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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1904)
SEPTEMBED " MEANS ti OYSTERS LOY Serves them in any style ' wish ' IS?-. -2 .n ww Ui-tiuar - MB-awBeaMB) eW, I Maj-.. "-- ' ' I I lllirtttTTTl T "' ssii HATS! HATS! HATS! -FOR- Street and Dress Wear Furs in the latest style for smell inaidi. broidery silks, handsome golf gloves. EM Wellman & co ' 'ame Avenue. ELECTRIC All who sre building new :r - rebuilding their homes, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls eto with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. We have at our oflioe a complete stock of assorted styles of oeiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Alio Shades of f 11 designs. We oordiallj invite the public to inspect our stock eveu if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 p m. La Grande Light anil Power Co. The Most Fall Millinerv At Prices Far Below Any Previous Offer Now on Exhibition Airs. J. R. Forrest, Msjomo bulding on Adams avenue. Reading Room. . Tbe eui room ol Central Choroh o Obritt. Opto every day from oooo to ix in tbe eveoiog. Daily and weekly p apers, magasiae aod bo-k. Han end boy cordially Invited, dtrangere always welcome . s ' f k GREAT SENSATION. ; There wu bli sensation Id Leeeville Indiana, wheo W. H. Browa oi tbat filace, who waa expected to die, bad bia lie saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, tie write: "I en dared insufferable agonies from Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im mediate' relief aod eoon thereafter effected a complete core." Similar coies of Consumption, - Pneumonia, Bronobitl and Grip are nnmerom. It'a the peerlea remedy tor all throat aod lung trouble. Price 60e, and IL Guaranteed by Im Grande Drug Oo. and Newlln Drug Oo,, Druggist. FOB SALE One 11 rat elaaa milch cow. For particulars telephone 1276." O B BENT Office room, inqnire at 0 F Ooolldge'a paint store. New em- FIXTURES Stylish and Most Modern Unkind to His ' A oaae of inhumane treatment waa brought to our attention early tbia morning which should receive atten tion from the oiBoers. - A farmer re siding near town came to town yester day and left hi team bitched to one of the bitching racks all dsy yesterday and all night last night without feed or water. This morning parties living near the place where the horaea were tied took the team and placed them in a llTeryatable where the would re-, oelre the proper attention. Thia wag the proper thing to do so faraa it went bot the parties who know the lacts ot the case ahould take tbe proper atepa to have the person who la responsible for the ai t ot oruelty brought to joa tice. , For a f Big Rifle Practice .' shlnirton, Oct. 18 What will brbly be tn. mot I poitant meet ml the national board for the p o - 'ni'.n of lifle practice Bioi that ho iy . organized several tear' auo will h Id at the war department. The uid b s bi'en Instructed to prepare a in for a nation 1 marksman reae ve, iiloh pi .n baa b en approved by tl.e re ary of war. re ommen ath establishment of i at . nlliTies Held rang a, die ri U'di m. of arms, ammunitions, super vlaiou ot instruction and inducements tor practice, anob as trophies and badges It la desired tbat the stand ard military rifle In use by the govern ment be made available for civilian practice, and it is probable tbat a pro vision to this end will be made in the bill whlob the board will recommend. It la believed, If the plana of the national board are followed, the oonntiy will in a few years be In posses ion of a army of qualified marksmen to the number of from 600,000 to 1, 000,000 men. OS-XEOP-A-THY IN CONSUMPTION Osteopathy does not onre easel of consumption wblcb have advanced so far as to'destroy lung tissue so that life cannot be maintained; neither can It atop the tubercular ravage when It haa passed the point where tissue la so diseased tbat it cannot revive. But where oaly a email portion of the lung la attacked, the treatment baa proven highly successful, and to the person who baa week lunga merely, or who la only entering the firat stages of the disease, thee ia great premise of a prompt arrestment