-LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 7. 1904 ; NUMBER 37 FLEET LEAVES HARBOR Reportsd that Russian i Fleet L. ' ... Arthur- as Left Port Kuropatkin to lionary powars to leave Port Armor should he situation to demand or should conditions be propitious. 65 Cows Killed ', Bpeeiil (o Ibe Observu Ban Franoieoo, Oct. 7 An endeavor to store 1M tons of hey In tbe apper part of e barn unable to withstand aneh a weight resulted in the eollapae of tba atrnotnre and the death ol 66 head of fine milk ootre with a total money lose of over 110,000. pvacuatc. Special to the Ob server . Tba significance of tbe Mukden dis patoh that nothing of unusual activity hae transpired at taat plaoe ia tbe enbjeotof muoh speculation at Si. Pe tersburg. The tbeorv met indioataa it ia the purpose ol General Kuropat ; kin to evacuate the town ia now gen erally aooepted. Military officers there : are earmising that the commotion : noted is in connection with a- move ' mant to oheck Japaneaa flauking op- ; eration. In Russian official oirolea aoma oredenoe ii given to the rumor that Admiral Wirsn haa left Port Ar thur with his ships tbe confusion re sulting from the severe atorm on Taea '. day being regarding aa having made euoh a dun possible, y All time expired mtunbers of guard regiments in 8t. Petersburg and vloini - ty have been ordered to remain with their colore. The indications are tuil tba Buman warabipa in. tbe Baltic will toon be dispatched to tbe Far - East. THINK 8QUARDON BAFR- , Bt Petersburg, Oct. 7 Wbite the admiralty claims to have no kuow. ledge of tbe departure of the Port Ar tbir squadron it is tolerable irom tbe way tbe report reads that suob an event has transpired and definite con firmation of this would not create any surprise. Tbe Associated Press ia in formed that no direot orders have been sent Admiral Wiren to break tli lough tbo blockading Beet but it ta taoitl y admitted that tbe admiral has disore- A Narrow Escape New York, Oct: 7 -A ten ton roll- I ing blast fnroaoa filled with hot iron I used for tbe welding of tbe joints of 1 trolley truck a haa bean tba canse of n exciting rids for a oar load of people la Newark N J. Tba I uroaoe became unmanageable on tbe top of a steep bill and started down with rapidly in creasing apeed in the wake of a trolley oar bound toward tbe oenter of the city. ..,-.- Tbe motorman put on ' full speed, bnt tbe mass of iron and fire : gained steadily. When it seemed that a dis astrous oollision waa inevitable tba ear crew and ten passengers several Of whom were women held a consulta tion and decided that tbe only obance to aava their lives waa in jumping. Several leaped oS but tba crew and two women who bad fainted remained aboard. After tbe raoebad gone for a quar ter of a mile with the furnaoa steadily gaiuidg the runaway machine swerved and struok an oncoming oar. The collision waa terrific but although tbe front ol the car waa demoliabed the passengers escaped aerioua injury'. Project Union, Ore. Oct. 7 Ths engineer ing orew of the Easte n Oregon Deve lopment company whiob haa hastily completed a preliminary survey for a b"lt line of railroad covering princi pal points in tbe Grande Bonde valley baa ben looking np t e question ct water power over on the Hinam river this wet k and ia expeoted at the com pany's headquarters in Union evry day. Tbe offioe force at work in Un ion for aeveral week ia oompletiug maps and data of the country to be crossed by the proposed line f.nd ex pects to have tbia work all don to for ward to New York by October 10. Ad vices from tba sast are that tbe new line will be financed at onoe upon tbe proper showing aa to revenue likely to result from operation. Preacher Arrested Nortbport, Wash, Oot 7 John Carlson an ex-preacher, many times arrested for making himself nniaanoe by barling rocks through saloon win dows and doiug other anpeaeasble thlcga was arrested today for publi city decrying in profane language tbe oly officials. , He asserts that be It a preacher. He is thought to be insane. - Whist Club The whist olnb whiob was entertain ed by Mrs. Thomas and Ormond result ed in Mrs Nicholson receiving first. honor, Mrs Edmonds second. Those present wore Mesdemes Cevene, W S rJnodgraas,Thoraon, Johnson, L Dunn 8 J White, Boesoh. Edmonds, Erick- son, Given, Sargent, Bemilard, Nichol son and Winnie Ormond. The next meeting will be entertained, by Mee- damea Cavana and Erickson at the lathers borne. .. 