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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1904)
l GRANDE VQUIME HI LA GRANDE. OREGON. WEDNSOAY EVENING. OCTOBER 19. 1904 NUMBER 47 EVENINGr :BSE mm. RE OPPOSED TO SUNDAY EXCURSIONS American Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents Cause a Lively Time. . BoecUl to tbe Observer Old Point Oonafnrt, Vs., Oct. 19 The American aesoeistion o( General Passenger and Tloket Agenta opened lie annual oonvenlioo hew today The mint important on lb docker for dissuasion ! propoiitkm to abolish Sunday excursions. Beversl of tbe rood beve taken Individ uel lotion notabh tbe Lake Shore and North western, bot man; systems still Hod it profitable to ran Sander excursions end It ii likely ihet maob lively dis oumIod will be involved over the met ier. ' : " Russia Still Eager W liingtiD, Oot. 19 looni G it 'll 1 tnii Rusaien ambasssdor tonight r'Heiated wltu great emphasis what :. he baa already ttnd fooss.on to say,! severs! liroesregardtng the into ven .: Moo by -tbe pjwere ta oonelade the $40,000 Damages Chicago, Oot. 194 jury today awarded damages of 140,009 to Emma Grannell a 16-vear-oId-girl againat the Union Traction company for in juries caused by bilog run over by a treetoar In 1886. Ibis te the third trial of the case. ' "There Is," be said, "absolutely no . OBDOttooitv for intervention to atoo th. w.r ru..i. p,po.M to pro- Ireland And Free Trade ..vwwvvuo wwmf wiuvnwBuw ail uum of pejoe at tbii time moat be rejected" A Queer Race Radtord V. Oct. 19 Una of tbe t queerest race in History - ia arranged for the district fair bare today. Tbe Oootest is betweeo an oatritb and a horse. The bird it said to be. tbe lar in the United 8tatea aH mea .... Dies 9 it T in. high. It is known as Blaok Diamond and belouge to Wil- liam A Cockboro, of Hot Springe, Ark Despite tbe Virginia lawe on betting v there an heavy wagers plaoed on tbe ft salt of tbe event. Of tbe Free Trade eap wbloh Eng. lend foroed to ber llpe Ireland ' has drnnk to tbe dregs. Wo : avow -ehe-l sad effects. General Thomas Franoia Meagher , is a speech made In Dublin in 1847, thus summarises the results "The oot ton manufacture ol Dublin wbioh employed 14,000 operatives baa been destroyed, the 8,000 silk looms of the Liberties of Dublin bare been de stroyed: tbe oalioo looms f Balbrig gan have been destroyed, tbe flnen nel manufauture bee bfceu destroyed, tbe blanket mannfaotara of Kilkenny has been destroyed, tbe earn let trade of Bandon. wbioh produoed 9500,000 worth of goods a year bee been dee- atroyed, the worsted manafaotaree of Weterfotd have keen deatroyod, tbe eateea . and f rieae manafaotaree W 0srriek-on8olr have teen destroyed. One business aloue survives thrives and dreads no baokroptoy Tbat favored and privileged and patronised business is tbe Irish ooffln maker's.'' Irish World. . Six O'clock Dinner Mre J O Slater yesterday a ran lug gave a afar, o'clock dinner in hoaor ol Mayor BlaWr's i8th birthday anniver sary, A bounteous lunobeon ens served and the evening wee pleasantly spent In eoctal eonvereatlen. Among loose preeent were Judge Robert Eakln, Attorneys T. A. frawford, W. M. Kamsey, J. W. Kaowlee. Dr N. Moli- tor and George H. Curry. TWO KILLED IN STREET BATTLE V: Memphis, Teen Oot. 19. Ia a bat tle on lloeby street today between three polioe ofScers and a negro fajrl tire, two men won killed and two wounded. The dead are : Robert Jam leeonj police officer and John Pop, a negro. The wounded are Polioe Cap tain O H Ferry and John Monarelth, serious. 4 ' The offioers attempted te arrest Fop, wbo wae regarded ae a dangerous fugi tive from .iattloe. Tbe negro armed with a rifle, ran and on being purraed by the . officers, opened fire. .The offioers return sd tbe fire and Pop waa killed. Tbe negro however - made every ahot tell before being killed., : INSANITY PLEA ; FOR A WOMAN Walla Walla, Wash- Oct. 18. ii Naooy Fagalde waa today brought to trial on the charge ot burglarizing the store formerly owned by her husband on Elm street, but now owned by W G Allec. Ber oounsel admitted the obargea and pleaded insai ity for her. Aosompanied by her h abend and six children, the woman eat weeping and moaning throughout .he proceedings, and at the adjournment oreated a sosna by refusing to leave the oourtrooin. Neighbors testified to tbe woman's queer aotione. The trial will