I Li r-rande Evening; Obaervcr tET BROS., Editor ft Pr p SEEKING A HOME and getting raited It often aa bard as "finding a Media to a bay-ateoe.',? . TooM bar o? trouble at U thougbj if jdu'd etep Into oar office andfe) Entered li yer our Itsc, Wa are now n.altirig . Urande, .Oregon, u Beooad Class aaaaiai orio,M njf jf -1: tat tbe Fort P4 ft jfca . SUBURBAN. HOMES o easy payment. Don't coat mora hao mi rant, aod when yon gat tb'ouicb wl'h it, it'a yours. - These two., ara ideal.plaoee (or . lamiliu aod will shortly ba worth double what wa now aall them at. I Maa Matter. Published daily except Sunday Car Cfranae t investment Company, 1110 Adam Avenue, La Grande, Oregon One year in' advance -J, Six months in advance. Per month' T. . . . . .... . . , Single copy. .' ..860 ..3 60 ...66o . -6c WEDNESDAY' EVENING. OCT nHtfaj 3SRaBKQBE99Ba9S .-Mr ) T.y-M f,: - V. I.I oi 1; TURKESTAN . ALFALFA The Dry Land Alfalfa growa without irri gBtion Ji.. t . BKOME GRASS , ul l . At. ... , IJ ,wlj J-.'T t f, i ..i Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Whea Balel Barley, Oats, Etc. ! ,ea;i.mi;) j I aaaaaaw 1 , .1 q a&uo.iu ' Tlje only; Seed House m union uounty. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. ..W I one. 1571 i .ils FULL MEASURE, ( ' Chain wood by ' the Cord : ' 128 cubio feet io the 1 oord. 16-inoh1'dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than tyhe ;'oad- "You pay for what you get and get what ydu "pay for, t ., ..................... .,r..,.rlrfl...i rj Phone S7i i ..... ji ,. . . H. W. NIBLEY t, r . ;,. ), rm natfiymtf J j THEODORE RobsiviXT, of New York r, FOB SfIC rRESIDINT,, CHABLES W. FAIRBANES si r.. ;f Ija&ana'' " ' FOR PBK81DENTAL CLBCT0B8 0.' b. sniuicK, . Clackmas a'.' o, hough, , ; Josephine J. N. HABT, ' . - Polk J.A, fbb, j ' Umatilla dent making is gtTen on March 4, 1905, when the President elect is inagurated at Waahing ton flitv bv takine the oath of offic ann .delivering his inagur. al address; If that Baltio Beet doesn't get a start it will be" left at the post :. - ?7:. ; i- .... , V.K The issue of The Commoner following the "November" elec tions will convey to Jndge. Park er the reasons why . Mr. ' Bryan thinks' another, man might have done much better.' ; PRESIDENT MAKING chosen in by a ma in ) A Few Choice Bargains in Wal i Iowa County Real Estate . (1) aooaoraeaf lnl. li oioibh of oaldntln In fall nwa wheat. Hoae itra aal,ijthiri ballllno x i iv 1 1 x Vj 7"1 mtean 12.500 (3) 240 Mre..iM.ll orchard, lioM, biua uia Ood oatb.lMtni., unh t.ll owp cun; m.U itraam of water law through Dlaoe A treat barrtli at CAM i ia-CI,!ilw I1"0' "hloa It lha thvit of meadowi a aod hoaaa and III O ; -i ir i barnll at Si ,60 ' thedt. ilX) ton ( hay at. tifiM on 4b plo will Utce i this propertr. Price 114 pw inrfl- ; j I iT " . aloe Uod Prfc 910 par twra. This il m rjrut barfata. outbuiiamn koi MO in fftttle in trade on t 4 I60tirfML 1'JO of nhnlne lanti Pri.-at.n MPn Tliltli. k. .t. S of flu Uad at $M0 par fccm- Tbes are a faw ol the ouny anapfl W Iut to otfbr la th way of raal etuu banaiaa. Ft (Urther partloalari adaraM. &, M' Don aid OREGON M'Da.nlel WALLOWA,, li . - '' j " ilLI..!'; .1 ' ... i,'"""w"M"MWIIIB,,BBBM,,aa1aaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaaaBiaaw "'' .! ...a i i j. .. ;.. ,., I Am Now Ready FOR BUSINESS I am 'graduateof ;the Welandar Cutting Souool, New York, and hold a diploma therefrom. I am ' practical cutter and designer. Give me a ohanoe. ..... . i , A. H. Marquardt . TAILOR M GraDde, Oregon ... ' ,l"i.U-.iU.'.iq m l9ill!i)l llHiK J () ,)') , a "atiaBBaaBaBVaaaaWaVaaBaW .