J IVAmliNow Ready , j'' FOR BL'SINESS , ,,. '" I uni a graduate of the Welander . Cutting ScUppL.Ne" York, and hold a diploma therefrom I am a practical cuUet-Jinil ..designer Give me a climn'e. A. H.Marquairdt TAILOR U Grande, , Oregon , , t f' T .. I !. A. 1,1. a Grande Evening; Observer IEY BROS., Editor Pr pa Sotered, at the Grand By Oregon, Mall Matter. . Post Office-at La aa Saoamdc Published daily except Sunday One year in advance., 16 60 Six moctbs in advance.... 3 60 Per month .j y, .--..-. .66 Single copy ............... .6c Saturday evening, oct 22 1904 I TURKESTAN ALFALFA' ' The Dry Land Alfalfa growa without irri gation. - BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' -The only, Seed House inUnioa County.. A.. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 There; are Lots and Lots Of people who could be lawnowners II they wanted to . It doesn't take so muoh money by oar plan, , All they need la a kittle money,. The balance we accept , In email oonventent pay ments . Before they know it they Own a Lot.., And it won't be la some daeolete.far. away region that-jwill, never Improve. It will be In a locality that 1. bound to Improve end inorease In value.. If ( yon want to know wh-re anch lota ere, j drop In and ask aa - We think we ran abow yoa the beet and easiest real eatate proposition yoa ever beard. FOR PBESIDSNT. ,.. THEODORE : ROOSEVELT, " ' ; ;' of New York"' FOB VICE PBK8IDENT CHABLES W. FAIRBANKS ' i i - ' Indiana-" ''' ' "fob PBK81DKNTAL eletoh ; o. b. dim kick, ; Clackmas A. o. Houon, Josephine J. N. BABT, , Polk J. A. Feb, Umatilla "For life la all to ahort, dear, And sorrow la all to great, : To offer our alow oo paaaion ' That Urrlea until too late, And it'a not the thing yoa do, dear, ' It'a the thing yoa leave undone, Which g Tea yoa the bitter heartache At the aetting of the hi," Edith M Todd, in, Ladie'i World. mCa Srande investment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon ' FULL MEASURER Chain wood by, the,. Cord 128 cubic fvet'tc the cord. - 16-inch dry chaiav wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the i load, i You pay for what you get arid ge what' yoa pay for.' Phone 571 H.W.NIBL.EY A Few Choice ' Bat-gal na in Wal lowa County t .Real. Estate (1) 200 acres at laa I, U ai-( o ipi'jl i of iiliiritin III ii In fall town wheat. Usui, urn til ,air lallinii -V tr snat-an S2.H0O VirtU) aerft,. aneiill orrhanl; - h.,. bou-ii k tain; ntau atroua t 131 2,0 nt-ri of .'and Dirt AllllillllllillCTl Mkl ka j ih..l. -AUI Lin. ml h.u m k. ....t .... .1 -1 .n.-i.- BaVI in oaulr iu tiat't on lata propurt. rMc 110 Ki.icit. 4 Niwm.taloreliokx Ulid-PrU HO p.r r Tali la ffTMl kmnltk i . I'-uaeiNof fl L.d at $-10 pr acr- Theianre lew of th aaaay aapa We u. ... WBy wl ma. oaiKmiiifc r m i m higt paruonian eaarMt, .pJ; h.it tora WM too emfaeHasm h . fcu, ot walor Jim luruiuh vUft-A are' Sarfaln t Uffitl tolwhlofl ta tha flnct of bimVV; coed lineac ah4' : 111. viii. . 1 ii- Till bantali Si, M'DR,niel WALLOWA, wsRi'Hmi)i.,kHHases4i)g M' Donald OREQONi OLD TIME LIVING " Jn 1860 the per- oapita ,con- somption of sugar in the United' States was 30i DoundH. in 1903 it was 711(tporind; ; In 1860 the- per- oapita eJn- sumptiou of coffee in tne United States was 6,79 pounds rand , .in 1 903 it was 10:79 pbu'nds . The' average import price . of ooff ee in 1860 was 10,8 cents' per pound andin 1903 . it ,was 6.5 ceute.per pound. In 1860 'the per capita consumption of . Tea in' the United States was .84" ' of a pound and in 1903 it was 1.30 a poqad Iu 1860 Nb'l pigMi'orji at the foundry was rated j'$22.75 per ton, la 1903 it.wan $19. 92.. Iu 1880 the net rise of stand ard cotton sheeting war 8.73 cents per yarn in ivi)6 it was 6.26. In 1860 standard . cotton prints, oalioot, per .card aad in 1903 it was 6 cents per yard-.