n( the diseaae, while the destruction of those long cell already lost at tbia atage ot the malady is still of slight consequence. agement ot Flnnigans Ball has never Plin For AH deceived the publlo and always given more than was promised. The pre New costumes, elabor- sent company is beaded by Gallegher ate scenery and pretty girls are some ol the features tbat have been added to then viral ol "Finnigan's Ball" whiob ia tbe vehiole used by Gallagher and Barrett this season for their se cond annual starring tour. Tbe eom pany is under tbe management oi Ol'le Hack, who promises the most ambitious production ever given tbis popular musical comedy. '-Finnigan's Ball" comes to Stewards Opera House Fiiday 21. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. M. M. Austin ot, Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual caae ot stomach and liver trouble, physicians' ADVANTAGES could not help her. He . though' it and No danger of freezing as it tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and ahe u : . 6 . , got relief at once.and was Snail, oared. . Ca" UBed 2.er0, aiher. Only JSe, at U Grande Drug Oo, and eiug flextble instead of bnt Newlln Drug Co, Drug Store. Ie a 8and., niortors are For Sale Acre tract with new two room bouse, in Pleasant Home addition. (MO. Part cash, balance monthly Inatall- menta Enquire of V H Haworth at Stoddard Lumber Co. 10.17-24 CURES OLD SOKES ettairslinl, Ktm. tfkjr 5 1901. Beard 8oiw Liniment Oo ' o ur Snow Liniment cured an old acre on tbe aide ot my chin that waa supposed to be a canoer. The eose waa stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the work In abort order My sister, Mr Sophia J Carson, Allensvllle, Mittln Co, Pa, baa a aor and mistrusts that It I a cancer. Pleaae eend her a bOebotUe. told by Newlln Drag Co. Peach Trees Free LOlenburg haa 13Golden West peach trees six years old from which be gathered and Bold 152 boxes of peaobee, wblcb he sold for $70.00 equal to S600 per acre. Tbey are undoubtedly tbe beat yellow freestone peach ever raised in thia valley ' Now aa 1 am wanting some winter apples to put in cold storage at Portland to be kept there for by the Lewis and Clark Fair Oommlss on tor exhibition purposes next May, June and July. I have eonoluded to offer tbe following prizes. For 5 best boxes of Rome Beauty apples 12 of these peach trees worth $9 For the best 5 boxes Ganoes 10 trees worth S7.50. For tbe best 5 boxes of fork Imper ial 8 trees worth 16. For tbe beat 3 boxes Yellow Bell Flower 6 trees, worth N.BO. For the best box Jonathans 4 trees worth S3. For the best box 8hlpping apples any variety 4 trees worth S3 For box largest apples 4 trees worth S3. For the best Spitzenburgs 4 trees worth S3. For the bast box any new variety 4 trees worth $3. For the best 3 boxes of Winter Nelis Pears 4 trees worth (3. For the best 2 boxes Lincoln Core less pear 4 trees wortb S3, For the best 3 boxes of Hydea King ot the West apples 4 trees worth ti. .For tbe beat 2 boxea Bally Sweet apples 2 trees worth $1 . (SO. ' For the best S boxes Shackleford 2 trees worth 11.50. Kor the bi-st 6 boxea of Blue Pear- main apples 6 trees worth 14.60. Tnese prices of the famous peach free which are the best ever test-id in tbia locality will be given a stay as prizes in order to get good apples to send to tbe Lewis and lark storage piant wbeie they will be held (or ex hibit!, n purposes next spring and summer. bVsties Ihese prizes given by my self you wilt gut whatever prizes, m dale, dipl mas or premiums that the Fair Committee awards la order to compete for the Exhibition premiums you ahould send about 6 boxea. Do not pack them but wrap in newspapers and handle oarofully and I will wrap In proper kind of paper and lis np tor cold storage. Wormy or bruised ato k cannot be sent and I will not give prizes here for wormy atock. Bear in mind tbat the grower gets the premiums at' the Worlds Fair sent direct to his postolllce address. Now bring along your apples and see by a praotloal teat wbioh kinds of our apples will keep the best in a modern storage plant and get all the prizes for this valley possible. Deliver to Justice of the Peace, office opposite