La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 10, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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j ; Island City, Oregon
We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cote
wold and sh'ropuhiies, ready for service, anyone need
ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them
Young stock always on hand, and always glad to
have yon call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for
the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before
buying some where else. " J
j t s
Meat Market
' Stellwell A Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stook Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
Haif a Carload of
f New Wall Paper.
We have just received half a car load of the newest
and latest wajrwpejv Half a carload means 20,000
rollsT this is more paper " than any one firm ever ,
thought of bringing into this county in a single season.
Thla paper Is all (or tab and matt be sold this season. We
bar brought two Bnit olaaa paper banner, direct from Chicago, "
who are witboat doubt the moat skillful workmen in Eastern
who, with tbe fire Brat olaeaP(r hangers already In onr em
ploy, gives ns the beat working ton' tbe Inland Empire. .
Stackland & McLachlen ;
Lodge Direct or y .
KAOLKM I Uramlc Atrie in F O b inecU
every Friday nighl IU K ol 1- nail a' I p
Vkllliiu lirnthnrli I II vil All Ij nlliMl- .
l. 0 KockweW, WP a N MayvIUe, W Bee.
Mariou. Mo Zi niecta each Tuesday In Eik'a
liuiL isrouima am inviicu io nueua,
Al Heiiuor Clilef gUnger.
CJVuderpuol Kccticc.
I O 0 F La Grn fid Loiter, No 16 n cc.
their hill evury 'rtiidsy niB't. VJiiU..t n.c;
brra oordially invited to atteu)
H K Klneiiart N U
1J B Coo lidg e, Bec
A. F. & A. M.-La Grande Lodge
o. 41. meets every 1M uid 3rd fctotur
ii y of well month.
A O Williauis Sto,
0.1) Jlufl niiD W. M,
gbtful Houte, Daylight Eidc
Dizzy Crags, Teop CanoiiB.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all her glorious
l;euuty, and then the acrue of
man s handiwork. Jlielirst. ib j
lound along ' .the. line of the
Denver & R io (jrumle liaili 01H I
i ml the latter lit iho tft. I.'llisl
World's Fair. Your iri will 'iej
i ne of pleisure make ii;e tin st
of it. For information ami illus (
(ruled literature write
W.C. McBKIDr"., G.n. ri.
PoiUi'ii'Oi' u
some iNhWs or ,
CHeaned yy .I udicious Us i l Pen cil,
Scissors wit I Pix- tt'i m t.
Kiniuett Milfoil, aci d 2 nf ticion
( li) , has been lost In tie" uio ninii
t. r three days and it la fearo 1 be I at
I rlshed
T no Indian Nys who e cii ed fr n
l! e t'btililHwa, weio v it.i.'.l r
I nii'iiln county Friday an ' rotn nod to
!i hool,
A prohibitum vote will be taken in
vHhiugton county at Iho com u
e actio, i, a petit. fin li'vulni: oor MX1
l. limes bavillu been filvd.
I'ttitl llognn, a 12 year old buy, U
ondor arrerl forarfou at Kalauia.
A oniany has been forme I to con
ttrnot a tK),000 hotel at Astoria.
Tbe iroreruuietit la lookii.g lor a sltv
fur an army post n ar Aiedford, Ore.
Jaflou tJhaw, aged 13, i f EVere t,
Wood Saw
Having leaaed the O W Alle ateam
wood aaw, am prepared to promptly
iBke care of all ordora entrusted to
me. W M Andis,
Cornnr Ureenwood and Hill streets
Phone 730 S 12-0 I
Beautiful Columbia j
River Folder
!A pPiBenje'tlepartme:it of theOre -!
rod road & Navigation Company
!) iuKt issued a baaatliul and costly
l'no,atio folder entitled "The Col
umbia Hirer, thrown the Caaonde
Mountains, to the Pacific Ocear.'
brom Arliuutnu to Portland aud from
Porilaud to tlte I'aclflo Ocean, eveiy
to ve of the river and every po.i.t
0Alnt4jrest arenbown wblle Mt Hood
Mt Adaina, awlgMs St Helene, porpo
tually covered with snow, stand out
' j there beauty. On the bank of tht
map is an iiiteieHtinti story in detail
of the trip from Huntington to Port
land and from Portland to the ocean
not overlooking the and the
Pan tHnricco trip by ocean" A copy
of tblf) folh r nuir bp ft toured by Bend
my f-urc'ntc in nUmpR to pay postage
t A l.'ri(E, intiid lHFcnKir Agent
of Hie Oregon Ha li hI A. navigation
Com pun Portia' I, Oregon, ly aeml
iiw tle nddrrsB of hoihu fvWmtl in tht
Fast, and four eunia in po-tnne the
folder vtill be uromntlv mailod.
shot a plavmate with a-hMii m Friday,
complot ly etveriiiK ono leg.
