleasure
and recreation with profitable study,
hen you
buv a congh medicine for
mii ImnHcit confidence. Ton
wantons that not only relieves but
cures. Yoo wsnt one that is unqoes
iinnaHii k.rmiML Koo want one that
Is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedi meets all ol tbese con
ditions. Tbers Is nothini to good for
ha coughs and colds incident to cbild.
ood. Vol tale .by All Druggists. -
V. 8. Land Odlcs, La Urande, Oregon. .
Hopt. 4), not t
Notice Is berebj given that In compliance,
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, Wi9, entitled "An act ror tbe Mle of
timber land In tnoHttte of rallfunila, Ore.
sod, Nevada, and Wfubinirton Territory," aa
..(MriMl ti all the Puhltn I And HlAles fov art
of August . Cliarln M Wright of
I' Hot KoclcCounly or UroatlllajtatoIuregn
tnenl No. S2I7, for the purrhas of the
HKK SKX 8o M and HEX NEK Hec 2s Twp. 4
Hit Wand Lot 4 Bi'c. Ind Loll Hec. 89 In
Township rio. 4 nange 00, n, w m.
And will orter oroof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for lu timber or
stone than for agricultural purposed, and; to
estaMlsb bis oialm to said land before the
Register and Keceiver or mi onice 1
Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the aoth day
December, ltot.
He names aa witnesses: Jamra.R Banna, of
McKay, Oregon. Albert Winters or Bteraay,
Kranlr Aldeu.orSUrkey, Andrew Sullivan ol
Any inn nil wmiii. vi.iiuiui '
above desclilied lands are requested to nie
Uielr olalms in tbta offloe on or before said
aoinaayoiIonaniDcr, ivn. , . .
and Oram'
mar UraJe
iptlt roi oiriLcmn Conrces.
Boarding school tor young men k boys.
Box 348 University Park Station,
PiHtUtd OftjMl
Those familiar with the short course
system of lectures speak ol it as a
rare opportunity for praotlcal men
and women to familiarize themselves
with the more salient points touching
their business, and to gather euoh
general information ss will enable
them to liae that bigbea industrial
life possible to every farmer and
The instruction, which is simple, ii
adapted to tbe literary attainments
of all; benoe no eduoatiooal test is
required for admission to either of
tbe courses. Tbe schedule of leotures
will be announoed in due time.
The oourse in agrioulture will be
in Janoaiy 9th, and oontinue ten
days. Some of the subjects to be dis
oussed are Horticulture, Plant Breed
ing, Bacteriology, Ubemioal Elements
How Plants Work, Budding of Plants
based upon Plant Oolture, Hints on
Farming, How to Conserve tbe Ferti
lity of tbe Soil, Drainage, Soil Mois
ture, Rose Culture, Veterinary Sur
gery, Rotation ol Crops, Road malting
Fertilisation and How to Make tbe
Old Farm Pay.
Tbe oourse in dairying will 00 tn
menoe January 21 , and oontinue six
weeks. Students will meet lor work
six days of the week. The mornings
will be devoted to praotioal work in
dairy rooms, two days will be devoted
to butter making, two days will be
spent in tbe dairy laboratories. In
the afternoon of tbe days except those
devoted to cheese making, leotures
and reoitations will occupy two or
three hours. The leotures will treat
of Scil Chemistry and Physics, Feed
and Feeding, Dairying, Baoteriology
Breeds and Breeding, Chemistry of
Dairy Produots.
There will be no fees except the
breakage deposit of tbree dollars. Tb s
deposit is intended to oover breakage
cf glass-ware in tbe laboratory, and
tbe actual oost of material used; benoe
a part of tbis fee will be returned in
oase of no breakage. Books will oost
about three dollars. Rooms with
board and lodging will oost from $3.00
to 93.60 per week.
For furher information address tbe
Hats, SI 50 l ft;
Black Dress GoodS
A goodly assortment in ' all the . new
weaves suitable for tailor suit or most
elaborate costume. Quality considered
our Drioos are more tbau reasonable.
PLAID DRESS GOODS just the thing
for school dresses " i
O. N. G. Rifle Team
Guntheries Candies
Ail the eaeenoo ot purity. Ae yoo
can easily convince yourself by test.
Bon Bins and Chocolates assorted
Chocolates assorted Bon Hons 50 ots.
and up. Newlin Drug Co.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may conoern, that the County Oourt
of Union County, Oregon, has ap.
pointed the undersigned administrat
or of the estate of Lorenzo Roundy,
deoeaned. All persona having a olalin,
or olalms against the said estate are
hereby required to present tho same
to the uodoruigned administrator at
Nibley, Union Con ity, Oregon, with
proper ' vouchors within six months
from tbis dute,
H J Neilson,
Administrator of the estate of Lor
enzo Roundy, deceased.
Dated at Nlbloy, Union county, Ore
gon, tills '28th day ot October, 1004.
Oot S8-November 28
Oue Solid Week and Saturday Matinee, Starting
Wiedeman's Big Show
Presenting Dion Boucicoulps 6 act Pastoral Drama
The Octoroon
-A Beautiful Romance of Louisiana
5 Bifi Vaudeville Features 5
Lieut, Adny Rogers, Hagt, James
Qutridge, Musioan Lee Wenbam and
Elmei Hailing, loft this morning lor
Portland to take part in the annual
rifle praotica of the Nationsl Guar I .
Compsny L now holds tb.' cup re
presenting tbe championship ol tbe
stste. lbe men representing the com
pany tbis year are sure ahrls and will
no djubt bring back some handsome
Mr and Mrs M ( Urilliurd were
Pendleton visitors Saturday,
Miss Hay Wenbam la visiting her
uncle L B Weubum In Walla Walla.
Do you wont tochangeyour locution T
Have you a business you want to sell?
Do you want to buy a business or real
estate lu any part of the United States
for cash or crodit. Write ns today
describing your wauts, we can supply
them, we know hnw from 20 years experience
Bargains like this are hard to And
A tbree room plastered house, lot 75 .
by 1(H) leet, on the cur line and lake,
110 each month, When you get (320
paid it is yours. 20 minute ride from
tho center ol the city of Seattle.
FOR BALK One first class milch cow.
For particulars telephone 127U,
New Features
I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing and cleaning. Phone 231
and work will be called for on Monday
of each week Work done promptly
Al. Andrews,
Tailor and Furnisher
If you have a business or real estate
in any state In the Udited States you
want to sell at a bargain, and It will
staud tbe investigation we give it, we
will sell it for you at onoe. Do i,ut
put i' off but write today. We made
1ZI5 business and real estate transfers
last month.
Hlllman Realty Trust.
Drawer 1230 Seattle Wash.
FOUND: set eyeglasses with steel
rims. Owner may have same by cal
ling at this offloe and paying for this
Dress Hats
The greatest line of Talloted Dress
Hats just received at The Fair. Thn
are beautloa to heboid. Our milliner
will be pleased to show them to you
alio a line of oravlnette coats.
Si .'
m I on MM VMM