La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 14, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    Not questionable bargain counter rubbish but go !- of REAL
WORTH, of real up to data styles, coming from . t'ia foaalain
heads of fishions. from makers who are mnstori of 'thair art ami
jjj have made a life study of supplying a discriminating public with
, Btncuy nigDoiasa goouB at prices witnm reacn ot all. Our store
B is filled from floor to ceiling but you " must come and see " the
goods for yourself, as we oan ouly give you a faint idea nerely
a hint a4 it were of the stacks of unmatcbable values w ' have
spent so many months in gathering for your consideration.
..... School ratters le, Pencils lc, Key
rings with lime plate. 2q. Rubber fine
combs 2o, Safety pins 1 2c, Darniog
; worsted 2y Red marking cotton 2c, cab
inet hair pius So, 8a u ford? writing
writing fluids 4p, Btl vaseline 4c, Wil- .
liams ShaviDg soap 5o, 25 euvelopes 6o
1 dot pearl buttons 6o, 20o tooth brush
es lOo, Nickel back "horn combs 10c,
' 25o bow ties 10c, 25o leather belts 10c,
15o whiek brooms 10c, 50o Ladies' ties
10c. . . ' ' "
Get that inenTJpdervear bit '
Youi'raiiia and on your bapk
; If it is ribbed, fleece lined, or any known quality or kind! of
underwear you wat, in all 'wol,part woof or all cotton, yoiij oan
get It for the whole family here. Our underwear stock is oom
1 pleteto the smallest detail. , Prices range from 50e to - (2 60 ' per
garment in mens, 25o a garment to $3 25 a suit for ladies and
from 25o t fl 00 a garment for bo8,.'Mis8e8 and children,
$1 25 WjgtoV .;;!
We were more than fortunate
in the purchase of bur furs this
seasou saving ahout au per.
cent, as is the custom of . this
store you will 1 receive.1 -the
benefit Buying at such saviug
.we bought more, making -this !
falls showing and , assortment
.the heat we have ever offered
for your choosing We did not
carry, a single fur of any kind
over from last year and i show
nothing but 'the newest and
most wanted furs, at let : us
again remind you 30 per cent
saving to you. .' " s n
FURS from $1 25 to $13 50
i i l;I A
Ladies - . :
IJ. Skirts ;-;iv
Three fourth lengths, made
' ol fine quality heavy flannelette
in light' colore r trimmed with
heavy lace and insertions to
' match altogether a special val
ue at fl 2b, your choice for $1
: Mede cf black taffeta silk, with
deep acoordebn plaited flounces
' ! A Fair Store Sppoial at $5 50
Fancy Velvet Waistings, exclusive patterns
"and regular $1 25 values, 4 yards in the
pattern, yd 86c '" ' 'l '.. -"
High nov hy suitings in red i nd green
mixtures no two patterns alike, the pattern
yn uu, a 5u and 8.00
The new and popular waist fabrics, figured, tan and pink
ground, the J d 50c -. 1
Children's - We provide as liberally aad carefully
Ready-tO-wear for the babes as we do' for the grown-up
Garments ; - folks and you will find here a liberal aa
sortmentof all sorts of ready to put on garments for
the little ones. Space will only permit us to mention
a few but if you figure cost of material alone without
counting post of making, and coiupar with these pri
ces you will agree that you can't afford .to mke them .
Infants Cloaks
Made of whito'' Cash
mere, neat'y mads rid
trimmed. . Cape' and
, skirt embroidered r in
silk, $1 00 !- r - ;
Eiderdowe Wrapps
A large assortment in
colors and sizes, well
made angora ffcfipt
' trimmed1- UOVl.
and lip. ......
Velvet Coats
In blue and black with
cape, and trimmed in
white braid and medal
ionB priced else O OC
whero $4 50. J tUO
Better Quality
' ' Velvet coats, an actu
al $5 value, well made
well lined and trimmed
in the most pleasing
etulA ntith nrliiln ti.uM
D.J lt nil as u . . u ........ -i
and ini madalion, $3 75 il
New arrivals just like
those in cut. They are
right down to the min
ute in style , end every ...
smartly dressed boy will
wear one of therh this
tvint'er, and prices ' are
away below, c wl.iat,. ,tjte
exclusive .clothier ? ill
ask you for them.
