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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1904)
I AW WMReadf" I aw a Kraduite Cuitiua 'SrUooli' No liIotii .fhefiu cutter und designer . Give ma A. H. Marquardt La Grande, TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri BKOME . GRASS' ;.r u v Red t!lover Alfa.fa l and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk " Seed Wheat Baled - rf Barley, Oats, Etc.' " ,. The .only Seed House ' r id Union County, A. V. I JEFFERSON AVE "r5 t mCa Srande investment Cbmpaiiy, 1110 Adam Avenue, La Grande, Oregon iityjf jjhu Jti' .999. ,M..,M....M.tfcM,t.VMM,, FULL' MEAtjriiE! 11 Chain wood 128 cubic feet to. the cord. - . r .in . woon j per cora. Tine is You pay for what you set arid Phone 571 leaaiaa Few Choic Barsalnsin Wal lowa Country?. Real Estate (1) arJOaonwalUai, U)adwrtbb jf til i) In fell town wkMt.-Uoa, ura til itir Oati llai - n i' ""VlH""1 1-" "I "Wo ! U 5 l)Mi4alii. k.dl$.10prcTo- Tbornti l el lk du nepe We ut looevin tk mrofraelnuubwimlu. Per furlher wtlin eMraa. M'DR.nlel, WALLOWA, t- f .a AM.'. n a a 0 an E tt tt Fa'rmera' lairid -TPradcim f . National 'Bantcv j lagrandk;,;. ORP'H Capital Stock fully paid I 0,00'i Surplus fund ... 13.000 in--Liability of Shareholder 60,000 ReapoDiibility 18,000 We do a general banking and exchang buaiueii. T rafta bought and sold on eaitarn and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President ' vJ.W.8CRkBIQt''0asni; aaa on a no no bob no Hotfoii 01 of lb Welander York, and hold-?f I hoi practical Oregon Phone. 15. Wfl 00 ?;3 K .Re Estate Deal ' ' - "1 lUI,W ;..,.,,,, .-.iv.i9l. Uoott''flnlahd,lf too know all boat ftl'O Itiide np,-' loate . the ', property, ibar a well p-tated mail "toll yon all abet,it, and 'after 'tfiat ' si m ply, detsttlv Tbut la,"bo"ehsap ou yoo buy and on what tarntal"" - : i i f r' v f ' - I n.i ,, v . Easy for Us.rt -OI-w ' td'hefp yWdot, at we're othoroaJn-- ly posted oa prppertisa aad, hralaei tharyedoa't go,, wrong la baying; I vnuot surqiaju a vur iutim .is valuable and we help make;.eafe and profitable Investments. ... by; the Cord" lflUinob i ' dry ' chain in'er tnah'by ,' ' load. "' . 'in cheaper tnan by J ee' what you' pay 'fori . . iu : V I .ri i: i . t H.kV(r.,klBLltY- MMMiitM 4 Ml liuil or moadow; goad bout M M'Donald EGpiV J i .4,.., 1, .,; ,. "l"lt tf'lUU la.vV a. i.-tM a .u il kiltl h n li U t a a 1 n a n u a II ... Hi . II II M Oande Evening Observer v lEf BEC1, Editors Pr pt 4ro .tltb. port Office jU t .Published daily except Sunday One year in advancvS..f o6fiJIUIpo; iWktato SiSJRWtbiin,, adyanca..8 60 r:.66c 60 rer monin........ Sin gle copy . . : . . . FOR PUedD(T o,i euJ THEODORE ROOSEVELT, ny: ma 3 0iVH,i FOB VIcriPMSJDWJT nj jPHABLES W. FAIRBANKS' ''J t j '6tIadLa(M"ta-'"5 1 , b. DiiiMicK, ; Clackmaa . . houoh, J , Josephine BART. Polk .yifFB)SiBio : iv 1 .Umatilla i . E. WATSON'S LETTE R iriei, in . . ; ' I'-ia-ii.-i. -j,! , 'Thomaa' &. Watonv thi Popn-' list candidate lor, JPesiden to pleted, his letter -of , acceptance at-bia,, home AH Birmingham Alabama,' Ot flflftlatif hirided the Observer a copy of .A .titij f.v.l. I , , the sameu few days ago. The latter, is a ,.long onJ -70x0' twelve columns in the newspap- r1n' whioh'it was prihterj 'but ltf ,)m .Tom,:, Watson from start td finish, without a dull paragrafff'or J au 'oiscu'r' sentence. There ia jnnoh. in tlia letteT wbioh the Obseryer, Anna j""" vvitvt, ye Lit. iwfo not subscribe toyet tKtf candor clearness -ana,(jiranas i with, which' Mr Watson expresses his viewsi chaftenees our adminstra tidn for the man though failijffl'j j cuaviuoe as to lue gounaoes of Ihe,, doctrine set forth- Watson's jetter like.RooSfjveits seta 'forth in cfear iiomeitra'rf 1 Edgtisn' the convictions "of the writers, qo the publi .iuestio n s Ckisquaae?,,!, xnere i :ndf mistak- lngaiicneik'aieaniiio ' or ' eitner Meither convinced ihe slightest. aesire to seoure arvote ojjmoaiiy opposition' br shrinking from Kivin'e a bold rand Idnanlv.'