it " n. ', .... , i. . ' i . f I'iagljj SB'jBlllJBaK ..IT a nri-t yvrl ft L. H A I tfcv.K.II V H ii-Mja - I Till T ZrVPri TT fedtoa., rivo t Mr.Aa.Ivi , fjin 6h tmift u iiili'j Hoy iij.a In itaylott hjT brushei. fendoittefvWhYYtV look out io:lr1nb'libal!g&rpeAlbeotloii of' customers but which have everyihing-to"dowith the Ute and service of the brush. i sThe construction, material, manner iu which bristles A aa gj aai UtlX3r lteirf? ' ri UMM (the tAQiU A M get here are such as you would seek were yoifa brustt i---i-. eipertiw ,l lul jrm J.iiiillHi'l In ulno ei.fl uoib Milm-wii (Jul GOMBS ult.L.i'f .1 .1." m We are as particularjn buying cofnbs as' we aie in sileoting brifsnea. In either line wi are abls to give i.t ll, nn--it.l Uolim tnr mi InoAViWI ')! Ji.llJ 'J Wttrfv'MTJtfT TUT 1"VTT" I1VI 1 11C JLNH VV l-ll. UK UU tu '" , ,,... I LA GRANDE OREGON OC 6p INTEREST- The handsome sofa caahion which iMintdJJy Mra. Jeole.4aley nd raffled ,011 waaJWon f lejjliUjbeligjBejlueky dual E A Palmer, superintendent of the lTmTOer8'c6oor,Ii"Iiilhe city ' today. They have now about SO popila in the iwo rooms out, as aoon aa tire wet oar- Test ia over thla number will be con siderably Increased Miss Eva Nell who ia attending the CoocerQi.n2 People Who Come f V I rvlrw yyverwj1 pujeneewrisea nj ad 2d aaJOtilT tU onl1giU la ler Algeb oJ-tju tlium fcrni JkhiI uili ui HuY. ;i An offer la t faklma to' baili a i.OOO'OOi' aa'sar lactury the The substitution of oil for wood aa (lit Mti OAKqQiJ UoXeWtlla will tbtow.j&piXft-afijgltlbBii kdtdb-ljt wood on the market at that city thia kearunijiiiiiMl 'li ewrut Ihjo'j ju'ik) Gdtf.'6d6mrbciliaVabafWtm'nlete'd,T( WitJcl .l-' ,)'.jl-it ,bJiij i i i. uhu t oippeaiDutnoe iuli ieu of prunes Jlundy,bigbt(innkiug . 32 caja in lli t.'lbe pnoeipal.iruit , ahiph pidg is done. There are. till ai i few i: mm' !1j w v...-:n-.7rinni Pa-w.. , i I' iM tradiorW the Nebraska Qroervf4dr J and rfou jurgeif;bf it. Ouij goods are always I' thijtestj WrflpitTces are the loweaifand our-Btocir-"ir" .cofap'lelii'M iRSIS'iw ,argest f "' "Pffifcwtf.'.. iTJJ1"" canned goods, Alleij u,Lewift,, special. fc brand on all their leauihtt' lmes. We have iust re- V oeivedfajiaew pnijL complete iue of Mn's;andoa;en's i J r and.onoes wuicu we invite you to luspect.. . i I W GA RALSTON if drying bis pAdW"Be' will WWlfci a,poandsiaBd wntpfBorjhin ofl'he uutrllet aaiioonl aa,thsya6' through) Am sweatlDg prooes,rrBeph)isarm oil llj Mead Elliot, Jno Klinghammer and of this aeotion who are shipping oream to La Grande. Reoorder . ! lMr'andl''M'ri'1liBn 'fcrtQllfcfti; b-J"i Welt knbwtf residdtt'br thia county! but now of Dayton Waah., were" 'rfstfri lug with old time friends in Grande EondSiTalleytbei flr8H of ho (eei 1 teachers of Union county. 