be oon- the morning alter physicians hold an examination. SHOT FOUR TINES Particulars of the fagle Valley Shooting Jus Through the courtesy ol JoaUoeof the Peaoa Frank Oral at Pine the Herald leaned full particulars of the unfortunate killing of Mrs Beck by her eon In law Leonard Foster, which occurred Sunday night at Half Way. It seem that Mre Beck arote some time lathe night and wentj outelde. On her return Footer heard a noiee and getting Bp reached for a twenty two rifle which stood near by. . , He fired a warning shot and called at the same time, but reoelvlng no answer, oonoluded that a burglar wae trying to force an entrance Into the bouse. He fired too, mora shots each one taking effect in the unfortunate lady and causing instant death. Tbe body was removed yesterday to Pine fire miles distant where Justice Craig empanelled a ooroner'e jury oonalattng of Jl E. HopnleA O W, Mak- iaaoa, J. E, Fields, T. R. Erwln, C. a Bmereon and J Baumgardner and held nlnqueeU . r j ' Tbe jary after viewing the body and h taring Foster's etatement, brought in a verdlot of justifiable homlclle. Deceased wa elity years of age, aari bad lived, wub-bas son in law tor a numoar ai ywv. . ' qum awrviuw were held at (be family reeidenee at 11 o'clock this morning, Rev, Thomas officiating. ,. ; The letter ia as follows; -'.' s Ualon, Oregon, Ootober 8th, 1934. Dear Sir Noaapappermaa .. i. Pendleton Oreg . Well noeepapperman I wish you would put this down on the nosepaper what this Indian dowa this afternoon today playing foot Ball with Union team six Indiana and fire of Lagranda Boyeethia Indiana for Umatilla best full back In Union Indian for UmatUla nothing can't oatjh him In Lag ran de best foot Ball play In Lagranda young man about IT ysara old name of him John Mitchell good full bark for Uma tilla played with Union today ha nock one of their full baok out, today play. ing toot Ball with be made heart taok- el oh Union team it waa the Indian full baok the Indian run up to him wbea be hat the Ball and he taokel him and lay down for ten minutes down an tbe ground beat play In Umatilla this Mr. John Mitchell foot Ball play In Umatilla young man. So good by, Joe Willie, . Union, Oregon Fire! Firel . Firel Rogers Dora, representing tbe "Royal Chemical Fire Extinguisher" (an up to date machine) will make a demonstration on Lot north of First National Bank at 3 p m ebarp Thursday October 2D. . If you own your home or business property, thla, .will interest you, delays are dangerooa, ohemloal fire protection is the Us4s. land, aside from tbe museum ot the htatorioal ao-lsty. , 1 , Thirteen ooutlng steams n have left Portland tor Baa Franolaco, elnca Oct ober 1. Thla la double tbe number Id the rame period last year. Itle eatd that children play with pet snakes u : Klamath oouaty. Tbe number of snakes along the laksa and marshes is almost beyond belief, II Is declared. , ''The telephone operators of Portland are planning for a long strike and p'ubllo sentiment la with them. Very c few Imported glrle are at work and tba aervioe is demoralised. " ' " ' William Thompson, bartender for tbe Log Oabln saloon la Portland, robbed his employer of 11700 In cash and diamonds and disappeared while the latter was on a recent banting trip. GREAT COST OF LUCIN CUTrOFF New York, Oct 19 -Kuhn, Load As Co., and Speyer A Oo have purchased ' 88,300,000 Central Paotfie 4 par oent bonds guaranteed by the Southern Pa oifleoompany and secured 'by first mortgage on the Lnoin cut-off, whlcb new forme (art of the trancontlnenial main Una, f : j- .- Northwest News ' V. eTsmTsTsnBfsTeaTsVsBDVsBai K.. II Hats your ihoei failed to give you satisfactory wemr? : Then try our JOHN 8TROOTMAN sbo for ladies and childreh. We knosr from oar many customers who wear them that thera are none better. Come in and let us try on a pair of our ladiea' $3.00 welted shoes with oak tanaed soles. They will wear; they are stylish and you will come again. We also oarry the Star 5 Star brand of shoes for meo, ladiea and children. L)so the BED SCHOOL HOUSE line for bays and girls, all thoroughly tested and proven satis ,itor y. JUST RECEIVE!) Shipment of RAIN COATS at popular prices Ladies Oxford Gray Covert coat,. .3 8e - Ladies Blue Cashier, rel vet collar. M 60 LadU s Olive Worsted, plaid Unit g.. 4 75 Ladiet tan worsted mackintosh.. ... 6 00 Ladies gray Dutchess, belt effect. ... 