A Real Estate De .W.i rV. , ! , tesoon:aniifaedlfjroa:know all about It.! STske : map, locate lb d : - iMMrii.'hMt i'iiH BoatodaMa lull i i. .litjL la Wiul .fill- thatW l?a ? i ooiJfcba.UiV' ! Jfa- i .a ' La Grande Evening Observer 1ST BRO&, Editors Pr ps It Easy For Us ' totalB tonai aaWaa 1 poatcd on properties and valuee ' that yon don't go wrong In baying or ; on(J eM j gdyanflB . , r j I i i t .1 u I Port jevnoap j-L Jok MOiwin; 189 at Cnnf, Oreapa, Published daily exempt Sunday c7 ranae investment waling through as. Our advise ,1 -ralaakaa ad wa help.makeaafa "fld profitable InvestmsnU. " I ! II,UtJ,(U (Kit 1! ' "I' 1110 Adam? Aveune, tontpiti p r 9 . f Six months in advance. . . .3 60 EVENING, OCT 17 IW4' l,i hi Li.i TURKESTAN. -A LtfALFA io if hi Theprrtandi'ijfajfa grews wJArir.)! Seed Baled Barley, XmCBK inUnibii Ctophttf. r XTPP0D0R1B008BVELT, . llfi. o'Npw York. . ..- V-' ?OB VIC PRgSIDBHT CHABLES jV. FAIRBANKS ' of tniJlana,,.,.' " D SJW fflSppiSTAl. M,BCT9 ; o. b. dimuick i J : ' . i .ClgcJunat iu aoiWiH, j Josephine J N. HABT, j ' 1 Polk Mni umauiia til: tittt whi !( ntf rfi Mid lt4lM ff jr. Ual iJttl V. .FULL MEASURE ' Chain ' wood by ' the Cord ; , . i r--r. . 128 cubio feet to the cord. 16-inch dry cham wood f 3 per cord. ,Thf Ja cheaper, than jby'iK'lQaa.J You pay;rof;wiat yonei ei.d get what-yoa'pyfos.,;,,',' Phone 's-' ' "-'-' -i'H,i:W: NIBLEY- - lWHMWMWMmi IMMM this !ilS?toV,.F0'fing. vThsQaar. Sooiaty" . being'l' oamber 3 of eatingra matter concerning ii9ld-l Oregon, narrating how a lev u : ' . j i yfjiitj,mirapiuarieB traaers ana 'SeUlarrlived.in a conqtry filled ilb Indians nearlyliao todU8- fend ' miles ' .from the- nearest whC,e"e)tle,mti.t''s'!tf Missoori civilization that: it i took, six mnjlhs tijgereply to ''a' letter all. In the Old, days inQregqn. thrwere no laws or Organiz ation in pupa eaiHil-i .19 H't fWnsMsSHHWI fJBsB A Few Choice Bargaina in Wal lowa County Real Estate v rr. (1) XOaerasatUn t, t) ii'ti sipiblt of culclrttbii, ,HI 9 Satilliowa waaat. Uoaaa, Mra al(aMTbaiHla.jV t " antpantlBOt illDdiih (DHIaori,iaillaKki4, h.ML bui u4 ioo oathvlhlUca, M imli tail irbiiiii; MaU MiMia o( water aw throagh pUot A great bargala at ti,609 l MacrMvf land part olwbloa ia th flrMatvOf maadoiv; good boast and sutbuildinga PWdkar aal. an toaaal kay en k catwa tia klabaf-Mrtll lakd ' UOinUttlaln mdtoatotaproatrtr. Prlca Sit paV UMJJt 'TVJ TJ. 4 IWacrea. I'JDoreholoe landPrice HO peraor. Thia ira graal aarfalfe. 5 I60ade4ol Suataad at WaaaacaiTTlMaij)r a fav ! tha ainj aaapf Wa uTrwiawiau way ai rami caiau oargaiaa. aar lartaar panuiHian Haraaav WALLOWA?' '''ii"v " ' OREGOlfi--'' ' awaraawaaiiWIiajiiiajajaBaMwaaBPiaMaa its kL t I-. 'til I Anf !:..;! - KOR BU8INE88 - -- - - - I am KTiuMteiiwHWeIandP Cutting School. Mtw York, and hold a diploma therefii)tn.''rHm a :n-aetidal cutter and desigaer. .