1 L... mi;. h...i..j -j ' Us'siessieiiBnry ileotertalusd ihs ladies of the Kaiffeeiilitoij,, aj(he.r , home yeaterday afternoon. n i 0 CbiietianlBcft.aad fU4vtif iSuco take in i innlnaus Ball. i... MnE air ofJfaHwia, JslisUlHaJft (be city a few days i'tKI'.J JUJXtt t Ling p week in St. IiOtiiu.taking in the I Avenue between M idel Rest httiiJViii L iVii i .niiaudt fpit jOi-efadei Yin' 'YVi ft i l' - .1,L. . . M(J Jl ...l l 'Pi.- , JjllUlil! nli i.uiit is li.i ; j tiV J i. STivargjm awnspwarwrJirayxt ? ..-n ifr ivg.-siymitKw7i:gK.,w p M.Mwiroiiw.miwBiiwiiiwiyfTW!l boini' aWaiasaBaB)BaBBBanBaa Witi n $40 00 Suit. You huvej lo bujfwiiiVer' good's and)u;gtjd)at5!lw;itljfTe.ry dollar jpaid on ao- ma t te eoilnt lann'on cash nnrnhasBH I l- x Ko 1 ) a a e in-M'. IC ' ini.Uill 111 Ar Andrews i .Utv-tt ii..r-i .IV ' . i wi.'i tt s.iit-- . f.L-j. i ... 1 1 1 . .,J.U- t.) I-J !-. ..!,. y l(ll.', I 1 dr- t I l,l( 141. i-i : j.i n.i'ft .ii i 1 bren the IMard.Jt'RepublicttD.' y i.j .i i J H in in, '1 WoHJ wiii1 e6eived"yestyr&iy frbm1 Miss Lulu Gulling that she was spend. U8peot-')l' .-J- teidwiwhwbbeel, with ty phoid-, fevtr-- at - St Vincent! hospital in Portland, is now able to sit up. llitJ hut) friti , Epgipeiir.Nie,,, Bieyeri , ,.hs. ,rtnrnp, J ng I'ortluiid for several days, ia, home I a'a'n i I I ..J j o'1 t ' Mies' fiaitiotf oiiM ij,.wlxi has bean visiting Iter pareuts in borvaltis since August, stopped to visit her brother, a a class , jf tO.fJba. alates tbat aba wUl aeepuioatf aMiySyimsy MA FB Enfbertfnd son Prankie retained lust evening from Walla urA1lu inn aw buuln I'tK.iiii'iiifiiJ lie will vote for Roosevelt this fall.T feoJut. )i!';bi)li.lJ(i lf.:V, (hi. MtoVr..& Wf Ifonlea:,lan4i,iaop Evirett returfledjqni .optfanjj,, ,Uiii A fall and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunoh goods; Tinware, : Frtfita n'd;wegeUiblesrtil'saaon. EkWy'prodficis'0 " rMor fiqth pwuft don,fon. ,?h Park Tnnnila. TViA'i manv ' ' " ' I I i r l l . I 1 ." idsHwwprtsedto!rarir-tbat. nwaya iru. woa rM-muu-4uii;uv.y, S oiliJ fi:0 ui - sd n...f vK'tHiti niu ''Hnon2 ''id j ,i,.t .(..i.f .t I.,,, m.!.t:T.!,T:....tT i Mi lri(,: .. ( 1 If 1 1 (; l.'.MI 'H'll t I 'I Ml 1 . i M')l!i . 1 r '. ' ' . can of pears and apples to send awav It U to be bopel tba'ift 1;a.le liB reived. .suSicien eompedsation to tify fcirbiii8bippini fruit' soother idon.S-8dbift. V?f1( 'Ul1 Leu ihioji leashes typewriyji in tbe JI1U KAlUUUlt. . . , , ; Hi. i. Itini t"t:i;. h ,'iiii:i J sines enpeots. o, b) lighted bj otrioilyb Ifpjatbfr,,,,., milk its epmdrng a Tew days ml lib oity the guests, Of Mr;' ab J"'Mrs.! Cili Piyni. iB1"ll'' "'" y uAui i Sir,. (Hi I J (.t I ,..! "i mil J I' Inliss BLariiarst Anson will soon n- tdrii borne' for a' few "cfayse'n'wiiY .inu who m vnp caul.. mrairrM-rirvrm'rrru'7i;b?x: penj te-leave bijiu-, lor i.L a Ajpgeles, pnfiqrbhj, wsjreymalg their ilim uo Jim'i i-ti U: oj i'A' moil tiJ r A waterman fountain pen on Adams Avenue between M idel Rest ) i''.fafD 'tP,om,S staples. 