Alexander's blacksmith shop. This chance for tbe fruit growers to get all these floe peaohe trees will close Nov. 1st, About a buabel of apples is considered a box, but I do not want hem packed or bruised, Now it is up to you fruit growers to shot" tbe world what we can do in applet (2 t) Yours for suocess., John E llougb. Finnigan's Ball which oomes to Steward's Opera House has outlived all the similar or ganizations whlob sprung up after tbe suocess of Berry and Fay fifteen years ago. It is a Bhiniug example of "the survival of tbe fittest" for the man- and Barrett, a team tbat have no rivals in legitimate Irish comedy. A large ohorue of pretty girls are a feature. Friday the 2L HARD WALL PLASTER Only ousts about 6o per yard more than oommon plaster, and Worth many times over. it wiu aent UKe wood wnen struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors, windows, pipe hole8' 810 are easiiy cat through 11 . It is a non conductor of elee- tricily and thus prevents snort circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains uo acids nor chemicals to corrods It will ot barn nor disintegrate by fire being perfect protection for wood frame work It will uuder no condition pit or blister Parties having plnsteri., to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND, Phone 37 THAT TlBBD FEELINU It you are lanquid, depressed an incapable for work, at Indicates tha. your I tier ia out of order. Heroine willaaaist nature to throw off heal aohea, rheumatism and aliments ak' . to nervousness and restore the eaergin and vitality of sound and perfect heal'.ti i i Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writ Maroh 22 19u2: "1 have used Herb', n for the past two years. It haa do e me more good than all tbe doc c . When I feel bad and have that ti t feeling I take a dose of Herbine. it ia the best medloiue ever made 1 r chills and fever." OJcta a bottle Sold by Newlin Drng Co. . IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUB1 r UK 1UK LUttl'HlUI' OF OKEUON. In the matter of Thomas ) Nioley, w.U.lAogana j nunu&uc Mattle Long, as part-' OK THF oera under tbe nrm-1 B I B S T nameolNlcleyALong.f MEETING BANKRUPTS, and us OFCKBD individuals, BANK-1 1TOBS. To tbe Creditors of Thomas Nioley, ! W. D. Lontr and Alattie Long, aa co-' partners uuder firm name of Niuley A Long, and hb individuals, all ol La irande, Union oouuty, Oregon, and ( each a Bankrupt : - rtUTlUSI la JdKKISX UiVJitN, mai on the 28tb day of September, 1904, the said i bomas Nicely, W. D. Long aud Mattle Long, aa a oo-partnerahip, under tbe nrtn-nauieol Nioley A Long, and aa Individuals, w-nreearb duly ad judicated a Bankrupt, and that the ursi meeting oi me creoitoia do held at the office ot the undersigned, In La Urande, Oregon, on Friday, the 2 let day of October, 1004, at ten o'olock in the forenoon, ot said day, at wui n time anu place saiu - oreuuora may attend, prove their olaima, ap point a trustee, examine me nana rupt?, aod transa'-t such other business aa may properlv come before feiiid meeting. Twenty five cents must ao i..mpany each oiaimed h ed. ' Onto Hi Lb Uiaude, Oreg u V4 K S lvanboi , Referee FOR SALE Ao.n.d's$20 go cart at half price. A linost as uood as new. Phone 1776 farmers line. IkADE FOLlOWS the PKICE Si. That is why people come here for men's aud by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt Hup is our spec ialty. Here is whore price and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue of an order and license made and entered by the lion. County Court of Union County State of Ore gon, on September tith, 1004, in the matter of the Guardianship of tbe per aona and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and frank A Patty, minor heirs of Thomas K Patty de oeased, and wards ot the undersigned their guardiau, 1 will, from aud aftor he 21st day of October 1U01, at my home No. 1416 AdaniB Avenue, La (irande, Union County, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale the South east quarter of ejection 31 of Township Three .North of Bauge 3D East of the Willamette Aloridau in Union County Oregon, for the bet:eHt ot said heirs and their estate.. Terms of sale, oash to me in hand. Zora K Putty, Guardian of the persons aud estates of Uruest N Patty, A Beatrioe Patty . and Frank A Patty, Minors. Dated September 16, ltXM. Oct 21 HOT1CK KOR PUBLICAl'ION. (Isolated Tr-ell PUHLIC LAUll SALE. Notice Is IisrtbygHoLi I vat In pursuance of luttructloas from tli ".'inilMsioner ol the Ueiieral Land Office, 111 in " veurd In auiuuucd by the U.'8, us proved public sale, at ten o'clock a. m. on V Ftiday of reorusry , im's. we .,..