(1 11 -1 ,lyrn (.. . UilXtkl Ml ,,Hil , ..... . ODDtaOOmiliBflBI BBO BO BOB J Farmers' and Trincler . ? a National Batik,,,,,. B LAGrAfJDEi OREGON B Capital Stock fully paid . 'co'.OOO Surplus fund ... 1S.0O0 j Ba Liability of Shareholders (30.000 a " Responsibility . . . 183,000 Z We do a general banking and exohange business, f rafts bought aud sold on eartern and foreign banks. tl U JOSEPH PALMER, President i l0jV ;iV f , , .r a j4 w, S0RIBER, Ctwhie noDaaBaaonnDnnnoBDnnoi Presidents are not in the United States jority ef the popular Tote. laot we do not vote for Preiident but for 1 electors in whom we baye confidence that thev will it elected rote for. the .man- ,we, want to be president. .But . in oase .the,,, elector we voted for should 'Dot Vote rj our rnad "We are' "without remedy'.h'ia !,ypte, will be counted lor the other fejlow and all we can do is to grumble. i"-d; .,1 h.i., i .,. ) Each state on' November. . 8 tb. will hold an election to choose as many electors as H, is entitled to have ;U. -j 8. Seaatots . and members j of Congress. ' This election will be held ' under the' election laws of eaoh . State.!, Jt is'h State and not a national election, i State laws ' prescribe the qualifications of. the, voters In lour states womeri r can j vote and in:4 1 they' bannot, J Some states have educational qualifies tiomf others have not. 8tater, ficials will count the 1 Votes and issue certificates of election to electors. j.t. v. i,, r j 'jn me nrst Wednesday -in December (this" year the,' 7th) the electors hpld.ingcertiticates of election will i meet in '.their seve'al state capitolB - and Cast their vote? for l President " and vice-president t ? The t- electors will make record of their "vote sign and; seal it in aa envelope ana direot, to tde , president of the .United SUtes Senate at Wsahington and select one of their number at messen ger to deliver H as directed .for which service the U S pays him milage. On the. first Wednesday of February following the meeting of the electors at theif respective State capitols. both houses of Congress will meet in joint oon vention in Washington city D 0 the Piesident of the Senate pre- Biuiog. ; di win men open, ine several envelopes and - lay the contents before the convention which will count, and'canyass the vote and declare the result i ne person voted lor as presi dent who leoeives a majority 61 all the electorial votes cast in the several states will be declar ed elected, and the - one getting; a majority for vice president will be elected. It uo person gets a majority the lower House of Congress will choose a Presi dent and vice president each state having one vote only, This year 45 states will hold elections for electors and choosd in the aggregate 476,' electors. If the election should i go into , the House of Representatives 24 states for ona man Will elect him. It will take at least ' 239 electors to elect a president or vice president. The finishing touch in Presi- i Jf any more St. Louis boodlers give way aud confess, Boss But ler will begin to believe that the adage about tionor among thieves is notniii;but an irides cent dreani." ' ' -j An Idaho an artiefe'illustrated contemporary has wi thVfour pictures entitled "The Four Stages! in the Life of a Lobster)" All that will save the paper from thousands! of lidel suits is the fact that the") particular lobster is not meriffonefl?. i A I S ; Dissolution Notice Notloe Is itnr4gfTenlbaVtoa.Jdo' DartnerablD ot J'Hota'nfi! Ayil!Ao- drewt, nndar thertlrm aama ol Boaa it S Bow dear to mj heart la the old-faahloned waahboard That mother oatd to wath oo when Iwui boFi I With iU xioeroorered rldget the tudt used to plaj 