- ex pression of their " uddiviJual pplqldnsl'b.u ui iau But the; treuoient pen of Watson failed to convince us that it is(tne part ol wisdom., to call a halt in oiir' prejent career hazzard a change ;from he eitt' ploymenf of "the 'policies' thai have worked out so well in prao tice and (bade the, JLtpitedtalies the riohest and most prosperous, people on earth and e'xpefiiient with untried theorief',.eat',we' call thei, conditiens - of 1893-6 with their soup houses and hard times. !" (I'lliialU .!. - ''AlllA U, TURN OUT AUreatioyji.vir ed to the impjortaucei 'qC fijlj 'vote at next month's, 1 elootion. It is going be br'the' higHbAt importance tKat'tiie vole d'Flttis should compare favorably- with that-of the Steiteli WdrA ji new the interset n,tne contest Wween ' Mead,, and Turner la keen and will briug out,ajt great vote;, perhaps 125.000.1 1 Here anil effort must be made to get l,he vote out' Washington- will give between 'iOod 'aiid' 80,000 for Kooievelt. . 1 But in Oregon there will be ho 30,000 Republican! mjkjotitjv; or o,vuu 11 uie ,eieciign is, -lowed to Ukrita course without energetio edoit to" get tba . v'o'ie. out. In 19091 State' ;( Wash ; ington east 106,624' votes 'and. the State of Qrogou'cait 'Mm. votes. The total vote of Oroon ini902 wu 99,698 and of Wash' ington was 91,661. In 1900 at the Presidential election we caet 84,000 votes, but in the state el ection aiehteennfoonths Jlater lasnea: nrongiu oui w,vw-ivv lUhikjihouU.omirsuoh discrepancy this year, the total of 93.0W jrotesast last June might dwindle to B7,uuu. now turns a total of 125,000, with a EwTiwW W,c?iranM and CWegcB ratUrn a total , vote .iTth. olihionJ waaliboaid that ttood in th. tab. maioruy of only zo.ooot ure- 'gotiidri ''-' ... , ..mi. . , ... ! Vi An exchange , emarka that .if a man had a60. ,pup , he would look after 1 'it carefully . and not let itTfun alF over town. , , But .if he nad 'a boy it is; much difier enW "The boy is. turned loose at a tejider a'enand ,let ..go,, to the 'VTJisPPle wonder where ,the , grsM i tramps, loafers dead beats and sots.' come . from each decade, j They are germin ated; from, the pui teed gathered from our homes and' sown "a- f'w't ' .... brqadipast upon tne streets ana alleys. '' ii may ,De your noy is startine fn'thardirectiouj-'i At all , event the ' boy ought to be given an equal 'chance with th pupa." i-oi-Hv iei j i . hit A Georgia 'editor went buggy tiding last' weeiTand let ' his sweetneart taiiput.,, An vregon editor.', would mover have been guilty of such ds'scareiesenes'S. l Any.'oneiiwbor.earrtMt .abona four iaiiil ii mr will be UlrKT ana and will ,bv tbf, power of, discovering gh'oels or eTUf.apjiruv j vviw n nuur uiv pur low ine, lOTer j may iiieuzv uraw w the bolOTcd onA 'A fnignient la the Sb6e of k 'traVelee llnatrrea ia aaft , lour, aey.a Of 'tle BvJeawd ejoiver It U de clared aWjtt.woiRtheeft side of a mafden'.a ,drea or.faeteried hind, the, ball door the Christian .hie of the first man V7ho enters will be the aamrfas that Of the fnrure boa' hasd Tlia Dowtr'of the 'four leae bamrocft for good ii ifainlttaritai all.. Xroor' Lover's oooe' popular gd..ncetr Wfe speaker, ia wind) nlcfinree I waat aa woqki oo aoooiu aoe ana in nusle pbutt ' .