A Real Estate Deal Is soon JflnHhedl if J yonknow all boot lt."akX "nap, ...locale 4 ,D propertyhave awrlljp-ietod jnan toll joa Ubt lt.tsndralter.tMt - it'i imjiiy dtUil.4,'t la, w eep (sen " HftaForUi " to help too out, aa we'ie au thorouh- 'ly'uoe'tA pu pisitwilis salnes (bat yoa don't go wrong in buying or eecllng through as. Our advise ls valuable and we baip makeeafef and y''.''uiofltaMe4aenstminra 1 I Grande Evening Observer 1ET UBO&, Editors Fr pa . ...a ijV-'.i:::: nv... .,-,...-. ' t . o j r l t''"'' ' '""i 1110 Ad ami Avenue, La Grande, Oregon at the Poet Offloa at La Uranda, Oregon, aa 1aaooad, Claaa MailMatter. k A V ? Ytiblisbed daiiy"e'xceptund1iy; One year in advanoe "rTTW 60 Six moctha, in. advance. . . .3 60 Per month . . .; ; .. ; ; .H V. .66c Single copy . , . ... t ........ 6c OCT IS -a Ins ir oil TURKESTAN -.fcllOFA ' The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri, . BRblVtE GRASS en Red Clover. Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk WKeat, Baled Barley;:OaK Etc Seed Hit .tain . -fc B'eb J )! eiu ' ' .IC Mi, a ne oni v , oeea uouse - ;;1tx County i sat t.. 1 i.iTIS 1 unit L W.i oT"T..T3 .: I. . t .... JEFFERSON AVE. - Phone 1571 i. , I Ml 4 )ia ... in. I ei ..q .i u i 1 1 " " . . . t f.b. Chain wood by the Cord ' ; i,j.i.;..jK.. .... i. 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chaim d i wood 3 per cord. This it cheaper than by the load. Yon pay for what you get tLd get1 what you pay for., , ,,t ...... M...'L....i.Ml-.iM.-.UMtta-.U4 ...................... ... H. W. NIBLEY i x Pbone 571 ot : s i'. nm-M x tin "(I it fS 9') (I hitM ( ""S A Few Choice Ba'niaina in Iowa County Real Gstate (1) 900unfUalt 13 ira oipibU'of etkirittii lit iO 1 itii tows wMt. uootfl, nrn ,tai (3) 340 ustm. .til ercbaHI. Own ariain: a mall itrnam of 181 2i0 acrfli mt Iaud ort ol entbuildinew goodhay ahedt. 'DO tona l hy oaln Ike oat paj plsM will Uke. 4 iwiare. 1'JOol choice Und-PrftWtFawre. Thlrfit i tikmt bir1a. . jMff 5 l60t4 of flu Uad t $:K per aurri- Tbet are a inw ot the mauy aaapa W g M'DR.nll Sc lyi'Donald WALLOWA, . - - OREGON aBBBamwiMiiii iin otoit oa4int.- jr j . tdllt lori Uj'.owl o4liWllllnt. Jt'umli. (.11 i J K MtarH.lhranvhnlillfr.AnMtbmliitti.di I 17 wblflrl in thm flnet af naadow: sood hnnM and S I Am ' Now jteady FOR BUSINESS I am a graduate of the Weiandar Cutting Schobl,' Ne Yorlf, ind hold a diploma therefrom. I am a , practical cutter and designer. Oire me a ohanoe.' . A. H. Marquardt TAILOR La Grande, Oregon "11 ij ahm n teem kifX f 17 anaBDooBaoaaiionDaaaai Farmfem' arid Tradera . National Bank, ?,. a LAGRAMtjfi,' l?t,Tti41 "'OREGON O ' Capital Stock fully paid ' Surplus rand -1 60,000 ' j Liability or Shareboldera - Q.UOO , v Responsibility ... 