Uharles Daly, a traveling soliciior
(or a gas roniinny, waa un'r lereil io
I ed at llole Thursday niht Tborc
is no clue to tbe uiurdeier.
lllrliii'luliHin, Oo'. 10. t he I'ost to
day assorts that a special emissary ol
the kaiser arrived ill London y.s er-ey
i-oiueyliifi to I Hnsdowtie t:.o nian
points ol the correspo idenco whh-h hHS
paane I between tbo kaiser a d the ixar
regarding theposil illties ot the im
niedlste future ol tbe Far fast.
Washington, Oct. 7. Ex-Lieutenant
Governor Woodrnff, ol New York, and
William Berry, proprietor of the
Brooklyn Standard Union, were gaeata
of President Booaerelt today at lunch
eon. Mr. Woodruff oaine to Wash
lngton on tbe invitation of . the preal.
Aa he waa leaving the White Hons
Woodruff aaid to a representative of
the Aaaooiblei Preae: .
"It wonld not be propvr for me to
dlaolose tbe details oi oar conference,
bnt I may say it related to tbe general
political situation with particular re
ference to New forkataie. .
"I tbink there la nodoubt bat that
Roosevelt will carry New fork aiate
by a aubitaotial plurality. .
Three Warships Ordered
Copenbagc n, Oct. 10. It ia reported
that Rnssia haa ordered a Danish firm
to conatruot tbree warsbipa for delivery
after the Ruaao-Japaneee war. They
will ooat 10,000,000 kroner.
Money in United States
The Observer : receive! Monday
morning the Circulation statement
from tbe Treasury Department of tbe
United States, ehowing- that on Oct
ober 1,1004, there were 12,8:15,333,734
in stook in the United States of which
1-273,184,245 were held In the United
States Treasury aa ats'ts of tbe gov
ernment, leaving 12,502,149,480 in (it-
oulation among the people, a gain of
1157,530,420 since October 1. 1903.
On Oct. 1, 1904, tbe Treeaury . De
partment estimated the population of
the United States at 82,214,000 and the
per oapita ciroalatlon at S3V.16 an in.
crease in per capita circulation of $3.16
since 1901. .
The circulation of money among the
people in tbe United Stitai Is now
greater than ever before. In 1860 at
the end of 60 years of Democratic rule
tbe per capita waa $13 85. The first
year of Cleveland's last Administra
tion tbe circulation per capita waa
024.03 and the last year, ' 1896 it was
$21.41 a loss of $2.63 per capita,
A Brave Man
8t Petersburg Oct. 10 One ol the
first acts of P;icce Bviatopork Mirnkjr
after assuming the office of minuter
of the interior was to discbarge with
three months' salary ninety detfetivw
who had b?en Minister Plehv's perso
nal body guard. In explanation tbe
minister said tbat on account of bis
eslth he ahovld do much walking
and be did not propose to be anooyed
by a oontinual shadowing.
Sues for Divorce..
Seattle Oct. 10 Henry B Bcechcr,
on of the lite Henry Ward Boeot er,
the nond pul.jit orator, and nephew
of Harriet Beeober Srowe, the author
of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" has instituted
divorce proceedings in the superior
court of thi cuumy against bis wiV,
Mrs H It Beeoher oi Brooklyn N V.
The ground al'egeJ ia desertion for
livr years.
Sweet Marie Wins
Leiii.gUin, Kv, Oct. 8 Kentucky' f
lireateiit lurl tveut Iho Trai.lyvinia
woilli $3I'00 Wit won by Sweet Marie
y-aterday in turf straight boats. Tbe
w'li cr i rahed by William Girlnnd
I L s AriKtUn,, Sntuinarv:
'I he l .!! ivaoia, pur.e .15000 2:12
r.ittin,, thn-e in live Hwect Murie
w in tli t'linl, f.mrth and fi'tb beats
in 2:116, 2.USJ. 2.t'9 Tiverton wou
first and second io 2:05. 2;0J. Ball
t iy, Mu.iier MoUregor' Knox's Go!a
tine King, Tuna aud Keot alro start-
victory complete
OHciiito Oct. 10 The DHtiunftl re
puhltOHD committee tuday recogoned
L KolletlH'ti Uotiun in Wir-cohnia by
its cflpr lt pcrd FairbAnks and other
flpek?ri ii to the state uudcriladi-
r ci inn.