'in And aotp bubblee gambolwi to n.f ohlldith joy. Ofttimea hare I watched her when wearing bar ItaajWei. J As over the rldgea oar doda ebe would rab. j I ne'er will forget how aha aplaahel and the slatherep The old (aahiooed waah board that atood ia the tab. a . ., ohobus ; . . ' - The old fashioned waahboard; x ' The aluo-ooTered waahboard; a ... The taak-bresWng-WMhboarl that stpoc! jp the tub. , . '. a Some folka alwaya kiok about op-to-date 'aoddrlea, a - And aay they wear out their clothe every day; . . But give them to me, to 1 will have a hot dinuer a At borne, with the amell of the aoap auda away, a I know that thewaahiog maabioeie maohaaaier v . On all of our olothea than to take them and rub a Till the buttont aoi botomt are loat and worn out ' a .. By the old faahionaoV waabixiard that stood in the tub. Wa are not th old faahloned kind. A B C ' LAUND R Y J PHONE j l85l Mr Jobn. H CalrODitfEdlto oi. the Garland, Tezaa, Newawrfcaii: written j a letter ol congratulatioua. to the manu facture of Obamberlein'i Cough He- inedy, aafollowt: "Sixteen years ago whan our nrat child waa a baor ba was aubject to eroupy apellt and would be vert uxhaay about him. .- We began, neing Ohamberlaln'e Congh Remedy in 1887. and finduw it auoha reliable re. medy for oldaaadoruop(Wa naveineyer been without in, -the .bone, eiBoej.to.at thnet We have fire children and have given it to all of them with ;good ' re. tuita." For aale by all drdggista. n;. MOTIOS FOB JBUJSUGATU,;j ti..,.' veparunena oa,ioe innnom 1 ?l : , .,i Juna Is, 190a. Sotloa la herebj given that tha following nameeaetller Uaallled notice ol nla Intention to muke floal proof In support of hla olalin, and that aald proof will to made before the Keglaur aDd Receiver of the U. g ,JLad Offioc, at LaGrande, Orea:oo, On Augnat 'l, UKaV .via;r H. 4 Bo.TOtt, Waraacetaatlinbiiigtr, LuWnde Oreson, Wldowof John Mtutainger. dMeaaed. for Uia EH SB & K4 8F.X ttao. 13. Tp. 8., B. JJ7 iBa Waj MJ - txQsi&mm me ioupww WW? to &toa-s - NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION U. & Load Offic at La Oraoda, Omgon. , U. .i;a t AUgTUt 18, 1904. fiotlceta hrw?y iveu that th .following AmMaetlKrihai filed notice of hia inteotion jtainithalioaiproof Inttupportof hli claim, and toat saia prow win oc maae oeiore toe jouuiy GUtrtoaf lira 1U Lift Coaoty, Oregon - PQdleton Oresoo.onaept. 3O, lWi, ris H EHo 86fl, Joel A BtantoD, oi Meacbam, Oregon, for the lota 8, 4, 5. Wad 6, tteo 24, Tp. 1 8, R. 85 B W M He natnei the following witnesses to prove btl oontinnoua jQaldence uuon and cultivation til oauu ibiiu, fit: 1 , , GeorgfeD, HUyardaild John Todd. Doth of Jamea Al Uays, both of Athena, Oregon . - , Hi.. Wa uavti ,,, ! KegUter. UMBER UND, ACT JUNE 3, 187$ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 'U. fi. Land Office. La Grande. Orecon ...... , ., . i i - Hept.6, 1-04, Notroe is Hereby given that la compliance wlthtbeprowlBlonaofthe act of Oongra pf June o, 1878, eniiueo "An act ror trie sale or Umber tanda in the it-ttea of California, Ore- Aiidrtwg: ha tBllvaaV Nn :Mold I rXZiXT wood! buui of WtJTn ru oL. wt!...nr Tb. Kn.inn.. a.1 n haa thla (Uy filed In tola offioa nil iwora W V avroar iwauauB. wvu.aaa. niw atalamentJMa bfc obntiritied by A V Androwrfwho wi bat all debt and coXleot all amonnU Diua ill La Grind, Union i oonntr. Otgotii thU 28th day oC September, 19M.' N v J V Boa. ;, r,. i... AV ADdrewg. XJMBEa LAND ACT JUNE 3. ,.1878 '-iNOTICE; FOR PUBLICATION . U. P. Land Offloe at La Grande, Oregon i August 11, IBM. ..NoUte.lananbT riven that In Mm Witt laa-DMTlalona of the act of Coni Junes, L878. entlUed "Aa at for tUe ,aal ol