La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 06, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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. "; ' . ' Island City, Oregon" . "
bwine. . ' ' " -'r
We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots
wold and shropehires, ready for service,- anyone need
ing choice bucks, should see these to " appreciate them
Young stock always on hand,; and always' glad to
have you call and see our hogs, as ire breed them for
the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paicos before
buying some where else. , '
.. Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry.
Boise, Idbo, Oct. 6.-OM hundred.
and f oity 60 pound twz of Bnerrs
d'Anjud pears grown hero told in New
fork today at an Wang lot 8-?ffjj
boi! . ' The prices ranged In m S3.60 to
S7.7S. ' The lot unbraced ' not' tall.
Six hundred and slaty borefo flrat
quality from tbe same orobard onr tbe
road i Tbe trait netted u the grower
$5.27 a boi. This la tbe top pHoeJ (or
pears in 20 years, ", tbe record '' having
been had by California The BOO bum
came from 300 tree a.,.
Half a Carload of:
New Wall Paper.
We have just received half a car load of the - newest
and latest wall paper. Half carload means 20,000
rolls. This is more paper than any one ' firm ' ever
thought of bringing Into this county in a single season.'
Tbls paper la all for sale and most be sold tbia season.'. . Wa
have brought two Bnt elaai paper bangera direct from Chicago,
who are without doubt tbe moat aklllfol workmen In ' Eastern
who, with the Art Brat olaaa P.'" i bangera ilready In oar em-'
ploy, gives as the best working fan thelnland Empire."'
! Stackland & McLactilen
Lodge Directory.
KA0LK8 La linnet, A trio i
everv Prid.v nlulil lu k at 1-
VIsIMdi braihem InvlUd U. iten
F O h ' meoti
lull l l m
C C Hooeweti, W n. 5 aayvllle, W Boa
Marlon, tio t2 niMll each Tuo.(1ay la Elk's
bull. JJrolBers ate Invited to attend, -
,1 Heliuer Uhlef Banger.
OJ Vaaderpool Kecbto. ...
IOO F l,a Grande Lodfp, No li n u
their ball every ttaiurday night n,ein
bt-rs cordially Invited to attend.
' ,,, ,, b JS KlnenarlN U
H BOoolidgo, Bat; '
A, F. A A. M. La Grande Lodge
' o. 41. meets every let tud 3rd eatur---y
ol each month.
CyD Huffman W.M.
ghlful Route, ftayl'ight Bitlt
Dizzy Crags, Teep Cumins.
A ' Golden ' Opportunity See
nature In all . her . glorious
l.enuty, and then -the nemo o!
man's handiwork. . The first is
I'ound along . the liue of the
Deliver & Rio Grande Knilroml
Wood Saw
Having leaeed tbe O W Alls ateam
wood saw, I am prepared to promptly
take oare of all orders entrusted to
me. WM Andis, -v...-.
' Corner Greenwood and Hill streets
Phone 730 . S 12-0 I
Beautiful Columbia
River folder
i A paBsengerf.lepartment'ofitne.Ore
gon Railroad & Navigation fJOompany
baa Just leaned a beautiful and ooatly
panoramio folder entitled "The Col
ambla Hirer, through the Caaoade
Mountains, to the Paoiflo Ocean,"
From Arliuuton to Portland and from
Portland to tbe Pacific Ocean, every lor aix ruimtbs
bis Fork.,- Upon reaching La Grand
tba optician suddenly disappeared end,
the WilliemeLbuy atarteff, oM hi par jf bie employer. He went ae far
aa fioefborg.t wbSis, Jbe eapected to
flod tbe optician, buriailed in bie bant
and started to ratarn, boms. He bad
no mrinSy Je't.'6d upon fioally reach
ing tbiscity be mid0 berpr4ice.JeU
iroublea. who took bim in charge yea
Tbe .Williams boy will-be
ant to bia borne- at.rBolaev Peodle-
ton Trboaf. tt.. fSi b ni
, .ttlOlMMi
Waablngton Oot. 6 First poetmae-
ter general Wynne wai this morning
formally designated by the president
to perform the" dntiea of poatmtater
general, pending tbe appointment" 61
a pew member ol tbe cabl net to aoc-
oeed Payne, deceaaed. f , i.;,f
Removes Officers '..
