La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 17, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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a 3
Serves them in any style
v wish
ft. !
Heading oom. -
I Tne 'mho nl'CeYtrel'Cfhurcli o
Cbiiet. Opeo every dy dom ooon.n
ii iu tbe rvanirg. Xxilr snd weekly
papers, magesines end b- ks. ... Han
, and boys cordially inviUu d lengere
: siwsys weloomt. f ' f v
jTeere wis big rotation in Ixesvllle
IOdtaosfwheu WJ p. Brown ol thet
pfaas, who-wss expected to die, had Iris
life aaved by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. "Me writes; "I -en-dared
trjiutterable agonies from Asthma,
but yo ar New Discovery gave ' me im
mediate relief and aoon thereafter,
effected complete cure.' . Similar
coiee j( Consumption, Vi.etimonia,
Bronchitis snd Uripareoumeroos.', It's
the peerless remedy lor all throat and
lung - troubles. Price 60c, and II,
Guaranteed by La Urande Drag Uo
and Newlln Drug Co., Droggtatt.
FOR SALE One Urat class milch oow.
For particulars telepbont 1276.
R RENr Offloe rooma, lnqnire at
(T t CoolldgVi paint store.
!j. J .,-(.'.- "
- - ' G 8
B.'Llfi ALLOWED."' i;:.iV. ' i! l AliaiUk
BCIIWUIVW ii (. . . Walt W
Kd WriKbt,' worfln clerk's'
office !. ,'fi?...:'??.,'.Cf. .Oi .'
B Cbaneey, same,
BtHHvI P (eea ooonty v.
Alex Slater oonit (eea ooooty
l8i 00 i.
30 oo Henry A Carr, funeral exp 8ol-
W A Maxtr.ll,' rtritiug.J:l.lrv Jia M msou Eada...
Fame, printing brief ,' Gray i
Olass & Prttdhomrt.e,Utionery
a pel bill .ifk!.V.?;'."
Same, marriage rourd.. i. t.n-w
Ssme, stationery pet blll..w
Eastern' Oregon' Republican,
printing summons
Same, : pWlrhinf aheriSf 's ;
p itted uM,m..
9 srww-" .w.;jr.p.fv w-c.jrf!fwi -si'niabi--)ti
: rr-r-j-.. . tv . , " : :
. m-mm w " "."T- ----- - -
, . " -va l .
- for - ; . :
! .v, iKr .StrMt AnAOfejs Wear
New eao-
C K W . ..
aa go Bobfc Biaemei.aialD. Commr's
.j o i w lee tor September .
17 60 Oeo Uanald lor Sept. ....... ..
St 00 Mrs Ua Neason, same........
U 50 AnnLe Holaian, same. .........
ii: jlnex Uaildf same......
4 00 Jobs Medlook, same.... .,.
-.; -.i jJo.'jQ Hlldebrand, same W
j io George McDow, ame. .........
8 01 Golf, 'salary tok inepector,.2l pg.Upipn Eleotrio tight Oo l'ght
PaoStatef lei Tel Oo., tele- 1. .'" tag poor larm. ......!......
(( jibpue bllli,... 14 75 John Knlgbt, work on bildge' r
Same, teleplbneserrloe.'.1.':.'..; 25 J d"a8............... A...A.
La G Light add P;Cb 'I'ghlias )t KOAD FUND
per Utl. . :V. " W ... BConley. word on rd;23..
B J W8Ule,workonrd25..;...
M w 8am--BelM i
84 lH JB-lPjjay.workonrd 3Q.....,,
' i A' R'Andaraon. word on r d 1R .'
5 00
8 35
e io
6,' ).
3 10,
1 70
Furs ib la't etyle; for5 'smU. uaid,
broidery itoe. . f J", .
I E M Wdlman &,co
'anas Avenue,
' All who are buiUlingf uew .r 6biilrfiiig "jbeir
hatU etc with h 1 Mo light Eleclolere, at tt rftifsftrt
ahln nrice. hi) we are ii pbsrilrift" 'W 'iftl leraeU 1 any
i nrice. 8 we are ill pt
ftkture la tha Iulitnd Empire.