She MMm
Mens Suits: and Overcoats
l ' .': ' ' - 'v -?fv- .
We do not make muoh noise about' our mens cloth e
ing our pations do it lor us and how oan they, help i
, it when they see and take adv nlage of the ma'ohless
values we are ofleiing in all sorts of clothing and mens
; fixtures of all kiuds.
i If you are not a frequenter of our mens store 4 you
should waste no time in becoming one ' We 'can - and
do save you from 10 to. 25 per cent on all your
white mm
Js milled with the idea of pleasing every dealer's high,
class trade-customers who appreciate quality. The
name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Oo. guarantees re
liability and highest grade in every sack of flour
bearing the White Rose brand.
Pioneer Flouring Mill Co.
Gleaned by, Judic ous Use of Pen
cil, Scissors and Pastepbt
aid O ironer Scholar. "New York es
pecially Deads protootlon from poison
tbat they jre being Bold in beverage!
The game conditions exUt Id many
other slates."
Samuel Scott, aged 71, the oldest
prospector in Western Montano, died
at Miatonla Monday.
A geologioal survey report recently
made showa that there are oil proa-
peota all over Alaska.
butary streams awaiting high water to
be driven to mills.
Three white girls aged about 17 were
taken from a '.bli.OBe cplum Joint in
Portland M on Jay. One of them was a
Located in La Grande, I will give
yoo luok that wins success In business,
Love, Marriage, Dlvoroe,.8peculatlons,
Health and transactions of all kinds.
Looited. at 1012 Sixth street Hears
9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 8 p. m. daily.
Five dollar reading one dollar
1 mo. ' Prof. Weber.
Dissolution Notice
Notloe Is hereby slveu that the co.
paatnerablp ot Win. Grant and Harold
Herron. uin:er the Brm name of Grunt
it Herron, baa this day been dissolved
Harold uerron retiring, xne Dusiness
will be conducted by Wm. Grant who
will loy all debts and collect all
amonnta due the Arm.
Dated at La Grande, Union county,
Oregon, this 80th day of September,
imit. i i vvm.uraru,
9 80-10 SO Harold Herron,
i .. fji-i'..-.
, . Order
U. a. Laud omoo, La Oranae,
May M, I
Alter selling a load of fat hogs for high Mhool girl,
$60, Jesse Forrester of Portland hasj J C By an, stakeholder in the I unco
myaterioualy dlsappeaied and foul foot raoe game at Salem, ia which J
play Is suspected. ' r"Ross was defrauded of $2000 last
Over 70,000,000 leot ot loys are now week, has be m arrested ind la under
banked out on the Columbia and tri (u00 bondB.
J. B. Kellogg, dcMd. Estate
Notice is hereby grwAt the under
signed, J M Church, is hy order of the
County Court ol Uniou County, Ore
gon, duly appainted as 'administrator
with will annexed, ot the eBtate of J It
All persons having claima against
. said estate, ara hereby required to
present the fame, i roperlv Teriflei, U
the undersignen, hi uiuuo
Finn, Bommer DuilHang, La Irande,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of this
Dated and first pobllfbed October
0 jgQ4a 1 M Ohurob,
' Exeoutrr of the estate of J K Kellog,
C U Finn, Attorney for Exeoutor.
ben you
hnv a eongh medicine ror
U. 8. Land Office, La Ornnde, Oregon.
Kept- 'A. 1IKI.
....i k-l..d..n tlinf In ram nlll.nRfl
wllh Uie nrovlntoiM oflhe ncl of ConnreM ofl
Junes, ISTB. entitled "An art for the aale of
timber landii In the HUtee of rllfornlft, Ore
gon, icevada, and Wanlilnglon Territory, aa
extended to all the Public Land Htatea by ai t
of Allium 4, 1WJ, CliailM M Wright of
Pilot llock.Oonmy of Umatilla.MtateofOn-gon
i - .,. At.n mrt In thl nfnnft hi IVlirD
ulatemen No. ml7, for the purchaa of the
ftiM 8ec. U and N V?-i HK'i Sec. 25Tp. 4
HH Hound .ot Hec. irann win noc w u
Townhlp No. H., llange M, B W M.