,ov.'. fiin;b ci.Ji '
New York Oot.6-M.yor MeUlellan
today removed tbe entire oivil service
emmiaion and Park Oommissioner
ohmidf of Bronx, was alno distniioed.
II la oharged that these offioials oerti'
Bed to an illegal payroll in tbe park
department. -
' Albny N Y Oot - 4 David B Hill
made Ibe firet epeeeb dl tbe demoe-
io campaign here i Ion igbt ' before the
Albany (.oDitltutibb'-1'' G-ubT'Tbete
was v. large' attendance of Albany derfl
oorata "Tboipeeob Was devoted to an
attsok of 'the coarse., ol' President
Boosevtli in oonneotion with tba Pan-,
amavoanal treaty and .lbs, revolution.
hiob. , , resulted in- the session of
Panama. Jmrf :a t
Eight ioom ou North. Fir- Street n-
qnlie of Mrs hearer. . Wl.i i..
i bebatld'lng 'formerly oocapled by
toe rJelvaHon army. '-Kor fall pail'
Ucolara and rates inqoliir et ifs
! B O Zobeiv Aug. 81 1 1 J''?: ' 1
Council Meeting.
....', .j- aj
: Mayor J D Slater oalled tbe meet
ing to order last eveoic g with ouunoil
meb Bobekamp, Fowler, Biohardsoo
and Keivis present, There wae con
siderable business to consider and in
vestigate, it being alter midnight be
fore adjournment. ,
" Mayor Blater . returned the ordi
nance placing a license . on venders of
iqeat in the oity with bis disapproval
and when laoei( on final passage his
veto was unanimously, enstained.
His objections were tbattue ordfnauoe
were that it was so worded ae to be In
effective il pasted, i f ..i.-. i... .i
An ordinance was introduced fixing
tbe aalaraod. prefonbing the duties
ol tbe city aiiorney, passed vo the se
cond reading and referred to commit
tee. ; ,..,(.
The Morgan Lake Co. appeared be
fore the Counoil and stated that tbey
were prepared to lurriieU tbe oity
water at a price Use than it now costs
tbe city to' pump it. The water com
mittee was instructed to investigate
tbe proposition and cooler with tbe
oompany regarding rate, eto. i -
' Liquor licenses were (ranted Julius
Hnber, A h Morris and 0 C Rockwell
i a
. New York Oot 6 Polls have bees
completed by the national democratic
commit tee in all tbs 'doubtful 'states
and the results have been "reported to
Judge Parker: ;"Tbree polls bave bjen
made in Indiana and it la announced
now possible to take an accurate poll
ib one day" Furtber'tban- the1 state-
mentis aatUfaotory, nothipg .can be
ob'ained at Jddge Parker's headquar
ters Oinoaroiag tbe remit :' " ' '
curve of the river and every point
ofjnti'roet are shown while Mt IIood
Mt Adams. andjMa 8t Helens, porno
tnally covered with enow,, stand out
in there beRuty.' On the bank of the
ninp is an interesting story in detail
of the trip from lluntlnjton to , Port
lend and from Piirtland to the ocean,
not nverlnokitiK the heachea and the
San ViHtiiiHcn trip by ocean- A copy
of this folder may beerourt-d by send
ViV Mi; v. ,'u'f miif"tircent.lnstmpstopy -ostege
World's Fair. -Your trip will he tJ A L( raKi iieneri1 P.enJ Agt
one of plOHBUre Ulake tlie most'of the Oreuon 'tallroad A navigation
ol it. For inforniRtit n and illus 'Compnti i'ortlnnd, Oregon. Hy aend-
tratod lHeriilure write inn the edtlrcee of eome friend in the
V, 0. MoBKIDIi, Qou. A pi. , Kast, and four oeme in pottage the
' ' I'ort.liiiirl, Ort't ( tl foltlfr sill be oromntlv mailed.
