I BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon " Breeders of, BERKSHIRE,, audFOLAN DCHINA swine. . ' .. : ; , ...;.., We now have eight youug bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them Young stock always oii hand, and always glad to ' have you call and see our hogs, as we breed them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paioos before . buying some where else. BOSS MEAT" MffRTCET Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - BUTCHERS, , Highest market price puid for all kinds of! butchers',, stockHides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. ! Half a Carload of - T ! ; New Wall Paper. We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. . Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought I bringing into this county in a single season. This paper I all for sale and most be sold tbls seaaon. - We have brought two Ant elasa paper hangers direct from Chicago, who (re without doubt the moat skillful workmen In Eastern who, with the five Brat elaaa Pi t hangers already la oar em ploy, gives as the beat working the Inland Empire. La Grande Evening ObsewCi MONDAY, OCT. TJ. 1904 Torpcd o Loaded ! , Stackland & McLachlen g j : PAINTS. 01US AND GLAbS . S New port News Va Oct; Two of the Lake submarine torpedo boats built in the shipyards here and believed to be destined for the Japanese and Rus sian government, were hoisted . on board the Kennebeek today, according to the foreman in charge. Two bun dred men were engaged in loading the craft. The Kennebec will sail for Boston before daylight. I It la stated on apparently good an. thority tonight that the Eennebeo will be met op the oosst by a steamship now lying far at aea and the big float ing derrick, the Ox, from New, York. The Ox, it is asserted, will lift the submarines from the deck of the Een nebeok and transfer them to the wait ing steamer, which will proceed with the torpedo boats to its destination. Near Summcrvillc EJ: Observers ' ' " '"" Please tell me in wbal year the .first train came into La Grande.1886 Ed. The McKiois Brothers are not run. niog ine saw mm lor a lew. days on aceouot of no logs. , ' We have a very nice camp here sev eral new builders in progress, S Smith isounainga new ba'n, Leu JSIbtll a wood bouse, McKiu is Brothers a . barn and still there is more to follow. Mr. Wm English lias just complet ed a fine uew bouse and moved in Samp. ; . . - - Mr end Mrs Gw Divine are here from Dayton on a visit to her sister Mrs8N8mith. ' Mr Hershel MoKins's baby is Very i siok tbey oalled Dr Monk. Mr S in Bmlth and family expects to stay in the boarding house this winter.- i'. . V i k'i ' I . State News IV IF THEY ARE WEAK You are in constant danger of Pneu monia or Consumption which can be prevented by FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR if taken in time. . , . ; IF THEY ARE INFLAMED-You already have the first symp toms of lung trouble that may prove fatal and you should not delay, taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It cures all inflammatory con ditions of the respiratory organs. j ' ' - r" IF THEY ARE OBSTRUCTED It is dangerous to use harsh expectorants which strain and weaken the lungs. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR soothes and strengthens and enables the tubes to be naturally cleared. . lot 0 TAR gives the greatest comfort and relief in advanced stages of lung trouble and never fails to cure incipient Consumption. Contains no opiates. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, , Pneumonia and Grippe. It stops the Cough and prevents Pneumonia. See That You Get FOLEY'S Honey and Tar A POLICEMAN'S TESTIMONY J. N. Pstterton, night pollcem.tn of Nashua, la., writes: "Last winter 1 hid a bid cold on my lungs ind tried at lent s half doien advertised cough medicines and hd treatment from two physicians without Retting any benefit. A friend recommended rOLhV'S HONEY AND TAR and two thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung remedy In us world." THREE SIZES 26c, 60o, $1.00 . .W aamThill tl .) "" ' ' ..