Reading Room. Tbt cut room of Central Gbnreh ol CBMat. Open day bom noon t (is in tbasnoingT tally end weekly paptri; matasina sod booki. Men and boys cordially invited. Bttangers always welcome. BAIL ROAD HEN ' Qeyierlte soap 10o Mewlln Drag Co., tf. GEY8ERITE 80AP ' Take tbe greaie and black off and leares Um akin toft 10 o 3 for 25 New Un Drag Co. , - New Features I am now prepared to do all kinds of renames and oleaninar. Phone Ml and work will be called for on Monday! of each week Work done promptly . ,' 4 . AL Andrew, ., ,. . , . Tailor end Furnisher ELECTRIC FIXTURES, All who are building- new it rebailduig', their : homes, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason-r able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire. .. . We have at our office a complete stock' of assorted styles of oeiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. .. Also. Shades of r II designs. . v .We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. 'Office open frpm 7 a m to 8:30 p m. t . . , .. U Grande Light and Power Co. " n . : : . The Most Stylish and Most Modern V; Fall Millinerv At Prioes Far Previous j Mrs. J. R. Ma-onic buliiing on j Now on Exhibition a. THE BARGAIN STORE An elegant assortment of TAILORED HATS And another lot of those new and tyliih just received P 8. Bring your heads and have them fitted. E M Wellman & co FOB SALE A fire room boaae Just oompleted, with bath, water and eeptlo aewer eyetem, In popular real denoe portion of tbe city. For par , ticDlare call at tbe O V Coolidge , paint etore. , FOB RENT Office rooma", inquire at 0 F Ooolldge'e paint et re. GEYSERITE SOAP ' For B B Men - lOo at Newlin Drag Co., tl. Dissolution Notice Notioe is hereby given that, the oo raatnerahlp of Wm. Grant and Harold Hereon, nn'ier the firm name of Grant A Herron, baa thie day been dissoired Harold Herron retiring. The badness will be condncted by Wm. Grant wbo will pay all debta and collect all amonnta due the nrm.- : -: Dated at La Grande, Union coanty, Oregon, thie 30th day of September, MO. n ' - Wm.Grant, . . 9 80-10 80 - ' ': Harold Herron, Minim Below Any Offer Forrest, Adims avenue. J LIGHTNING FIRES OIL TANKS Findlay, O, Oct 6 Lightning tola morning eet fire to a tank of twelve hundred barrels of oil belonging to the ' national re.mery. The intenae heat Mnuil Hi ntn.l.m rtl ,1. hmJi. tanks. .r.,1 ath tank, and fl ,,! ars ln danger. In. loss will probably i be WU,U0j. ' , ... LAST SPEECH : ON COAST Tmokee, Cl., Oot 6 Senator Fair banka' last meeting in the Paciflo ooaat atates wae held here at 7 o'oiook tbla morning. Owing to a mlaanderstand- log aa to the time of the meeting bat a email gronp had assembled. The aenator shook bands and chatted with the faithtol. Alentinga are to be held today at Virginia City and Carson City. Nov., and at Beno, Nev., tonight. Saw Cuts off Foot Eugene, Or., Oct. 6 Dee Alexander, residing on the Smslaw river at Aome, on Wednesday, had one of bis feet cot off. he was handling cants near one at the aawa and in aome way he (ell a galnst the rapidly revolving saw wbiob ant the foot square off abore tbe ankle- Tbe voong man waa taken to the Gar' diner, hospital, where physicians at tended him,. . FIRE PROOF SAFE Kor1 tale, weight 2500, rioe 160, Call or write h Grand Pawa broker Puono 1581. ? SUMMONS. InttaaClrealtOoortoftheSisua or Oregon tor Union County, LO WILLIAMS, PlmintU CASSIA A WILLIAMS. Defendant. , To Own At Willtnau, tbe bove-named defendant: In the name of the SUU of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and answer tQeoom plaint filed Hgalnst you In the nOovo entltled HUit on or before the 2lat dav o. October llKH. And If you fall to no answer, for want thereof, tbe plolutltt will take decree against you for the dtusolation of the marriage ecu tract ex.sttng between you and the plain tin and for costs and disbursement of this suit. This summons) Is published In the Eastern Ortgon Observer, a weekly newspaper published us u ittuu uuuuiy uruKuo, uy 01 tier 01 me uou, I Uittxrt fcilthi. ludL'n of thn Klcrhtli Jtirllnlnl i.Distr t of the Circuit Court 01 the State of OroKO mcoaweek for six oonsecutWe weeks,' the Ural -lllcatlon ttioieof to be made on the tb day 01 .September, 1VMU, and the last publl eatlouontlie i lit day of October, iBOi, which wo aunuts wu ut9 oru uay 01 oepiemDer, 1 . EUGENE ARHWIIla. - w ... Attorney for fiaiutlff WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach, of medicine No medicine can do more. ! WAS'OVnOPTODIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 K. Vlrgfala SX., SvansvlUe, Ind wraws; "ForwrerBvi