SEPTEMBED MFAISK JTl O OYSTERS LOY Serves them in any style wish ' HATS! HATS! HATS! -FOR- . Street and Dress Wear Furs in the latest style for era ell louidi. broidery silks, handsome golf gloves. E M Wellman & co ams Avenue. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. All who are building new cr rebuilding their homes, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls eto with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able prioe, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our offioe a complete stook of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtnree of beautiful de signs and finish. . Also Shades of r-ll designs. ' We oordiallj invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m.' La Grande Light and Power Co. The Most Stylish Modern Fall Millinerv At Prices Far Previous Now on Exhibition I Mrs. J. R. Forrest, j J Masomo bulding'on Adams avenun. eosfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei Reading Room. Tbe east room ol Central Church o Christ. Opto oserj day from oooo U six in tb evening. Dailr sad weekly p (pun, msgesinas od b-rki. Ilea ad boys oordialljr invited. ' dtrsogeis always weloome. A GflEAT BKH8ATI05. . There wu big sensation in Leeevllle Indian, when W. H. Brown oi that Rlaoe, who wu expected to die, had hie fe saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, lie writes: "I en dured insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im. mediate relief and soon thereafter effecUd a complete oore." Similar ernes oi Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Urip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 60c, and L Guaranteed by La Grande Drug Co. and Newlin Drug Oo,, Druggists. FOR BALK One first class milch cow. For particulars telephone 1270. 0 B SENT Office rooms, inquire at O F Coolidge's paint store. New em- and Most Below Any Offer : ' Enlarged Packing House : The Oregon Frodaoe Co has bought the two corner lota on Jefferson Ave. and Greenwood streets from O W Nes ly of Prosser Wash, and will erect a three story storage building on same in the spring 80 Ij 110 (feet fiontlog on Jefferson Ave. and extending to the side track on the north. The founda tion may possibly be laid this winter in order to be settled by spring time. The first story will be stone and the two upper stories oi briok. tiydrsullo lift and everything iu ounneotlon with I tbs building will be modern and. up to date The object of the oompany is to do a wholesale storage and forward ing business. ' They have also bought the corner opposite from W a Master ton. Mr Masterton moves the two wooden building to other lots and the oompan) willereot a 4000 modern brick oottage thereon. They have great faith in the future of La Grande and think that a jobbing, and distrib uting business can be dona here just as well as at Baker City or Pendleton. lyphoid Fever Viewed Osteopathicalty isteopatny by the aacoess attending . a applicatiun in this diseasr has v juac.d a step in advame uf the .'. .rap uuo remediiss loimrily em- i)od. While these piactical reau.ta v spoken tor tue.ueeivca, th - prin .da a.-m which the treatment is e i; by a .ittle study, will bj seen V ear cut, logic a. d soi-ntinc. .yptioid f ver is directly caused by a germ oalied tbs typhoid baoiilus, or baoJlus of Kbettb, arter the man who first diBOovered it. These germs en ter the alimentary canal, tbrongh toe medium of our food and drink. They pass with the nutrient and digestive materials through the stomach on down through the upper part of the small intestine. In the mucous mem brane lining the lower part of the leas er bowel, they encounter a condition suitable for their growth aud envelop ment and here they lodge and begin to multiply, producing inflammation and Anally ulcers. As a result of their activity poisonous produots are gen erated aud are circulated to all parts of the system, producing fever, This In brief outline is the invisible process of a case of typhoid, It is perfectly safe, to say, however, that there are dozens of individnals who have taken these germs into their di gestive tracts and not had typhoid for every one that developed it. Now why is this? A hy did they i.ot all take It? Simply because the germs do not and uannot thrive in healthy tissue and it was only in those persons in whom the lining membiane if the intestine was unhealthy that the micro-organism oould act. What made this membrane at this particular point unhealthy? Sometimes we see, to sll appearances, a well and strong man attacked. Why this one weak spot in his body? Here le where the scientific application of Osteopathic principles are evldenied. Mo tissue will be unhealthy if it is re-' ceiving its noimal, uninterrupted nerve and blood supply. The Osteopath, aa an anatomist, knows that where the nerves whloh are distributed to the lower part of the small intestine emanate from the spin al canal they hro to pass through little holes in the vertebrae and then cn through a meabwork of cartilage, ligaments, musoles and tendons before they can reaoh their ultimate destina tlon. He carefully examines that part of the spine to sse it by any previous strain, twist, jar, heavy lift or blow these structures in this area have be oome thickened, tensed or are out of their normal position. Finding that any of them are so, he reasons that here must be the original and funda mental cause of the trouble; for the nerve fibres passing through and be tween