One Day' Gough Cure We've seen a reraedy advertised to care coughs in a day. Better keep the cough and shun the remedy. You would be drugged, 1101 cured. There is inflamation to be removed, healing to do, waste matter to be expelled before a cough is rightly cured. White Pino Cough Balsam cannot cure at ail unless it.curcs rightly and it requires from three to five days to cure most coughs. Be lieves quicker than that of course. 25 and 60o - THE NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY Adams Avenue, LA GRANDE a OREGON Get The Habit X Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowesl and our stuck is ? complete. X , Rociffoc n8V'n8 ne largest stock of "Preferred" UvolU C3 canned goodB, Allen & Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re- ' ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's j? andShoes which we invite you to iuBpect. C.VRALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. F WHY RQT? Win u $40 00 8uit. You have to buy winter goods and you get a chauce with eveiy dollar paid on ac count and on cash purchases. Al Andrews, SUCCESSOR TO ROSS & ANDREWS Gents' Furnishers and Tailors LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concerning People . Who Come al ?;aal'Jt!x;r lata . of Local Interest Special Sale On all New nm! Sefou 1 Hand Goods. Kiiv ; " ol 1 1. IV' . .f,u uu Harm- s 3 IK', Ji wagon 10 00. Ir mi bp'ls 2 2;"i and ' Wooil'-n lnl-t rco kh.I 1 1 ent i n Stoves 1 f0alid r,i, Tri'nk 2 -", Kx elision latins 3 U0 ami up, ('liuiip 2(e ami up, Wteratii'ry Suvgeons rae 10 CO, Unck i r chairs 1 00 mul up, H'-inrh dry wood 6 00 Mr tiilpia the green house man wishes o announce that be has jast received a choice collection of bnlbs and will be please to show them to all who -re interested la flowers. Do not forget ih t the Catholic F.iii is still In p-ogress and tha you will always regret it i( yon do not attend J T Woodle, one of Suirmorvllle' most prosperous furjiera, was) in the oity toduy. Mr. Juo. Kl.ober and family will leiive in a ftw days for Vale, O.egon. The lail.e of the Kaffee Kl tsoh neie entertained by Miss Uesale Henry afternoon. ' "Fiunigau's Ball" at the Opera Huusa tonight. Mrs. 11 Anson and Mrs, Tamer Oliver returned this morning from Sea side where they 'iiuve been spending the last month. Andrew Blookluml returned home this morning from Portland where he submitted to an operation (or append icitis. IIU many friends will be pleased to know that he is reoovering rapidly from the operation and that he expects to soon be able to state that he feels no bid effects from it. dr. and Mrs. Al Stephens, and daughter Miss Allie, who have been visiting in Portland, have returned home. They visited the fair ground and Mr. Stephens states that many o" the buildlngi are now in courte o construction end even at the stairc which they are now in it gives one the impression that the 11105 fair will be one which the people of Oregon will have every reason to be proud of. The Korresty building, he states, Is the i;randost thing which he ever saw of its kind. Mrs. Frank Benson, of Roseu'trg, who has been in the city the guest of her sister iulaw, Mrs. George Carpyf the pait week, returned home this morning. Landlord Foley left this morning for Portland for a few days business trip. The ladles of the Methodiit church will give a tea at the home ol Mrs. Ot born next Wednesday afternoon and evening. Mr. John Billey who for the past thirteen months bas been working in the mining fields of tortbero Alaska returned home yesterday. He was greeted with much pleasure by bis many friends hers as it had been re ported that be bad been lost on one of the ships which reeiedtly went oa the rooks. Cs-te-op a thy There Is a tendenoy on the part of 'great" doctors to scoff at whatever the people can understand. If an ex planation of disease iB not so abstrace and involved that it Is mysterious to all but the initiated, many seem to think it beneath their great learning to countenance. Dr Still's discovery was that anatomical disorder alcng the spinal column at point even com paratively remote from tbe seat of trouble, acting refleily through irrita tion of nerve centers, is entirely suffi cient to cause disease and "to open tbe door for subsequent infection, for weakness of tissues, for alteration of function, (or pain and (or every ill. So likewise anatomical disturbances in the pelvic bones may also produce fe male diseases. LOST A Waterman fountain pen on Adams Avenue between Model Rest urant and Post Office. Finder kindly return to Romlg & Staples. CURES OLD 80RK8 eitmrilfil. Kill, tit? 5 11)1. Bai'1 Sm Liniment Oo -'o ir Snow Liniment cared an old sore on the side of my chin that was supposed to be a cancer. The sose was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until 1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order Mv sister. Mrs Sophia J Carson, Allensville, MlUin (Jo, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that it is a cancer, i'lease send ner a 50c bottle. Sold by fiewlln Drug Co. The More Haste the Less Speed May apply to a tight rope walker, but not to us. It's this way; the more customers we have that are hungry the more !peed we make to get them fed. We do it too, iu such a nice GENTEEL FASHlOtf That, although their lunch is a hurried one, th. y have no dyspepsia afterward. Good food helps to do it and good food for a little money can always be had at our restaurant. When you want quick lunches call and sec us. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIUHT We tell weekly Meal' ... Tickets, Cacb $450 E. P.8UplM E.E.Romlg ROMjG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A loll and complete line of staple and fanoy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, granite ware and woodenware. Frnits and vegetables in season. ' ' Bakery prodnota ' always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. " Phone 431 ' TWO BIG LOTS ; OF SECOND GOODS I , Just received and must be sold next week. To do this you may select anything you want and I will make tbe Price Nearly at Cost . This big stock consists of Bed Room Suits,. Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, Curtains, Carpets, -Linoleums; Plain, Cane Seat and Upholstered Chairs and Rockers. Parlor Sets, Etc. Complete Ktichen and Din ing Room Furniture, Heating and Cook Stoves, Harness Saddles, Briddles, Collars, Chains, Tools and in fact the Biggest Lot of Second Hand .Goods in Union County Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid . Pho2noe5. FJJaien Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods. - t BsHaijtBii e WATCH MAGNATIZED In these days of (he Increasing nee of electrioity the danger of having yonr watch magna tiled is greater than in the past. . Ijam In shape to deniapuvizo yonr watch right away and pnt it in at good shape as when it left the factory . 1 here is no necessity of running tbe risk of having yonr watch lost or broken sending it away when yon can get it made as good as new at home by a practlole workman at a low cost. 11.. Pearc, the hwihr N HOUSE CLEANING TIME The annual fall cleaning Time is now here and -&r large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is c implete. Our prices right. E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 Residence Phone,367 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave The La Grande Pawnbrokers Crrn -i Fir and dams Rem mber we Ml luv and sell all) k.ndi m. .... ui Second Hod Goodie jt jl jt FilOne 1551 SEWING MACHINES We have secured a line of machines that are said to be one of the best on the market. A written guarantee with each machine given by the manufacturers for ten years Our price ia low. - Call and look the machine over and see how we sell them. Weave the exclusive agency for the- Q- illett's Safety Razor The Golden Rule Company 1303-1310-1312 Adams Avenne Smallest Prices Eiid the Daily Observer l t a aAa JkkkbhbatVasl IIHMMI ft IUIi IUWVI 1 1 Largest Store