rears I waa troubled with kidney aaf bladder aff actio na which eaneed me much pain and worry. I tost flesh and waa aM tun down, and a rear ago had as abandon work entirely t had enree ad the beet physicians who did me ae gaod and I was practically giren up lo die. Foley's Kidney Cars wae recommended and tbe first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the ascend bottle I was estii4y eared.'' two bzu, us tn ma I hub la trcflggsra if ML1V1 Portland Markets Wboleaale prioes today are aa follows : ' HAY AND GRAIN Wheat, export prloe ...83o toSSo Barley, beat ,'. . ; WM to iSl. SO OaU ..... m. to 2T0 Hay, timothy..... .........lo to IIS BUTfEB, EQG3 AND POULTRY ' Bott" best creamery ..... 87io to 30 .... .....2f0 VJTZ' Kgira, per doxen... ...... ...23o to SSo Chickens, per ponnd. ........... 11)40 EKUI18 AND VBGETABLEa . Potatoea per owt......t.....l S1.16 Onions, per owt ...1.50 to S1.76 Apples, beat, per box.....,..76oto tl feachea, best, per box. . . . . .Wo to 7So Beets, par aaok Cabbage, per ponnd..... ........... 2c ' UVB STOCK " Steers....... 2.75 to 3 V)W. ......;....a Bulla ....Sl.75 ..ta .....000 ....S3.95 Btaga.,.. ......... Hoga,' .beat.... Hogs, feeders;.. WANTED Horses to pasture. 'Hare a nloe alfalfa pastors $i mile east of La Grande Flooring Mills 81.50 per month. CISoott (3 . Furnished Rooms , Famished room for gentleman sleep ing nights, Mrs O W Preston. " 1916 Adams Ave, ' ' RAIL ROAD MEN - tieyserite soap lOo Newlin Drag Co., WOTIOEFOR PUBlilOATION, DeparUnent of tbe Interior. Land Ultloo at Lsa Gruiide, Unaaoa. ' June tAS. 9tli Hotloe U hereby eWen that the foliuvriuar uaiueit settler lias nluU uutlueotnla iuteatluu to make niiat prool in support of lite olalin, kvud uiatsaia uruoi will Le made befure tbe aiegltiKtr uu Receiver ut the U. d- Land Office, , at la Grande. Uretcon, on August if 1WM. vis: u. Hi. Dko. iovi, argartinaeiQuuigcr, la urtitiae uiugviu, wiuuw oi duuu oiUvKiugcFt aiicuaseu, lor Uie KH Wt-X & Ui OKU beO. U. Tp. '4 b., li. d7KW.M. ne uttiues me rouowing waaetises to prove his uoutluuous retiiaeuue upuu and uuuiva uun 01 sum luua, vis: i'raua lieinuoii, jyiio KeUur, Uiusrt Huoeber Miuard ivauUu ail of La UrmUde Urqcoo. uv w.-DAVia, agister. , MAKES A CLEAN BVVKKP There's uothiug imo uuiuie a tLung Ukoruuguly. Ol an vim baiven you ever ueara oi, uuokieu'e Aruicft oaive in tue ueuu it Hwoeptt away auti uurua liuruu, Ouroa, iiruiaoD, uuls. iSuun. uiuera, okiu Jjiruptiun aua.iJes. u'aouiy Xov ana guaiauitietl w grve aatuiactioa oy lm Urauile Lrug Uou aadlNawaa irug jQ.t eVruggist. - ADMINISTKAIOK'S NOTIOE. J. B. . Kellogg, deoeaaeU, Kstate Notioe la heieby given that the uutler igned, J M Ghuron, is iy order ottue County uourt. ol Union county, Ore gon, duly appainted as aamimstraior with will anuexea, of the ealate oi J K Kellogg, deoeased. All persons having claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the same, properly verlUed, to the undersigned, at tne orUoe of O. rl. Finn, rlommer Jluilusng, la Grande, Oregon, within But mouths from the date of the first publication of tbla notioe. ' Dated and flrst published Ootober 6,180. , ,1 Mubnrob, JKxeoutor of the estate of J K Kellog, deoeased. V U Finn, Attorney tor Kxeoator. Dissolution Notice Notioe Is hereby given that the co partnership of J V boss and A V An drews, under the Arm name of Boss & Andrews, has this day been dissolved J V Koas retiring. The business will be oontlnued by A V Audrows wno will pay all debta and colleot all amounts due the Arm. - Dated at La Grande, Union county, Oregon, this 2Btb day of Heptember, 10J. J V Boss, A V Andrews. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That ia why people come here for men's aud by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt lin is our spec ialty. Here is where prioe and quality are combined. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue of an order and lloense made and entered by tbe Hon. County Court of Onion County State of Pre- matter of the Onardlanshlpof tbe per sons snd estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and Frank A ... Patty, minor beirs ol Thomaa V Pnttv d. ceased, and wards of- the undersigned their guardian, I will, from and alter ue aimi aay ol October 1UU1, at my home No. 1416 Adama Avenue. La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro. raea to sen ai private sale (he Boutn ea t quarter ol Section 84 ol Township Three North of Range 39 East of the Willamette Msrldan In ITnion Onnntv Oregon, for the benefit of eaid beirs ana tneir estate. Terms or sale, cash to me In hand. Zora U Patty. Guardian