' i -.,.. ; J ; ;. .,fl EVENIlfeiQBSERViil 'f'-fl- t;n. " : d efio ): n-i ' r- VVLU0IG Hi ij 'Liiivri eou H. "oiVH! ; .' LA ; GRANDE, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10. I904 ...:, NUMBER 40 ;' ' '""-- ; -". . ,V i. i ... M " I . ,1! , M IHT'. n I Ml II " II V . T' "" Mii Vie i " r lj-: i. j..,; " ... -i. -n t ' . .ft SHOT AND A Passenger Shot, ; Rob ed and Thrown From ger Train John A Jtffay, , W B pilUrd, W 8 Hmlltoa. ProhiblUon--lalls natler.I HAmoa W P Elmore T 8 McDtnial. ( t Bo 'lal rt 8 H Holt WiUlam Baard, C W Bargee, J 0 UerrlDgtoa. , - Robs A Bank, ' Coaorll, BlaSa. Ia, Oct 10 A rob. her walked Into' the 'eavlnga. baiifc'at Treynor, a amall " town Lflfen - mile eut of here today, and at the point of revolver compelled the aialitant easbier Mia Fifuoia Flood to take I1S00 dom the' cub drawer and pat I the .money In bis bag The robber Swiftly Movinii Passen- tne b,uk lnto tb b, b" nl : ; d . ' , .loaked .her In Coatomera coming I into tne bank half an hour later burd ' the glrla acreama for help and releaa DID Columboe, Mont, Oct 10 8ho by thuga, robbed of Lie raloablee and hnrl ed from .A awiftly moving; paaaenger train, wa tbe fate' of a traveler on an overland Northern PaoiBo" passenger train, who, from reapers fonnd, ia be lieved to be Loola Uanemer of Ed mond, South DaBtftSrTraok" walker early this morning diaaovered Denamer lying beilde' the track with a ballet hole tliroagh hi. head.. He was breath ing bia last anddied within, a few momenta after he was found..' j Denamer'a pooketahaoV: beentarnad inside oat, nothing 'valuable being found on the remalna:' The trifl (rirn wnloh it Is believed Denamer was thrown passed through Uolambas dar ing the night. In the man's inside vet pocket was found papers bearing the name "Denamer," and a ticket from Edmund, South Dakota, to Taooma. Wash. 22JiTYO !. Elcctorial Tjcke Filed.. Salom The (reaidntiialeotoriilJ tiiktie of foai p.ilin ui i in- iij.vu b eu tiled in the . li'i e u( eoivier iii State Uonbar, ihe partite ie.iedo:.ted .are Bepablioan, DmooiaUo, 1'iohibi lion and Bociu lat, ud it ie nnder sluHl thnt tne runli-ta w.IIumi rile petitions i oiumuti gait m rnliA .' t oo u a auiiui, un .1 ,h.- uuuiiu ees on the Ue nocralio uor.et, lesigi'rft, and but place was tilled Uv tin appoint maul, of W B Hamilton by the state central committee . he eleotorial tick ets Bled are as follows: Republican G B Dlmlc, James A Fee, J N Hart, A C Hough. Demooratio Thomas H Crawford, ed her. She told of the holdup and an armed posse was atarted after the robber but up to midnight he had not been apprehended. r ,;, ,;.T6 Dip Cattle ; ,..Eoh.a.jftre Oot 9-Cattl raUera tributary to tbe Echo country are pre paring to have a law Introduced In ti.e next; legislature'! compelling ' tn (enerai 'dipping of cattle teWeradlea to the disease of scabies, commonly Ynowu as soab. - S' v. Show On Peaks r; i I ,trfh Uiners and mining men coming Into lows yesterday afternoon' and last night reported that praotloally all tbe peaks on tbe ridges were covered wltb fnim three to nine Inches of snow. ' The temperature el this elevation had a 'rather "anijwy, ' ieeling. -Sampler Kupo tor; ....... Wom2i lni Porttcs 1 -TT ' INUI MEET lor. the temple was broken by Prei dent Eooeeveit Ma'S6, 1)3. ' liany puDlcatlon and' coins " were ' I placed In the copper oaae , wUioh wae pat in tbe stone. W U Ludden , was the orator Of tbe day making leng thy address in which he, paid high tribolelo Haaonryf priooiplee and influenoe."i!. - ?' it;- Mass Meeting of Filipo- Fiiipinos J , to, Discuss Independence did not Materialize - Maoiln, Oct. 10 The mass