.1: One Day Cough Cure We've seen a remedy advertised to care coughs in a day. Better keep the cough and shun the remedy. Yon would be drugged, not cured. There is inflamation to be removed, healing to do, waste matter to be expelled before a cough is rightly cured. White Pine Cough Balsam cannot cnre at all unless it cures rightly and it requires from three to five days to cure most coughs. Re lieves quicker than that of course. 26 and 60o THE NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY, Adams Avenue, LA GRANDE - - OREGON Id Uwroomi in tb. Bomnet Hoaao building. : . Sells at Sumpter J W Sirlhar and J D Slater lo.it Inmad from fcumolW. wl UI ffotl that Bumpier U qalU proiperoaa while at Similiter they vUitod U imalUr okh lino w being opwated, glTiog work to great mtuy pernoa i thej i i.repared to baj od treat all ora of Talon offered them. Vhile in Sumpter, Mr. Scriber dis posed ol 3-6 of the capital atoclt of the t'lrat National Bank of Bumpier, Tal oad at 116,000, and tendered bis resig nation as a Dire tor and fiesideut which was accepted. Ibe stock waa allpurohased by Jas. A Howard and Guj L Urmaay and other local parties ol Sumpter. The business of tb bank la very prosperous, showing a material gain ln ivtnhar 1st. and ther now bar. lands on hand to pay all depositors of the Fir.t National liank ol bumpier. Mr. Son her will now derote all his time and energy to the success of tbe Farmers and Traders National Baok of La Grande of whioh he has been Cashier for tbe past fourteen years. Get The Habit Of trading at the Nebraska Grooery Store and you cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock is complete. jj . having the largest stook of "Preferred" DvSIUw cauued goods, Allen & Lewis special brand on all their leading lines. We have just re ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's andj,Shoes which we invite you lo iuspect. IC.tRALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE " ' . Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sta, LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Cbaoemtog People Who Come ai go aai Ot!ur Items of Local Interest Circuit Court C T Baoon et al ts J A Matott et al Default, judgment, sale of attached property ordered. 0 T Baccn et al rs'Ohss Q Baker De fault, jodgment, sale of attached property ordered . C J Mo -ane rs J J Mnrohison jadg nent tor plaintiff, sale ol attaobed property ordered. J V Mrrtin tj Union County verdlot for defendant by direction ol coat. Heirs estate of Mary filggers vs 0 W Riggers Adm. Action to have ad ministrator removed argued an I submitted. , E. P.8tpt4 E. E. Romijt ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES-- A toll and oomp.ete line of staple and fanoy gro oerie. Fanoy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, granltewaro and wooden war. fruita and vegetables la Mason. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. i Phone 431 I For Every Cash Purchase Of one dollar aud for every dollar paid on account from Oct 1 to Nov 1 a tioket will be issued entitling the holder thereof to a chance in our $40 00 Suit drawing whioh will take place on the evening of Nov 19 at 7:30 Suit now on display in our window Al Andrews, SUCCESSOR TO ROSS & ANDREWS Gents' Furnishers and Tailors Rot. J Franklin Day returned last evening Irom a Visit to MoMinnvllle and reports that the Willamette valley is eojoying Us rainy season. Mies Flo Ballock of Portland ia ex pected to arrive ihiB evening and will a guest of Mrs. Q H M olden. The LOS Fair which will be held here In the LOS hall Got 18 19 and 20 bids fair to be one of the greatest sno esses yet attempted by the' LDB people. The public is invited to attend and a delightful time is guaranteed to ,11. Bird F Lewis is in Walla Walla to day. A Adams was In the oity yesterday from La Grande. Pendleton Tribune MrsObas Camp and eon Paul who came here last spring returned this morning to their borne in Bellplain Iowa. They expeot to return Miss Millie Elmer of Imbler was in the city yesterdav. Mrs H H French returned to her home-in the Cove today after a brief visit in the city. Money makes the' mare go and more money keeps the automobile in repair Receiver Roberts returned last even ing from a visit to bis wife in Port land and reports that she is slowly improving, J F r'helton of Sumpter is a La Orande visitor. D P Ketohnm