1 1 . : a READ! READ" READ"! Our daily talks in the Observer. It will keep you posted on what we are doing with A $50,000.00 s rOCK OF THE VERY '. BEST MERCHANDISE ON - EARTH If, perchance, you cannot always come and take advantage of the tjremendous value's we are offering you in the best and most np-toldate meroha dise this iida of Portland, send for it, write for it or telephone for it. Yo.r little boy or girl can buy just as cheaply and satisfactorily at this Great Satisfying Store."' , Spirited the Buying in Our Ladies Ready-to-wear Department. This department would make quite a tespeclable store by itself and has never in our history been better prepared to meet the in. 1 oreasing demand for high class Tailor suits, Jackets, Coats, Skirts ' and waists. Join the happy crowds that daily visit this depart ment. Pnc'e these beaatiful garments wherever you will, compare them with ours. If there are two qualities you will find ours the best, if there is a difference in price ours the lowest , - Sensational Values all over this Department of $12,50 Ladies Suits Made serges. leb elines, and numerous novelty , suitings, representing all the most wanted styles, silk lined, 12 60 Ladies Suits New arrivals in the so much wanted browns and olive effects, straps and belts satin piped Al silk lin ing, a magnificent value, $22 22.00 $500 Ladies Jackets In blaok kersey and Frieie effects with and with out oape, veil lined and well made, pricid everywhere at $7 00 Choice at (5 00 $12 50 Ladies Jadcets AO In black, o s s to r and many other colors, styles and trimmings, equal to 115 00 garments, all silk lined Our price $11 00 CLOTHING f fhiVRb Md b Rht,y' Great good news of tempting values that seem good when you rend about them and actually look better than Ibey seem. Do cheap trashy sweatshop goods here, but clothing of the highest merit made by well paid expert workmen Clothing that any liberty loving man or boy will be proud to wear. ; ' Note the price$they ' Utt hard to Duplicate ,' (MA Art ' Black Clay Worsted 'suits abso- fro C 4IV JJ lntely a,i WOol gatm lined extra 4 l) well made. ' -.. $12 00 Blaok Kersey overcoats with extra good Dl A quality velvet collar arid farmers Batine lining . , PiU ; $8 50 pin check cassimere suits, extra weight satine lihed .". '.' . . . . 9 50 Oxford Gray Kersey Overcoats atine lined wi'h velvet ' collar.''. . . . . $650 $7 00 LADIES HATS You will uev-r fully realize how much money you can save on millinery until you have visited our Millinery. De. P'Ttment. We cau save you from 25 to 35 per cent on millinery. All wanted styles are here in - trimmed and tailored bata Heal SIO Pattern Hate; $7 50; Real S3 Scratch .Felt Tailored Hats, SI' SO Jtteai uu numes, okj etc. etc Rubbers DON'T DON'T DON'T I buy jour rubbers without seeing us first, : We handle nothing but the best known makes end if you investigate you , will buy your rubbers here BECAUSE they will cost you less. " Boys and Girls . ,""-- , School ahoeB One of the leading features of our Shoe Depart ment We are proud of them, they are made to ' last they will meet your every expectation and prioes will please you. - Academy Sohool Shoe, Bi to 8 i 35 . " " 8i to Hi J 60 12 to 2 1 75 Black Dress GoodS A goodly assortment in ell the new weaves suitable for tailor suit or ' most elaborate oostume. Quality considered our prioes are more than reasonable, . PLAID DRESS GOODS just the thing" for school dresses WHITE ROSE FLOUR Is milled with the idea pf pleasing'every dealer's high. " class trade-custonMM who appreciate quality. The a name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re D liability and highest grade in every sack of flour B bearing the White Rose brand. I-Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. m p if Teachers Return Home. :administratok'S notice. J. R. Kellogg, deceased. Estate Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, J