183,000 J We do a general banking and exchange kusineis... rafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, 'President - ' " J. W.'SORIBER, Cashier m a a n u r M si FOR PRESIDENT 4 .. THEODORE ItOOSEVELT. ' ' Uof New Yor';V'B1Jh FOB VICM PBK8IDBNT. ' u. CHABLES'W: FAIRBANKS 1 ' Tiiii.'i'" ". FOB PRB8ID1RTAL KLKCTOBS k a;!B.'lirtttot,,afi':l eiackmas il 6. houoh, J" ' Josephine fsjr.HABT, PoJJj J. A. m,'"-- vi vnUtnatilla I- . ' The time Is' fasi' approachitT,! wheu au eyes will ibeiumed'to tb Lewis and Clark "exbdsition, The paople'ol the East and , the Middle west will pass judgment upon tbe;erprts ofthtT'peopie ol tbeextreem west and the chaf- acter of the exhibits at the ex. position wi!11'ib')tba(ap0B, wbichl their j udgmeot i will,, be made, " It tberefore deTolres. upon ns.'the people' -iof Oregon, to see to it that the exhibits whiohl we send there are woitby ofnsnd our resources. This being the faetwesbnuidllibegia. early to prepare onr .-exhibits and select them withioare , &d. regard K,ttft'theii' -'fitneM:' We- have-the maieriaHn this state, and In this county to make it a personal matter,i td i rightlully set belfore the trieitors our true worth) and1 tndrit. f flf yoil ' Haw auy thing - which you would boot interest or '-value to the slke,at''the" exposition'" let the' matter be ' known ' and 'pre- Pendleton now has a truant officer whose duty it will ' be to see that the- ptjpil'who ifl sent to school hy his parents gets there and also to look after-tbe- 'par ents irhO fail-to ttf" (tart their cbiidiren'. La "Orande":'8h'onl4 take some steps to see that all the school children of - school age attendtih schooS VfTUUk, in th5a tatis a gead . one andj sheutd 'b iaWrVcei to tWUetterJ It is the duty of the parents to 9 thet' their children ' receive at least a common school' edljfc'iC tiori tend if the parents - fait io prefdrm this duty oMheir- own accord an officer" should'' be, ap pointed to assist them., h . . Tne case wherein the three La Qrtnde boys have figured to conspiciously ddriug Ibis ' lerni" of court abould be a-lesson,! to other ftoytfwha re"inoliBed W be thoughtless anfl regardless of the - frights of others. To be thoughtless lis 'a' 'orirae inl kself No- bne . has a right to be thougUleaa.it '(Hi'e laeiteMact that one acts withont thinking is do exoose.'-) The gun fired in a tnouehtWi "w'ls1 ftast' ' as likiyito indict serious .injury., or death as not, aad after tb bthot is fired the excuse of thougbt- leasneWwiH ihrt healfUtywbund ortestorethe-lileirt Boys ithink before you act a'tid ydu'wiWave yonreelf' - and your friends a great deal of trouble. Stomach Sour 'i n,nt t f (ms.n. -. The Union Scout seema to think by tbaiqUgwiog artiole, that La Grande ilarBinadtt botfa morally, and financially ana win nemr ne. aoio ia juidii , toe promiieaniada(tQ tu cotora, ol tpe "". asot vi.itor hi our j "fcg&jft &s wStSK city during; thi. & UuiJM ?nMM 'SSJSl JT& livestock interests have declar ed without hesitation that we have the most favorable condi tions foi breeding live stock of the'bigbe'srqdfality and that in riftny Uuee-'Oregon'fhould in tfme supply We rfost of the U 8 with tbe-er choicest -breeding animals. The proud and justifiable boeWt of the1 6 K ft railway' is tbat not one passenger .. has y et been killed in "a" wreckou its lines...' Perhaps neotherifoad with' the same mileage "and .vol ume"oI traffic in the United States can trutbfullr'make snob a commendable showibg-'-;It,is a tribute alike to the efficiency of em'ploWs and the'organization of the exeodtivtjowers of the roan.