of The Dalles ia here on business, Henry Mentle ia In the city from linker Mrs J D Slater, president of the Neighborhood Clnb, Mrs Clara Lyle president of the Lyle Tuesday Musi onlo and Mrs W A W orstel, Mra Dr Moore, Mrs Joseph Carr and Mra A C Kioliardson, who were delegates to I lie State Convention of Federated Clubs which mot in Baker Oity have return TWO BIG LOTS OF SECOND GOODS Just received and must be sold next week. To do this you may select anything you want and I will make the Price Nearly at Cost This big stock consists of Bed Room Suits,' Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, Curtains Carpets, Linoleums: Plain, Cane Seat and Upholstered Chairs and Rockers. Parlor Sets, Etc. Complete Kitchen and Din ing Room Furniture, Heating and Cook Stoves, Harness Saddles, Briddles, Collars, Chains, Tools and in fact the-. Biggest Lot of Second Hand Goods in Union County Remember we do Upholstering a ad all triads of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid . . Jf '...."-" fl.B,Haifta Pho2n0e5I F. D. Haigten 7 Highest Prices Paid for Seoond Hand Goods. IT SMELLS GOOD but that's nothing to the lasting. It's a stent fit for the gods. Tbe Waldorf-Astor and our restnrant are the only ones on earth yon can get them at. SEAT YOUR GUEST before one of these steaks and it will help bind the bargain you're talking of quicker than auything etse. Good livers al ways eat at oar resturant. You 11 live longer and die happier by patronizing us. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. . OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal', i r n Tickets, Cssh $4-5U WATCH MAGNATIZED P In these. days of the Increasing use of eleotrioity the danger , ol.baving yonr watoh magna tixed is greater than In the past. Ham in shape to demagnetize yonr watch right away and pnt it in as good shape a when it left the t factory, there is no necessity of running tbe risk of having yonr watch lost or broken lending it away whin yon can get it made as good as new at home by a practlole workman at a low cost. ' e H. Peare, the Jewiler HOUSE CLEANING TIME BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! On till ki.xl . hi new iiinl si'cond hiiiul goods. Ko- . . . ....... ..t 1 A meiulur wc n.ive u:o -itira i new nun ti-'u.m tjr hoihIh i,i town, Wo )uiy cash and get all Ine dii'tn'nut- i.i v ii i (r leri m we have ur own i-ur c Bine in r't and we cull and lo nnyoiio in nr lino Remember o .r wagon, Ui re o" sell chi up' r ill phone. A few of lln line w buy anil sell Iron lii"1, M ii 1 1 sst'8, H-d mom suits, Hardware, Tinware, liar e.-, " ivl'l.c.-,- Wauons, Stoves. Crockery Books, Clolliitij, 11 cyles i.-id Jewelry, Everything you ueeil. The La Grande Pawnbrokers NOTICE OR PUBLICATION Department or the Interior Land Office, La Grande, Ore. Notice la hereby riven that the following named settler ha filed notice of hit intewion to make Bual proof in support or hisclaim, and that wild proof will be made bnfore the ReglBter and Receiver ol the U 8 .Laud Office at La Grande, Ore. on November '2g 1WI.. vis R E So. The bunual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets. Linoleum, MattingB, Window Shade. Pictures, Stc , will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock ii omplete. Our prices right. Ccrnrr Fir and dams Phone 1581 Remember we till buy t 'U k,od ( Se:ond Hand Goods j j jt eu, aix uoi.bui.cu "ii." i" .ou. u. jmoooley,.f Kmila.Own.fthI tlio ooDveDttoo and eepecially with the Uiul. J, naJ, NEliS'seo. jo, vft 1.8.R royal outtrtnlDiueut ol the ladles of Huker City. 36 K. W. M I He nnmel tbe following witnoiRcii tn nmVi h; . contic udu. residuace upon and cultivation of l kiUI land, viz: William Todd, Edwara Cooler The ladles of the Cialhollo char. h wi b"",, .nd lUrt uarvlw, r Kme: have their fair, coratnenrlng Mouday ' a W. Davla, Reglater. E. ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave SEWING MACHINES Itoad the Daily Observer We have secured a line of machines that are said to be one of the best on the market. A written guarantee with each maehine given by the manufacturers for teu years Our price is low. Call and look the machine over and see how we sell them . We have the exclusive agency for the Grillett's Safety Razor The Golden Rule Company 1308-1310-1312 Adams Avenne Largest Store Smallest Price? Uati IISHIIIIIMM rimilllll ia