7 We haye at our office a complete stock of assorted
styles of eeiddTiid wSllflxMes 6f. be'SutifuJ, do,-,
' We 'c'oVa'ialiylwvite the publio"' to- iuspect-our .
stock eveu if you are not ready to buy. Office
open from 7 a m to 8:30 p to.
V la Grande Light and Power Co,
O B Saundera, county physician
Same, sept, ..i. . i'.
Taylor N , Boow, prat i MtrloM
per bill.,.. u:. .........
Q W Blggers, M D examlntbg
'L Shaw, inMuje.'.....'.'.'!'.'.!'..
Newlln Drug I'o , stationery''
sa perublll.. "'3 55
Union Drlig On, mdae ai per bill '
John E Hoogb, P fees state
) KaxwrllW ..: .ft i.iU4 .". . .-.
J H MuLaeblen, constable lees
same, ..... .vl :i .V.i ...v-;,.s -
Jehu S llongb, 1 P. feei state; v,;
y tliwardi . ,v j ,ai,(, -
B F Wade, constable fees aama
rfw Lawrjflon, witness fees, same
dVU MoLauhlin, same....,,., - .,. '
John B Hnagb, i P tees Btate T
LKitou n, oonstable fees same
John E Hough, .Ji P'teee stats r '
Thorsen . . V , ' i . . ...... .
II K Wade, op'nsUble feea. state'
Aokle etpl.. . .. .....
B F Wade, unstable (eea atste
' V Thorsen . . . f.; . i'. . ..'...'. .
John E HouJsb, J P tees state
Foster Bt'al.i..
J H MoLaohlin, const fees state
Fceteir f '.svSV. t. .'.
L Ra;brirnme..,......;.....
Same, witness tees aamSj V.. . . .
J B WlllS, WmrrTt-r'.',..n...
J3HI1(, same .........
George Craber, same.. v..i.. ...
Fred Cdrrey, same
Jnbn E tiouuh, J P (ees state' V
KorWl . . . . . . ....
J H McLaolilen, oonst (ves same
CharleSjApJerson, witness (ees
same ,
ChiisCate, same -. .
Ohas Arcbiba .It, anie. .... .
Jas Oarter, same -. . . .
L Raybuni, SHrne. .............
BF Watie, Srtme. ... i ......... .
T G Wilson, wltueas fees stale, T.
Same, eons (ne same. . . . .
J E Trippler, kIidous f.e samo
8 L Cuipe, lti,es I. e state v
4 20
1 ou
20 00
14 00
8 00
15 00
13 00
12 00
5 00
8 00
15 00
7 00
' 6 00
105 00
: ?4 00
3 00
27 00
35 00
Gamins A Weaver, plank (orr d
. , 85., .... v 85 88
tfame "vK 31 12
q E Rbermani powder (or r 4 27 '1- 35
A V 01 vr, mdae as per bill ' 25 00
Ormond Lumber Co, planks (or
3 Kl 'B B Long, work on r d, 10 ; JK
Jas Wartakow, same ' . .
V B'Lon, samo , .
Hne Parks, saniS .
-Plass broi, bridge planks
J O HlUer, work on r d 16
Payne & Quito), enpplles lor r
:- dS5 t . .,,.:!
J tC Weaver, nlank for bridffa
13 40 Mick F.ctlin, bridge wo.k r d 28
11 00 M J uunlnnham, workr d 28
' ' Grande Ronde Lumber planks :
0 iBY-TBfoi proodatei bridge
,: ' Pame, tplanks (or r A 13 ..
. M A' Harrison - exp Inspecting
' I -froada and bridges,. , .
1 TOyB-Jj Carbine, work on r: d 20
Daia Hunter, same, ,, ;
w Same .. i
8amei ' ; 'v, .
Wo Lliidsay, same. v . :
J M llan(ill,sme
Frank Uewpe, work oo r d 28
" Fun For All
New nmiio, new owtumes, elabor
ate scent ry and prettv girls an, some
d the (natures (lit have butu 'added
totbertvival ol "Fmnigsn's Ball"
whioh is tb vebiole ufil by G illher
aud Barrett this seasonir t'beir an
oood anuual stalling tour. 3 The com
pany is under tte msuagement ol
01i Msok.Vho promise -iher most
tmblusus prodoc tiun ver gin this
popular musical comedy.' 'Finnigsn's
Ball" comes to Stewards Opera House
P.idsy 21. '
Aohlld'sl20 goosrt at Lalf price
Almost as good . as new. Phone 1770
farmers line.