Town Destroyed.
Plat R. clt I n.1. Oct. 10 Fire early
morniog de'twiyd a large part
bo own. Los j 1 100 ,000.
Killed by Train
MrCB J.frnes, bi?tber of Iven
Jeffries who for some time was book
keeper for the Htoddatri Lumber Co.,
was killed Friday at Ulenu a Fetry
I Ixlio, O I) Jeffries was head break
man on the Hnnlington and Glenn's
K rry Division of tbe O 8 L and was
crushid to dtatb between lo
- reigta' cair.
New Building 4
8 R Haworth baa a force cf men at
work today excavating for the new
building on depot ttreet. Mr Ha
worth haa the contraoi for the foun
dation aa well aa for tbe brick anpera
Ten Years for $40
Walla Walla, Oct. 10 Dr. Otto A.
Martinr, a prominent physician of
Taeoma. veaterdav beiran a 10 veara'
aentenoe at tbe utate penitentiary for
embezzlement or sw, oonUdea to nia
care by a echuol teacher of Eatonvilie,
where he was clerk of the school board.
Eighteen Men Entomed
Berlin, Oct 7 A coal mine collaps
ed at tierlebongb in Unbalt today and
18 miners are entomed,
' Every atailable mar of the force,
whiob numbers more than 1,000 men,
ia being worked in ibe effort to rescue
the prisoners. It ia believed they may
have survived immediate death In open
chambers situated near the cave-in.
Cures Kidney and Blad
der Diseases In Every
Form Many People
Have Kidney Trouble
and Do Not Know It.
. It is the function of the kidneys tq filter
tad purify the blood which is constantly
passing through them.
When the kidneys are out of order the
ether organs are affected Immediately
and yon may have aymptona of heart
trouble, stomach and liverlronble, ant
other ailments, which are all owing to the
kidneys being weak and out of order.
If yon an sick Foley's Kldnay
Cure will strengthen and build up the
Horn out tissues of tbe kidneys so they
will act properly and the symptoms ot
weakness, heart, stomach and Uvst
trouble will disappear and you will be
restored to perfect health.
Yon can easily determine If your kld
eys are out of order by setting aside fof
U hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising, I! upon examination it la
cloudy or milky or haa a briek-dust sed
Iment oi small particles float about in It,
your kidneys are diseased and Foley's
money uure snoum oe taken at once,
Foley' Kidney Cure Is pleasant ta
take and acts directly upon the parts
affected and you begin to teal battel
at onoa.
It corrects slight disorders in a few
(ays and it has cured many obstinate
eases after other treatment had failed.
Doctors laid Hs WoulJ Not Lhs.
fetor Prey, ol Woodrnff, Pa., writes!
Altar nnf.rnrtnv fa nA .u.
best physicians in Wayneaburg, and still
getting worse, tbe doctors advised me if
I had SBV hualneu n attMri Inlh.
ter attend to It at once, as I could not
pusaiuiy uva anoinermontn, as tnere was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cnrs
unamnimitMlhim.lM.MHiil - A
I immediately sent my son to the store
we ik ruu aiicr wiinff inree ooruee I oe
(an to get better and continued to in
prove until I was entirely well."
Taw Sliaa, 80s aael IjM.
A T HILL, Diusgisr.
Notice is hereby given that there are
now funds on hand to psy all out
standing warrants issued, on General
Fund of La Grande City, up to and in
cluding, No. 3310 endorsed Nov. 14,
Interest on all warrants on Genera)
Fund from No. 3705 to No 3810 in
clusive, ceates from thia date ,
There are also funds In the treasury
to pay all warrants Issued sgainst
Water Fund cf La Grande City, op to
and inrluding No. 5100 endorsed Aug.
5, '04. Interest on sll warrants on
Water Fund from No. eoitrio No 6106,
inclusive, ceases from date of this call,
La Grande, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1904. '
E. J. Walab,
3t City Treasurer.
utm )ril m 1. Kvi. Vliy 3 19J1.