- In 1860 tHere were employed in the manufactures , in the ;U. S. 1,811,545 wage earuere -te whom were paid thai year "lor wages and Salaries $378,878,966 an average ofi 688i96i to - eaoh employee.' In 1900 the faoturiea in the United States employed. 5,719, 137 persons to- whonrwere paid in wages and salaries' 2;76o",430 848 an average, of (478,29 , to each employee nearly double the average paid ih ' I860; NO NEED FOR NEW COUNTY BGIBII1 IBIDSII B ft 0 B O av Farmers' and Xradet';J National, Bank;. LAGRANDE. OREGON. I Capital Stock fully paid 60,000 ' Surplus fund ... 13.000 ' j Liability of Shareholder - 60,000 Responsibility . 133,000 We do a general banking and exchange business. rafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign basks. JOSEPH PALMER, President . J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier , n u r H ooniiBnnaaaanaaaaoaflat Apparently ,tbei next session of the Oreon Legialture ; will be called upon to bury the coun I ty seat ambitions of the town of Union, It has been thought that the leautt of the1 election last June was sufficient ' to put auend to the contention., that had been of long duration ' in Union county; but how," with a purpose to regain its lost estate us a seat of government,. .Union is spreading'the gospel of county division. The proposal now ' broached is to segregate twenty towhships for the . purpose- of erecting a new oounl'whefein is now the southeastern part of Union county, and thus give to the town of Union, once, .more, the dignity and prestige ' of a county seat location. If the Legislature, as a. body, shall be made at all acquainted with conditions as they exist in Union county today,' thet fact lone will insure swift, defeat for the new ambition. Within the Grande Ronde valley, along the various streams, and among the fothilla. tributary thereto--aearly all witJun sight from the present county Seat 'is found tliebhiefraetors- of our wealth producing resources our farms orchards, pastures, mills and m'anufaot6riesr It is a rich and s oompaqt terrjtory ,y throughout Which the burdens of attending treaties Of a 'pobtio nature are bout td nearly equally divided' as' Could be by any location of the county seat whiob could at (hie 'time be considered,- eligible. Throughout the teiritdryr there is such, harmony of essential in terests that ihe re. must , yet -be very much . w 'development, a greatly ... inoMaM-pepulation, 'and iwre or there, a vast differ entiation of interests, before , ar gument for fhe division of such community-jHoan i justly .claim even the' questionable" quality of'speciousneam. Surely no dis-- criminating body of men could at this . time be . induced to look upon the proposal . in anyway other than as an at tempt at aggrandiiement-which takes no account of the general welfare, acd which is without any standing in the . necessities of the people, as a ' whole," who would be effeofedl 'thereby. . ' The suspioion that the effort is born of resentment for the new state ofc6unty 'bffairs 'haa a'ttachedto the mjve since its inception, and it seems now to be lully justified,' si there- is an their (perhaps an alternative). proposal which would .attach the territory ;-. in question n to Baker eounty, with Which it has not and never . will ' have auy. natural cause for affiliation. It" is always unwise to hurriedly dqouse another of having, eaten sour grapes,. but in this instance it appears they Who are p6nsors for the new county movement stand selfconfessed' of having sucked an aoid potion from ' the vineyard. Time was when WascO county stretched ;from ..the Cascade mountains to-tbe eastern bound ary of Oregon',-when the Colum bia Titer flowed past '. the seat of government' for all the couc try betwedn itself and California state line, ' Now fourteen -other counties are lusty "contempor aries of what is left of the old organization, and yet itself is a more potent faotor in the west ern' empire than it was in its days1, of "magnificent distances. TJ..I Ann r v : ..: Ult UUI lUMU. VI lUOIQ DUUllVl aiuua uuue into existence witn out just claim, for -. a separate part, in the state! s organism. - The-development of new re source's" planted people in the Wilderness, and. as the complex conditions of life grew upon thBrn, isolation f.i. in the 'seat 'of local government became a bur den that tha i state was duty bound to shift. But today the the stale can have but one duty with. respect to any' application to ereot a new county in the territory named," or to attach the same to Baker. That duty will be discharged when the legisla- tUTe Calmly sits upon the pro posal and allows it to gasp for breath, until the"' session" shall have ended. Elgin ' Recorder. Brought Home Aliai Qta Eubaoks, who baa been in Walla Walla learning the millenary buahutae died there on Friday and was brought home today by .ber father Wm, Eubanke whareaidea near 8dm meiville. The funeral will take place tomorrow, the interment will be in the 8aimerlllo 'cemetery. H in On wet-e charming young lady and tne family bare the dee pool aympathy ul a targe aoquaintauoe in their baieavt-manL Died WINK In Union on laat thureday the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs '' Ike Winn. How dear to my heart U the old-fashioned waahboard t . That mother need to waab on when I was a boy, , 1 With ita siac-oovered ridgee the Bade need to play In And aoap babblea gambolad to n,y oblldiah Joy. Otttmes have I watched her when wearing her knuckles. Aa over the ridgea oar dodaehe would tab. I ne'er will forget bow aba splashed and ahe alatherep The old fashioned waab board that tood in the tub. . .-, .-':.' CHORUS ' . - , ,., ' - The etd fashioned waahboard ; 1 i : . .. The aluo-ooTered waahboard; J The baok-breaking washboard that stood in the tub. S ftana Wltsalwyva1okabow p..to daU lauddriee, Andaay they wear out their clothes every day; ! Bat give them to me, ao I will have a bot dinner S - At borne, -with the smell ol the aoap auds away. ' a I know that the washing machine ia maoh eaaier On all ot oarolothea than to take them ami rub. , . . . Till the buttons ani bosoms are loat and worn out' By the old-f aahloned washboard that stood in the tab. . . We are not the old fashioned kind. ' Iabc laundry PHONE j i85i -r" ' : . ;........aaa.a.ae.eeaaaeaeeee.atai,0aaa.a.a.a..aia r 4 LOCAL JJCITEB MARKET . ; Creamery Batter 05 cents per. roll. Batter Fat 25 oents. per pound,. Dissolution Notice NotioelaherebTKiveo that., the co paatnership of W m . Grant and Harold Herron, am.-er the firm name, of Grant a; Herron. haathladav been diaaolved Harold Uerron retirinrr. Tbe baaineaa will be conducted by Wm. .. Grant who will ' pay 11 .debts and colleot all amounts due the firm. Dated at La Grande, UrrlOn oounty, Oregon, this 30th day of September, ISO.. . Wm. Grant, 930-1080 ' ' Harold HerrSri, For Sal), Acre traot with new two room boose, la Pleasant Home addition. -S400. Part - oaah, balance - monthly install-' 1 ments . -Enquire of V H Haworthat ' Stoddard Lumber Co, 10- 17-24 FOB SALE Good ' rich Loam for Lawns also .Gravel for stieetfiUihg ilnquire Of JJohn An honv. - Beautiful Pictures . - ' On next Monday night, Got. 24 1934, there will be au entertainment given under the auspices of tbe Ep wortb League at tbe M E church in this oity. This entertainment "will present i n full the original Steel and FrMland illustrated couoert, and will inolodei beautiful illustrative . and- Bnd the'ir eatate. Fruit Boxes. r . Send your orders for Fruit Boxes to Stoddard Lumber Go. at tbe La Grande planing mill. amuaiDg piotures, music; tongs all. ol