-.lieni.,,.!. i-i.. .', I woeM olav the,, enekantar'a matt and anatttf bllaa around. - A-J aad aot a tear or fcblng heart ahovta ta . . . . tonaon wooa, Poriland Markets HAT AND GRAIN - ; . , 1, export iri.'i . t. 1 A.Bli't Iey7 ' W. V. .V.'iV.-.aM(r to I toSCotl S23.W Oat 28. to 27.60 Hirypimoihy':.. .-?.rB to m BUTTEB. EGG& AMD POULTEY BntdsaMstoreamerr 7le to 30 Batter, ordinary 26o Bgga, (per doien 25c to 26c CUhlckena.,rjt pound ..'.'...'.'...'.. 10c . .fjBtja-8 AND VEGETABLES foiaioei . mz owi,,, Onloas,ipetwt .'..iWfc'a.6 Arjtre,o4a, per doz.ji . . PeaettaaV bast, per box Beetev per saok.. Oibbaga,'pr pounel...,. ';,:. Liva.sToc .750 to 81 .00o . to 75o .......11.25 2o flffrMUd,; Oews BnUi 8tag Hogs, best... ..... Hogs,' feeders.... .2.78 to $3 ..12 V ..n.75 ta 1600 ,.$3.98 W.S0 Piancv We're selling now lor $167" iliua i iUU 1 . dj o i .1,, I9U11 I ' .mi' 1 1 coats $230.00 else whore 1 t Big buying and big selling does it at filers Piano House 85,1 Washington Street, voornflr Park .Poftland,' Oregon .J. Wrlteos for particurs. $5 or-$6 a month buys one here.:"" , iSt1 I; ne How dear to my heart to th. old-bioDed wuhtxmrd That tnotber need to waeh pn when I ttt With IU Bco.f!d rldgea the?ud "tf.f Ptay ta I dads eh S I mM fietoe7 he aalaebed ' Tne liueoorered waehboard; .... S Thabaok-breakinf waehboard that stood in the too. S Borne f(TMalayaielrbeie'd'f-- Andssy tbey wear out their elothee every days Rnt,em to me. ao I will have a hot dinner . S - It borne; with the email of the with tne emeu 01 u I Ttbewaahing machine ia I know that , LOCAL BlllTER MARKET Oreamery Butter 66 cents per roll. Batter Fat 25 oeoU. per pooDO. ; V;!:i .t I Dbsolutrow.Notiifi? Notioe le hereby given that the op paatnerahtp of Wm. Grant and Harold lj n n.,lu ilu Arm name of Qrant I1DHUUI . . jl HtL Ima this day been diaaolved Harold Herron retiring. The badness will be conducted by Wm. Grant who will - pay , all debts and oolleot el) amoonta due the firm,-1 . n.tA mt Ia Grande. TJniob county, Oregon, this 80th day of September, 9 3(ClD30 ;' Harold Herron, rOR SALE Good rich .Loam. for Lawn also .aravel for stieetflUlng jlnqulre of jJohn Anthony. Beautiful Pictures On next .Monday nigbt. UOt, 24 QoAjthere wiirbe ao enterUinment given under (be auspices ol tne cp worth League at the M E obarob in this city. This entertainment will present .n full the original Steel and Frttland'ilhutratedoouoert,' and' will include 'beaatilul, illustrative and amusing pictures, music, souga all ol whloh willb) illusUated. . Thiecoooert" with Mr 8teel aa barUone soloist, is reported as stand ing at the bead of all entertainments dfibiakind Bev. Smith, ol Elgin, who had tne. pleasure of seeing this same production in Chicago, says that It is the best production of mov ing pictures that it ba ever been bis lot to tee.' ' The purpose of the enter tainment is to procure money for the Darcbasa ol .a new set ol song books for tbe Methodist ohuich, and dnring tha lengthy program consisting ' of :-r-i ! !..,(! i FOR SALE An almost new 4 room j house,, nice lawn, in best residence part o town, very cheap if taken at once, only part oaah. Hee 1701 Eirat Corner Spring ets. Oot 12 19 VOR SALE Milch cow Jersey, 1100 ,1b. driving boise, gang plow, top j, buggy. .Apply to, A. Muilenbarg, i mile H JS of island City. . .....w Oct 14-Dec i ; TO LET Boom and board In private family, to desirable parties. Phone 881. ! - We mn not tne oia nsuioDva - - - $ $ i- t' ! ABC li AlJND'RYVp - ' ; : rf ft phone ram . 7 Notary Public A i .- Insurance Money to LoarT Representing' the Equitable SaVings & Loan v Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest dc ; most reliable institution .on the Pacific coast, under Stie supervision. 