meeting ol Fillpinoa, called for the- pnrpoae 01 conridering tne question ol .Philippine independence bat been postponed. - 'leodoro nan d ieo, a termer tnembrr of Agninaido's cabinet, who in 1B99 lgn d tbe order lor tbe massacre' H' Of all foreigners sod Ameiieaoi in Manila aod lormei Governor Bey ee ol -Abra provlneeiand about 1600, ( Filipinos moat ol them olerks gathered at 'the appointed time but did not Organise Sandico advised them todisperse and to await developments. WBa2.JB. : Burglars Convicfeff Winona, Wash , Oct, 10V-K, 8.pni M Danri H J-Banning were, arresd wni e nirling In, tbe- underbruih ops' hntf vei-terdny e by. Bbtr.ff, Oanui V, obargtd Wit iburiilariiiiig'the O R A N nectiun bou-c.; '' .f. oitlu , ju They ,ile ded sniltr d wer given oiiS esr irr b " lie;1 t b;ft'V;'' I W '.s . "' t "-"-i"" t u-iO-U ; i itiU'J IVJalijK New'.Recofd Lexington Ky Oct S.-Jlajor Bel- mu made new trottlns record today when be circled the track In 4:013 i oilpalng hnlf a second eff the record made , by Orosoeut , at l. Columbus Maiir Delmar caeo) no wind shield Twios before be equalled tbe record of Creaoeue, the la t time at Oakley park the fractional time In bla wonder ful trial today wafS 4,3i4; 30 1 and 92 aeoonda. The track was per fect. Major Delmar appeared, ottl the (rank Jost after the laai mow was fini shed He wap driven by trainer,' Alta McDonald ' The paoe maker .' runner a driven by flqett Uudsou; . The terrltc gait was almoet to . much for the runner, who gradually lagged be bind.,! A second paoemaker waa pick, ed op at half I,c;n r iVU ; ; Willamette" Low The Portland joirn J'' of s6ct 9 has the following :. ' "Captain Raa be, commander of the steamer Pomona, which arrived In port last night from points, on the, oppec Willamette, report that Ihe river is lower by four inobes than It was ever before known. ' Had it not been tor ihe work performed' recently' by the new government dipper dredgf be declared that it would be impoetlble. to steam- boats to go many miles above Oregon City.". : -itii i Thiai condition of the Oregon river prompta the Observer to aak the question' What would be the present condition of the) people of tbe great Willamette Valley had the-. Democrats been In control of tbe country and ad hered to Its position on Internal 1m- r'JJiovmen as.deolared in tbe resolution "ot its platform In 1840, which reads as follows: "Koaolved, that the Constitu tion does not confer upon the general government the power to eommenoe and oarry on a geneiai, system of inter-i nal improvements." J J f : This resolution was made part of tbe Demooratio platform In 1882 and 1868. AT'A : STAND ''.-Xr:: Hi Conditions in the r Far East but is May Have1 Murderer. 1 Helena, Moot, Opt 7. Th authorl tiee of Flatlead bounty believe aooord' ln ,-to; Kallspell. Spcial, that they bam liJ custody one of the- partivpants in .toe oeteoratea vronm muruer, which took place lb Chicago ! years ago.;j., '-"-Vlo art Gates, a ,pr-mloi-nt ranoher waa found murdered on tne banks ,of Swan V" last week. A rifle sheil ot unusual cnlbre waa found n a by and upon ainminatln It waa : lea ed bat I'boinas Hiieyj r, y'Keiily. i l a -in of ,tnie,. peculiar alze, an' hi- na ilPl3Jl4.f7.ta" '"; ' ij.i. n i.ja lKiif (iu sranu .i..an'u.iik.' ami I,iVu.'!n Vif rS W',:nAle Panne ri u-u. Ol . - V r: .. . .-. .. .. I ' ' Xtanttit- a.'wm-iiti Urbo!Bi.i.-si-' i iiti2iifS?ii.. .ii.L .1.1 , lit- ... : . I . .- ; r!:, ; .: . ll.-il-VIlei OJ.LlJ.nu -rRf,m7yfiWTlffXWW h rnrnT-ntMOr! 1 ah4.ufin!irri .fr Jrears a. .n,t ..ov .,y T. t,-,f t ,,.'., f .;. I. ..4,.- beil-fM io r 1. n heca '"-i 'in '!''' aeuut g. . ff.,t, .7 , .tl,.M-nXVi,i nttr-.ubU - Kint nrl'i !... i.