& i
Notice is hereby given, that al.
punous oalug the estate of J H Kel
log aro requested to pay tha, su ne. tu
tha La Grande Bans.
: J M Church, .- -' . V ! ' '.
( . v Adm,o( the Entuta of
... , i i IB. Kdllog- - '
1) Libia ,mt I
Many Teachers, Coming
Thirty five teacliers from :: Union
county, including those, at Union, La,'
Gran.ta and Inland flitv. arA noinlnff In
a hnilv In ill. ma.t.lncF rt ill. Tnlnn ' a
Empire Teachers Aesoelation which
opens in tte First Christian ohuroh in
this city on neat Wednesday, (or a
(our days' session i " ' ''' ''
Prof E B 'Cunklin baa beard from
tbe Unl-n county teachers, and ex
pects to hear (rom others in Eastern
treg m s inn; ' From the present out
look this will be the most successful
meeting of tbe association ever held.
Pendleton homes are at the dispose
o( tbe visitors, -E, ..'
The W9f gJi$
At Prices Far Below
Previous Offer
Now on Exhibition
Mrs. Iv.R. Forrest,!
Ma8unto bulling on Adims uvmiue.
18 70
10 20
1 70
1' 70
1 70
.1 TO
a oi
6 60
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
I 70
7 50
8 lO
1 70
l6 00
42 60
0 00
6 00
8 00
21 40
li 50
I; I
I 70
48 90
:0 40
22 60,.
77 26
12 00
t 75
1 7f
4 20
4 0
3 25
i Football Kills Him
Berkely Cat O. t. 15-L H Uurdeman
of Portltfnd Ore dropped dead todny
ablle watching a football', game be
ts een the freehman teams bf'Stanford
University and the University ol Onl-
(urnlai BurdeuiaU' was. the lather of
one of t' e sun players ,
, J H Gil bam ob clerk, transp Os , ;
car Llnebarger to S-'hool for
mutes - ' ' ' 12 60
Tbe Irwin Hodson Co stationery
. and printing 26 20
game, bo.ksasper bill 155 70
Same, statements (or sheriff 14 60
Bushongdi Co, deed record end
cover .. 17 50
Sam., typewriter repairs 12 00
DH Prooior, stamps 4 expenses'' 7 30
E E. Bragg, express and stamps ' 7 80
J K Gilhatn. stamps A express ' 12 no
John Erawley treasareratamps ' 160
O C Penjngtont stamps ' 8 26
Marlon Irwin boar.ilng paupers 72 53
I W MoKaulk, indigent soldiers 20 00
Finnian's Ball ' -
which oomes to ( Steward's , Opera
House baa outlived all the similar or
ganizations Wblah sprung up after the
suocese of Berry and Fay iifteen years
n ii- ii t i'- i i n ,a H Is a shining example o( "the
' DaJIiette S-JlOCN .SOld uivlvaloftl.eflitost" (or Ihe man
i' ' ' affemaut of Flniiuaana l!all haa never
San F.Hhoioo; Oct. H- kl ol deceived, tbe publio and always given
son imiiics-'s stock. ;nr tne n nue ,, ti,. rnmiB, th n.
dwinu, Wining Company ol Balccr 6et company is headed by Gallrgher
Mnd Barrett, a team that have no rivals
in legitimate Irish comedy. A large
ohoros of pretty girls are a feature.
Friday the 21.
EN-Goyerinqrl 'J)cgitj -I
Iih.oa.N YO. t lTFarmei G,v-. '
ernor Al"uz ) B Corn, II, died at 11 :30
thi rd'Tniiig alter a lingering ' .tineas
ol m()f,e,lhsn a mftritii.1"' ' iJ ' :
City wairb bght, lb; byj'tbi; compiby
lor s d' l:n)ufu' ats' irtrneool IK,
oOU toliayv !'' i ... '.-
Libel Suit Fails .