-. ' Qirs me a ohanoe, . ' - " A.H:'Mtfrqttatdt' TAILOR La Grande, Oregon ' 1 "i i.(.ja. lUftfjl M l.iiMiM h.lll (.',. .L:I i' anna trail b a on b a a a a a a A LAG RANDS' 1 OREGON a oapii' aitccpiH' - tfl Surplas fund ... 13.0W ajaa aUiaOilHT OI ouarajuwiw. - 'B Responsibility 113,000 9e do a g'eMral FankTng and exohanjte auilnesi I rafts bouEht and iota on eartern ana inreigu oauas. a Z JL...-ii.i vy:. a.. ff Z JOSEPH'PALMBR; Presidebt . H so a 0 if dtf fltf ntf nw nun noo noo i MONDAY C- "VJ''.OR PRESIDENT 7 t 1 ... . . - ceivierships in 1892-1800. Look failures. back at the business kboikiat the, jeairs, 1892 3. l8M. 1891896. It wlfft1 be worth your while, if you have forgott!tndrllrmsirtrnn'' UVBMM avwAa., swr.uaE- bfrak depoaita, faim vajnas.aiacal the election qfjMcKinley. , Look back,, taa you will votu lor Roosevelt and Fairbanks. " , e J- -i-.-i The Pioneers oCj?DF6 County "t met rTuesday evening and elected A D' Smith aw item- mittees and agreed that the soo- tetv hold another, meeting, in IWO weeas aai rc permanoun pmcexs.-uenaocrai.,1 , ; 1 , .The OLD PREGOfcr.-4 Observer, received!.. a Oregon to make laws xc()lleotion of trjapDeija, missionaries j ,ana. inimigraflte bet ubdsra. fir tree on th bank of the Willamette4 river" in 1843 ifOrganised;,,. proy.iaiQnal, government In lUjie days MS v&Vi I Bri'pin-wd ' the UiMWU piacApjinea.yxsgon. a, condition that lasted until the treaty pj!lqre 161846. ; To peo ple w4o tak an interest in traCi. Sag) b"e story' otv now Oregon, leveloped jrom. laonnaonned wildeneBSytoits present condi tion -the matter published ' Irom time te Um,in:ft4iArAlp,vI .the Oregon Historical Sooiely-' is oJ thrilling interest. LOOK BACIU ' r ' back ,at your list of a How dear to my faaart Is the old-faabiooed washboard , a That mnthr naad to waah OD when I was a bor, Orttlmaa haawlwatshtfaa whan waaring t tZ Aa orsr Ux ridraa jnr dadaahe weald j 'a J na'ar will fanailkOWaVia aabuM ao4 ih A.nA mrtmn tinhhW tn n.V flhlldlatl lOT . ab. r- lutiui amal ihaalaihanD ' Tba old laahTow&rash fcoaka atopd 1 tha tab. . . .TU)ldiaahU wiUhoardv , Toa aliifaovarad waahboard Tba back-breaking washboard that stood In the tob. - Boraaflksalwap Sink hrnt,pato,rUt laandrisSa, . clou And aat thsr waar oat their cloum evarr d S , Bat aire .thorn to me, so I will bar a hot dinner i tMA&twUtuib smell of tba soap sads away. I know that the waahiog machine la rnooh aaalar BUffoUl-fhlwaabboard that stood to tbetob, vi. Wa areotthaoldaabloneJJt(nd.' . ' ! . I . a f A 1 " JrtJ J'(!l I l at tl JI1 . 'a .f- PHONE ,,l85l ,, .Vaaa..aa 11 " '5 aaaara.aaaaaax't ConghJuUtion If.- 1 Uii. tfti;u. - Engineers have ,beeua.nna'l sui vey of a' railroad from Baker Cio Eagle) and Pine. iYjey l(bk. ought toj be good uewe to the . people of J Bajier pijty, ,suph news-aa would compel .them ..to throw up theiJ hats ,in loud ac1- . i vr aJ-" ll ;f.