-' " 1 - Mr. Blood the Uaho oi man. has perfected plans. wbeby be .will. , teat the possibility of oil between Ontario and Arcadia. He baa a large traot of land b jnded for two . yeara - and will commence boring for oil in 80 days. MslhAd Gejette. J ri . I Portland, Pjl. lf-Aboo! 160 tel ephone girls employeoj by ins Pacific States TelepLone Company atrnok at midnight. . The system is tied np. "The ( Home Loan aid Havings Bauk closed ludocre Thursday after an existence of only a few months. Depositors will be paid1 in" full'.' "toe bink opened its doors at arx inoppor tune time and lack of business is giv en as the reason for the closing."' ' v 71 L Campbell the well koowd news piper mau, formerly one nf the' pro prietors of the Quard but libd retired from the paper a couple of years ago on account of a paralytic ' stroke suf fered a second stroke Friday ' morning and lies at bii home in a critical con dition with little or no hope of his 're-' oovery.! Later he died.' n- . r. .! ,fCbsrles Jennings, aged 13 jears and Hersebel Currey, aged 14, were taken into oustody at 10 o'clock last nigbt by Offioer Hillyer, wbo fouvd toem id a oozoar near sue x.asi etae depot. ' The boys stated tbey hi d left their homes in Baker City to see tue world. . i' ; Success ;. ' Is the certain result of persistent advertising in the columns of the Observer ... r . Reward LUHT-un weduesday, Oot. 6, or Thursday, Oct. 6, between Union and La Urande, via, Phv point. Nib- ley, R"y Oliver's ranoh, 8am Booth , Lane and, Island City., One 10x14 S oi duck wall lent, also one large Bed Russian Jeather valise containing an . old suit of clothes, 2 pairs. of . good No. 7 shoes nailed on bottom, and some maps, platsand valuable papers A reasonable reward will be paid the finder by leaving at this offioe, '0ctl8' : : II ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOU DrrP A CHARLTON i VETERINARY SURGEON, Offioe it AT Hill's Drag Store L Urande, Oregon rbone 13BJ Residence phoiie 701 " a b, otti DENTIST OfTloe) pver JHtll, Drug, tor . La dranije. Oregon AOOTB BHEUHAIIBM ; Deep tearing or wrenching iielns, occasioned by getting wet throoght worse when at rest, or on first moving . the limbs and in cold or damp wee th er. is cured quickly by Ballard'a Snow Liniment. Oscar Oleeon, Gibson City iilioois, writes, Keb 16 1902: "A year agolaatroubled.witi sr Jn .njy . back. It soon got so bad I coulJ not bend over, v One bott'e of BaJlard'a snow Liniment cured me.; .-45, COo, TOO. ( Sold by Nawlln Urug Co. .; - NOTHJE FOB PUBLICATION. - vl0UIlTB4Ttnh(VifllBl.r.n; Nottaa la htnbv lvn that' In nunnanoa nf mm um uommuaioBer oi iub For Rent- InatruoUpaafTom thm Oomi Uenenu Laatl office." tinder i In him by Section Tfc6 U. 8. I as amenaea d: authority 'vetted bv :.he act or OonaraHa aDDrovi puoiic amw, at ten ooinct a. m., oo trie Hnn aaj Oi Depiamoer. iwt. mi tnia iwaahlpA south, rang Sit, irsoi Kevlaed Blatutea. quire ol Hif Shearer,, $-ff ( 'i'he.buiiaiog formerly occupied by ' ' the Salvation army. ' Kor I all pr ' ' titulars and khtes inquire of Mrs 8 U Znber. Aug. 31 1 IS h :) :. FOK ! 'BkiNi' tlousekeeping 'room very nicely turntshed.' l'wo' blocks j weat w High fooL nrttbel.cprner of 1st and M at. ' FOR RENT Aj'suite ; of grooms' rjlcely lurntanea ior ugps uouea aeaiiug at the oorner of f ourth and Q streeia ,or turther pardeolSjrs ply-.to ,flr mAAwmmm i .. Mrs jE! O Moore',' lei?' Wit''' LOBT On the streets of La Grande, an abstract of titlf frpnf th ottloe of La Grande InvesWsnt Company Find erwlll please nrturu pfflos ot JL Grande Investment Compuny., y. OR8aL5B acres of land and house of 6 rooms 1 sons In bearing orchard . oneereia straw berries, stables for s horses and oat nouses plenty of water 20 minuets wore from P O for particulars oail at grocery store of W motartane. n-t-iu-i. ,g FOR SALE Good Nine-Boomed Plas tered House with closets pantry and bath. Centrally located, good cellar. lawn city.watejCj Also. wired through out. Address Bos 606 of till 64' FOB SALE An almost new 4 room house, nice lawn, In best residence part of town, very cheap if taken' at once, only part cash. 8eb 1701 First Uorner Spring sts. Oot 12 19 FOR SALE Milch cow Jerspy, "llOO ' lb. driving boise, gang plow,, top buggy. Apply to A. Mnllenburg, mile N E of Island City. : i , wOot 14-Dee l4 . TO LET Room and board in privute family, tn desirable parties. Phone 881. '' ' ' "' - . ' New Features I m now prepared to do' all' ' kinds of repairing and cleaning. ' Photle"2Sl and work will be called for on Monday ol moh week Work done promptly , Al. Andrew, i' ii ii i.l'ailpr and Furnisher WANTED Horses to pasture. Have a nice alfalfa paBture )i mile east of La uraoae riourtng muis 91.01 per month. 