B.lem. Oi. Oct. I ' I7i the .' jury,, in
the oaee ol City Mari-hal l) W G.b'.on
againU The 6apitoi Journal a news-
pap;'r ol this oity for. $5,000 dsmages
lor libel b ought io a verdict (or the
pss Associ- r:
Hood Rivor Oct. 17-At the closing
session ol the Oregon Association Sat
urday the following ofBoera aeie
elocted': u ;
R J Hemlrioks of the Salem States
man president, J C Ilayter of the Dal
las Observer vice president; A D Mae
of tbe Hood River Glacier second vice
president, Albert Tozter Portland seo-
hetary Eranoos E Gothall Portland
tiSaanrer1, .George : U lllmes Fortlsnd
historian, I
Portland was selected as-lhs next
place of meeting, tha date will be fixed
later. . - ,
- '. That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach Try it bv' using
Geddes Bros' canned lruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We. are
me ursr store tne i.trmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everythiiij!;.
, We always have the ir-slJ-est
eggs, butter, etc. :
Special attention ; given to
phone ordon
Gcddcs Bros.
;A 5 I;;!
t"it, ..''
That is why peonle come here
for' meu'fl mid b boys' shoes
J lie J. JK. Tilt huo is our spue-,
ialty. Here is where price and
quality are combined.- ' ""
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET
Hy virtue order and license
made and entered tiy the Hon, County
Court ot Union County titata ol C'ro
gon, onieieptember dtli, 1U04, In the
natter of the Guardianship ol the por
sous and estates of Ernest N Patty,
Beatrice Patty, and frank A , Patty,
minor beire ol Thomas K PatLv do-
ceased, aud wards of tbe uudersignoil
tneir guaruian, 1 will, from and after
the 21at day of October 1U01, at my
home No. 1416 Adams Avenue, La
Grande,' Uuiun County, Oregon, pro
ceed to sell at private sale the South
ea-t quarter ol Section 31 ol Towuship
Three .North of Kaugo. 3D Eaat of the
Willamette Meridan iu Union County
Oregon, for tbe benebt of said heirs
and their estate. Torms of a.ilo, cush
to me in hand. Zora E Putty,
Guardian of the persona aud eatatoa
ol Eroeat N Putty, Z llo.itrlue Patty
and Frank A Patty, Minors, ,.
Dated September 10, 1904. Oot 21
Sacred Hart Academy
Lh Grande. Ot-ogrS'u, 'Ihis . well
known mstitation, cuudncteil by the
.iaiera of ."it. I rapciB, aifurtlaux-jllout
ednofttionul advHatUktua. Muaiir, iIjhv
I ng and ; r'H'i'tlnti, optiotinl stuJica.
EVupiiriuie young ItuHoa fur Hie pi' ifHus .
Ion of touch lug a Ppoolulty. Do tiding
and day school oena the tirat Mmiday
In Heptembur. Lor cuuloue ndilrtn
8 later Huporiir. Ak i Met I
(Isolated Tract) .
Notice b hcr by given, that In iitirsu&nou of
Im tructioiiB from tha CoininiBHiaiitrr of tlic
tieuorftl Luud Oftcc. uutler uuliiurity vet.'U in
liltu by tfUL'tlun 2,6t U, (j. ItevihcU nlat ki, ui
inutiucd by Uie hH ol OutiKrciM npuruvt-'tl
fctibruary 26, lHs, we Will prouuutl tu uiir Kt
public Mtiu, at ten o'clock a. m. on the 2iUy of, Ma. at Uii office, llio lollowlu. tra t
uf land, io-wit
0W4 bW4 nee !I T4 SK 3j K. W. M. '
Auyand all purauni ulimhig ud cutely tha
aboVa dcMcribud laud are mdvitud tu bio i licit
cUlniil in Ltili, ulTlCQ on urbefttru Uiu dy (tlwve
dnlKuaUd ior tlie uouuni uccllietil ufsuid mIu;
vtberwine, their right-will bu forfeited. Uutcd
June lb Iu04.
K. W, Dnvlri Kfffislcr.
A IS. KuburU. IWlv .r.
. T
'' Ouly oust about 60 per yard
more than common plaster, and
worth many times over.
No danger of freezing as it
can be. need iii zero weatbor
lieiug flexible instead of .brit
tle as all sand mortors - are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Doora. windows, nine
holm, tun ara aaaiiv Ihrmwl. 'Z .H5 w a ?? Heotior, Ne,
.r ' trf -a in in lowoinip no, 4 OOU ill, itofigu flu it$
U.U Land Ufftcttj L Ur title Urctfim,
October 6, i'4.