UQiikir landa In the HrAtBti or CaUfornla. Ore- on,iiNvada, and. Waablngton'Terrltoryaa ewnaea to aii me ruoiio Mtna owiea oy act wiaootuin hli iom .fentKo. ,u160l for the nurehaM of the UUUftVVXi HH KWJi and Lota Sand 4 of Sec tion No. a in Tawnahln No. 5 Houth Ban (re No. 86 & Wa af. tuxd will offtr proof to ihow that thaHand sought Is more valuable for Its Umper or titone than fdragrloultural puTpoees, and !to, estaoilsh herolalm to said land betora ttlia Real tar and Receiver of this offloe at La tiniude, Oregon, on .Tnesday, ta.allaUa dav of Ootober. lyrja. Ha namea aa wltneeaea:. Raloh H. BulUa. W. tlenry Brown, of DezUrvUls, Wlaoomin; hlsoontinuoUB nsldennc'i tlonpf said land, vis: Frank BeinrjoaTt John avoiujr, uiuui i ouocuer, oiuant aaiim au Ol LaCirande pregoa E. W. DAV18, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , U.J&. Land Omoe, La Grande, Oregon. August LlMM, 1 Notloe Is hereby given tbt thronowlntr-)-jf named settler has died notlWof hla lntentiotf 1 to make final proof In support of his olalm and that said broof will be made before the Register and Eeoelrerorthe U H LandOffico at La.Qrande, Oregonj on Sept. as, 1004, viz: Utt NOt'Klmer E Oliver, of Meaoham, OreKoa, forTthe NW)J 80085, T I N, KJ6 EWM. ' He names the following wltneisas to prove him nnniiniloua resltlanoa uoon and oultivntlnn of said land,' vis: 8amatti:Biyen Tpba , it kuta umw vau fianna. Qeortre VanOrsdal OrsdalL all of Haaefaatw Oregon. id Oscar 1 ,1 ". l L. WfiaTUvXecKUr. MOTI0K FOR PUBLICATION-, ?ran Notloe la herebV kWeh ihat th1 IViUowii.yJ.' - namsal MtllHr haa Hlnrl nntlrM nt hla Intaantlnn. . to make final proof In support or his claim BW aatrlaUUUnaji Will aaay-i aa.Mi.j DtXUTO IQBJ 't-. , ww a uoury uiunu. ui u Leonard a llullls, of ilVawaTd Bean, ol La tira Any and all Denton the above described lands are requested lo n UB aatuu "I n""T 111 HllBUUIVv UH VI afCiUlO M1U tb day of Uolober, 1UM. ' - K W. DBTla, Reftarar. r. and that aald brdor twill ba-imad, bemre the Heejaterend Beaaiver of the U 8 Land QQlce TKoiMderoregon,' on Sept'Wy'loWf viirt ?1i.S?S2nart,i' NS- JohrKeBer, of talmnUe,.i i ipso, nauigver CifTima estate Notictf .1 gon, Nevada, and Wsiilogton Territory," its of August 4, 1893, Olarcuce B. Uhannel, of Salt Dl" v4 J-ake City, county of Salt Lake, State of Utah, haa this dnv filed In thla offloe hla sworn HtatemenL No. 8187, for the purchase of lXt 1. 9W, IB, I D, O BOUtU, reDKO OO, Ejf C JCk A-HmM oi Sectlou No. IA In Township o. 5 a, tuiiLKe no, us ej.w.m. . "And will offer Droof to show that the lan-i sought Aa .more valuable for -hs timber or atone thah for agricultural purposes, and i'j oBnabltsa his claim to sala land before the rhvlater and Receiver of thin office at La Orattdei Oregon, on Monday, th 0th day of iwcunuu, ,iwti ' He names as witnesses: Ralph H. Pullls. of Bfcarkev Oregon, Kdward Boan, of Utarkey, Oregon, Frank S. Murphy, of Perry, Oregon, Abe Bomin,orPerry, Vrtjgon. K r (- Any and all penonHlinilrir s)dvsrrIf thq Above described lands are roquetitedo file their olalms In this offloe on or before said tthdav of December. 1U0I. ...... . h, w. Davis, Rivster ' NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ' J tooUiiad TracV-Publlo Land Bale. ' tMtMelS'nereby given that In parsuanoe ot InstrnoUons from the Commissioner, of the General Land office, onder authority (vested sn euisa j owuuu anno u o. kw isw ouatuton. as amended by the act of Oongreas approved Pebraary M, 1895, wo will proceed to oflvr ;it Sutuic sara, at wo o 010c a a. m., on ins cut 11 ay of uepumber, lUOi, at, this offloe the following tract of land, to-wltt NU'X NWjl Heo. , Township south, range 88, KWM. . -Anyand'all persons claiming adversely the alxweKleacrlbea land are ad v I Bed to file their olalms in this offloe on or before the day above deslsaated' for commencement of said sale; otherwise their rights will be forfeited. . . , Dated Augusts, itui K W Davit, Register. t iH.i; wi.: A A Hoberts, Receiver. al a.Uli.