M Church, la by order of the County Court of Onion County, Ore gon, duly appainted aa administrator with will annexed, of the estate oiJ B Kallnoff. HnnMMMl. All nnrnnna havinff claims' against Bald estate, are hereby required toof AagxM , imtj, nuuica M wiW or present tbl same, properlv verified, to I ffaaTBV'IS0- iuh uoaeraigneu, at me uujuo u, v. . Finn, Bommer ftuildeng, La Grande, Oregon, within six mouths from the The Union county teaobers returned In a body last night from Pendleton. They report having a right royal good time and the pleasure of attending one of the beat 6 luoatlonal meetings ever held in the west. And by the way the west haa bettemeetings than any other portion of the U. S. the good to be gained from these meetings can not be over estimated. Bupt. Aokerman presents a new Idea In the length of term for (he rural sohool. Have 12 months school and have ocrtain grades attend at certain times, aa the 8th and 9th gradea from October to March, oto., thus giving all publls a chance to attend school. Prof Hockenbury proposes to teach grammar and not so many fol de roll, and the Dynamic Education proposed by Snpt Tormer of Spokane Is the greatest reform In education ever thought of. Instead ot teaching pa pile all the anatomy of frogs.flowers and insects he would teach whloh of these are useful and whloh are enemies to man: how to promote the growth of one and destroy and the other. U works oat his theory In every branch. In arithmetic, instead ot compound interest and cubd root and such things as that he would teaoh the pupil to figure how much the farmers lose every year by having bad roads, and how muoh they lose by raising scrub cattle. While these things are new and may never be used In full yet every teach er who heard these addresses will to a certain extent work on these plana and many boys and girls will be taught a useful lesson. instead of com puting the Interest on a partial pay ment problem or aualyzing useless sen tences. Union county was well represented at the Pendleton Educational Meet ing. The teachers from this county are the following: La Grande; Hookenbnry, Noordhoff, Stager, Sny der, Mrs Nell, Misses Aldrlob, Wor Btel, Mcllroy, Tait, Kuhn, Mitchel 1, Kirtley, Wenhain, Logstlen, McKtnley, Goodnougb, Huff, DeDong, Uensen, Rohan, Harris. Union; A J Bender, Roy Conk Iln. Misses Ghormley, Chain, Herrl tage, Wright, llldwell, Webb, Den ham, Petre. i Island City; Miss Jones, W L Tucker, IVed Cox. Ullgard; Frankie Herrltage. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 0. B. Land Office, La Oranrte, Orcffon. , Kept- 2?. Notice Is hereby ttlven thiit In compliance wllhltie provlnlOM r the act of Oongreiui or June 3, 1879. cnlllled "Au act for the sale or ni :iunu in thnMijitpA af Ca lrornlo. Ore. ton, Nevada, and Waahlnnton Territory," u oitended to all the l-ubllc Ijind Blatoa by act date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published October 6,1901. J 11 Church, I! Exeoutcr of the estate of J R Kellog, deceased. O H Klnn, Attorney for Eaecutor. DEBT COUGH .MEDICINE, JUR CHILDREN, hen you 1 ut a cough medicine for small children yon want one in which yon can place implicit confidence. Von want one that not only relieves but cures. Yon wsnt one that is unques tionably harmless. Ion want one that ia pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meet all oi these con ditions. Xhars Is nothing so good for he coughs and colds incident to child ood. For sal bf All Druggists. . nlHlemcnt No. H217. Tor the nurehas of the bb5 SI.XHtcM ewi N K' i NK'4 sec 26 Two. 4 sllfe and UU rv'c.lBand Lotl Heu 80 In TWn.hlp No. 4 H., Itange w M. iiinn..nn.,rU.iil that the land souaht i more valuahlo for lt Umber or Monethan for arrtcaltnral porrosBi, anU to e.tnMIh hl c alm toanld land he'ore the HeKlflteranu neceiver "i mi. y Orande, orwra, on Tuesday, Uk aoih day December, IK. He namfixi wltnesiea: JamnvK uanna , McKay. Oregon. AllKrt winie 01 ji.r..;, Kiintc Alde".orWkey, Andrew Sullivan ot 8 Any end all pmons claiming adversely the above deMTlled lands are requMled to nle thelrclaims in mm uu u . 