(U., t. claim,; A" branela .road this joad to theaateiionseotiona. named means increased "wealth and pi:osperity9tjBaker' City, increase of property velues and inoreasod prosperity io all 'liaee of treri-Derat' '"j : "" mas!!ed men Hold liPASALOON Mr John: H CuHom.f Bdltor ot the J uarland, xaxaa, newt, aaa wniieu a latter ol congratulations to th mann- (actnra.ot Chamberlain's Cpngb Ba- rw.n n.if Arat child wai a baur Uinuk olios iJbftmDerlstin- t-oog nenway in rmtn withont in the' bo'nta.giaca that time. We bare fiV chHjfih and 'have dIVan it to all of tham wlMmaood .1: raita." for aaie ojr.ait.flruggMM.it i, T1UBEH LANlj.'1AC'r1JrjlVS'Sla 1878 U.e. LaBd otsoeii La Orande, brtoo ' , AwualiVlMM. 'rrouaaaaaieroor kitdu uai.ui.wiaiiiiMuwi altk the proTKlons orthe aot Of 'Uonjreaa of juu 8,-1078, cnwuaa -n get w. iia..am m. lln.UK ana In tha HtAtM of ftaJlfurHl. Or iron. Mavada. uad Wat hill rtOIl TarrttOKT.' aa Vottue14o.all tba Public Laud Slataabir aot I UI Auauat a. um. uavia u tnrcaea,' 01 Dexir- fTlUevTjoaatjroT'Woooy BW .01 . Wywmam Ku tkliili.1 flUjd In thla offlaa hll laorn Bli1 J " Bad Lodga 'y Oot." l'r-Rp6rt' have reach he're.ttiat the Roih ajoon at ejp4jr wjo waa, teld. bp V, V0 lu'iiiked mi andhat;saTerf' Wdy" in fhe place WM liited'ap ayalaaVthewall and. searched.'! fthjs' robbers' seoored about 22 from the men in the' aaloon, 'abbot $40 from the oath register and 11310 fremthe tafe. After getting all there was in sight the robbers mount ed their horsei and escaped. ;' " Portland Markets RAY AK 0 GRAIN ' Wheat,.eiport price ,81o to 860 Barley, . beat......... Oats.i,,..s .....828. tt) 27,W Bay,c Umotly.. ......... .t to 810 r BTCSB, AND POUUPET Batter bestoraunerr...... 27o to, 30 Batter,' vwdlnary .................. .25d GggspafK dexan Joe to 2Bc Ohickenav per rxat.-..,-:;--rwralfl;: "BRUtTfl AND : VEGETABLE! . , Potatoes'Dar owt.. 81 Onionjk, ptr owt 1.60 to 81.C5 'Apples, best, ipar box '. . ;M,,78o to 81 Peaches, toast) par box uuo to 100 Beeti, 'par; taok 815 Cabbage,, per pound 2e 0..KW. STOCK Staanv. ;.. :. A'. .J. . .SMB to, aa ....8-2 Bdlls, j.....' ....81.78 Mr J, j choie, JatUce M Uies Pence oOor'kaii. jOragprJpaiaad th6ogh tbsoltythia-i(oraaooo eoronte to bis home after a rislt to Portland and 8ea - - ta I. Adyerti$s(l v'j. ii List of anolaimed Ivttera.nraalB i tae.ka rmnae UTegoatJWa( for-ha treaateudlug Oat. IS '04. riwr; . JobOStOD C W ysMs.:"! - West B W BmrirrMlM Merle , Kfelfr .iat Minne . fialeinraliaa Grace,, Sfhit. ,L,J. iBllaiOD.Aess,.'! n! 'fFarna J,V Ik) Turrel-OMBK' 0: 1 ,-, -lr, lit ,1 , Thaborre will ba . kapt Jfpr, 14 days and tben-anot to) the dead.lett office. . Wben oalW.r pleaae sajr adrectlaed , tl0t;.130lT a ti. JA BJohcy B iL :A rp n -Jfrt tVaot.hki II IL u a rf xu BBrj r w inu uot oajia iwcw 1, w!1 if 3WMblp 6 8011111 Bante . , fuq f oivr prooi 10 mow utuuio uuiu mn lhl 1st mimi WM.iiiB.ha ftvr iLa Umber or stoaettifcaa lbrtjrtoulturl purpoaen, and to MUtultU) Iter olavUn to uld laad befok .tfae Ke(titr uil Rtclver of tbU ofllo l La Gia(1sv OrtKoa.' on Tueadaj, tht ItoUi day.of October. 