7 60 Missel blue cashmere with cape .... 8 00 Misses Tan Covert, with cape 3 00 Misses Blue worsted Automobile Gents wool mackintosh 6 00 Coat 4 26 Boys covert coat tan color 2 25 Genta wool mackintosh 6 60 Now In Theatre trust Mayor L F Boyd, ot Spokane, ia In Portland, studying municipal ques tions ' ' , - The now bank at Hoarutim will have - aim nrvt i olnaU bv Portland oanitallata. - Several townships of rich agricult ural land to the Olympie forest re- servo will be thrown open to settle ment soon. ; -:-:' rr-r. Joe Woods, a promloent Hoquaim batcher, was pinned to a wall by automoblla ktonday and may die from his injuries. --w ' A movement is now on foot to es tablish a permanent museum in Port- D H Stewart has Just returned from Portland and Beattla end after several years of carefully consideration de cided to go into the Klow Erlaager theatrical oiroult. This firm praotioaly oontr olee the booking of all the leading companies tbat have the paoifio northwest and the result will be that La Grande will have the best that Is coming. Beret o tor many If not all of the strictly blurb olsas shows jumped by us. This will not be (be oase in the future Tbe fact are Mr Stewart has been staying out of the . show trust but Is now In and as far ni the public is concerned here Is one trust that they will be pleased with the results. "Wo are always glad to show goods and will do bur best to please you- The La Grande Cash Store. Children Marry (Observer Bpeolal) Spokane Oot 19 "Thle is the day they give bablea away," hummed De puty County Auditor Bobert W Butler yeeterday, as he leaned on the oouoter and watched Benjamin Dailey and Boas Decker leave the office with a marriage lloense. Toe Dally boy bad given his age as 16, and Boss said she waa IS. .The father of each was present end gave hie consent and confirm sd the age. Tbey said they live In Spok- Last Sheep Shipments Pendleton Oct 19-Tho tralnloed ot sheep will be eblpped from here In a short time, which will probably end the shipping sea-on In this ouanty for this year. In a abort time a tralnloed of ebeep will be sent East from Hep poor, wbioh will oloee tbe buying season in Morrow ooanty. File Football Player Tbe followta letter waa rami! from one of tbe Indian football boys now polling sugar beets in Grande Bonds valley. From the profnee nraise bestowed on the ho who nlatail (nil back he most have surprised the aaUvs Qraode Bounder. LOCAL BUTTER MARKET ' Creamery Butter 65 cents per roll. Batter Fat 85 cents, per pound. . Card of Thanks We wish to thank the. many trlende who so kindly expressed sympathy at thla time of our asd be- reavment. Q U Green and family kind" their ! Catholic Fair ; The fair given by tba ladlta of tbe Oat hollo church iu the Bommer hotel building is a great aueoeea. The art work on exhibition Is as fine as aver before seen In this city. The fancy work department ia complete and oon tains some of the moat handsome work possible for the m'nd to devise. The fair will oontlnne tbe rest ol the week and the publlo la. invited to attend. ; StopThat' Shivering And save that Coat ' ; r"our horse needs a blanket and we have the beat assortment in the valley te 4 t from. Horse blankets at all prices. New stock just received ef "!- ; MEN'S GLOVES " !' - ; Workinmen's high grade gloves. This ! is a new line with us and we are proud of our se.'eotion,' Call and see them. ' Har ness and saddles made to order. Winter robes Just received. Seoond hand sewing 7 machine for sale cheap. E. Chnstoffcrson ';Ml. i C...' iJ Harness and Saddles , ' La Grande, Oregon A Store With A Record We have been doing bu9t-" ness in this town for 5 years In that time the ; town has nearly doubled in population , During the same time our ' basinets has inoreased FIVE FOLD.. In other words onr business has made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for tail . all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug" store goods of us. ! In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy,. In the second place we had ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes oocn and attended to business until we know the demanli of th people of this town. A. T. . HILL, Prescription Druggist .La Grande, Ore HttMItl.eIMMI4M r . Iff it 1 1 e e . r a - . 4 . .-. H : ,i -., , l i -'V f SS g -i , .'j S ' '.:' - '" C"' ' 'j .,''' . MUii ! .? ' - . 'i '