20lhd.yofbec.mner.lfcl.Div BwWr Columbia University Collegiate, Preparatory Commercial and Gram mar Grade u?li roi oiTitomi Cources. Boarding school tor yoong men A boys, Box 348 University Park Station, rVtiui i0" STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE One Solid Week and Saturday Matinee, Starting MONDAY OCT 24 Wiedeman's Big Show Presenting Dion Boncicoulps 6 act Pastoral Drama The Octoroon A Beautiful Romance of Louisiana 5 Bifi Vaudeville Features 5 PRICES, 10, 20 AND 80 CENTS Finnigan's Ball , "Flnnlgau's Ball was produced last evening on the stage at Stewart's op era house, and a paoked house listen ed, between spasms of laughter to the merry and humorous sallies ot wit be tween the two oharaolera, Cssey and Flnnlgan. The specialties were numerous and well executed with an unnsually large number of changsis in rloh costume. It was almost one continual laugh from the rising of the ourtatn to its falling, and most who were present have sore sldes'today. Married At the home of Mr and Mrs O B Truesdale, 1202 North Eighth street at 5:30 o'clock Isst night, John A McCar ty and Miss Irene Holbrook, both ot Grande Or., were united in ' marriage by Rev A K Wright. Boise News Dance Ou Saturday night there will bs a dance at the Protbst'l's giove. Music by Nelson's utcliestra. Tickets 50 ots by Will Oldenburg, Jesse Griffin end Elmer Bartemesa, Dress Hats The greatest line of Tailoied Dress Hats Just received at The Fair. They are beauties to behold, Our milliner will be pleaaed to show them to you also a Hue of oravinette coats. Guntheries Candies . All the essence of purity. As you oan easily oonvlnce yiuraell by test. Bon Bns and Chocolates assorted. Chocolate assorted Bon Bona SO ots. and up. Newlin Drug Co. New Features I am now prepared to do all kinds nf repairing and oleaning. Phone 231 and work will be called for on Monday of each week Work done promptly Al. Andrews, Tailor and Furnisher ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all whom it may conoern. that the County Court of Union County, Oregon, has ap. -pointed Hie undersigned administrat or of the estate of Lcrenzo Boundy, deceased, Alt persons having a claim or claims againat the said estate are hereby required to present the same to the nnderaigned administrator at Nibley, Union Cou ity, Oregon, with proper vouohors within six months from tbls date. H J Nsllaon, Administrator of the estate ot Lor enzo Boundy, deoeased. . . Dated at Nibley, Union county, Ore. gon, this 28th day ot October, 1904. Oot SS November 28 FOUND: set eyeglassos with steel rims. Owner may have same by cal ling at this office and paying for this notice. NOTICE Do you want to change your location t Have you a business you want to sell? Do you want to buys business or real estate ia any part ot the United States for cash or credit. Writs us today describing your wants, we can supply them, we know how from 20 years experience. We offer you today six acres ot land . all fenced, a good 6 room house, good barn, 04, cblcknus, 23 ducks, wood cut for the winter, running water the year round, a few fruit trees in good condi tion, over looking the sound, a real bargain, three minute walk to car line running to center of the city of Seattle Wash..876. Takes tlOO down and tl!i eaoe month until paid tor. If you have a bualneas or real eatate in any state in the Udited Btatea you want to sell at a bargain, and it will stand the investigation we give it, wo will sell it for you at once. Do not put it off but write today. We made 1235 business and real estate transfers last month. llillman Realty Trust, Drawer 1236 Beattla Wash. FOB BALK One first class milch sow. For particulars telephone 1279,