016 Soott (3 s) " Furniture Por Sale - 'And house to rent apply to Mrs Shearer opposite Startirooery North oi track., atiou-u . , . 1 furnished Rooms 1 . '3 Furnished room for. gentleman aleep ing nights. Mrs O W Preston. ---- -1915 Adams Ave.... ij No Hunting .h . - i Ur All 'persons are forbidden to huil .with firearms or dog on my land un der pain of being pn .'sscuted for tree- Sept 6 I 7i Joseph Anson Piano Tuner j,Have Prof. Hendricks tun your uiiumi.. xtwiii pay rou to ao so., xun ing and repairing carefully done.' We kindly solioit your work. Oct 3 . Prof. Hendricks Beautiful Cblumbia "; - River Folder IjA (jnnscnger department of.the .Ore-, gnu Railroad 4 .Navigation Compaov has Just issued a beautiful and costly panoramic folder entitled '"The, Col-' umbia Riyer, through the ' Cascade Mountains to the Pao'iBo ' Ocean." From Arlington to Portland and from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, ' every curve of the river and every point oMmerost are hown while Mt Hood Mt Adams, au.l,Ms.8t Helena, porpo- .' tually covered with anow, aland .out , in there beauty. On ttie back of the map is an intereitinjf story in detail I of the trip from Huntington to Port- land and from Portland (o the ocean not ovarlookina the. beachea and, ,the San ramisco trip by ocean. A popy , of this folder may be secured by send : ,ms four cent In stamps to pay postage It A L Craig, General Passenger Agent ' aI tk. ( U.. 1 1 i a . . ' u. .uv uicvu Mtiiruau a navigaitou Coin pan Portland, Oregon, By seud ing the addreaa of some friend lu the East, and fouY cems tnpoitaie the' Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing ton and 6tb Streets. Known' as Geo. Ball's lodging house. -For RentjT To small family.'whotau 'give'; sat- Ufiu.tflpv MtAranitM oln.ni.iuJ ...... . --r-w-w v, - .HI UUUn, ,of seven rooms with all modern oon VAtilAniwa. InnlnHinn ..w.. wuvw, water, baih inside .toilet,. The house1 is.oonveniontly and . deslresibly situated. For farther 'particulars addiess Posi Office box GX8 ' 10-1-tf. 'I I ii lilln uri.. folder will be oromntlv mailad. For Sale ' One, .good second hand' ' Kimball' piano. . For Particulars eoquile of Mrs fugle or Phone 17:17 Residenoe Cor. of 3rd K. " ' Pictures of The Wreck " Parties' wishing' pictures of the wreck can seouie same by calling at J. B. 8mith's Jewelry Store. FIRE PROOI; SAFE :, ' e'oi3sale, weight iBDOi : rio " M Call or write La Grande . Pawnbrokei Phone 1681.. , ghlful Route, Daylii-ht Ride ( Dissy Crags, Deep Cunous. , ',, A Golden Opportunity See nature in all her glorious 'm lienuty, and then the acme ol " null's handiwork. The first is found along the Hue of the Deliver KioOraude Railroad and tlm latter at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pie -iure make the moat ol it. For information antfrtfj' trsii.il literature write a: ix.vinRRrDK. nmi. ABt. , , Three booses for rent on R. F.'. Sh No 1 will 'imaka 'jlbsral",fermS to the right persons. 8pecial inducements to long term lesaara. . L B Hyatt. . t. .'