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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1904)
3S- "- k . . - ' ' . -. . ' ' r - '" ''.' f VOLUME HI L- r : ' " " : ; LA GRANDE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 12, 1904. . '' v. 'v. . LA GRANDE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 12, 1904. "''NUMBER 42 FIRRPF ARTILLERY FIGHT Russiane Arc N w Tak ing the " Offensive, and a Big Battle Is fxpected Soon. (Observer Special) ."' ' Frr three days there has been, sharp fighting north of rental, between Liao Yang and Mukden. The Russian ad- vanoe has been, oheoked and the at tacking foVce oom palled to retire to the northjeide ol the Rohili river, bnt . It subsequently reeroseed the stream. where at fast aoooanta a terrlflo artil lery fight was in progress. At St Petersburgtbe fighting is not eonsld . ered of the magnitude o' a general en. s gagement, saoh as la expected to come within a few days, somewhere within ; the trianslt directed by the.lineB oon. neoting Liao Ta g, Tentai and SyV ' wantun. This battle, when fought, is expected to be the decisive one of this 'year's campaign. Wounded - Russians fteing taken to Mukd-n show by their cheerfulness the iuiDrovemi-nt nro. uii .us mini, wi uio ruum dj Kuropatkln assuming tbe offensive. , . , - Gunboat Sunk lomo, uot. la, Tne Japanese gun. boat Kel Ton struck a mine in Pigeon bay, west of Port Arthur, September 19, and tank. Only four of her arew were ssved. The Kei Yen was a first class boat oi 3,186 tone. ... , Nearly 300 men were drowned by the inking of the Kei fen. Reward LOST-On Wednesday. ' OoL 8. or Thursday, Oct. 6, between Union and La Uraode, via, Phy point, Nib. ley, B ij Oliver's ranch, 8am Booth Lane and Island City. One 10x14 8 os duck wall tent, also one large Bed Bnasian leather relit containing an old suit of clothes, 2 pairs of good No. 7 shoes nailed on bottom, and some maps, plats and valuable papers A reasonable reward will be paid the finder by leaving at this offloe. ' -. Oct 18 . ; '. .-. IOO F Attention It is especially desired that all mem bers of La Grande Lodge No. 16 attend the meeting ol said lodge next Satur day evening. There will be work in three degrees and other business ef importance. George Robertson, V O 1 Final Umatilla proof V TO. 10 180 Jnd-Sd payment Um. 11163 11 Total :, $1189988 43 Homestead Ent. 6048 .... 647.00 26 Pinal proofs 376$ . 141.19 3 Mining application ''' ' ; 30.00 S6 Timber Stone Fees "- : W S60.90 Testimony Fees - : 86JI Total : ; ' , , . $1164.58 Tout Oasb Be6eipta ' ; 11541 89 BORN . .: SMALL In Haker City, Oct 10, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs G B Small, son, ,Motherand child doing nloely.' . LAND OFFICE BUSINESS Xbe loiowing bUHiaesa. was trans acted at the United States Land offioo t La Grande during the month ' of September Final Desert, Entries .", ." (80 00 Desert Land Entries S20S . 800 61 Hi teral Got. 362a 697 60 26 Timber prools 8920a 9800 20 6 Public Sales 481 601.23 7 Exoua Receipts 44 69 99 4 Commuted Homestead 640 " 800.00 GRAND JURY IS THROUGH Have Filed T cir Final Report and Have Been Excused From Further -Labors-; ; lity and reenpsrative power ol child hood the results el these injuries - ap nareully disappear and no mora it thought of tbem-not even when the child afterward d' vejops acme serious malady. Yet very frequently the trouble of later years is due to ' noth- Bev. F A Uwaon, ot Baker City, who so ably filled the pulpit in the Methodist ohnrch on the recent quartV erly meeting oooaaioo, has bean or dered by bis pbyslolan to . desist at onee Irom publlo peaking and betake himasll st onoe to Southern California. Be has obeyed, and the Bev. Frank A ing more or less than that forgotten Harti ornoath,rn Minnesota takes his injury receivea in piay, ana m suea pUoe ,t B,ku. oityi ' Total Original Umatilla Sales 80 12849.43 66.77 FINES GO TO SCHOOLS Such is the Disposition or nnes ior me vie lation of the Sunday Closing Uw ; Vr Yesterday alternoon the Grand Jury brought in several true bit's one being against Diok Kelley for keeping open his saloon on Sunday. Heap peered in court pleaded guilt; snd wa fined $16. ;;,; Owing to the varied comment aris ing for the several similar eases wbiob have beej before this term of . thi court relative to the fines , imposed. We pint the law which limits the Due to not less than $10 or more than $16 