whloh will bj illUBtrated. - " 'This oonoert . with Mr Steel as baritone soloist, is reported as stand ing at tbe bead of all entertainment! of ibis kind. Rev. Smith, of Elgin, who had tbe pleasure of seeing this same ' production ' in ; Chicago, . Bays that it ia the beat production of mov ing piotures that it ha' ever been his lot to see. The purpose of the enter tainment is to procure money for the pnrohasa of a new set of song books for the Metbodist chotoh, and during the lengthy 1 program" consisting of FOR SALE An almost new 4 room house,-nice lawn, In best residenoe part of town, very cheap if taken at once, only part oash.:: Hee 1701 Elrst Corner Spring eta. ' Oct 12 19 K)R SALE Milch cow Jersey, 1100 lb. ' driving hoise, ' gang plow, top buggy. Apply to A. Mullenburg, ' mile N E of Island City. - w Oct 14-Deo 14 GUARDIAN'S SALE ' By vtrfue of an 'order and license made and entered by the Hon. County Court of Union County State of Ore gon' on September 8th, 1904, 1u the matter of the Guardianship of the per Bona and estates of Hrneat N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and Frank ' A Patty, minor heirs of Thomas K Patty "de ceased, and wards of- tbe undersigned their guardian, 1 will, from and after the 21st day of October ' 1904, at my ' home No. 1116 Adama Avenue, La Grande, Union . County, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private aale tbe South eait quarter of Section 34 of TownBbip Three (forth of Range 89 East -of tbe Willamette Meridan is Union County Oregon, for the becent of said", heirs xerma or-aaie,' casu M& 1 l. .. ., l a n,.H w ion .u uoni. wic m I ctv,r, Guardian of the persons and eatatos of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrioe Patty ' and frank A Patty, Minora; . -Datel SepUiaiojr 10, 1904. dot 21 Estate Notice . J R Kellogg deceased, Eatate. '- Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned', J M Cbun-h, has quali fied aa Executor of th laat will and testament of J R Kellogg. deceased , All persons havi g olalms aBaiu8t said' eatatd are, hereby required to present thd same properly verified to the undersigned at tbe offices of O H Finn, Sommer" BnildiDg, La Grande Oregon, 'within six months from, the date ot the drat publication of this notice. Dated and first ' published October 6th 1904. ... ... J M Churoh, Exeoutor of Estate ot J R Kellogg, do. e.igd. O, H. Finn, Attorney for Exeoutor. . MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing- a thing thoronghly. Of all the Salves you ever heard of, Buoklen's Arnica Salvo is - the beat. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Braises. "Outs. BoflB. Ulcer-. TO LET Room and board in private! 8kiD Eruptions and Piles. It'a only 26o family, to desirable parties. Phone , K"r""a w give hiiuhhod Dy sal La Grande Drug Co., and NeUIn Lrng isruggiai., : Notary Public (Co., Meeeteeeeseeeeeseees Money to loan Insurance Representing the Equitable Savings ALoan . 'Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & tnost reliable institution on the Pacific coast, under State supervision.. Loans made short or long time to suited WM. GRANT,: Agent ' City property for Bale. ' ' ndel Lawson & Zu: Wholesale and Retsil Dealers in Hay,' Grain, Vege tables and Fruits. Car load lots a specialty. - - Office- in Kilpatricfc Building Phone NaU 13 ; . OFFICERS; DIRECTORS i a) Oa;PAlJBB.'.-.vii,-...Iesldrt- 1, M. Berry, J. M. Churoh J. M. Bbkrt Vice President A. B. Conley, Geo. L. Clea- J. M.OacBOH..., .......Cashier er, Geo. Palmer F. L. MKteiS and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Cashiers . ' 3653 I La Grande National, B nk ; a , La Grande, Oregon 9' CAPITAL AND ;SURPLUS, $72,ooaoo , , . S Traaasetj a iMnral banking kntlneas, Be,, and Mtl-xchant sni J U part of the world. OoUecUons a specialty.