. .,,.,-jRK DNo.lLs Grande 1.1 mM I if . . . . writes MrsChas.Applegate, Alw-i??8t?."''r Pr cent of tne ambunt. uuria, too., -aou oouict nanny get any aleep,, 1 had ccninittption,. ao baihiU ". ' w"'aau oiouc i wonld cough frighifuily and Spit Mood, , but when all other medicines railed,' three tl.OO of Dr. KlagV New, Discover, poudds.'WTfs absolutely guraSftiYfi', vi vura iouirnt. f ;niris. i n.in i Bronchitis and all Throat and Lnns lu. nr MinlamfMr. IWI. al this nmu Eight room on Horth'rlr Street .n' waOTiK'rinS - Any Md all Dersorw clalrolrWaavaamlv tw boe-dcaerltwd land are advlsea to file their elalma la uufl omee on or beajMYpaday auova deslsnated far oomniflnoenlf at or said. sale: otberwlM Ihelr rlgbu wUl be rortUMA,' uawu Aoswo, inn. i.:,;..:.JL. A A Bobarja. Keoalverl, "rv ' lv.. -.. i uissoLuuon rififV V V- Nodoe U herebv a-Ivin'tnat Ihi 'ooil Dartnersfafb of i V RossiricT A TVAnt drews, under the firm name ''of Ioes Andrews. ha nils dsr been 'dlaaohred ''; 3 V Ross retirfng. Tk4 buslness i'wlti beoontirined by A V Andrews who wHrfi. ; pay all debts sind eolisetils: mMfobki' due the firm." 1 Dated at La Qranda, Union ootantju Oregon, this 28th day 4j September), ISO.' : r. jvRod. vs.- 9 ''H ! HI- A WAndaaw.. V. i t i TIMBER LANfj, ACTNB'A?!." ' NOTICE FOR PUBUCAT10N r U, 8( Laacl Oflloe, La Urande, Oregon " 1 ' 8epf.cS, fKH Notice is hereby given that la compllaijoe Wtttrtheprovlslons of tbe act of Congress of ' June 1, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of . timber lands in tbe States of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa .. extended to all tbe Public Land States by art of August 4, 1892, UlMenat B. (Jhanud, t Bait L.ke cuyreolimy of exit. Lake, T States of Ctab, hat tbft day SJed'tn tblaomoe Us sworn , statement .He; -.sitr.'.aar,. tbe iperoaaa of lot KSefcfcTft; Ssouth,! range li KH vUEM. NS. sftaie MS..S5 8.W.M-. im'.1': .: And'WIII Aflrlroof thow thai tbf lattcT' ought is'mees-vajiiabla M;lU'.ibaer-'x atone than for agricultural purposes',' aira to eatabllttt b)r iclalm' to aaW-taad before tbe Register an4 ' Receiver of tus omee at La Qrande, Oregon; pa Monday, Uio ' Slh day of He names MWNftessesrWarpIS H. Bulus, of Btarkey, Orson. Oregon, Frank &au U-1 1U rffci....ilMM. Ik. Boutin, of Feny, thagoa. ,.Til, Aur auu an utjnuna ouumuarfsaTerseiy tne above desorlbea lands are requested to file tbelrolalms In Uileoffiea-on fir before salt! Sthday of Deoember, MOC : . :'. ; O. W. Davis, Beglrter '' ' r r i herebtlfy aft p6rsona.that tam tbe so'e lessee of tbe Thoa. Smith stona quarry," also 'all stone on the''390'acre pasture and all parties are hereby for bidden from taking stone off of said traot. J , Mars. S & B g a ,7 V pi X Notice of Dissolution Notice Vhlreby given that he : partnership evfetinbetweeS Ll Still.' will and J Vandarmahll Jh. affirm .nU: acting a general btnolier" BriBlneis lb thVoity'Of La Urande,-Oregon, was on th9flret day of August dissolved by mutual oonaent- IrT'rUlna mnln.ll. agreed that tbej Valdermeulin con tinue the business anoT'that L Stillwill withdraw from the business, and that the said J Vandermeullen collect all accounts due the said firm and pay all debts agaln.t the said firm. IJated tfaia drat day of October 1901. LStillwUl and J Vandermeullen. ' ' ' WOot. f ''tor OregWBuilDW' Colfcdd. ISohool of' Shorthand," And ' ' Normal Baker Oity, Oregon, had four' calls for Stenographers last week and wae unable to fill them all. Our studanta ' get good positions when oom Detent. ifi5nf"mjli?lnM heu they want feliableooiripeteni tlp. i Now is tbe time Jor young people V enroll. Pfaotloal 'BarA' 'riith'oos' ar. tsmgnt." The -light line Bratam-f Shorthand by taught which oau be learned In about hali" the time the old 8haded Syatema."."""'' TultiontSnd Hoard reasonable i M.O Perry'Prino:, - ; ' ADMINIBTRATOIt'B.BAIili.o'. '. , By virtue 'of an oniiit ' an fli'nu mads and mtwd..br tma' Honorable County Courtjjn Septembst UtIfWf n the matter of ttteataUtoatiosr oi thesUte of Angle A Wood, deceased. ( will from and ' after1 - Ootobdr f 2n& ?3 oea".No. 1110 Adam ' Ayehue, U .'.Urtukie. Uniaal . v,n,. .Oregon, proceed to sellat private sals lots numbered khrhi rat, a- w fb lo Ubaplln's Addition to- tbe- cits- oiwi, union county, Oregon. Parlies dealring to hnrdhaaa aiU-A- , iiiuiu nftj ncn fCKI(,tHC-TY,1',M1M,ws on'oe ba- 'l. rA"8' 'tlkir' with- esrtlMsdl iu property as a '. euarants that aaid offer will be' complied -vriih In.cass tlU offer i'ayjptadr ' rrtf-ofTer will be oonsidered for a anm laa .. 12U0. Terms of sals, oaah t i. hand. , . J-K Wright, ' Admtalstrsttrnirtte''ttttV A. Wood, dseeased. Wood, dseeased. ..Dated September 17, 1901.