as follows: : ' Reotion 1974. No person sbsl) keep open any house, or room in whioh ' court for hi kiudaaea . and to say li. intoxicating llquoT is kept lor n'i we deeply appreciate, the on the first day of the wek, commonly called Sudday, or lie or sell , or other wise diaposeof iutoxioating liquors on that day; any person violating this section shall be fioed in any sum not exceeding the sum of twenty five nor less than ten dollars, for eaob "(Tense, and suoh fine to be for the use of com mon sobools in the County in which the offense was committed) provided, that this eeotion so iar as it prohibits keenioc ooen a house or room shall not apply to tavern-keepers. To the Honorable Robert Eakin.' ' Judge of the Oiroolt court of the State of Oregon, Sir:,, ;. ... .v. W the grande jury appointed, by the oourt at opening ot the Ootober term of this oourt beg to report. That we have been In seaaloh 8 days during this time we have dilllgently Inquired into' all Crimea and misde meanors, committed and triable) te this oounty, that haa come to our knowledge, Wa have sworn and ex amined many , witnesses .' and have fairly and impartially determined the matters and things under our juris diction We have relumed into oourt 13 "true, bills of indictment and 3 "not true" v e desire to thank the Judge ot the oases the Osteopathic doctor olteu finds an anatomical ' ditplsoement that has reunited from the . old hurt, Thai suoh a displacement is tbeoausa of the trouble is proven by its speedy disappearance when the misplaoed parts are restored to their proper posi tions:1 -f- ' THE VERY WISEST COURSE ""It'isbeoanse of these" ' tilings that many mothers now bring their bo s and girls to the Osteopath Irequently to have their little bodies gone over carefully. Often there is nothing at all wrong.' Sometimes, however, mechanical di-plaoements ar . found which might have grave after, effects if notoorreoted. But in any event the parents, by suob a oourse, aaaore themselves that toelr ohildren'a bodioa are being carefully watobed over by an expert and that they are oertaio to grow ap to be strong able-bodied men and women. And tbat assurance is surely worth muoh. It is a very old saying tbat, "As the twig is bent the tree Is iuolined," d care spent in seouringthe proper health and growth of childred is the best investment in the world . rheRagtst Way.- iJi Portland Markets Have yon seen our New Autumn Suits and Overcoats? It' saiiaii ism ii m wm& L' sieauu-itiMC . W I -' riNi ckOTHina -Z7 A . tpieaali. urtrnm a rr tj.v 4MMHTII. a. f i T W IF yon haveh't, don't delay cotnine here to- see them. another day io They are the smartest, most stylish and beet tailored ready to v. ear garments ever displayed in this city. We iiivite your inspection and any fair comparison wi'h clothing sold elsewhere for a third more. Come and criti ally examine them. Michaels-Stern Fine Qothing Inside and out, and look at the sewing, shap ing, style and fit its to oar interest as well as oars.: If yon will do this yoa will sui-sly agrne with ns that you never saw any clothing to equal this for the prioe that's sun. Autumn Sack Suits for Men and Young Hen For tl e young men the fabrics are especially' selected handsome mixture! in dignified patterns in many varieties, including favorite gray and brownish tones. For men there are an equal number of handsome fabrics and patterns in both gray and brownish tones, but in more subdued patterns and colorings $6.60 to $20.00 '; ( ' - Rain Coats That are fashionable and serviceable. From now Until Thanksgiving it isn't safe to be with out a rain coat. Ours a.'e smart, correct, thor oughly rain proof and fit perfectly. Your ezam amination of our new models can only result in a purchase we speak ol experience with others. At 12.26 to $6.00 See our Display of Stiff and Soft Hats In the new Autumn Styles and shades ire can save you from 60o to $2 on a ns and seel Prices range from f 1.50 to $4.50 hat The La Grande Cash Store. Try aaeMd - The d strict attorney and, his ae. sistant have been constantly In attend ance with ne at all proper occasions and have rendered us valuable aaelsl anoe. ' ! ' ' ; "'" '" We haveexamlmd the various oountv offloea and have been treated oourt iously and were ahown the books 'and papers of the respective officers ' We desire to say that the oonditlon of all the oounty records is good, neatness and care have