1, : ...ross "ANURW3r::':i i. I It- .K.A..I- Ij V ...... .J .!.,:. n t., jn nj ai.i .. I tT... f.t,(, , Gents1 Furnishers' and Tailors' "' " .IJilt.. ...,.,! .., ,.a .... .. .; J, (in uli New uud. So bu' Hand Goods. Coin L1G 7f it.i. i Fire j. roof safe. . ... ... . ; . .150 00 . Uoruoss to 00, oi wugon 10 00. Iron bwls "2 -26 nud j, Wooden lnli fit'Oaivl up, Hoatin Stnvea 1 50 and ' iJpJ'rri'nk 2 '.'5, Ex otisinti tahl9 3 00 and up, Chairs ,2(c auii up, Velertiuitry Surgeons case 1(1 66, 'RfiPl4 it guhairs 1 00 and up, IB-inch dry wood & 00 She La Grande Pawnbrokers " - r Corn i Fir and dams.'1 w'l !tiin'l)r e attll boy and veil ill k.nJs f Sf:nnd Hand Goodajl Jt Jt ' Jl ' rndne'1301 " MTealIiSiTfienaoK'JftS the tjeaoher' reejfig 0) Pendlptouj waotjon to IV ..VVaa sperd iinrjT aHB.w.ri. ir ir. oil 1. X'rr..'i' mil .11 "on, Jttifey, .who, ,waa, reiwtfiii drowhed .Otttb.e, ewp.i rhii i waa loat in tha, , A,laska wator.i, , , etu tned, , , th la kniorniug. Ifeither,bft nprkJlsrrjUbUle. were ott tt.xesaeU, rVlr-Uhtaefltppowi over in.PpttlBPd. j,, b.,c) unW .MrB. Joha MoDouaJd,. of . llltiville, yasbingtopi.js in. the oity tho guesf of : 'her anuuht(jr,.Mi. O- h Thorp. .Ihis Is the: Hrst irlsH, Mraj JIoUioBld ,nd hor daiuflhior. have lisd foe twelve years. '"V'el(lemann's" compnny will ap- peat arUo Otni Hoose in I rnde aafingrell Of aext weekli.1 ot l.nna ...Mrs?' T 4llll"hiitf' B-Rem' vMtlhtr' ,f.rippdB'fnfi6iJdAVIii lfb wbt." l JheladViM of' tui Cii'tbollbf.cburcn will closetopir fair tonight when" (he 'ilue fair lias beir'u vopy successful one ,iuevory,respect ,Ji),v. , II P Kiipuedy,;iwh,9,(leftl(ori Teaa nliont Jwo. weoksi,agoi,1clled,1byi Insss of hissister, is expeciad viua. tiija oreniiiK. His sirtor is ome ibit im proved, but as she Is in the advanced f.i l!i:l'jiiiYiV'.'V.''iiJJ 1 VJT I lust received and must be sold neximt&fM-m-W 4li flhiKbig Uopk consitsvof Bed Roorr Suitf Bete, 1 fSpryM L&essevjPjtlwvS CirpeU X Linoleum)? Plain, Cane Seat and Upholstered Chairsn Vl rWi...,. - j....t. - o .... iB....)i! a v.. .'.i- .KOCRers, rarior aerSj Cic.' "tornpiei Micneir-aimwir ' --tVi' i)'tsi.i Ali'i'it ' A ioA'i,''Jfr!l .a, c. u inns jDrniuiref ueiiiinjj a voo Jtovcs, Harness 9 Biggest Lot of Second Hand Goods in Union County Remember we do Upholstering a ad alP lcii?ii,,of . Repair work. Carpet! Cleaned MTMW 0 r '""'T' . Li', i i tx 'iV r.liu ; Tt. MH.:tVlt Jl1- i lilt f'.VI IIIUII. illC t'lljl '" i speed 'l,'.M.vy app5Jo! ijB LwuiSer, but not to us. It' way; the more ;i-.slouiers we b(ve thatjciihutiLYrl the more rope 'a this speed ,Mot)ge them fed. 