Tbe niaishal's
one arrest made
that !i2 animals
tep rt showed oul
lu Sep'ember and
wre placed in the
Office bvVr liilt'biStor,
La Grande; Oregon '
For Rent
4 I hereby notrf2ll pWaona that I am
the ao'e lessee ol'tba Tb'os. Smith atone
qaarryalaokll atone' oa 'Sbe JIO acrs
pasture aiidall partlHSar hereby foj'
btddea from -taking tori' oS? iiaald'
trsot. j ,jf.).,i ,;a .JrL MarSV-;:;
1 '. . " ' t.ja. ! .
Notice of Dissolution
Kntln la tilaraha' 'ttrmm; Skat 1.
TO BXNT-Elegantly furnlsKed front p.rtllrr,bip.e-laMng bsvMswhl., UU
j roowi w v prraw .) -reswurjee -M j Vandermenllen, a flrta trans-:
""'""""acting general batcher basfnese ia
children. Convenient to
dietrlotand blgbaehool. Inquire ol
H B Balalen, corner 6th- and O st.
Phone 20)1.
FOB BBNl' Hooaekeaplng room
"very nicely furniahadf) elvsonblooka
- westi High Sobool,. on the 'exarwaw
of 1st and M St. ysb i'jOK tuM .am
FOR RENT A suite of rooms cicely
"furnished for light house keeping
tthe oorner of Fourth and Q streets
far rnrtfaerpartloularr apply to' or
i f' Mrs B O Mooro,1617,Jth at." "
1-oW iN rBD!. Work of anyklnd, cos
Ingipreferred, by a ybnng,,able-bodid
'hurried jnan witbgood rsoommenda.
ttona, and is Dot alrald to work. Apply
ws this office.
LOST The . crown off ot Knight
elTemplar'a emblem with a Betting of
Bye small diamonds. '.Finder .will
phase leave at J M Berry's store ai4
receive reward. :M(ie;t O tfi'u
LOST On the streets of La Oranda, en
abstract of title from tba offloa of La
Grande InvestmentjCompanyi)Findt;
eriwlll please retorn to offloa ot La
Grande Investment Company;''
Varied Experience.
' . ...ill )-,. If. I ,.J.l ll.JA . .
Ray Williams, a youth of 14 years,
oa.ue to tne oity yesterday alter trav
eling over lhe,jtatfl. witb.a.faiie optl
ciau. The hoy stys his home is in
r'toiee and thai he slatted on (he ro.d
with tbe opti. Uu a few weeks ago on
the, promise of reoeiving I2U a month
anl cxpenats to assist. t!ie optician in
V r, 1: .-. I in,
Litbju Oot. 6 The minister of ma
rine, announced inn tbe chamber ol.
deputies. today that a detainment ol
Portugese troops bvljnging !to i,)ie jriol
umn nvw, operating .., jo Poriugeae
WeBt Afriea against" be Cuanba naa
was surprised oy the trib smen while
tbey were orossing the Cuna river and
of the 'detachment '. wl icb -TJi'ubibercd
five; hundr'd-tbny.. lost . two-bubdrsd,;
two hundred and tifty-.'our: killed ip
oludihg fifteen Officers : and' fifty men
-'' " ' : ' ' -
eatmoreland, ' Kans. Majr:5 133.
Baard Bnow Unimeut Oo, ! oar 8 now
Liniment Uid an old sore' tin the eld
of my ohin that waa supposed to be a
cancer. The soee was, .stubborn .and
would not yield- to treatment . an'tll
1 tried Snow Liniment, which. did the
work in short order.. My. Slater, Mrs
Sophia J Carson, Allensvllle, Mlpn
Co, Pa, has a sore and mistreats that
it la a oancer. Please send her a
50o bottle. Sold by tiewlln Drug Co.
writes MrsChaa Applegale, of Alex
andria, Ind,, "and could hardly get 8111.
eleep. 1 had ODnSuirip' bsd.Uatl
if I walked a block I wrald cough
frightfully and apit- bloody bt -vrsjen
all other mediclnea. failed,", three. I liOO
bottles ol l)r King's New Discovery
wholly cared me and I gained GS
pounds." Its absolutely '.guaranteed
to cure Coughs, Colds,' La Grippe,
Broncnim ana an rnroai ana Lint
troubles Price- KM end 11. 00, Tl
bottles fre at NewHn trrak GoA-
rORSsL 8 aJrea of.Und aad koose
of 6 rooms t aorea in bearing orobard
: one acre In strawberries, stables for
6 horses and oat bouses plenty of
water 20 minuets work from P O for
'particulars call at grooery itore of,W
MeFarlane. 1-10-1.