been exercised in every lnatanoe. We find that the ' tooatloa' of the various officers, by reason of the re cent removal ot the county east been as convenient as was possible and recommend the speedy completion of the depositaries of the county records and the buildings made necessary by suoh change. We oso thank the officers and mem bera of the commeioial club for their kindness in permitting the use of the olub rooms fur the Grand Jury. We desire to especially say that we have returned 8 "true bills"' of In dictment against various persons vlo lsting the Sunday oloalng statues and we desiie to commend the aotlon of the exeouiion offioera ol the county in thla en.ieavor to enforce the obedience thereof. . ' - Having finished our work we now ask tbat we be discharged. Dated at La Grande Union' County, Oregon this 11th day of October A, D. 1904. , : James McCoy V . John MoNeely Geo Propeck ' A H Parsons . Ed Murphy J O Bryant Franklin Zurbriok . HAY AND GRAIN Wheat, export price Slo to S6o Barley, best ,.,..31.M to $23.SO Oats ...i..;v, ....,..,. to HUM-. Hay, timothy..... ........ .U to 118 BUTTER, EGGS AND VOULTfi? Butter best creamery. ,....37X0 to 30 Butter,' ordinary,.. ...360 us, per dozen 35otoSSo Chickens, per pound. ...... ...Wo ERUU8 AND VEGETABLES The jury In the case of the boyB bronght in 4 verdiot ot guilty for plo lug obstructions on the railroad track and aentenoe will be passed, on them Saturday morning. .. The case f the state vs Chaa Barn haid, who la cbarg d with th larceny of a eow, the . property" of & LUope, comes up for trial is the morning. Fred Bock has been ODnfloe.l to hie home for the past three days, f ' The ' Weldeman". Opera Company will be in La Grande for a week's en gagement the latter part of the month, Potatoes per owt.. Onions, per owt ...... Apples best, Pr bos Peacbee, beat, per box, Beets, per saok ...... Cabbage, per pound.. LIVE Steers. ........... Cows........ Bulls Btags Hoga, best... . Hogs, feeders.... .w : .tUO to $1.65 ...... 766 to SI ...80o to 760 ,..:.; .3e STOCK ,........3.76 to 13 S :...M r. .H.7S .'.:..:..v.;..;..'.w S600 - Advertised List of nnolaimed letters remaining in. the La Grande Oregon Poet office lor the week ending Oot. 6 1904 Allen Etneatt . . , , Brtmarri J G Koyer D W Hunsnu Hin Irwin Clifford E Langln; J nues ' Pomeny Euuice li , Kiur HA Hioweil Miss Bit a ' Wlmi JB Coun'rjmin Miss Clara ' N Howa.d Boldiway B St Ohristnphir Davis the absve will be held 14 daya and . tbeusent to, tbe dead letter offln-wbi-n csllod lor say ailveitls d Oct 6 G M blobey.p m. As The Twig Is Bent Great Debt That Future Genera' tioru Will Owe to Osteopathy Wise Mothers; Will Have Straight Strong Children Stop That Shivering And save that Coat onr horse needs blanket and we have the best assortment in the valley to seleot from. Horse blankets at all prices. New stock just received sf MEN'S GLOVES Workinmen's high grade gloves. This is a new line with us and we are proud of our se.eotion. Gall and see then. Har ness and saddles .made to order; : : Winter robes just received. Secondhand sowing machine (or sale cheap ' i E. Q nstoffcrson . Harness and Saddles . i ' . La Qrande, Oregon Childhood, with Its wild pranks and Irollos, ia vastly more likely to receive injuries from strains I ills, blows, and in many other w;, tVin are matorer years. Bometinira llirs develop seriously at onee sod rosult in deformities tbat are griefs to parents and permanent bandieaps to their little onee in life. Yet they could be set right and a good final outcome se cured were tbe Osteo. athlo physiolan called upon. ILLS HALF HIDDEN Bnt more often , so great is the vita I A Store JVith A Record - We have been doing busi ness in this town for 5 years in that time the town has nearly doubled in population Duriup: the same time our business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words our business has made a great deal more rapid increase -than the town has. There are dozens ot reasons for this all of whioh you will perceive if you begin buying drag store goods of us. In the first place we had a thorough " training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third plane we, have kept our eyes open and etu-ndedtio business until we know the demands ot the people of this town. 4 ' ' . - ; :,' Ae " TV Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Ore . . " : ; I e a4444M4e4ets1f .;i,-:' r i