-Jast uregonian. . Banks in the east are said to Its' talkiiig"'abdat a slow demand for.mohev but a man living there saysiheymmt beM talkiugj witb the wrong people. . How dear to my Ixirt la the old-fahloid traahboard That mother uaad to wash on when lfU boy, J With its sfctt-etMsied rMa t ad.jrt . And aotp bubbles gamboled to n.y ohlldlah joy. Ofttlmea have 1 wetebed her when wearing her knncktoa. S Aa orer the ridges oor dods ahe would rob, , I I nel? wUlforgMhrttabe aolaahed and she. "P. ; ' THM, Mton4 waah board (hat stood in the tab. wi lit lcHOBU8vw;-; r- ' C . I . .. ':: Thaoldlaahlonad waahboardf - -, iiiX''OoareAu',r1i ' ' S The back-breaking waahboarfthat stood in the tob. J gome folks always klok about up-to-date lauddriea, Amjmtm.9m. vK Bat alve them to me, bo I will hare a hot dinner S At home, with the amell of the aoap anda away. koow thatthe washing machine ia mnoh easier . f . On all of our olothea than to take them and rub a Till the buttons ani bosoms are lost and worn out " ly the bld fashlonad washboard that stood in the tub - ;-.-5 WeotttheoldCasblond,kind.c ,,,..j . ff,f$ . I' v yr A " -r T Tv ia t.. i 1 AB HHlllMtt J IHSI r -S-a-'i " Z .Hi ffl i l I'" r: - ..el.V ' M - r.aeaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaa)a.-i . to. . , t I Coflfrtulaiions ; 4 ; Mr jinny's Oullom.tEditor of the Gar land, Texas, News, lias .written e letter ol congratulatiousltR, the manu factura pi Chamberlain's , Cough Re medy, a follows: "Siateen years; ago when our first dilldl was a baoy be was subject toeroupy spells 'and wa would be,Tery uneasy .abont him. ,We began aBiDgCbamberlain'sCouib. Remedy In U87 and finding it such a reliable re medy lor coldsandcroup we have never been without in the hones since that .1 II immmm tttm 1 i I wan nit h.vA glyen ittoalloMhem .with, good , re,. suits." : ror,aai8 py. au urnggisw. IJMBEk LAND, ACT J0NE S; '1878 ' KOTICB, FOR PUBLICATION U.r-1B1 Qfflqsat La Grande; Oregon; Nouee U Hereby given that- la , epmniuuioe Witt tne provlslona uftbe act .of Congteu or Junes, i7tatltledIAaaet.for tbe. tale ol lltnnji UnrU In Ihfl HlAtM of CllfomiA. Ore Woa, Nevada, and Vaablogtbn Territory," ai eMendod to all the Public Land States .tr act Mr j iohule? Joatiol l the Feaoa Of luks,,Oregjr,-Vag(Sl thrangh the city this forenoon enrouto to his home after a visit to Portland and Sea Sida. r t , j (jverjised List of unolaimed letters remaining in the La-GpuidelfcaKqijlet OfflL-e for the woek ending Oot. 13 '01. Berry JW . Johnston 0 TV, Beynolds A J Weet'H W :. ' ' : ' Burin Mln Merle Ketler Mlas Minnie Saleing Mies Gmoe ji White lira L J 2 Elin C D.Bcssvuiii.r.tMcFarlane J V Terrel Con s i icd fc..t - The above will be kept for' 14 days and then sent to the dead latter offloe. When called for. please say.. advertised Oot.