La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 14, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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A Rul Estate Deal . i f?rande Evening; Observer
is soon finished; If 3 yon : koow all
boat ItjTskeMnien.locate . the
property,;hTe .well.p'Kted.min itoll
you ell.abmt It, and. after .that
simply df tail. That la, bow cheep nan
yon bay.sod.on.wbat termai
If Easy For U$ '
to help yon out, m we'ie so thoroub.-
I j por ed 'da "propertU and talues
that 70a don't go wrong In buying or
Mjllng through ui. Oar advise -l
valuable and we help make sate and
profitable Investment.
lllO Adams Avenue, La Grande, Oregon
The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri -gation.
.. -- - )(
Red Clover, tfoM$,
Garden. Seed in bulk . t
Seed WheaV Baled
Barley, Oats, LSc
: The; only Seed House
I inUnion County. " '
.Rhone ?7!
Chain wood by the Cord
128 cubio feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain
wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load.
You pay for what you get arid get what you pay for.
Phone 571
A Few Choice Bargains in Wal
lowa County Real Estate
' (1) 200 acres el Ian 1. 13) tirei oipibU ot caklrulu III i
In tall towa wheat. Home, urn an I otbtr .billllnti. - V r
snspan 12,500 ' ' ' ' "' f
ai z.tu st ivi hwui ortnswu, nuns, dbtd ana guou vuidmi lainfa, ow koto in isii
kwii Kimn; snuli ttream of water Mow through plaoc A great bargain t $3,600
(8 24U acres nf ;and part ul whloB is the flnctit of meadow; good houM and
outbuild. tig good hay tried., a tons of hay can be out on lbs piece will take
tt&Oin cattle in trade on thin oroDortr. IMcetlOuct acre. 1 t - t V 1
iftO mvtvt, I'JQ of choice land I'rlce HO per acre. Thii if great bargain.
S ItiOietc of flue at $W per acrtt- These arc a few of the many Map We
uiniooicrinin war 01 reui eiiaicDarfKina. or .ur.ner paracniara aaareaa.
St, M'Donald
I Am Now Ready
I am a graduate of the Welander
Cutting School, New York, and hold a
diploma therefrom. I am a practical
cutter and designer. Give me a
A. H. Marquirdt
La Grande, Oregon
0 RHOBDH B B B 01 & 41 D 0 O H 0 D I
Farmers4 and Traders
National Bank,
Capital Stock fully paid . $ 60,000
8urplvsfund - 1S.000
Liability of Shareholders 60,000
Responsibility 183,000
We do a general banking and exchange business,
rafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks.
r W
J. W. SOJR1BER, .Cashier m
IET BROS., Editors Pr ps
Entered at the Poet .Office at La
Orande, Oregon, as tieeond Claee
Matter. ? '. ? j
Published daily except Sunday
One year in advance. .
.$6 50
dix months in advance.... 3 60
a v a uivusu wfv
Single oopy......
r-1 '. ''" -'
of j New York
FOB Yips, PBK84DE.NT v,
ojf .Indiana '
o. b. DiMiiicK, ' ; ' ' " " ' Clackmas
A.9t.?P"OH, . lpBehine'
J.N. HABT, ! '.' 5"B&fel$
j. A. pee, ; Umatilla
. v ' ' '
Whatever may be the pre
judices the( white citizens of the
Unite.4 States pjayjiave forutb!e
blacks - within our bordera . or
profound the regret they may
.hijy'.t)it jthey are here, c he
fact is there are at this tijpe
something'' over 9,000,000 ne
groes of African decent ; in the
United! Spates of yiom oyer
two millions are meii of" voting
The negro popnlabn injireas
ed from the" U S cencus ' 1790
from 767,68 to 8,840,789. in
i00 the last f pnsua year.
The whites increased from
8,172,000 in 179q to , 690,788
iu 1900.'
"There inorease to, the
negroe population hy immigra
tion or from out. side the US.
nowbut prior to the aot of con
gress that, went., into effect, in
1808 aboishing the slave trade
large nil mbers of Africans were
imported jnto the. If S as. slaves
in fact up to 1860, considerable
numbers j of native' Africans
were smuggled into the south
and sold t,here to perpetnal slav
ery. Neither the negroes now
living in (the United States nor
their ancestors immigrate4 Ijere
ot their own Iree will, but are
here because of the slave trade
The forefathers and mothers of
the present negro- population
regretted,' far more bitterly the
cause au,d means , employed to
make them inhabitants of Ameri
oa, than(the most ardent white
man regrets their presence here.