these spinal tissues, being of much softer and more delicate com position, would be pressed upon and irritated, Ihi nerves being effeoted thus, tbs part of the intestine supplied by them would be made unhealthy; for some at these little nerre flbies oalied vasomotors (vessel movers) even oontrol, by their dlstriburlon to the minute circularly arranged muscle fibres regulating the oallber of the blood vessels, tbs amount of blood cir culating through the intestine. Arguing logically, then, from canse to effect, would not the moat effective remedy for the speediest possible re covery oi the patient be that directed toward the removal of the primary oause the spinal interference? In harmony with this line of reason ing, the Osteopath dlreots hia skilled manipulations to tl ose spinal tissues with a view to oauslng these structures to return to their normal condition and thus, through he meoium of the now-relieved blood vessol. controlling nervei, to allow pure blood to flow in a natural, unimpeded manner through the diseased Intestinal area. V Bnt what about the poison produced by the germ? Ttere is but one wsy teat this osn be eliminated that is, through the excretory organs, the liyer, bo els, kldneye and skin. These ere stimula ted to their greatest activity, In a manner which drug medioation oould not accomplish, by Osteopathic treat ment directed to the nerves supplying them. The skin should be further encouraged in its work by sponge baths ml th Wldneva bv drinking water frequently, but small quantities at a time. Treatment of the heart and blood . vessels through their nerves would eq'ialize the general circulation and help oontrol the lerer. By quiet--ing treatment to the sensory nerves .h.,A irritation ia found, the ex cessive nervousness .and restlessness would be relievld. Coder such pro cedure tbs patient, after recovering from the disease, does not bave to spend months In recuperating irom tha nntlvn and reactionary elfeots of a long course of drugging. Osteopathic Health. Dr. Moore Osteopath Sommer Bldg D H Steward is erecting a new bill board at the Ourner of Depot street aod Wasbington Ave. The new board will be fifty four feet long on Depot Street and thirty two feet on Wash ington Avenue and ten feet high. Fun For AH New mueio, new costumes, elabor ate aoenery and pretty girls are some oi the Iratures that nave been added ti iliervival' ol "Fiuuigau's Bali" wuiou ia tbc vemole used by GalUguer and Barrett this seaaon for their se cond aouual steiring tour. The oom imih is uuder t e management ol O . t i 'cr., w i.' runnae '-Uu uioal tuioiiiuue produotiou tver given this p pulr muaiCal oouiedy. Fiumgan's ti 1." outnna ui rji-wrua Opera House K iday 21. A fHOUUUIFUL MAN. li. M. Austin of, Winchester, . Ind., knew wbst to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He though of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once.and was finally oured. Only 26c, at La Orande Drug Co, and Newlin Drag Co., Drug Stores, For Sale Acre traot with new two room house, in Pleasant Home addition. $400. Part oaah, balance monthly install ments. Enquire of V H Haworth at Stoddard Lumber Co. 10-17-24 CURES OLD SORtiS eit airiUnl, tCia. Ji 5 1902. Baard iaiw Liniment Oo To ur Snow Liniment cured an old sore on the side of my ohin that was supposed to be a cancer. The soee was stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until i inea anow uinimenc, wnicn aia tne work In short order My sister. Mrs SODhia J Carson. Allensville. Millin Co, Pa, has a sore and mistrusts that it ia a cancer. Please send her a ouc bottle. Hold by Kewlin Drug Co, Finnigan's Bali which oomes to Steward's Opera House has outlived all the similar or ganizations whloh sprung op after the suocess of Berry and Fay uf teen years ago. It is a shining example of "the survival of tbe Attest" for the man agement of Finnigana Ball has never deceived the publio and always given more than was promised. The pre sent company is headed by Gallagher and Barrett, a team that have no rivals In legitimate Irish comedy. A large onorus or pretty girls are a feature, Friday the 2L HARD WALL PLASTER Only costs about 5o per yard more .than common, plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used iu zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tleas all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when truck or jammed. inatnaH nt breaking Doors, windows, pipe oies, eto are easily out through it It is a non conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no acids nor chemicals to corrods It will ot barn nor disintegrate by fire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister Parties having plasteriug to do should consult me regarding this olass of work Estimates cheerlully given E. RE1SLAND, Phont 37 THAT TIRED FEBLINU f. .. u -Mnl1 J .1 -n HM.jkhl. lor work, at indicates thai. your luer is out of order. . Uerblns III -..oil.. Tl n 1 1 1 r n Dim (iff hfUtil- achea, rheumatism and ailments akli. to nervousness ana require uie energm ' and vitality of sound and perfeot health J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writ., Maroh Si 19u2: "1 have used Herb: ii for the past two years. H baa do e me more gooa uiaa mi aim duck r iuu. r aa VuiH unrl havn thai li 1 feeling I take dose of Herbioe. It ia tno ness meaiume ever uumi,. i ir chills and fever." Wcta a bottle. Bold by Newlin Drug Co. IN THE 0NITED STATES DISTRICT OOUfiT FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREUON. In the matter of Thomas .t,.i ... ur r i t KnvTnvma MatUe Long, a part-1 OK THIS ners under the firm- FIRST nameofNIoIevALong, ' MEETING BANKRUPla, and as OF CUED Individuals, BANK- ITORS. RUPT8: J To the Creditors of Thomas Nioley, W. D. Lonir and Mattie Loan, as co partners under firm name of Nicley & Long, and us individuals, all of La iranae, union oouniy, uregon, ,anu each a Bankrupt: NOTIC1S IS HKKEr QlVHiN, tnal on the 28th day of September, 1904, the said ibomas Nicely, W. D. Long aud Mattie Long, as a co-partnership, under the Urm-nameof Nioley fc Long, and as individuals, w-ire each duly ad judicated a bankrupt, and that the drst meeting of the Creditors will be held at the otHoe of the undersigned, in La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the 21st day of October, 1904, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, of said day, at wnicn time ana place saia o realtors may attend, prove their olalma, ap point a Trustee, examine the Bank rupta, and transact such other business aa may properly oome before said meeting. Twenty Ave cents muBt ao cmpany each oiaimed fl ed. Date4 at La Urande, Oregon W4. F S Ivanhot , Referee FOR SaLE Aodiid'sl20 gooart-at half price- Almost as liood as new; Fhone 1776 farmers line. " TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here for men's aud br boys' shoes The J. . Tilt line is our spec ialty. Here is where prioe and quality are combined. C W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue of an order and license made and entered by the Hon. County Court of Union County State of Ore gon, on September 6tb, 1S04, in the matter of the Guardianship oi the per sons and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and Frank A Patty, minor heirs of Thomas K Patt.v A. ceased, aud wards of the undersigned uv. guBiuiiiu, x win, irom ana atter the 21st day uf October liKM, at my home No. 14 18 Adams Avenue, La (irande. Union Countv. firam.n ceed to sell at private sale the South ea,t quarter of Section 3 of Township Three .North of Range 3d East of the Willamette Meridan in Union County Oregou, tor tbe beuefit ot said heirs and tueir estate. Terms of sale, oash - - ' Mi I ULty, (juardian of tbe persons and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Piity and Frank A Patty. Minors. Dated September lu, UWi. pot 21 NOT1UK FOR PUBLlCAriQJi' 1 1 aVtlntrl Tr.i-il r . . SUI!UC LA!1L aALB. in i 0 u ""-y a'en, ""at in pursuance of hlinby aecilon 2,a6 U. a. Ktvu,ed Matulea, 11. of land, li-mi;. ' . '""""'"S w "4 H"l aec i T4 SR 3; E. W. M. mSl 5" f,'"!" "'aiming adferMly the . . "u,iu 'uu are uuvi.ea 10 lllu their claims i LUiB office on or btforo tile day aovJ Wunilsl "lu,wl" b0 (orf"toi- Uatl E. W. Davis RegUtcr. A. H. Uotwrta. Ucculver. TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE j NOTIi'M veto uiiii, 1 r.n. . . 3 im U.S. Laud Office; L Urande Oregon, .... . . wrat tj, IM4. whV1??i".?"?bj' S'r hat In compliance i'" .uu. lu iuE eiau.01 California. Oreuun tendwl to all the l-ubllo Land Stata w ci f Auuat 14,1, Halph H. Bullli, of La Urania, county ol U uion. Mate of Orcion h. Ti. . 1 oio, on Friday, th. ard"'day of DSr! K W, R0iK . Position Desired B QakaimnM - t. - . ... " - iuese, aeslres position as cook, chamber work, dish .. .uur. Auuress P o boi I8ept6-8J Notice Notice u hereby given that al persons owing the estate of 1 tt Kel . log are requested to pay the same to tbs La Urande Bans. - - .- J M Charon. ' -Adm, of the Estate of ' i B Kellog That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, an ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. - We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given to phone orders. I Geddes Bros. 'I ,l Pffl 1 II fel ' w 1 ' J11 Wh i i' OUR. BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection. In faot we will be pleased to show you through our emtira establishment. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clean and we have no hesitenoy in showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled. We now have the latest improved sausage machine and san sell you sausage in all styles. Bock & Thomas Sacred Heart Academy La Grande, Oregon. This well known institution, condacted by the Sisters of St. Francis, affords excellent eduoatiouitl advantages. Music, draw ing and painting optional studies. Preparing young ladles for the profess ion of teaching a specialty. Boarding and day school opens the first Monday in September. For catalogue address -Sister Superior. Aug 4. Oct 4 'IIHItgllltKIItt CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop on North Fir Strt-et. You will find my shop well supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yours for business Free delivery. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS y Oregon Union Picinr Tlma aehadni u GaAana, raoH NO. 3 8A0 p. m. NO.S. tM a. m. Salt Laka. rinnM. v. NO. 1. IJSOa. m, NOD KS p. to Worth. OfnNh j0'". 9- Uala, Chloago Portlanil . Dallea, Pen dletoa. "Valla Walla, NO L 6:S0a m ho a t.05 p a C'iilfa;, Moaoow.Upo- lq a ith Tla Hpo- Portlana, DaUea, Pen. alcton Umatilla Wal-I NOt st9 p m LwiHion, uoiraz NO S 8:80 a m dner, Hookaaa other pnlnta eaat and N.aDally'i""" " "- exeeolt iKSS City, AlloeL Bundae i0!1"". and BaaloT 9.1B a tniwlth iuufa ,r.. fcao p In u7T.. ll 1 1 I W CLAIM ; ,, ! a.?09 tween Portland and n rraaclaooerery ny days na O. IfOORK, Assmi ovnntie. 1 me botUe, boia n .. - - I