-,. ocuuu I .-incr at "-svn..wu, u,iiu;, .uu loiioiruia tract of laud, to-w it:- o W4 ace 2 T4 SR 37 E. W. M. Any and all porwnB claiming udrersely the abovs desenbed laud are advised to tile their claims in this otfice on or before the day Hlwvc deslKliated tor the coiuilllicelneut of.ild nalu otherwise, their rights will be forfeited. Llattd Juat& I9U1. E. W.D01 Is Register. A.H. itobuiu. Keocivcr. lIMHKIt LAND ACT JU.VK ' NOTIUU KJR fUHMCA THIN l;8 U. S. Land Office; La tirailde Urcuon, October 6, i)4. Nollfts Is hereby given that In coiupHan.-e .v.w.uu. ui .lie act Ul V.ollgrCSOt Jane 8 IS75, entitled "An act for the .ale ol umber lauds in the State of California. Oregon. Nevada aud Waahltiglon Ter-ltorv.- a e tcmladioall tile 1'ublic Land Slat i b, act of Aujust ,j 1M, italph II. Bullla, uf La Urnn le, conuly ol L uion. ,-iate uf Oregon, haa tlua J.. hladinthis oilico his sworu statement No. .tiUlor the pu cbasoofih. nWavf!, Sealou !a f. K. 8 ,E. S W 8 E "" No. t W jOWI1,1'P No- SuutB, llaiige No 35 And will offer proof to shoo that ilie land Sought t, mure valutible for II. umber 01 uonethan (or ajrlcultuml puriwts, and to eatabllsh hla claim to tend laud bnfore the Reg i.ter and Keceiver of u,ik oit0 ij, orande. Oregon, on t rlday. the ilrd day of Ueconiber loo,. ci"l0?T'" '""": Andre. J Hullivan F.lam e Jones, BeUjainin Hagry, of Mlarkcy Or egoo and Oeorge O Holmes of La A ran do Ore- Any and all per.ons claiming adversely the above dcscrioed l.r,d. are nmeL-d i file t heir claim. In lid orllce on or belore sa.d ilrd day of lhaoember .So,- K V lals. Rod,.-, . Position Desired 8 Qakaguohi, a Japanese, desires position as 000k, chamber work, dish washer or waiter. Address P o box 717' Sept 6-8 L w ttr-vva r - Notice . Notice is hereby given that al persons owing the estate of J it Kel log are requested to pay the same to tha La Grande Ban. J M Ohurob. Adm, of the Estate of ' J B Kellog That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by - using Geddes Bros' canned ' fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh jjj from the garden.; We ace the first store the farmers call on and of course we get I the choice of everything. ' ' We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone orders. : -. ' ' ,. magpt. Geddes Brosi MEATS OUR BACK ROOM Is open for' your inspection. In fact we will be pleased to show you through our entire establishment. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clean and we have no hesitency in showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled. We now have the latest improved sausage machine and san sell you sa'.tsage in ali styles. Bock Sl Thomas Sacred Heart Academy La Grando, This well known institution, conducted by the Sisters of St. I'VuDcis, affordsexcelleut eduoatiounl advantages. Music, draw ing and painting optional studies. Preparing; young Indies for the profess ion of touching a specialty. Boarding and day school opens the first Monday in September. l''or catalogue address Sister Snperlir. Aag 4. Oct 4 'ueee)o4a)B)ej CASH MEAT MARKET I htive reopened my shop on North Fir Str. et. You will Hud my shop well supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yours lor business Free delivery. Phoue 1C01 I. HARRIS 9llltrtiaai OREGOft SHOJlJIiLNI' r CLAU l : DSl'ABT Tme Bchwi1(a j PaoM I.A OH AN DR. n o. a ' NO.. 8-.) a. 01. i'rtb, O matin, Kft'riFtU' 5 jouiKmt. i 8:ft n.m t'ortinnia iHlies, Pen- lnyun. i'omi.r,.. NO at V.A P a . knuennnui via Hpo UK-tun L iiiatuia Wai-i 5.5 pra diHT, MpakHiie ai omer point east a ml NiTirtaiie1:- OUBUB7 eondi,, mt y.. 9:15 a in wit , , . -w.. tor tZitxW Ocean Steamers .wtween Port(&nd Mid hu rraDclcoouvory lira (Uys H C. MOORJfi. Agwi