1904. r, - L" ' sl.ti namsa faa ,ltnMifM! Rawim H. Hal W, Ueory Brawn, of DeiurvUli Wlaooanln; Leoasrd Or BaUl,, of rerry, Ores JCtliaTsrd Btiaa. at La aidtVtjtMOD.:" A n w ani 1I runnns nam til SUIVairswlV ., ':. .awevdairld, lande are rnoeated lo He namei'lbi folloiak eaaWa t'T(rri oiairoa in uuiimw, on or.ravra aawo1 Hlk rmhllnunna naildanoa uiun nad snlu. . - J MOTICE FQB PUBUOAXIOB. Vrc ll -. ,; ,d.' if j i..i lain n-rxfitfil ia . Departnaant e. tbe latarloc. . idumcati Omnaoofcm: ' - Notlea la herebri fveA uanutju Niucr una uiqu uywi u pi svad that said proof will. sHpDort of bis cUslm, ll Umtfrdi:beiWe tho.i : :on: lUi' mHi,'A!!:SMrraTlh.Hiutilnirr Uili.... wi www, awa, . , ..... . . . K. W. Dana, Betfaur.' i'I the tlonoCi am laoo, . 1 1: rrana BeuirioaT jol.o KeiBt, conart BtrdaMaj SUaatSi.aaiatt'. atlol , - S 3i -TTn 5 'W.-DAVIBektotttf' . NOTICE FOii 'pUbUcaW6n.V ' ' Ala Uulr fcta daj ( 1 9 P 1. ;j KKeIlokn deceased. Estate, ' notice 1 ia . nereDT siren war. me' m undersigned. J :M'Cbanh.'haS' qaali- -" Nolloe la barabj jr ym, ttwt tbaiowltur. ,. li,4,MEaolV?r bt th. last will ..ad. jgm . HSiameatoid H rvenogg. aeorasea . laid that aldorKrf will be roade before the AU" persons 'bariog claims atainat Keguierand ueoeirerora aid' aatate are hereby required to f reeeut the same properly yerined .to ha undersignei at the ipB6ea,'of CM rum. DvuiuiBi . uiai.u.,i, m. uinuub Oregon,"wltbib six, months from the data pi the', first publication of this notioar'n.'. t ' "W ' 1 - a Dated and first Doblished Uotober 6thl904. , ...., . ., J M tlharoh, Exeoalorof Estate of 8HL60 to 823.50 j B Kelloaii. dal-eaaid. u, a. rioa, Aitoroe ror SUgStlaalAt, Hoga,ti'ib4st Hags, leeders. .,,.,..,,..,..,f ...82 860O JWj' Look stocks anr)bqnds. How do quo tations now compare with 1892- 1896? ' " "v " Look back, 8t yw s jook what wasvyou vrage. balance ; Ht,,h Mcijan. 4 M j40q.ll in 1892-J896? ; ' - . '( : ."I'ijt for Oorvallis to enter iua. uw;a,i0jrySj uiuii' reveivable;, , .How..;, iauoU,o as overdue and uncolleotable in 1892-1886? '"" v" 0 3" ,: ' Lock backtyAiMlwaesKyoHj;i salarj.or y oar income-ia-1892-4 i&9' How ' does It 0 cdinpre1 tliqArlctirl Collage. with tha vaara 1fi97-1!ln4r ' Look beck ai.yqur.mamier.iOL living. How doee' it Compare bow with,J8p2 ' TTa i en 1.1 -i"--r-.wif .a t, . ,., , Have your, wiU UwkbaoX,, at ier allowanoe foe the house aadJ or bersejj and ' the' Children" How;itAi-x,,;v; Look back at farm. and vfarni rgrodout values in 1892-18964 Jlow, rnuh coulu you' have aold yonr farm for, an.d,thqfi nmfrbn did yon sell your- butter, -your egg, your jpottitrw, ; yottr live- stotk, your, wheat, jrouiorn,, your cottonr