So tic 1m hereby given that In rompiiniicu
with the proviiloiii ol tha aot of CuUgioniul'
jitne81H7tl,eiitUlcd "An act fo thu laicof
timber lands in the State of California, Orenuii,
uvmla utid WiuthliiKion Tcr H.jry," iih tx
Undtd to all tlie Nubile Land ritut. by act of
AuKut 4, lUilph II. Htillh, of Ij (.Iran Io,
county of Union, .-mte of (irutfun, hna tliio day
DOOra. Wiod0W8f pipe at."i tor tbe pu cliaavorilia W;rtW. deciloii
For Sale
Acre tract with new two room house,
In Pleasant' Home addition. 4400.
Pait cash, balance monthly install
ments. Kuqulie of V U liawortb at
Stoddaid Lumber Co. 10 17-24
r. I.. . ..n.i. ,i. e i. .. k.w.H.
mure vuiunitie lor
tricity and thus prevents short "1'.'
circuiUDK It adheres equally leNuwian hi.d.,mio..,u
well to brick, stone or common
latb It contains no acids nor
chemicals to corrods It will
ot barn nor disintegrate by fire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no' condition pit or blister
Parties having plaBteriug to
do should consult me regarding
this class of work Estimatoa
cLeer fully given ' '
E. REISLAND, Phone 37
tlul ih land
lM tllnth-r itt
than for aicrlculttiral purmiu, and to
list) bla claim to Maid inuu buforfl Itui Uev
iUraud KeL-elverorthiHoillce at 1 Orundo,
urKou, ou rnuay. uio tru uny oi uecoiiibLTi
li'flaame ai wilnerum: Andrew J Hiillivan
EUin K Joiiea, tktijainin HitKvy. of HlarRuy or
eKon Mod Uuorgu O Uollllea of La Lratide Ore
gon Any and all pertona clnlmlnn adveraely the
athjve duacrtbed lands ar rj nested iu tile Ih fir
daimain ti.UufT.Cf onor bvioro auid -lid On
ol Daocinber .104-
K W DaI, Re (later .
Position Desired
8 Bakaxuohl, a Japaueao, dosirea
poaltioQ aa oook, amber work ditth
waalier or waiter. Addrem P O box
; rJeptO-aj
rt Oregon -
NO. 'i
p. m.
NO. 8.
I:H0 a. rru
Worth, Onfall, Kttnrmi
firVJa Oi
8:8 pro
ft Mlally
ytM n u
Tim Nchediil
illet-tk -Valla Wall
Iuy ton. lo lnerot .
Jflolfax, M(wow,Mpo-
u a i th via Hpt!
Portlund. Dalbia, pen-
dli.tott Utnat Ilia Wal
lu'a, l.ewintoii.Cjirni
MONCOW, Wrllla-MtW
d'ter, Mpokan uoi
O'.Ikt pulntji ortataad
n inn via MisokHttft.
'land City, AMoel,
Imblor, and IT;Id
onnt- L i. t't Msitn
With -' !Ur (Hilttla
tn -. t .'frn intv
NO. 1,
8 B0 a. i.
8:5 f
' Is open for your- inspectio i.
In faot. we will be 5 (denied J: t
show you. througli v our entire
establishment. Everytlnug ;i 1
kept ' scrupulously neat h.i I
c leu n and we have no hesitenc
iu' showing I ha. most fastidious
how our meats a;e handled, We
now huve 'hu latest improve 1
8nu."Hg macliine and . Ban soil
ycu sa'.'siigM in all styles.
Bock 8c Thomas
1 -huve reopened my sIiot i.
Nriilh Kir itv: et. Y'lii
Hud my shop whiI aujipued.
.ma the prices, t gun the!
times. Yours lur buii,is
free dolivery. IMioue 10 Jl
tio .
g.,n r ,r
No s
s :i i
Ocean Btamers between Portlaad scd .
Han Francisco every live days ' I
E. U. MOOKK, Agent
" . ' ' ' '
3 '
. v
tniiinnnrrtrwM -v- . .. ..... ,