1 . . A Pleasant Afternoon A quiet but entertaining reception waa given yesterday afternoon by Mrs. J W Scrlber to a number of bar lady friends at her borne in this oity. The time was passed pleasantly in friendly badinage, merry sallies of wit and hu mor, and in the enjoyment of the dainty refreshments served by (he efficient hostess, Those who - were present are as follows:., . Meedeaeee Moll tor. Beavis, Henry, Oarr, Morris Foley, Slater, Lyle Palmer, Boriber tnd Misses Kathleen Slack and Mar garet Porter. Tbe qneetiin as to who "takes the cake" will he settled at the LOS fair. The cake and tbe tioketa are now on exhibition at the Bainbow Store. Call and take chance and vote for the Queen, - Ed Adcook returned last evening from The Dallea where he may con. clnde tbe purchase of a furniture nasi ness. .. ' DEATH IN AUTO ACCIDENT Nine. People Dashed Over an Embankment in a Runaway Automobile. bank of Monte Carlo waa robbed last night of 20,000, In currency and gold and the robbers escaped. There were seven men in the robber band, and they wars not discovered by the night watchman until the robbery had been consummated. ;.,,. . An alarm waa given and a chase started, but the robbers fled in the darkheas and all efforts to apprehend them today proved tattle. THE Neysr Autumn Styles in Clothing Haberdashery & Hats. Are now ready for your inspection. Her you can ee the artUtio productions of the worlds best makers ol Clothing, Haberdashery and Hats in a wide assortmeiv of styles and prices. Everything in spic-and-epan new fresh from the hands of the makers and bound to inter est every man and young man who wants to drew 'stylishly at moderate cost. - "' ' We especial) invite your examination o! the new Autumn styles in the famous . Michiiels-Stern . , . MICHAELS-STCRN inna CLOTH tenant, aTiaa secHcavsa. a. v. Fine Clothing For whioh we are sole agents here. Men's Autumn Sack Suits are here at a price range of $7 60 to $20 00 something to suit all parses. ' Unusually fine fabrics, in single and double -breasted sacks, beautifullp tailored and fall worth 113 00 are to be found in our large 3j pf collection ol Saok Suits at tJpXO, OVERCOATS Are here at a price range ol $5 00 to $18 00. A wide seleotion of fabrics in every style, and unus- dVI pf ually big value in our Autumn overcoats at f ' New York , Oot. 7 One of tbe most spectacular and disastrous of the many automobile aooidente that have oocorred in Greater New York happen ed early this morning when a heavy racing car dashed off an embarkment and down to the traoke of - the New York Central many feel below; three were killed and several more may die. &s an ,oi tne party in tne big ma- obine were so injured that they have not yet regained consciousness no due to their identity has been gained bat fronalbe machine and tbe costumes ol Ibe party it is evident that they are of walth and probble social attnding and when their identity is known it ia probable 'that some of the oity leading amines win mourn tne loss of some petted favorite ol fortune. Witnesses to the. accident aay that the huge maohlne ol sixty horsepower waa speeding madly along the Bronx, In it weie a parly of nine and they had apparently passed a onnvivial night for they were laoghing loudly and cheering, the expertneaa of tbe driver aa he missed obstructions oy hair's breadth while going at full speed. ' Down th smooth asphalt the big msobine sped and when opposite the high embankment at 61t street it gave a sudden lurch turned appar ently despite tbe exertions of the man at the throttle and with a lap and bound shot over the high embankment almost before the witnesaea or those in the machine could give a cry of alarm. The big maohlne weighing a couple of tons made a sheer drop through tbe air for thirty or forty leet and brought np a wreck on the tracks of tbe New York Central. Hardly bad it struok and the Inmates given a few terrified ories wbsn a fast passenger train whirled round the ourve and dashed through the nreokage . where nine bruised persons lay. ' Automobile and dying were thrown hig'i in the air by tbe upeeding train and those who had calbered fell sure that not one of party would survive the exper ience. But when the patrol aud am- bulanoes arrived only two of tbe par y wore found to be dead and the other seven were removed to i he hospital. Later one ol tbe i- j d ' died and three roo.e are m piacariousoonditiou sod may die before tbe day dawna. All will be scarred for life as tbe result of being tbrc n many feet in tbe air by the rushing engine and impaled in the wreckage of the automobile SCHOOL LAND $69 PER ACRE ' ;V - . w- . Colfax Wash. Oot. B Blily-nine dollars per acre is the highest price obtainable for unimproved sobool land in this county, except for an oo oastoual tract within