-i! Lira-d if... . i. '.." i" . ' . , W.I-A. I i. o-,.-i .) m xuMX : ' "! .k '" Q --('( J ; UdO -. "t iiiil vta i. ., UiidVX.S th, , isa in ,., : .1, . t ry. J f- e 4 , 4,o.,KV c - n- w M- tie 'i-rtpi ' jun4i.at.r. W n,er na "ed ..V'"' mitt;-: Mr,, W,.' il-',siwi'ne,3o'i,.i Uiaa Th. mhfrr..iM. MaVtftMaUvW. c4ad aaist-r. ,0Kellly esu-'ped. .tuirt . i i.'f f I Htl i Mil . WHO if Marred - 'Married :'"Iu this city October tb 1004, at tbe residence of Mr A E Huff, Leo Winn and Lottie Huff. sKfumsr- ., Mr Winn le a wall known and well respeoted re identol tbiaoity, and the b'idn ia a daughter of Mr aod Mrs A E Huff. The ObrtrvCf Joins the many friends, of bride and (troiim in h fnilii-jr fnuu" l ipiiines", -v.".; ' ' 1 ' ' 1": For Irrigation ,.. rin- L - v T' m r g' n j;t- h:lic-TViS! . Remain, Quiet, Both Sides . Are 1 .- !. . Toklo, Oct. 10.-H is reported that owing so the number of invalided men tbe R'.esiao battalions j number on'f from 800 to B00 instead of 1.000. The scouts now are apparently lnexperiena ed. ' This is considered' here to indi cate InaufBcient reserves 1 - Tft!, ' ;1 Ueneral faenl troops have advance I jto Bultheog, on the ManotrarWn side of ttieyreat wall. Their destlnatlo is Klncbou, weat of tbe Mao river. Gen.. ! 1 eral Tsansc Ohi. in command of the . I Chinese ghrriaon at Mukdeo,, baar ini j vj formed the authorltlea at Pekin that': tbe Russians are fortifying the ira- , , perltl mausoleums in the neighbor i hood of Mukden and the heights ol f Tten Ohu and LunTa;'" ,'r-'',"r.5 V -! '-W--tVqi-M.l.snwis ississswisi sii usu'h-.- ;t;-ijg- OREGON FLOUR : iu.,;ifGOESu'ASr i!-i tii 1 1 t it i' - I.'f. V jii . i..i V yr" KUnil Dyl- JM Ur'J D V 'J.p!fili; j'der and the wurds, "Edwin Hugh Van MeettOKS Wil. bi held every - Wednes day evening at republloau headquar ters which have been opened in the building formerly occupied by Brain arda'meat,market..,,'u c,l,'...u 7,L . though Itiley haa b-en known to resent at . llniAB hama nut a . I i 1 ' 1 u 1 1 1 n . master," FA'A MpA lj 0ti, occaaniona h snuld nnmlniin himself as ' O.Rellley. He Is also accredited with being a fine painter arid has a' aister.VHe! was always Suaptdlbus of etrangers, aod led the life of a hermit. . . i ,'.., i'lLi 1 Patsen, gr..nd O90,"form tne inscription po tbe. oorneretooe. The date means Yin the year of light 6904," and dates' from tbe orthodox oreation. Tbe groan t Have diiiseen our e wiimti I ; ... Buits;aLnd:DVercoats rim cLoTHinai . ... t-7 J 1 -C'J t-ltf Another day io to i w?if "is, m k 1 F you haveli't, don't delay Vcoming here to see them. They are the Bmartest, most stylish aod ben tailored ready v ear garments ever displayed in this city. We it-vite your inspection and any fair comparison wi b clothing sold elsewhere for a third more.'"1 Come and criti ally examine them. . a . a i All Michaels-Stern Fine Qothlhg !' " Inside and ont, and look at the sewing, 'shap ing, style and fit its to our interest as well- as ours; If you will do this you- will surely agrne with us that you never saw any clothing to equal this for the price that's surf. Autumn Sack Suits for Men and Young Men t k For tl e young men tbe fabrics are especially Selected handsome mixture, in dignified patterns iu many varieties, including- favorite gray . and brownish tones. For men there are an equal number of handsome fabrics and patterns in both gray and brownish tones, but in- more subdued patterns and colorings 16.50 to $20.00 O i i i tol '. i. . J ' Rain Coats ,. -. . . r -m.) i That are fashionable and, serviceable. From now until Thanksgiving it fsn't safe to be with out a rain coat Ours are soaart, correct, thor ouglily rain proof and fit perfectly . Your . exam amination or our new models can, only result in a purohaee we apeak ol experience with others. - . At $2.26 to $6.00 i.r.