-l&VMti u.a.Mij31ohej?M '"'-Li . eii i v! KOtlOB FOB PUBUOATIOH, I Dfnarlniflnt n. th Tntr1ne- , Laud OfflOB m La Grande, Oreron. i ,w tj u. i-d 'ni June 25, IAOa. .Notice 4s hereby given that the follow iii named aettler liatt filed notice bn Intention to male fliual pfootlo Biipport of bis claim, bnd that mild proof will to made before the m.vzmv aoaiHtMBiTerai taeiu.' b VLtna Ulht'e, m uu AuguEi jt sav. via; etha ritOlxTlravr ' lAlirunde estate Notice botwhq plaited the bttUdlug, the city uut)WY8ENW),aad Loused tofBeo . m-l-Ml-..L.. haiaul fn.. . thi tlo..o. .Tn Townihlp o. South Bange Mo. rnnrfc honaa htik what waa. more than Aud will offer proof to show tUat the land conn npuee, dui wna wa mora nanMgoQiint u more Valuabe ror U Umbar or pleased j witiliiha aocommodations thit atonetnan for agricultural purposes, and to k.i-ij-j Th. Sra.nt L.I "Jtaellsh kerolalm to said land before the ar being pividd.MAM.j Wut ni-st,, ,, uacelrerol. tbl office at I have had aiaoansiomaah,, when U re-., u wjoregon. on , Tuaiday, the attb jetvou uaeii.uLiua tquawiug.T .. it ... at name, as -ltneens: ruipn a. aunis, ..trojsjide, orewm. ii BvihBiUme the .City Hall la finished !' Kl.".i'";- &iro.raK,-w.rei et La Gnd. ..hlaMt laaald wiu; bs JH, jir& iwauvu erwiswaw vwMKvy s wo"-"T TwmM,'rTr.r" 7 Pi .1 tUe II It m Oil 1116 IOllOWlngf WlUMtSM tn DmVA ior a p,r1tHi.ol,flaMn,Ia,r..,theoonnty; r: ttarrisSWl Will bavcommadi0e caartera. tor I, . .. .,.':.: fct w. Davis, Register. Keller, Oonart Htroeber, Mlnard ", KaiUu all ol hth .n..l m. . U ha. never 1 . Uae Oregoftr ...J, I , ' " ' " ' in D.in I e w. uAvta, aajam saw VWfpvst, 111 mis pmyws -w vf.b.vinw although that rata, was :JikaU..Q prove j J J R Eel logg deceased, Eetate. au wpeuaiveaoe. ,jif ,J3rnao dee8,li,Nptica.uia,,hereby, given that the .11 ah. tkurnrt.mln.d.aha.sflU.hA doln- nhdeisiffned. J- M. .ObarJi. hae anall- tHSHai.muunwusu.Mur; . ... All. persons' havla. claims axaiost aad.praetiaaUy put,thti ptedit ol the eald .estate ,are; hereby required tn oily put ot bualneas. JVa have only to : present the same properly verified to . . . j i : the nnderatff ned at the offloea of C H Union has other lyooa In tte.fln.Uat '0, wlthln all months frem. tbe Ola lair tu mbwhiv ,fat p-ououv. ft B laate.Ot UN' nrst . pnoitoauoo. 01. .iota n.rr i 2 T -'( Dated and first Dub iehedOotober ethiaoi. J M t'huroh, Exeoutor of Estate of deceeawt.. j...., ,, for Exeoutor. Portland . Markets ' fjAY AN0(3TBA1N s Wheat, export price ........ 81o to 860 Barley, best $21.60 to 123. oa OaU .......28. to 27.60 Bay, ' timothy.. V.. ?.:;.?..';U5 to ) BUTTER, EGG8 AND POULTEV : Batter be it ores mere tut J it? )o to -30 Batter, -ordinary.... .200 Eggs, per dozen 25c to 26o Chickens, per pound 10c 'FBOIT8 AND VEGETABLES Potatoes per owt.V. ......II Onions, per oat LG0 to 11.60 Apples, best, per box 76c to tl LPoichea, best, per box. .'a.0W ' ta 76o Beats, per. sack .11.25 Cabbage, per pound 2c uin.w ,t -LilVE STOCK ' JRi Steers... .r...,-...v. Cows Bulls ........U5 Stags v 2 Hogs, best :. .'