'We do it ido, iii'sucu a uice r,,,,1 GENTEEL FASIIIOnt ut' That,-althoughA their , lunch is a, tiurrtea oney tu y liave no dyspepsia! aftcrwardt v.Qood food JielpsftodOiittnd good food 1 for 'a'iitiUe 'mottev' can alwavi hn hnrl af otff feataurttut'."4 When voti 1 urniift'iflilMr ' IWilhhK "Ji.ll'-li.;' lastof'tho ar.'icles iviil he raflleii ,bff.'.a l1Q .' : jvIj.. r :;;;;:;:;REsrAijRANT;'-::r'( ,UJA.ARBUCKLE, .Prop,.., ! ...OPEN DAY AND NIGHT .. - .1 II. . 11 L ... .1 I , - . . nvnni wmiy Heal . J ,. ' . TlckeM:Oaah. . $450 , . , DtaRu of c.inauniption, little hope of tier1 p.aniauoijt r'uvo'rjii is expoctcdi ' 1" HOD 'I'i'Oti .1 HDUU'l JlJ.lJJt a. ni.1 Ji'il yni.lj il UTtllil H 8THiduM WATCH MAGNATIZEDI ' u uucw. aBya os.iae 4JacreMlu .oe .of "eleetrloity the 'danger ' ' of; having yonj watoh magna i-tiied la lireatar '.than inltha Asst.' r. Juu WttWU .CKII. Ml WW Mlb Sir id avguua swapeav. wtKny.itb eiiinsuiaciojy nerOj-is no neoisslty of running the risk of Bainf y(r : watcbr-loett vtl broken sending it away when von nan ant it matin mm'aZtt'&fK'1lr new at home by a praotiole 11 UWTII II I rrvi -ViZZJr KtELWMM 4sJ gTiS " r ;, HevPes V J i .XtaiteiiaBHMsariataraHai J ' r. -,H-vReare, tht, j j y y J, j I HOUSE fejEjiflfliAE Sg S i . ji in. j r, '. . ,u. S s : ; a :e Jri The annual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large V.2 ; kl STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, e ' WindoW Shadei Pictures; Etft i wili bear Tear most oritirW ! investigation. v'Otir ' Atoclr.lfl'd'imple'lOr' Oav-pHoeticlat.aMkS u T -s5 "H-'niii.,) o;v liiM xiihmii'l if,,5i,M orfJo ea.i'5 I j f itm!) So S!W. X-!,.( '1 ei.3 J..iSi,i ili,,jfi 3 '" - M P A MnPnC11 "-'IPhbneO-l j a M L-i. niNUIVUJJ Residence Phone;367 l9 ;: a Undertakers and Embalmers i; house FtW&t&u ynnuoliU 1 II - . - ar m w -w- ja .aw w w , as a'aaaB ill W W m We hnve secured a line of munhinBS that jra aaid tn ha Ill f . . , - - ; - U"T. , , v. f f"i 3 A--rten guarantee with each maohine given by the 'minufaoturers'for', ten years Our price is low, . Call ; and look the machine over aud see hPiW.'we.1'.' seirthem. "'" ' ; .--...',,, , , ' . ' " - (t Llt.1;;x' . J01.1 'till Weave The exclusive agenoy for the- lu.l ) i U i i4Aett's Safety Razor 1 1' -jl - - j. iiUllT Tbi.'.Vh'T iitii 0 :ij;r. . (Ji -i-.-i'i QOO'lOU' ; ii.i iio ,.:.ii'.i W .. JL i-t v. i-ii. iUi . im. I u.mi ...,. .1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenue, ,1t:1rT ;:', " ''i ? I jU vnmyinU Ate jtoli "m ',")','? J"'''.? ."' ' 'Hi. ' o.-.i k i.. i.i, .. t !!(' IJ fl - si IIIIMHIHIIIHIIr ll-laMIMlilllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllaMllllllllllttllllllltl i rf.i