La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 14, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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A Senator Forcibly Kisses a Youcg Lady and
Serious Trouble Follows as a Rightful
' Result, ' bY''- -:- -'-::V'V- ':J'::
Bed Lodge JM nt Oot. 14 Vn" up
heaval la '.he republican ranks of Car
bon county is n as the reaalt of Sen
ator W F Meyer forcibly ktSBing a
young lady on the streets of Red Lodge
Coonty Attorney. L O Caswell, a can
didate for re-election with Meyer on
tbe r- publican oonty ticket, has re
igned tbe nomin ition in an announce
ment to toe publlo at at lug ibat be
does not oare to bare bis nameassoolat.
ed with that of Meyer. Chairman Frank
Sneli, of the county central committee,
will resign.
Meyer, who ia a leader of the repub
llcan forces in Carbon oouoty, and one
ol the beet known politicians In south
ern Montana, It ia alleged, oaugbt the
young lady, whose name is withheld
at the earnest request of her friends
osbinet, diplomatic corps, Supreme
Court and other high officiant of the
Freaident Roosevelt wilt deliver as
address on Frederick tbe Great and
tbe relatives between - Germany and
tbe United States. ..:
the crowd at all' places where' Mr,
Bryan stopa. U ,W Armstrong, editor
of tbe paper, lias, arranged for this
mammoth edition, and I t free rliatrl
button with a view to counteracting
Mr. Bryant tnfluenoa among tree ell
er men. I '
Will Sail
Paris, Oot 14 It is reported U of
fleial oiroles that tbe Russian . Baltic
fleet will actually atatt for the east
tomorrow or Saturday.
about 8 o'olock in the evening, as she
was returning home from an errand.
After tbe aot of the senator, she scream
to whome she told her story. . ' I
Ibis is Senator Meyer' second '
offense of this character. Four years
ago be was the central figure In a
Mutational eaoapade ahlch was sired
In the Red Lodge oourts. being charged
with attempting to forcibly lavish, his
affections upon a mis who call at bis
office to see him on a matter of busi
ness. 'I he affair at that time was tbe
talk of the state. ' -
Theie la a strong sentiment among
leading repuul loans toward calling! a
meeting of tbe state centtal commit
tee for tbe purpose of bringing pres
sure to bear to compel tbe resignation
of Meyer from tbe tioket. ' .
Beet Crop Short ; "
Oakesdale, Wasb.r Oot. 14-iBeet
hauling Is uow on in full blast In this
section but owing to the dry hot spell
not more than an tone to tbe acre
will be gathered half a yield. "
Enlisted men
Washington, Oot. 14 Brigadier Gen
eral Frederick Funston, until recently
commanding the department of tbe
Columbia, !n bis annual report says
that additional observation and con
versation with officers confirm bim
In the views expressed In his lust re
port that there sboul t be a substantial
increase in the pay of the enlisted men
of the army.
, , : ;
and the proposed extension will reach
six miles beyond that place to Wrights
Station, one mile this tide ol Austin,
Sampler, Ore. Oct. 14 A contract
has been let by the Sumpter Valley
Railway company to 8 W Tibbs and
William Scot for ol earing the right of
way for tho proposed extension of the
road. The ptesent terminus is Tipton
T anksgivingin Canada
Ottawa, Oct 13 Thanksgiving la
being celebrated throughout tbe Do
minion of Canada today with appro
priate services in the churches, ete.
This early date was fixed in view of
tbe prospective elections so as to
have tbe holiday over before the heat
beat of the campaign. --'
Frederick The Great
Emperor William's gilt to ' tbe
American people of a bronze statue ol
Frederick tbe Oreat wilt be unveiled
by Baroness Spook von Sternberg the
German atcbaessdress, November 19
in tbe presence ol tbe President the
Opera House.
The attraction at tbe Stewards
Opera Houae will'-be the eccentric
Irish ootnediana Oallaguer and Barrett
in tbe merry musical farce "Finnigac
Ball," by George T " H Emerick
With msuy attractive features, 1 in
cluding diver comedians, prima don
oi's. duettiets, specialty artists and a
girly chorus, for an, entertainment
whiob will be very pleasantly and
agreeably kOOopied by theatregoers ol
tbia city. Friday Oot. 81. ..,
Not On The Ticket
Butte, Oot 14 A apeoial to , the
Miner from Helena says: . . -,
While tbe secretary of state was
preparing to copy . tbe otfioial ballot
tbe disoovery w mad that the
name of Albert J . Galen republican
oandidase for attorney general waa left
off the certificate Bled by Chairman
Mantle. ..As the time for filing nomt
natione baa expired it is doubtful if
Galen's name can be plaoed on ballot
He will institute maneamus proceed
ings in tbe supreme court.
Must Go To The Pen
St. Louis, Oct. 14. Charles F Keller
former speaker of the lower bona' of
tbe mucialpal assembly, and Oba, A
GQtke, ara former member - that the
board sentenced today to terme of two
and flvf, years, respectively, iu the
pacitantiarr for connection with line
surburbad bribery deal.
Don't Like Parker
Prof. John Straob, of state university
showed us a letter just received from a
former classmate of bis t Indianapolis
Ind., who aays that state will go for
Roosevelt by 60,000. He is a strong
democrat, but aays there are thousands
of democrats like himself who' cannot
atjand Parker. Eugene Register.-
Short History Descriptive .of our. Valley Pub
lished By the Government in the Septem
ber Report
Greeting Bryan
Kokomo, Ind. Oot. 14. The free
silver Jemo jrats of the state are pre
paring to meet the coming of Mr. Bry
an with 'the issue of a democratic pro
test in the organ of tbe tree silver men
More than 100,000 copies will be pub
llahed tomorrow and distributed among
Have yon seen out New Autumn1
Suits and. Overcoats?
FX sncHiL-riiir W
IF you haven't, don't delay another day , io
coming here to eee them. They are the
. smartest, most stylish and beat tailored ready
to- ear garments ever displayed in this city. We
iijvite your inspection and any fair comparison
wih clothing sold elsewhere for a third more.
Come and crili. ally examine them.
Michaels-Stern Fine Gothing
- Iuside and ont, aud look at the sewing, shap-.
iog, style and fit its to oar interest as well as
oar. If yoa will do this you will surely agre
with us thai you never saw any clothing to equal
this for the price-that's sure. .
Autumn Sack Suits lor Men and Young Men
For t e youug men tbe fabrics are especially
selected handsome mixture-: iu.dignified patterns
in many varieties, including favorite gray and
brownish tones. For men there are an eqnal
number of handsome fabrics and patterns in both
gray and brownish tones, but in more subdued
patterns and colorings $6.60 to $20.00
Rain Coats .
That are fashioaable'and serviceable. From
now until Thanksgiving it isn't safe to be with
out a rain coat. - Ours are smart, correct, thor
oughly rain proof and fit perfectly. Your exam
amination of our new models can only result in a
purchase we speak ol experience with others.
. At $2.26 to $6.00
Sec our Display of Stiff and Soft Hats
In the new Autumn Styles aud shade? te oan lave you from 60o to $2 on a hat.
us and seel Prices range from $1.50 to $4.50
The La Grande Cash Store.
Deflinate Results of the
Thrae :Days Hard
Fighting is Not Yet
.!! ;, k- I'll I :-,:
Known '
The following report Is" .taken from
the September report of the' CLI
weather bureau which Is published by
authority ol th secretary of Agrloul
tuie. It was written by ( A Worotell
the local observer. '
La Grande la pie sntly situated In
the fertile Grande Bonds valley, which
oom prises the greater part of Union
county. This valley Is about .10 miles
in eugtb by about. 16 miles in width,
and tapers to a canyon at tbe north
and south ends. It Is surrounded en
tirely by high rolling mountains x
tending from 1,000 to 2,000 feet above
the level of tba valley. It. Is in lati
tude s5 22' N., longimde i.8 T W.
and has An elevation of 2,800 feet
above sea level. .;-'
The station at La Grande waa estab
lished by Mr J K Bomlg in May, 1866
Mr Bomlg resigned in Novembei 1888
and was succeeded by Mr 3 H Bobbins,
who kept the record until March 1900,
when he reslgntd .n favor of Mr Tom
er Oliver. ' Mr Oliver lesigned - In
August 1800 and was sncoeedei by Mr
W A'Worstell, tbe piesent observer,
who resides at Beeond aud I street,
where the station isnow located. The
Totlo, Oct. U. It la yet too early to
msasnse the results of tbe tremendous
struggle of tbe last three days soath
of Mukden, bat all reperts reaching
Tokio Indioate that General Europat-
kin ha been deoUively whipped and
severely punished. The Bussian com'
mknder was evidently caught while
making dispositions with his forces
scattered and beaten before he could
reoover. Much depends on tbe ability
and resolution of the Japanese, bow
ever, in following up their advantage
Kuropatkiu may turn on favorable
around and beat back the Japanese on.