.600 Hogs, feeders 12.95 14.20 2.76 to 3 ..............2 t 1 .. Uit stir ' . a. aooaaaflaoaaaandaaaaoai It' is sincerely 'to be hoped thatUhe success achlete by Oreg'on stock ai the ' ' St" Louis Exposition will have a -sauked effbot hi stimTjtatingnthjbr ing et .fine .stock in Oregon. Visitor after visitor who have' come to'Oregon to inspeeir ita J R Kellogg, C, H. Kion Attorney MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP ' Thera'e nothing like doing a thing thoroughly..; X)f all the 8alvoeyouiever beard o(,(flaoklen'fl Arnica Salve is the beet. It sweeps awav andf'curee Bo.rnaV Sores, Broiees, Ciita,i Boils, Uloerey Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 2V anil guaranteed to give - satisfaction by ut uranoe Drug up., ana newiin irug Co., Druggist. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, u. - a. iaud omoeiJjhjriKle, ; Notiee'la hereby given that the following named settler has filed mrooe df hlslntentiun to matte Ooal proof In support or his clalnt and that said proof, will lie made Before the Key Inter aud Heoel per of the US .Land Odlce at LaQrande, Oregon on aept.'J3a, 1904, via; ii it MoSiSL Kltcsc fc Oliver, af'kleacham, Oregon, for tbe NWW Beo85, T 1 Nj BdSEWH. He nameathe following iraaaisse to prove hiseDntlnuous resldeaoe epen and oaltlvatloa ol said , land, vis; Bamuel 'Brrsea, John -Hanaa, iQsetga.Vaa Ondall aod: Oscar Van lOiadau, all of Meachsm, Oregon. '1 1 K W Davis, Register. ' NOTICE FOBPUBLICA'HON f . iu h U. 8. Land Oflloai t fJrande, Oregon. ' .... , August S, U04. . NotYce Is hBryln''irSatih llowing aamed settler has filed notldeortiul Intention tomaaellosl proof In support, of his elalra and that said proof will-be OSSKl. before the Register aud.Receiverfif the U 8. Land Office J.X Grande, oregtfn,' on Sept . 19M, vis: tl. E. Noj8l,-.-,ba .Kllenf.rt:l tlrande, UWiriwIbS.' HefUntestbelpllowlng witnesses to prove his oontlnuous'resldenoB upon and cultivation ui wtwuuiu. Tit;aj ttts, uonrau etroeoer. '-.". n.Hifa-Mnrvnn ss uregon. org.altef taOrando ' ? gf, Davla, Beglster. eeeeeeesess Representing. the Equitable Savings & Loan Asso ciaipn. of, Portland, On, thestrongest,', safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific coast, , under State supsjrvisioa. .'Loans made short or long time' .to suit City property for sale, ! Win. GRANT, Agent e. W.:-; ... .-.' w4g ttsss oealA Ihc Piano We're selling bow t , for 4 $167 ! cosU $230.00 else-, where jUm ti Big buying and,, big. selling does it at at Biers Piano House 351 Washington Street, corner Park Portland, . Oregon , Write us for particulars. 15 or $6 a month ltf one Here. A' dfeCearf. - Lawson & .Zundel Wholesale and Retail Dealers in I'tabtesnd Fruits. Car load lots a specialty M . Uttice'-'irf Kilpatflcfc' BuUding in Phone No IU3 sjsj - a OFPIOEBSl "' DIRECTORS : QaakPAUaa.. Preaidant t. M. Barry, J. M. Church r w BT Vh Pr-ldent Cooler, Oeo.1, Clea- ..vrntavH. ..uasnier tot, Geo. Palseer Si T. L. UiTua and Geo L Cleaver Asst. Oashiara La Grange' National B n " 3raaae, Oregoa .... , . . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 I traaaaett i gaoeral banldnt bnaln J I I 1 V.aU psrlaptworjd. j Wlections;a specialty, f j y ' " 1 If.