or adjoining a town, II H Wheeler, county auditor, sold 40 acres of unimproved land at auotion to J A Ibman for $69 per acre The land lies in Maaaant Valley, three miles from Bt, John. It is un improved except lor a fence, lor which is appraised oa f 126 Tbe buyer had to pay for this fenoe also., Henry Bock paid 2S.60 per acre for 16 . nearj Diamond. This land was Im proved, and II r Book had to pay $8005 for the improvements. . This brought the purchase prloe of tbia traol, with uprovemente, to $41 15 per acre. BURNS , IN CITY JAIL Unknown Man - Con- fined in City Jail for Petty Offense of Flames v HOW GERM NESTS ARE MADE Even tbe so-called "erm diseases are usually, il not always, caused pri marily by an anatomical disorder of some kind.: v:;. . n is wen snown tuat geitns can thrive only in unhealthy tissue. A dislocation ever so slight, perhaps discoverable oolv by an Osteopath first caused an Interrup ion in the supply of blood or nerve force, or both to some part of the body, leaving that part ill nourished and thus preparing a place, or "nest," in wbio tbe germs way live, grow, and multiply, Victim Hlllsboro Or. Oot. 7 An unidenli- ' . fled man waa burned to death last night about 11 o'clock In tbe Jail at Cornelius, two and a half miles from ' here. The man was about N years old and yesterday afternoon waa en- , gagea in selling trinkets In Voroeltus and that vloinity . About 9 o'clock last nigbt the town ' marshal found him lying drunk b:- tween two of the stores and after some trouble and with the assistance of four bystanders succeeded - in lodging the intoxicated man In jail. ' - About 11 o'clock the fire alsim aroused the sleeping Inhabitants - of the little town, Tbe ja.l waa ablaze. Many rushed to rescue tbe prisoner from tbe burning building. They uooeeded in extinguishing the fire before it had done much damage to thej'ilbnt not until the ocoopaul had been suffocated. . ; . r ' How the fire started la a mvsterv -One theory 1t th t the prisoner acci dentally set tbe UUildl g afire' A our ' ooer'i inquest waa held at i o'clock this moroinor and the body was Inter red by the county. Remember that the election of the . Queen of the fair to be given by the (, D S is now n and that votes will be received at 'he Rainbow store. in i n. r i smart JdLaberaasnery ana inats In a great varieties and at pri.s that will surely tempt you to buy, if correct styles and the best quality appeal la you, Gome and see the new things. : What's A Bushel , The grain standard committee of tbe chamber of commerce has com pleted Its olass'flcatlon of grain of the northwest and established the stand, ards with the weight per bushel for the year 1905 aa follows. Walla Walla white 69 pounds, Walla Walla red 59 pounds bloestem 59 pounds red Russian No 1 58 pounds red Fife, No 1 68 pounds, two new wheats have been added to the last, Bed Russian and Red Fife. Stop That Shivering And save that Coat four horse needs' blanket . and we, have the best assortment in the valley to . seleet from. Horse blankets at all prices. New stook just received sf MEN'S GLOVES. , . Working men's high grade gloves. This is a new line with us and we are proud of our se.eotion. Cal' and see them. Har. ness and saddles made" to order. Winter robes just received. Second hand sewing machine for sale cheap. t- E. CLnstofferson- , .'i : '. , Harness and Saddles . La Qrande, Oregon Pastor Installed. Although tbe weather was very in clement last evening, yet a Urge and appreciative andlenoe witressed Ibi installation of Bav. E B Hays ss pas tor at tbe Presbyterian cbu.ob. Tbe poogram was osrried out in full as printed in the Observer, and all pre sent were impressed by tbs dignity and solemnity of tbe ceremony. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a u A Store With A Record We have been doing busi ness in this town for 5 years ' In that time the town has nearly doubled in population Dunne the same time our business has increased FJVE FOLD. In other words our business has made a great deal more rapid inorease than the town has. There are dozens of reasons for this all of which you will perceive if you begin buying drug store goods of us. In tbe first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In the second place we bad ex ceptional opportunities for learning the praotical side of pharmacy in a sucoesofu) drug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to business until we know the demands of the ' people of this town. e ' ' s m I m r a The La Grande Cash Store. A. T. HILL, La Grande, Ore Robbers Get $20,000 Prescription Druggist Jacksonville, Wis., Oct. 7. Tbe r'l