slaught, but the tide seem sgalnst
bim. ,
- Tbe Japanese yesterday began a des
perate effort to turn tbe Bussian right
and if successful it will carry disaster
to the Bussian arms. The estimates
of the total force bngaged vary. One
telegram says the Russians have two
hundred thousand men and a thousand
guns, while tbe Japanese foiteexceeds
their numbers of the battle of Llao
Borne, Oot. U. The Italia Milataire
publishes a dispatch stating that Gen
eral Stuesael led fifteen thousand men
In a sortie from Fort Arthur Oct. lOtb
and lltb on recti;.' o' the news that
thirty tkouaand Japan bad gone
reinforce Marshal Oyama. The Rus-
slaas, howover, were driven back,
Berlin, Oct, 14 The Tokio corres
pondent of the Local Anzeiger reports
that as a result of the three days' oon
tinuou bombardment, a great pert of
Port Arthur 1 in flames and a large
number ol Russians, be aays, haresur
tendered under a white flag. The
Japan' se are reported to have taken
two more forte.
Mrs, M K Hall entertalnel the
ladies of tbe Katfee Kliitch at ber
home this afternoon.
Jno. Wanamaker Says
"Advertising doesnt tolerate a q'litter'
That's tbe quotation of Johu Wans.
maker, one of America' most sutoess
ful merchants and be certainly knows,
Be say: "If triors is one enterprise
on earth that a 'quitter should leave
severely alone, it is advertising. To
make asnoossa of advertising ons roast
be prepared to stick to It like s barn
aeleon a boat's bottom. He should
know before be begins that be ni
spend money lot of It. Bomeboily
must tell bim also that be cannot hope
to reap results oommensuate with hia
expenditure early in the gam. Ad
vertising doesn't Jerk) it pulls. It
begins very gently at first, but the
pull I steady. It Increases day by
day and year by year until It exert an
Irresistible power."
maximum and minimum thermome
ters are exposed in a standard abettor
located 15 feet nortbanat of tb obser-
vr' bouse, a on and' one ball tcry
building. The bulbs oLtbe thermom
eters are 7 feet : abnve the ground .
The rain gage is 18 feet west of tbe V
shelter and to feet from :th hone.
The top of the gage Is three fe't above
tbe ground. , , -
The highest reoordsd tempeiatue
at La Grande was 103, on July 81 189 ), ,
and again on' Auituet 10 1896. Theav
erage number of daya each year wl h
the temperature above 90 la li. and
the average number of days with the ,.,
temperature below the freesmg point
ia 119. Tbe lowest recorded tempera
ture was 84 below zero on January 14
1888. Killing frbsts are possible ev
ery month ia the year but as a rule- .
the growing season extends from the
first of May until the -middle ol oeii-
The mean ' annual preoipltatlou Is..,
19.15 Inohea. It is heaviest during tho
spring and winter months. The nam- ,
ber of rainy da) average 98, tbe
yearly snow fall 82.6 inohes. The pre
vailing winds are from the west.
i i . ; ' ' i . W A Worstell . -,
, Local Observer
Union Men Sentenced
New Haven, Conn., Oot. 14. Eight
onion teamsters, oonvloted last spring
on the charge of eonaptraoy In tnlnging
about tbe teamsters' striae, were to
day eentenoed to three months each In
the eounty jau.
Directors Not Elected
Salt Lake, Oct. 14. At the annual
meeting of the' stockholder of the ;
Oregon Shnrt Line today, the election
of director were postponed until Nov
ember U. This action was somewhat
of a surprise.
Stop That Shivering
And save that Coat
four horse needs a Hanket and we
have the best assortment in the valley to
select from. Horse blankets at all prices.
New stock just received sf '
Workintmen's high grade glo.ves. This
is a new line with us and we are proud of
our seieotion, Oal1 aud see thera. Har
ness and saddles made to order. Winter
robes just reoeived. Second hand sewing (
machine for sale cheap. , '
E. Q.ristofferson
Harness and Saddles
La Orande, Oregon
A Store With
A Record
We have been doing busi
ness in this town for 6 years .
In that time the town has
nearly doubled in population
Durine the same time our
business has increased FIVE FOLD.' In other words
our business has made a great deal more rapid increase
than the town has. There are dozens ol reasons for this
all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug
store goods ol us. In the first place we had a thorough
training for pharmacy, ; In the snoond place we had ex
ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of
pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand,
i n (z. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and
attended to business until we know the demands ol thi
people of this town.
A. T.
Prscripion Druggist
La Grande, Ore
, '