And will oner proof to how that the land
aouKbl it more valuable for IW timber or
atone than for agricultural purpoaeii. and to
eutaMlib hln e.alin to Raid land belore the
Kcgllcr ann Keceiver , mil
Orande, Oregon, on Tuaday, the 30th day
December, IMM.
He namcii wllniiaea: JamraR Hanna, of
,...n Ailu.., Winlfni nf ntaraCV.
Frank Alden.of Starker, Andrew Sullivan of
Any' a'nd all pemona claiming adveraely the
above deecrll ed landu are roqueated to file
their clalmi In thu omce on or boo amu
Lima, Peru,
8 Peck, the
Oot. 11 Miss Anuie
Auieroioan mountain
climber, baa ascended Uuascan m3iic:
tain to a height of 21,000 feet. She
was prevented from roaching the sum
mit btcause ot immenve orevicea aud
fluaacan Ib ii2,050 feet high.
in which
Cot HgiBte,
and Gram
mar (irade
.. . . want Aim
mail cnnoreu you v .
yon can place implicit confidence. Vou
wanton. th.oot only ,ie, tat
i ... tn tata. uiiuiuw"'"- .. L i
r"Li, mu,aU Ol these ' Boarding sthooi lor yont" men.
a XtK .o good for Box 348 ivanity Park Station.
"",.dA,rrCgUt.fUd'! Portlani Ors-on
Reindeer In Alaska
I)r Jackaon's experiment in acclim-
atlting lhe Siberian reindeer in Alas
ka, at first thought a failure is proving
a great tuccesi. The animate bare
taken to the Alaskan moss, of which
there is an inexhaustible supply an.'.
aie multiplying fast. They are useful
as pack or aledge animals and yield a
rich milk.
Of Blind
It yo a r laoaufd, dep rawed au
incapable for work, et indicates tha
your liier is out of order Herblu
will aaa 1st nature to throw off hen I
aobee. rheumatism aud allmeote ak'
to oervouBneBS and restore the energtt
and Titalltyol Bound and perfect hea u
J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writ
March 22 19n2: "I have used Herb .
for the Daat two years, it has di
me more good than all the doct .
lieu I reel bad ana nave mat i'
feeling I take a dose of Herb. tie. I
is the beet medicine ever made i ir
chills and fever." 60c ts a bo i!o.
Sold by Ne wlin Drag Co.
FOR BALM-One floe Jersey oow
Notloe ts hereby given that In compliance
with tlie orovlBloiiH of tho uctof OonifreMi of
JuuoH,iK7tt, entitled "An act fortUe sale of
Umber land Id tliaMtatcs of Call Torn la, On
guu, Nevada and WasUtntftoD Territory,"
exienuea vo an ine i'iiuho uiiiu nmw uv w,
of August 4, IWi, I'limibe Inillli of Ferry,.
County of Union. Htate of Oregon, Imlh
tills duv Hied In tliU berHworn Rtnio
mcfiL No. ttioo, for the purchase of the H
H W14 H)0tlon 26 and Hjig E4 of Heetlon No.
27. lnTownNl.lpMo4H,K.No.a5 K.W.M.,and
will offer proof to show that tbe land aouxht
tit more valuable for IU vim bettor utonethun
furuirleultumt DUrnonuH.iiiid to uHtabllBh her
claim to uild land beforu the RraUter and lie-
ceivur or mm omce at uranao,uregont on
Monday, the lnt day of August, lUOi.
' Hlif numes as wltnetiHuM i a, L Bean, John J.
Murphy. Kulph II. Hull In, and Mary 11.
Murphy, all of Ferry, Orison.
Any and all persolis clulmlng adversely the
above-dcwrlhed Inm'is nre rcijUCHtt'd to tile
tbelroialnsIn this office on. or before said
Lit day of auguit. Wot
. K. W. Davis, HRglsUfl.
U. B. Land Ofllce, La Urande, Oregon.
May. U, m.