The duty that now falls alike
npon wlfite and black is, not to
oherish Regrets for things done
forty and more years ago, bat to
accept present conditions and to
so act that the grand' purposes
of the constitution of the United
States may be earned . out to
"prov'dj for the General welfare
and secure the blessings of lib
erty" to all.
and also too late to substitute
any one else on the ticket. . .
. " Where the discovery was
inado there was consternation
iu J,he. republican 'auip and one
of ft the greatest 'scurryinga
among, republican politicians
ium nas ever iaa,s)i piuv t .ws
stale Conferences- were held
and finally some of the
best lawyers i n .the., state , were
consulted in the hope ot finding
a remedfoVtne Mngdlarefro'r
So far there seems to be no re
lief ic ajgltt and it is almost cer
tain that litigation would follow
any attempt to place another
elector 9 he ticket or. to find
some evasive measure by which
ISmilb's name might appear."
. 1 bat is one example 01 tue
danger qf, delay in registration
but let no unregistered Union
county man crifioise the careless
6aii(ornab. ..
i 'There jafesa tl a week Jeft
in whioh to register." If you ex
pect tq cast s vote'in November
do not' fail fo register at once.
Go to the pity ' hall tonight or
tomorrow morning apd put your
name on the books.
1, m. v
Portland Markets
Wheat, export price ...81o to 860
flarley, bjst S2LS0 to I23.S0
ObU I.' ...26. to S2T.60
Bart Umothy..'.. ...... ..'..115 to 110
Butter best ereamerf 27o to 30
Batter, ordinary ...26o
Ega, per dozen .....25o to 26c
rcbickens, per . pound .....1.10c
Potatoes per oijt.
( niona, per bwt $1.60 to tl.65
Appm pst', per box .75otb 1
Teaches, best, per box .GOo to 75o
Boetsj ( per faok. . 1.20
Cabbage, per pound 2e
Steers. '. '. V 2.75 to $3
Cows .". 2
BnUs tt.75
Stags 12
Hogs, best... 1600
Hogs, feeders... I2.95 M.20
A stpking example of the
danger tliat comes from delsy
in registration is offered by this
republican party in Colifornia
where ijt 'is claimed that party
will lose one electoral vote no
matter iow the ballots are cast.
It is asserted that .KM Smitti
the millionaire borax king who
was placed on the republican
tioket as an elector is not regis-'
tered apd consequently is not
eligible to hold office. -
"Smith is a resident of Ala
meda, ut spends m,uch imeTp
New York," slates the report.
Last suiumer lie was in the east
and failed to return and register
The registers are closed so now
it if to late to correct the error
I How dear to my heart la the old-fashioned washboard . ' J
That mother need to wash on when I was a boy, ,
I With its aloe covered ridgee the suds used to play in f-r J.;
And soap babbles gaoibob-d to n.y oblldisli joy. J 1
Ofttimes have I watched her when wearing ber knuckles. J
I As orer the ridges oar dads she would rub, 1
I ne'er will forget how she snlashed and she slatberep '
The old fashioned wash boar4 that stood in the tab. J
' chorus !. J
. N The old fashioned washboard; J I
Tae aiuKoTered washboard; , !
I The baok-breaking washboard that stood in the tab. . .
I Some folks always kiok about up-to-date lauddriae, 1
a . And eay they wear out tbelr slothes every day; , J
But give them to me, so ( will have a hot dinner ' ' ,
i At borne, with the smell of the soap auds away.. t
e i know that the waahing machine is muoh easier ' " I
J On all of oar olothes than to take them and rob . J
a Till the buttons an j bosoms are lost and worn out s
a - By the old-fashioned washboard that stood In the tub. - ,
We are not the old fashioned kind. - . e
Iabc laund-ryj
PHONE j l85i 5
r?"?5,V?"i V" '!' mT
Mr John 11 vuuom,caiHr 01 vav
Garland, Texas, Vbwt, has ritleu a:
1-.. r te thaw mskfin.
ftvoture of OhamberUla" ;Coub fie
uiedy, aalollowBt' UtiWn ymrt ago
wnen oar ara vunu wo m uwv av
robjMt to croupy tpelle ud we would
bverr no easy about blm. Wo bogan
llalDB UDRUWnilo-B UJUu hqiuvuj iu
1887, and finding it such a reliable re-
Ih Ia. nnld.knlllWnnn WA hVP nftVRT
been without innthe house since-that
time. We have five chiljren and have
given it to all o( them with good re
sults." For sale by all druggists.
kotice FOR publication
U.f. ldomoe at La Qraade, Oregon
j . August U, 190C
1. kaMhv .Ivan thnl -In RmtlOUHnee
wlu the provlsloiu f U aot of Uonxins of
JUD6B1 Ufl, CDllueu ah nu. iu, "
tlinoer lands In the mates of California oro- mf WiiuMiurtitn TirrlUirv." aa
1 Sttended to all the Public Land ritatee b, aot
01 AaKUSti. IK imviauouguwi.
vUlo, oountyoTWood, PUto of Wisconsin
... k ri.. Miai in thli niriM bla .awora
sutemerANa 8160, for the purchase ofjhe
tlonNo. aTi Tuwnshlplo. 6 South Bange No.
86 &i V laf
And will offer proof to show tliatthe land
sontcht la more valuable for Its Umber or
' stone than for agrloultaral purposes, and to
wtaollsh herolalm to said land before tlu
O-aade, Oregon;' 'On Tuesday: Uie 26th
nay 01 tieuioer, low,. . , . ,
A n.mM -ItnpjUM! Ualoh H. Bullls,
W. Uenry Brown, of nexurvillo. Wisconsin;
Leonard C. liulllB, of Ferry, Oregon; ana
Edward Bean, ot La Grande, Oregon .
Aiyand all persons claiming adversely
the aaove described lands are requested to
flls their clalnis In tnlsoUlceon or before said
illh dayof OoloberrltKM. ,. 1
. , ., . . I . n W. Davis, Register.
How to flunk V liaa.
In bonking the lire at night it la a
good Idea to wet H e, sifted ashes on
top and also to add to the water a lib
eral supply oclcomnion or even rock
salt. Tbe latter Ingredient not only
keeps the 'under Are alive, but in rak
ing off In the morning the salt makes It
sparUe anew and give ont aS much
beat as a new 'supply of coat" "' "'
Mr J J Chute, Justice of tbe Peace
of Darkei Oregon, peased tbroogh
the jjity this forenoon 'eb'roiite tb""his
home after a visit to Portland and Best
Side"' ' ' ' ''
List of uoblaimed letter) remaining
in tbe La Grande Oregon Poet offioj
or tbe week endingOoi. 6 lWl. ' " a
Allen Ernest; 1:' ' BMnarrl J G '
Koyer D W ' ' "Hanson Hans':
Irwin Clifford E "' - Lan'glsy James
Porneroy Eunice M " -;' 1 Rogers 8 A v'
sloVeil Miss Barti.a ! ' Wilson' J B
CountrimsD Miss Olara '"'N
Holdiwaj'B"' ' St Christopher Davis' '
;l'be above will b9 held 14 days ' and
then sent to tbe dead letter "offioj
when called lor, say sdveUisid .Of t 6
. , ; jiQiMjRtobeyj'Pjin.,
, If a. Land Office, at Ui Grande, Oi.
Notice is hereby given that la (Minpliancc
with the provisions of the aot of Congress of
June 8, '1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber lands In the stnu?s of California; Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tbe Public Land Hcates by
act ol August 4, IBM, Mary B Murphy, ot
Perryi county of Union. -tate of Oroaon, has
this day filed In tbla orlloe her sworn state
ment No Jlffl, (or the purchase ot the W N W'i
and N8 w of Section Ni. 2f iu Townsbip
No. Sra NoVV B. W. M..nml will offer proof
toshow tliat the land sought Is more valuable
for Its timber or stone than for1 agricultural
fmrposos, and to establish her claim to said
and before the Register and Receiver 01 this
odlce at La Grande, Oregon, on Monday,
the 1st day of August, 19M. .
- Cibft names as witnesses: a. I. Mean, Phoebe
Bullln, John J. Murphy, and Ralph H. Bullls,
ell of Perry, Oregon. -
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-dasorlbed lands are requested to file
their' otalms In this o'll. t' on' on .before said
Ut day of August, 1901. -
1 11,1; R. W. Davis, Register.
tstate Notice
r J R Kellogg deceased. Estate.
Notice is hereby given that the
andet signed, J M Church, has quali
fied as Executor of th last will and
testament ot J E Kellogg, deceased .