FOB SALE Good Nine Roomed Plas
tered Bouse with closets paatry and
bth. Centrally located, good cellar,
lawn, city water. Also wired through
out. Address Box 60S or Phone 647,
EOR SALE Five room boose in good
residence portion ot town. Will be
sold cheap if sold, at once. Inquire
of B P Lewis or Wm. WoratelL La
Grande, Oregon. Oct 1
Furniture For Sale
': And house to rant apply to Mrs
H Bhear'eropposlte Star Grooery North
ol track.
No Hunting
. i All "neraona are forbidden tn hnnt
with flrearraa or dog - onmy-Unir on,l 00 t"if Oregon.
der pain of being pr i seeuted for tras
pasa. -t..-;MNwS--i
Sept 6 N ov7) Joseph Anson
When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing;.
Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLpURISY .
an CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiprr
1 J i
)tom ot,
stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con- -taina
no harsh expectorants that strain and.ritatft.tbs)
lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition' that '
retards recoTery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY , AND
TAR ta a safe and newer tailing remedy for ail 0rat and
nld It ltd Conittmptleri-I Minrtloos Care.
s, Ressoner, Iowa, writes: "The doerars sarS I haS can'
surttpi t no belter until I used FOLEY'S HONET AND TAR.
Ii belpv. M K4 from tba start and stopped the spirant blood and 'the1
pain In my lungs snd today I am sound and weU. 1 vu '-- . ' '';
1 ' THREE SIZES 25 BOo, antl tylO '
Piano Tuner
Have Frof. Bendrioks tans your
piano. It will pay ron to do so. Tun.
log and -repairing carefully done. We
kindly Soliolt your work.
Octk8 Prof. Bendrioks
Furnished Room
Centrally located corner of Waahing.
ton and, 6th Streets. Known aa Gear.
Ball's lodging house.
For Sale, . . f
One 'good second:, band Kimball
piano. For Particulars eaquihxjaf
airs Ingle or Pbone 1727 Residenoe
Cor. ol 3rd K.
To small family who can give
Isfattorr references, a famished bouse
a.Mtl ennm. wild all Mut.Mi .,..
venienoes, inctndlng hot and cold
water, bath inside toilet, & e, The
house is.convenLntly and ,daalreably
situated For tacthes r rattvlln
auuivas rosi umoe jwjx ouy.! g tWtl'V.
f ictures of The Wreck
rartiea wishinj ptclnrea oi tbe
wreck can secure tame by calling rat
J. H, Smith's JSweJrv Store-. , i.,
,f" L
Free! rr
"Floff," the pure wheet atiwoh will
e demonstrated al weekWD-Me'
'For sale,nsegbnM; prioe S.
osllor write l.a Grande P.wnbroker
Ptiolie 1581.
f" ' "for Rent "
Three honaee for rent on R. F. D.
Nol will tmake liberal terms to tbe
right persons. Sneeial Inrfn.
Cff . Itu Ions term leawra. I. n n....
B F D No, 1 La Grande
tbe oity of La Orande, Oregon, waa on
lbs first day :o: j AOxrutt dissolved by
mataal consent, f dt.heint , majtoatty.
greed that tbe J., Vsn.lerroeulm.tea.,,
tinue tbe basineas and that L,8tlUJ41,
.withdraw from the basineas, and thut
the said J Vandermenllen collfct ell
accounta drS;tt? , Said i flrnr , end pay
ail debts agalnat the said firm.
Datedtbta first day of Ovtbber 1901. -
ibtMUiwut end J Vandermeatlen.
rahn'oW nftwil . ' WOot. 38 v
Kaatarn Orecon' linalneaa jiolsVdg
8ohoolJ of Shorthand, and - Normal
Baker City, Oregon, bad four calls
for Stenographers last week and waa
nnshls to All them all. . Our studsnts
get good positions when competent.