NottrA Is hereby given Mint In oonipllance
with Uie prorlHloiisuf the act of Uongrosii of
June 8, l7ff, entitled "An act for the Male of
timber mntiH in trie H mtos or uaiirorDia, ure-
for (ifttlcularB ca.l ut the reBldeooe Ol , extended to all the Public Land Slates by act
Tbos Waldi or phone SOI.
Helena. Mont, Oct 14, Tbe sup
reme court to.lsj held lhe " Wadsworth"
ileiiiornta ol Stiver Bon eonnty to e
leaular. Tbe effect of tha decision ia
to 'but oat ibn so called Heize dem
orrata ol that county from a place on
the ticket under tbe designation ol
"democrallo" id Silver low ooonty
New York, Oct 11. The inareaad
number ot diseases of the eye, the
rnfill liif ax to hospitals of persona
wllh defective vision, tbe alarming
accession of blind to tbe ranka of the
thonaanda already unfortanate these
things are traceable directly In a nam
ner of instanoes to the nae of wood al
cobol Id beveragea. This statement
was made by Onroner Bboler.
Ilr Caaey Wood an eminent opllial-
mist of Chicago.' hai sent a le'.lsr to
t be coroner askitg foi de' ailed inform
atlon concerning tbe dunlin reported
in new lora irom wona tails Dr Hcbalor tbat
Fruit Boxes.
jend your orders lor Fruit Boxes to
HiiHlriard Lumbar On. at lhe La
U .ode planing mill.
as well a the lemalnder of the nation
is in peril of blindness became of tbe
prevalence of wood alcohol in liquid.
aold over the ordinaay bar,
there came to my 'dace near the city
of La Grand o on or about August tbe
twenty-fifth 1904 one sorrel gelding.
with white mane and taii, branched!
IU on left shoulder, and that amt Ib
i u ia 'do held by me awaiting payment of
lobol Dr pagtersge bill the payment of this
Cwbago. j advertisement, and th it aanio animal
Urande, County of Union, Htate of Oregon,
has this day fllod In this office hta sworn
statement No. 8101. fortlic iiurchnseof tbe Hb'.U
HW'i Hoc 21. and NW and HW NUlJ
Ol Wviiiin in, i p nn 4 r, Kintce o m, r w di.
And will offer proof to show tbat the land
sought is more vi luabio for Its timber or
Htouc t tin ii for agricultural purposes, and to
OHi.ioiirtii i in u mi in w imiu iauu iraiura uia
Ki"tr snd K4!ouivor of this ortlre at La
Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the 4U1 day
lie nnmffl as wiinerami jack neusrty
Elmer Hsllng. John Hmlth, and Knnk lUr
lis, sll of Im Uraode. Oregon.
Any and all pensons clHimlng adversely the
above dencrlbed Isnds sre requested to file
their elMlms In this office on or before said
4U1 day of August, ltKM.
. K. W. DaTls, EegtsUr.
wl.l be bold by mn nntil such ohrtraes
are paid. Owner may tecorer said
animal when each charueu are paid
and the ownership of snid animal Is
" . "'""'"7 , M aui. flrf aL!I!tJ iigvi .i -J 1 " it liays. boLh oT Athena, Oregon.
There is national danger of men itnls 37 day of September XIKM, tigned . . K. W. Osvis
who drink liquors becoming blindM u y- .
O fl. Laad OfSoe at La Oraiide, Oregon,
August 18, 1904.
Notice Is herWv riven that th foUuwinar
named se tiler ba filed notice ol tits iniontioa
U make final proof in apportot his claim, and
iid nroor will ne made before the Conntr
Clerk of umltilla Oranty. Oregon at Pendleton
I ne mado before the County
Oregon. nHouU 30, 11(04, vis II B Ho 86rj, Joel
a Dianuin, 01 ftieanitHiii, wregtin, tor me
3 a. a. aildV Heo 24. 1 o. 1H. It. .It k W H
Hanaineathe following witnesses to prove Ilia
coniiuuous residence upon and cultivation of
aafd I n I, m:
(.eorK? it, Hilyard a-d John TkM, both of
neitnain, menon. nn nmun nuntoa . alia
VUUa' tvvi "J