Baard 8ni Liniment Co. I on r 8 now
Liniment cu.ed an old sore on the aide
of my chin that was supposed to be a
eanoer. The soe waa stubborn and
wonld not yield to treatment, until
I tried Snow Liniment, which did tha
work in short Older. My sister, Mrs
: Sophia 1 ( arson. Allensvllle. Mltfln
Co, Pa, baa a sore and mistrnata tbat
It Is a cancer. I'lense send her a
Wc bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
0n't Forget
Tbe , i, laQrspdara invited
to eal . ' ckennon's to simple
Fluff t starob for dainty
desert.. " . .:'
Offioe ii AT Hiil'B.Prug Store,,,
L Graiide. Oregy a 4 r none Jdb j
Kesidence phooe:701
C; B. Caut irxbrrij
Office Over Hill Drug ato'r
. - .ipW :v
La Grande, Oregon fax
For Rent
Eight room on North Fir Street en
quire ol Mrs Sheaier. 8-tt ''''
1 lie.bulldlrig formerly oocapied by
the Salvation army. Kor full par
ticulars and rates inquire of Mrs
SOZuber. Aug. 31 1 1
FOB ( RUNT Housekeeping room
very nicely furnished Two blocks
west ol High School, on the oorner
of lat and M at.-
FOR RENT A suite of rooms nicely
furnished for light boose keeping
at tbe oorner ot Fourth and Q streets
For further partioalars pply to or
address. ,
Mrs B O Moore, 1617,9 th st.
LOST On the streets of La Grande, an
abstract ot title from the office of La
' Grande Investment Company . Find
er will please return to otfloe ot l
Grande Investment Company. -
OR BALE 8 acres of. land and house
ot C rooms i aores in.'Jeering orchard
one, stablesfor
. U horses and oat houses plenty of
water 20 minuets work from P O for
partioalars call at grocery store ot.W
MoFarlane. t-1-10-1. .
FOll SALE Good Ntne-Roomed Plas
tered House with closets pantry and
bathr Centrally located, good cellar,
lawn, city water. Also wired through
out. Address Bos 606 oi Ftci.s&47
Furniture For Sale
And bouse to rent apply to Mrs
Bbearer opposite Star G rocery North
oi track .
No Hunting
All persons are forbidden to hunt
with firearms or dcgfkon my land un
der pain of beingpn isecuted for tree
Sept 6- T Joseph Anson
Piano Tuner
. Haye Prof. Hendricks tune your
piano.. It will psy you to do so. Tun
ing and repairing carefully done. We
kindly solicit your work.
Oct 3 Prof. Hendrioks
Furnished Room
Centrally located corner of Washing
ton and 6th Streets. Known aa Geo.
Ball's lodging house.
For Sale
One good . second band Kimball
piano, , For .Particulars eoquile of
Mra ingle or Phone 17a7 Reeidenoe
Cor. of 3rd K.
For Rent
To.amall family who can . give si
istactory references, a furnished house
of seven rooms with all modern con
venionoes, Inoluding hot and cold
water, bath inside .toilet, & c, Tbe
noose ls.convenii.ntly and, deslreably
situated. For further particulars
addiess Post Office box 603 10-1-tf.
' Pictures of The Wreck
Parties wiab!n$ pictures of tbs
wreck can seenrs same by calling at
J. R. Smith's Jewelry S,tore, "
Ko'. 'sale, "welifat 2T?3. nriod tFO
Caller write La Grande Pawnbroker
rooue moi.
For Rent
Three bosses for rent on tt v. n
No 1 will make liberal terms to the
right Deraons. RrwrUl Init
tj long term leasers. L B Hyatt.
K F D No. 1 La Grande
Sept iO-Oct. 23J
"t would cough nearly all niabt long,"
writes Mrs Chas Applegste, of Alex
andria InH H.lul AnnM I. --w! I . .
sleep. 1 had consumption to bid that
ii i aisea a mock I wonld congb
i. 'uliifullr and sou blood, bnt k.n
sll other medicines failed, three 11.00
bottles of I)r. King's New Discovery
wholly eared me and I gained 3
pounus. its absolutely guaranteed
tn mm f :nnah. Pnl). . - 1 1 :
Bronchitis and all Throat and Lnne
trotiblee Prlee 80c and 1.00. Trial
ooiuee irae as ewun I'rug Co.
f rv-
I hereby notlfy'all persons tbat I am
tbs so'e lea a of tbe Th is. 8m 1th stone
quarry, also all atone on the 210 acre
pasture and all parties are hereby tor
bidden from takiug ftoue off of said ,
tract. ' J L Mara.