ol the persons and estates oi aroeat ratty, i ueatrloe ratty and Frank A Patty, Minora. . Dated September 18, 1904. Oot 21 nARD WALU ; PLASTER Ouly costs about 5o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over; - '. : ADVAKTAQE8 , V ; No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather Being flexible instead of brit tleas all sand mortors . are it will , dent like 'wood when struck or jammed, instead of breaking Doors.Vindows, pipe holes, eto are easily out through it It is a non conductor of eleo trioity and thus prevents snort circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath ' It contains no acids nor chemicals to corrods It will not burn nor disintegrate by fire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister ' Parties baring plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work . Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND. Phone 27 Opposite tbe Sommer Bouse, .One of the best mualoal institutions iu uia muj, i um - fuuiua uwa tor musioal inatmotlon, IS grades of music tangntr Liepaiment 1, rooma ureil for the 3 first grades. Children at the ane of 5 and older oome one hour everv day. Department 2, 2 rooms for gradus 4 to 15 tor pupils of all egos I'he lat est course best practical musical In struction M oooteats for med ala every few sreeks. . . E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY, Assistant WANTED flpeclalRepresenta ive in this county and adjoiniug territories, to represent and advertise an old established busi ness house of solid financial standing. Salary 11 weekly, with Expenses ad vanced eaoli Monday by chock dlroot from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address Blew Bros, & Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. e CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop' op North Fir Street. You will find my shop well supplied and . tbe prices to suit the times. Yours for business ' Free delivery. Phone 1601 I. HARRIS SEPTEMBEO MEANS H OYSTERS R LOY StrvestlieiTi any svle wish Script Script Qt-Agv tortnt reMrv, dirpmvcrt , un restrained, rMiy for immtxl laic dm ny her. Lowesit price. Y P. ft F. B.R!t7, bmbr ol Commtrosj mg, fonlaod, Or SUMMERVILLE LIVERY . W. I. Hunter & Sou -have Leased the MoKiuzie 8ables end are prepared to serve the public io a first class manner at reasonable rates 1 ' " ' That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using .Geddes Bros' canned - fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc .: ' Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. OUR BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection. In fttot we will be pleased to show you through our eatire establishmeut. Everything is kept scrupulously neat aud cleim and we have no besitenoy in showing the most fastidious how our meats aie handled. We now-have the latest improved sausage machine aud san sell you Bandage m all styles. - Bock & Thomas A GBEAX SENSATION. . There was a big sensation in Leesvllle Indiana, when VV. U. Brown oi that place, who was expected to die, had li la me saved by Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, itu writes: "1 en dured lnsullurBble agouiesfrum Asthma, but your JNew Discovery gave me Im mediate reliel aud soon thereafter ulieoted a complete ours." Himilar cures of consumption, 1'neumonia, Bronchitis and Uriparenumeroua. It's tbe peerless remedy lur all throat aud lung troubles, rice 60c, aud SI. Uuaranteeu try LaUrande Drug Co. aud Mewlln Drug Co., Drnggiata. Sacred Heart Academy La Grande. Oreirnn. Thia wall 'known institution, cuudaated by the sisters o( at. f rancis, atlordB excellent suuuamuuiu wivnuiMa,. u&uaiu, uma lug and panning optional atndlea. Preparing yooug ladies for the profess ion of teaching a specialty. Boarding and day s. liooi opens the Urst Monday In Ua.l.mU. fa... ..... -.inu.uBi, ..'V, .BWIUUO DUUTDB, bister Superior. Aug 4 Oct 4 c0REG0B( union PAjcmc Tim AohfKlnl sk a hah Da NO. '2 M p. m, NU.S. 8:90. m. Hatlt Lak. riAfiAt w. NO. I. 6.80 a. m. NOfl 81 p.m Worth. Omavhav. KaniaUI ICity, HI, Loali, L'hiotuu tuu aaji, Portland. THUm, pnn- NOL 6:80 a m aietuit valla Walla, l iMyton, Po mero J ;CoirHx( MoaooWsHpo NOS 9.06 p 1 muu j .ta Tla 8pf Portland. Dallea, Vml i dlcton 0ml Ilia Wal- NO 8 &6 p m luia, LewlHton.Cuifax NO. fl aoa m dner. -HtKkaaa anl other polnu eaat aud Dorin vi npukanet N7I1lj flanrt CII7. Alloal, Bun day connt-f ftorinj at KV11 In 1 6d0 OUB a in run at Kf for point! iu yyaumwas otumy i liwt n KlMmttrt !Iwiimi PamI.wI (PZy . 'ar"i ' Kan Francisco erury Ave days B, 0. MOOBK, agent ir 1 : i u-.mior nth. 1904. In the