All persons bavng claims against
said .estate are hereby required to
present tbe same properly verified to
the undersigned at the otfloeB of 0 H
Finn, tjommor building, La Grande
Oregon, within six - months from the
date of the : first publioation of this
Dated and first published October
ethUKM. i
' J M (ihnrob, Exeoutor of Estate of
J R Kellogg, deceased.
C, H. Hun, Attorney for Exeoutor.
There's nothing like doing a thing
1 thoroughly. Of all tbe Salves you ever
heard ot, liuokMeu'a Arnica Halve is the
best. It sweeps away and cures Burns,
Soros, ' Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers,
Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 26c
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
La Urande Drug Co., and Newlin Drug
Co., Druggist.
. Department of the Interior,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
t 1 ilvat,&r NO.
Notice is hereby given that the followiiitr
named settler has ttled notioe ot his Intention
to make tlnal proof In suuport -rof hlB claim,
and that said proof will to made before tho
Resist r and Receiver of the U. S Land Office,
at La Grande, Oregon, on August 4, IU04. viz:
U. E. No.nrttt, MargarethaStutaiuger, La Grande
Oreg-u, widow of John Htutzinger, deiased,
I'-ri"c,Jit,lllS ' B 8r5X -."r-iTli-! H A
Of Ms. W. M - . - ." . if ' i' it '
- He naraea the following wltnessaa to prora
hts continuous njeildeace npon unrj cuhlva
tlon of mid liiad, via: Frank -Beiohoa, John
Keller, Coaart fkrbcbw, Winardt nmUR.aU 9)
La UraiUlO Oregon,
K. W. DAVIS, RwrNlPr. -
(.1 Mi;.. Ji(,v
The Piano
We're selling now
ensta $250.00 else- a -r
Big buying and
big wiling does it
Eilers Piano House
851 Washington Streo .
oorner Park
Portland, Oregon
.. Write us for particulars.
$5 or $6 a month buy? one
U..U. Land Office, La Grande, Oregon.
. , . u: j j 4.j.sAUgMl,3ljOI.
Notice ! hereby alven thai (he following
named settler has tiled notice of bit Intention
to make final proof in support of bia cialla
and that aald broof will be made before tbe
KeglBteratKl Receiver of the US Land Office
He namea tbe followlns witnesses to nmvn
his ooutlnuons residence upon and cultivation
of said, land, vlxi- Samuel Brysan, John
Hantm, George Van Oradaii and Ofwar Van
OrudaLl, all ot Meocham, Oregon.
B W Da via, Register.
U.S. Land Office, La Gfande'regon.
, auijus 6, 1904.
Notioe la hereby given that the -fbllowlng-named
settler luts filed notioe of hi Intention
to make filial proof In support of his claim
and thatHaldbroof will be made beforft the
Ueglfiterand Receiver of tba U S Land Office.
at a-jr uinuuu, ui tuu, uit BU oa, xuvi. Viz:
1-1 IU. J,- IS. Oal,
Oreun. for Lhfl t
18. fo28. Itanre
He namea the following wltneasea to prove
his uontlnuoua reeldonoa upon ana enltlvation
of wild land, viz: A J Pitts, Conrad Stroobor,
Kmll Uauae and John Morg, all of La Grande
E. W. Davlfl, Reg Liter.
trugon, 'on Sept. 29, l9(Mt-viz:
John Keller, of I Orundo,
J -4 1
Money to loan
Representing tbe 'Equitable Savings & Loan Asso- ,
ciation of Portland, Or., 'the strongest, safest & most
reliable institution on tbe Pacific coast, under' State
supervision. Loans made short or lung time to suit. '
' JWm.WT;J Agent''
City property for sale.
i5s-JL? ?J! - v " "fl
Lawson & Zundel
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay,ijr4in Vege
tables and Fruits. Car load' Ibis a specialty.' " '" r.
Office in Kilpatricfc Building
Phone No 1U3 r' "
Oso. Psxiuta. . President i. M. Berry, J. M. Ohuiuh
J. M. Baaitr Vice President A. B. Conley, Qrxj.L. Olea-
J. M.Catmcn. ....'...'..Cashier er,Geo. Palmer ri
F. I,. Metis and Geo L Clearer Asst. Cashiers
La Grande National B nk
La Grande, Oregon
Transacts a general banking basin ess. Buys and sella exchange en
' Prt $1 t"IL' JDollectlons a specialty.' ) I j