andll your prftwi ducts for, compared with 1897j Lf -Look back atihe ey porta, and imports (or 1892o4896, aidom- pare them with those for 1892 1896, end compare them with those lor 1897.1C04. ' " n "H -Look back at the railroad re- ' lie? - b a. b ' We're selling bow ' fof , il kVii - Coats $250.00 else ' where ' '. Big buying and big, selling- does it 1' at 10 i tt ii t t . Ol . l'l .'la Eilers 861 Washington Sirejl, ' corner Park Portland,; "Oregria" Piano i House, Eieoutor. ;: MAKES'A CLEAH1 SWEEP' There's aothini like doioanasuahinc thoroughly, pi all. the Salvaa joiiayer, heard of, Bnokleu's Arnica Salve is the war ana ci Cuts. laitA.ti cures Barns. Boils. Ulcers, best. It sweeps 8ki?Er"up and guaranteed La Qraiide Alrug Co., and Nawlin KM-, urnggist. (taUldfOlnod'. Keelster and I ml IA HEN .Ornzoa. r UaAamea t huaoouaaoaa rtMldaaweapoaand.eiinhrBttow 01 awn tana, via; , caamuoi uryaeii, Joun Hanna, Qeorg vaa'Oradail and -Oaoar VaS ' uraoaliijg'Saiam.Or.ion.- .1 1, j.,5W,lTa),Rf1.t?r..., ' " -.. 1 r Ndt ICE .FOR PUBLICATION1 - D. 8. Land OOeai idal aaa.DreKi.'-. : f'K'M.'),!.. 4 tbo rolrowtng- ItlUi lntnljo. ; io nakefStoai proof in ,juDort of hla Plalm, mil ctb maao oerore- infl Hotloe la tareliT a'lvan tbal latnM finer Una fllsa notiMnf tin and that aald Droof' ltarteoeivr.ofjlb, uaj.and.Qmoa;, Wje-VnkYnt, John' Keller, of fLa Oranda,' .enaraeetbe following wltneasaa prova vFii .u, Ti..1'11 l"i uioorn. ne namea tue loiiowing witneasas v prova s aatfPlleirIt'l'oW '"l"".' mtW','!T&&- rasrl to niva aatl.laifjnn hv of ,a """Vvls: A J Pitta, Conrad Stroebor, -; .8lv 5l"St0,i KmUHaUMandJohaMorg.ellof LaUraode Drng Co., and Nawlin Irug Oregon. , K. W. Davis, Baglater. i8tes88ss8e4M.MMai n insurance Nntra Publin un il lTil' , a w 10 Loan RepreserMing ,the Equitable! Savjfegs & Loan V Asso ciation of Portland, Or., tbe strongest, safeet- ft v'most reliable institution on the1 Pacific) coast, under' Stale supervision.,. Loans made short ox long time to-uit.,ifc vavjr ajavioi-jr mi oauot' - 1 :.xbaia I V :""m""""""""r""tlVl"" i'ii 3.': Lawson-tSc Zundel t Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Vege, tables and Fruits. Car load lots a specialty. Office in Kilpatrick BuUding " S-Phone mn 13 T - Jl-K I a)fa0e)e)8J9el8iS818iSSSfl asi rtaiaiaiaiaiaiaisfiaialai as 'aVeVat 1 - '" II I i , . OFFIOEBa DIBECTOR8: ' Oao. r'iLaaM '." .;- !?:,' Pmdiaak . J u d t u m. v .- - .. - . - v. . uv. , w . . vuaiva T It-Bsawr.-rmfVlss Praaldsat A. B. Conlaj, Geo. U Clea- J. M.CntrsCB. Cashier ver.Oso. Palmar ' SJ . V. VgTKss and Geo L Cleaver Ass'. Cashiers vu - J .LaQrande National B 5 - a, NK Write Jps for particulars., I o or 96 a month buf tone hero. ; ! La Grande, Oregon " ' 9 APIi; AL ANP SURPLUS, $72,000.00 . TraneacBi s.eaerat banUdgbasinaea.' Boit and saDs exchange an, , - - all barU ol the amaU.a -. ..i.u- , . . . - "K a , - ' ' Tf"