- The Piano We're1 selling bow for $167 costs 1230.00 else where Big buying "and big eelling does it at filers Piano Wa House J R Kellogn deceased, Estate. ' Notice is hereby given that the ondeiaigned, J M i!burch, haa qoall Ued ae Kxeootor of th- last will - and testament of J B Kellogg, deceased; AU persona hariog olaime aiainst said .estate are hereby required to present the same properly vended to the undersigned at the offices of O H Finn, Hommer Building, La Grande Oregon, within eli months-from' the date of tbe first publication of this notioe.. Dated and flrat published Ootober J M (huroh..ExeoatArof Eetate of J R Kellogg, deceased. 0, B. Finn, Attorney for Executor. namea the.iollowlng rWUnnaaea prove upon ana oaiiiTHiwn hla conUnuoue realderice or aaia utna, via niuu uauae uraaon. E. W, Davla, BegUtcr. I, via) A 4 PUU, Cennd vtroelwr. e and John Mor, all Of IA uraiido MAKES 'A CLEAN 8 WEEP -There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly ' Of all tbe Salves you ever heard of, Baoklen's Arnica Salve is the beet. It sweeps away and eurea Borna. Sores, Bruises, Ci'ts, Boils, Dicers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It'a only 25c and guaranteed to give satisfaction by La Grande. Drag Co., and Newlin L-rug Co., Druggist,' " - .- - NOnCEFOBPCBUCArlON :o Drpanment'of the Interior Land Offloe at La Urando,. Oregon, .- - ,., July is, WOt, Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has Sled not I re of " his intention to make- final proof' in -support ot his'.elaim. and that said proof will be made before tbe Begister and Receiver of tbe U S Land Office, at La Orande, Oregon, on Sept 7, 1904. vIxiUFNu. 8678,.,. Henry Dean., of , Starkey, Oregon, for the N4' NW ! 8eo 2o & Ei NEi Sec 27, Tp 3 8, B 3o J). . M. - ' ..... . - ' Ho naqiea the following wltneasea -to . prove bis continuous residence upon andooltivation of said land, viz: Ed- . ward M Coombs, Harvey f Brlggs,' WioBeld 8 McMillan. Henry' Hagey :ot Starkey, Oregon. K w Davis, BegleUr. Here is one for you. When tomorrow IS yesterday; today .will be aa far from tbe end of the week, aa was today from the beginning ol tbe week, when sjrasterday was tomorrow. . What day -of the week is itr J .' etetsatei ay Money; to Loan i Representing tbe Equitable Savings & Loan . Asso ciation of Portland, Or., the strongest, safest & most reliable institution on the Pacific boast, under.; State supervieioa. Loans made shor,t or long time to suit. Wm. GRANT, Agent . City property for sale. ' .--. ... V aa, a. a mA. . Lawson Sc Zundel Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay,"5j Vege-f iuiw sou cruits. tjar ioaa oia a sp.eoialfy. Office in Kilpatifick Building Phone No 1113 -1 - .......Ml.... . ' OFFICERS ra DIHECTOSH- -. uao. rawta. President J. M. Berry, J. M. Ohuroh J. M. Bbbbt Vice President A. B. Conley, Geo. t Clea- J. M.CinaOB. Cashier er, Geo. Palmer F. V .Hamas and Geo L Cleaver - Asst. Oashiara S51 Washington Street. '' corner Park Portland, Oregon " Write us for particulars. $5 or 6 a month buys one Vre. i . ,3655 La Grande -National B nk La Grande, Oregon . j . CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transaeta a general banking bnslneas. Boy and sells exchange ' an all part of th world. Collections a specialty. at ' m t '