NotlCZ .01 ,DlSS jIU.jSTI ,V,
Notice is brraby clven that tbe '
psrtnarsliip etistina; netwean L litill- '
will and J Vandermeullen, a firm trans .
acting a general butcher- basineae In - ;
tbs oity of La Grande, Oregon, waa oa 1 J
the fliat day of Auu4.ilissolved by
mutual oonsent, tt being . mutuatiy.i,
agreed tbat tbe J Vaudermealtn con
tinue the business snd that L Stillwlll
withdraw from tbe. business, and, that
tbe aaid J Vandermeniien collect all
accounts due the said firm and pay
all debts against the said firm.
'Dated this first day of October 1901.
" L Stillwlll and J Vandermeullen.
,J' ; w Oct. 28 "
Eastern Oregon Boslness Uolledge
School of Shorthand, and Normal
Baker City, Oregon, bad four calls
for Stenographers last weak and was
unable to fill them all. Oar students
get good positions when competent.
Business men call on ns when tbey
want reliable competent help.
Now is the time. .tor young .people .
to enroll.
Practical Business methods are
taagtrt. Tbe light line System of
Shorthand ' Is taught which can be
learned in bout half th time the
old Shaded Systems.
Tuition and Board reasonable'
M.O Perry Prino. ,
9-21-10-21 D&w .. ...
In the matter of the guard-1
ianahip of Jesse N Katm-l Citation,
baoh, a Minor )
To Jesse N Kalmbaoh, said Minor.
and Mary Kalmback, hie guardian and
aext ol kin, and all other persons In
t area tod In the estate ,of said Minor ,
In the name ot the state ol Oregon
Kou are hereby died and required to
appear In the ooonty court of tbe etate
Oregon, lor the oounty of Union, at
the court room thereof, at La Grande
in the county of Union, on Saturday j
the 8th day of October, 1904, at 1:30
o'olock, it. the afternoon of thst day,
then and tbere to show cause, it any,
you have, why the petition of Mary
Kalmbaob, guardian of tbe person and
estate of tbe shove named minor, pray
lng order of tbe court authoriz
ing, lioensing, and empowering her to
sell the real property belonging to him
the said Jesse N Kalmbach, a Minor
(subject to the widow's dower therein, )
towit: an undivided bait interest in
and to thsHWJi of Sec, 16, inTp. 1 ,8.
R. 17 E, W. M., and in Sherman
oounty, Oregon.
WITNESS: .the Hon. M A Harrison,
Judge of the oounty court ot tbe
state of Oregon,, for the county of ,
Union, with the aeal of said ooart
affixed this 7th day of Sept. 1901.
ATTEST: J B Giiham, Clerk.
By virtue of an order, and lioanu.
mad and entered by i the 'Honorable
vuiuity oourton septe inner m, ivim,
in the. master Qf the adminlatration of
the estate of Angle A Wood, deceased,
t will Irom and . after October 22nd
1901, at my offloe ANo, 1110 Adams
Avenue.. La Grande,, Union Countr.
Oregon, prooeed to private , sale
lotvna'mbr-4 elht(8)(inlilook No.
60 in Chaplina AddrUon to the City
of La Grabde, Union County, Oregon.
Partiea desiring to pnrohase aaid prop,
erty may deposit sealed bide ou or be
fore said data, together with certified
oheok for ten per cent ot the amount
kla ... . , j . '
wtu ur muu property as a, guarantee
that said offer will be oom piled with
In case th offer ia accepted. No offer
win be considered tor a sum less than
11209. Terms of sale, ossb to me In
hand. -A I.E.. Wriahi... i .'
-. Adinjatrsiorof thpstat p( Apgle i
A. Wood, deceased.
Dated September 17, 1904.
f t I M)N.
n tbe) matfcr: of) Notice of first
J. 0. Ksrr V Meeting of
. Bankrant. I f i , .
To the creditors of J. D. Kerr, of ii
Grande, Union County, Oregon, Bank
on tbe 13th day of Sept
ember, 1904, tbe aaid J. , D.
tiorr, was duly adiudloatsd ' a
of the creditors will be held at tbe
omce oi tne undersigned In La Grande.
Oregon, on loesday, September 37th,
IE-1, at ten oolock, . in the forenoon, .
of aaid day, at which time and place '
said Creditois may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a Trustee, examine '
the Bankrupt, aad transact such other
busineaa as may properly come before
aid meeting Twenty five cents must
accompany eacbolelm filed.
Dut"1,t.L.0rIKl Oregon, Sept
ember tf, 1901. ' r
' ' ' ' 1 ' F. 8. Ivanhoe,
Referee in Bankruptcy,
Ui. tK