1 Loans made short br long time" td suit,'. -'- ' ... WM. GRANT,' Agent - City property for sale. ' '. Wholesale and" Retail 'bealerr in Hay, Grainvlge. tables and Fruits. Oar load lots a specialty. , Kilpatricfc Buildinz PhonSNo U13 h0.r ii, , I :-i'- OFFIOERfltjri DIRECTORS ; Oso. Pauaca. .-..Preeldent ., J. M. Berry, J. M. Cbunih ' a " J. M. BaftRT Vice President A. B. Conlar. on T. m at l J. M.CltTTBVTn "Mhier . r;'f I 'Wtyn.'.Ti4a ' 3655 -. . , S La Grande National B - nk La Grands, Oregon as ' v. Traa.j-bantogra all puu ot the world. wonld.rob, . i and ebe eUtbarep . soap eode away. jf mooh eaaler Ccngrrtulatioru Mr John; H, OaUom.CEdltor of the . GarlaaitTxi Veway.saaalwidMiM ( . letter of oongratulatloualio'tha mana faotiin, of Chamberlain's Cough. Be- when our Bret child was a bauy be aaa' subject to croopy epells and we would , 1887, and finding tt sncha reliable re medy for noldeandcroup we bavenever . been without in the l.onse sine that time. We haveve children and nave given it to all ol, them with1 goo ro- ... eolta.'! 4for,sale by,.all draggMtan tj a (v UMBER LAND, ACT JUNE S, 1878 , MOTIOB FOR P0BLI0AT10N 3 , v . , ,U.RX.d4 Ofllceat OSiJg,.,, Notice Is hereby given that .In .eompllanoe ,. . wlU. the provlBloaa of the ad or Oonsreai of Junoa, 1871, eiitltieuMAnaotfor.the.4aile.fLr Umoer lands in the mates of OaluVrnla, Ore . ton, Navada, undiWashlnston Territor,1" as t,; .' extended to all the PubUo Lapd aulas by aot , of August 4,1892, David C Sogdea, of' Dexter vUle, ooanty of Wood. Bute of WisooDMa , , has. this day filed ! In this office Tils sworf statement Ko. alol for the- purohaas of jAUty . NE)SW,BE lftwwandIxits8u.d 4re5oi' " tlonTio. i fn TowDhlpa 6 South Bange o.. ( 86 E. W. VI. T And win offprffyroof to show that the landh L.' sonKht la mure valuable for lta Umber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and - tor "V establish her olalm to sa)d land before the Register and Kecaiver of thl;'offlo at Ia .' Qade, OregonL OB, Tuesday., the 26th . day of October, lyot. lie nomas as witnesses: RaiDO B. -Bullis Ijeoaard C nullu, of Perry, Oreonj ." TT II r U I V 1)1 u IT u, Ul wau:, khwu.iu, ITjl uun, Dmii til U fir.n (Irt DnfOH. Any and aU persona claiming adversely ...u. the above described lands are requested lo file their olatms la ihlsomeeonor ottforesaid.'.' " . 23th dayof Oolober, MM. . . , , ! K. w. DaVUf, Bller 1 ; K ; Estate1 Notice I ; ' J R Kellogg deceased, Estate, ii1'1' . Notice is hereby , given that thai andeislgned, .1 11 Church, has quali fied aa Exeootor of th, last will' and ' testament of J K Kellogg, deceased . ' All personal haviog olaima against . . said estate are hereby required to , present the aame properly' verified 'to the underaiguep at the offices of O U Finn, Bommen Uuilding, La Grande Oregon, within six months from the " date of the flrat publication ' of this " notice. i Dated and first published October 6th 1904. ) ' : i - '.-" J M Church, Executor of Estate of , J R Kellogg,. Ueceased. ,' O, H. Finn, Vtnrney Tor Fxeontor. ' 1 ! MAKES A CLEAN 8WEEP! !- ' ' : "There's nothing like , doing (la. thing , , thoroughly. Ot all the Salves yon ever , beard of, Baokien's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Barns, Soree.'.Broissnta'-vBxrtls,' Ulosre, nun p.ninDnniBna.i'iiM ir.Miiv vjm ana guaranteea to give attisiacn, give satisfaction by La Qrande Drug Co., and Newlin Lrog uo., iruggiBc, inniiiiiMiii ." ":: " ver.Qeo. Palmar Oasbiers ' Bnysandilla axchangj L , i OoUoctioni a specialty. 7 sssssaa -v s-v a af - ' avijr