-rfioeinsMmrn call on as when Uey
want satiable competent help. . 1l
N6 is the time for joana- people
toenrnllifilmrf i& Oti-' . i
Practical Bmlneas methods are
Uugot.,) Tbe JlgbJr Uoe . System of
Sbprthand is taught which lan be
learned;ln . about , half ; the , tints thi
old Shaded Systems.
Tuition Sod Board reasonable'
it! ii..-' t.-c.j parry Prlao
9-31-10-21 DAW
id i,l..' :n.'alei
i.H 01- UU'.U ii:- I St
. 8TAFJ5RHt)Nl
In the matter of the guard-)
ianshlp N Kaim-l Cltatioa.
bacb, a Minor ) .
To Jesse N Kalmbaoh, said Minor, :
and Mary Kalmback, his gnardian and
next of kin, and all other parsons in
teres ted la the estate .of said Minor
In tbe name of the state of Oregon
ton are hereby cited and required to ,
appear in the oonnty court ol the states
Oregon, lor tbe oonnty of Union, at
the court room thereof, at La Grande
In tbe county of Union, on Baturdayi
tbe 6th day ot October, 1801, at 1:30
o'olock, lu the afternoon ot that day,
then and there to ahow cause, If any,
you have, why the petition of Mary
Kalmbaoh, gnardian of tbe person and '
estate of the aoore named minor, pray.
log lorjui order of tee court authoris
ing, liosnslog, and empowering her to
sell the real property belonging to hi in
the said Jesse N Kalmbaoh, a Minor
(subject to tbe widow's dower therein,)
to wit: an undivided half interest In
and to the KW ol Sec, IB, InTp. 1.8.
K. 17 H. W. M and In Sherman
WITNESS: the Bon. M A Harrison.
adge of the eouoty eoure-al 4a -
the conaty ot
of said ooort
state of fjregon, for
Union, with the seal
, affixed jtbis 7th dayofi Sept. mt!J
WSkafciJ B Glltamf Clerk. :
By virtue of an order and lleenss,
made and entered by tbe 'Honorable
bounty CourkoA, SspUmbar 10, "M04,
tp the mattor of, tbe adminlstratloaj ot
? estate of ataarte A Wood, deoeaaed,
wW frSsp and. jjltar October 32nd
iSOt, aViny ofBee .No. 1110 Adams
Avenue, La Grande, Union County,
Oregonrproced tMetltat privaes atsls
lo nomrdaht(inkoaik No.
lo.ChaplSn'AJtfltifln,tetlta Oity
et laOrhd, t)pid (jaanSR Orego..
Parties rtssbMng to' purchase said prop,
erty may deposit sealed bids ou or be
fore said date, together with certified
check tor tap per cent of the-amount
bid for said property i, , 4 ; goatujtaa .
that said offer will be oompliad witk
tnesaentaWsftssttvptsd. Nooffsr
will be oonsidered for a sum leas than
$1300. Terms of sals, oaah to ms la
" J. K. Wright,
, Administrator of the estate of Anals
A. WaaJ J- ... . . . T 77
n theVtnatter; oft Notloe of first
Grande, Union bounty, Oregon, Bank.
ohJltbe.J. Uth dsy of Seut
ember, 1904, tba said J. ?
Kerr, twas duly adjudicated a
Bankrupt, and that the W meeting
oUbe i reditora wiU be bald M tbe
Office Of th and.l. I iri-n.j.
Orrgon on lueaday, September U7th,
V,5tJ,en ooioeb, in the forenoon,
di7' ' wbluh tit: end place
aaid.Crediiots ma atend, prove fbelr
th. 1PP?,n X 'PlAs examine "
ths Bankrupt, and transact such other
businau as may properly eome before
sld meeting . Twentv 1m,i. n,.,at
ommpa,iy ealoHro Bled.
s.tVw'.' to
F 8. Ivanhoe,
Referee in Banarup'sv.
; in u
A,-lf U; milggl8..- nl -t bT-tobiiaefwm
vni 'rrfe5e f ; ,il ( Sept. IB-Oet B ,