-i . See our Display o Stiff and Soft Hats In the new Autumn Styles aud shades oan save you from 50o to $2 on a us and seet Prices range from $1.60 to $4.60 hat. M' Try The La Grande Cash Store. Knockout Drops Kill Butte, Mont., , Oot. 10 Charles Boukle of Oenterville, was - today foqnd jll, a dying condition in an empty coil oar his face being s-nolber-ed in dust aa a irWlt it is bt lieved by office's o bis being given ktiookout drops. , Eunlfle aied feversl f. boms alter being tken to the hospital, . i Hbnkls was i known to have hatl money with him wben be left bi me early in the da and is t hought ' to have been ' givBn a deadly drug 'at some of the resc-t 'ted by .him. Eunklo's deal bjaikku the eeoond in Butte from knockout drops within tbe past week.: : Jjtst Tuesday night Edward Wegner a ivell known oentrao- tor of this city was drugged to death and robbed of $800,-,His ,iwdy i waa found Crsmmed into an alley in tbe rear of ao East Park street aal ton j & I ).-- Foreign Nations Invited Through tbe eo-r peratbu of David R. Francis, president of the Louisiana Pnrohase exposition at Bt. Louis In vitatioos have, been' extended to 86 foreign countries to be represented at tbe Lewis and, Clark fair to this city in 1906. Tbe Invitations were recent ly Issued by President Ooode. The list includes the following countries: Austria; (Brazil, Ceylon, China, Cuba, Denmark, Egvpt, Prance Germany, Great- Crltaio, Huogsry Italy, Japan, Meiioo,. N tberlaods Portugal, Hweden, VeneiutU , Canada Belgium, New Zealand, Penia, Hiam Spain, San . Salvador, Russia, Peru, Borway, India, Honduras, (Ins em iia Coata Bloa, Argentine, Panama, and others.-' . . The invitations have been followed by individual letters to representatives of each gorernmentb? President Good Tbe letters urge that tbe invitations be eoovpted and that special attention be paid to the exhibitions at the fair. Oregon Journal. ; Stop That Shivering v And save: that Coaf'iS? , ' Ifour horse needs blanket and 'we c.'t have the best assortment In the valley to f,. .yoj ; i select from. Horse blankets at all prices. .: New stock just received sf " ' '"'." j . .. MEN'S GLOVES 1. ... ;., ; Working men's high grade gloves. This is a new. Hue -with us and we are proud of - -. our ae.ectioni Oal and see them. Har ness and saddles made to order. Winter , robes just received. .Secondhand sewing ? ..; machine for sale oheav' ) ; ' V i , ' j j j - E . CLnstoffcrson Harness and Saddles i -u La Grande, Oregon- l' u- 71 j a i JA it ;A;Store With A Record 11 We have been doing buai - ness in this town for 6 years ' In that time the town has nearly doubled in population -During the same time our businoss has increased FIVE FOLDrr ln other - words " ' our business has made a great deal more rapid increase than the town has.: There are dozens -of reasons for tnis A all of, which, you will perceive if you begin buying drug store good 01 us. '' In the first place we bad a tboroul h training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex- -ceptional opportunities for learning the practical side of '' pharmacy in a successful drug store of the highest stand- , ing. In tbe third place we have kept our eyes wpen and atu-uded to business until we know the demands of the people of this town. ' . A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Ore r i 4 . i - Wi k. y.mA t i- "- ate tw .I-t M1 r ( , ... ., v.