BARGAIN EVENTS ; OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE!! fit 1.1 1--. I i !fpecj.als;fv!, 1 25 Aoaerioap Lady Corsets, uew- .. est roadels, 98"'- STii'S .' 60 cent Man'si Vnd B?yi Outing FUooa. night shirt. ,. Full i(m, 48c - ,-,, silk : PETTICOATU rH Made, of good quality black silk with dep accor dion plaited flounces-' with t w o iocli rufiles and a. together an. un matobable value . Just a '.few left of : those $1 25' petticoats at 86o. If sou want one 1 f tUam al..n - Wl U V II- UUU v HOI ry. '-. They are still on the table at 85c ., . , -; To ThevE Buyer l-J'l "J la the order of Every D y at this satisfactory store, and the". , - . iMgEft LlJlpN I N G SALENS- . Is gaiuiog in importance every day. The euooeis ot the opening days of this GREAT SALE . j urger us on to still greater efforts and the keen observer and shrewd buyer has no difficulty in finding great quantities of dependable and wanted merchandise priced at merely a fraction of . tbeir actual market values. . , ., Sale . Will Contnuc Until Saturday Night ' . Come today Come tomorrow Come every day it yon ' can. Thre will be .MONEY SAVERS every day. . ;f: (?.. !l. fi.f, $1 25 Mens Dress shirts this sale 85 ctnb $3 00Eancy VU thissale I 95 "" ' $5 Silk Waists this Sale, $2 50 75 cent Ladies Belts D 1 hursday's Specials ,y Men's $2 60 and 13.00 bats M Of assorted styles and colors. ; 'PW. (1 25 all Linneu table cloths, fringed, plain, white and colors, Thursday, - 98o Diamomds " " Ou your fingers are . u6t as satisfactory by far as a pair of our Diamond Brand Shoes on your feet. Tbny are here in all the new- latg, are made with cork filled eoIbb, have a $5 look and a $5 wear, quite a money saver too at $3 for ladies and (3 50 for men - Men's par Excellence Enameled calf shoes with cork filled soles are ideal shoes for winter wear ''.'.' :;V ' j" ?-? Our ladies' ready to -wear Depart ment has never before Ja . our history offered such matchless ' values, suoh - varied assort assortment, i; such opportunities for providing yourself with ready to wear garments of all ; kinds at', altogether " moderate' Household Necessities , At saving prices , Fiao tapestry portiers, special, $3 25 prices. if v 1 4 50 5 00 7 60 j ' Made of b 85.G0 . black Kersey, with or without shoulder capes, neatly trimmed $.00 fk 15 00 and $6 00 Misses Jackets, this sale, $3 75 , ; -" . If $12 00 Ladies Tailor Suitsthis sale, $7 85 '" . '75o Window Shades,45o ' '. ' Lace Curtains V We show a large ' assortment from -the' best manufacturers at 75 cents to $6 50.' Special attention is directed to some special members usually ' sold sold for (3 00 which are here at ; $2 Bo - Up todate Togs formen are here. Neckwear, shirts, uuder wear, hats in fact all things that go to make the modern man. Our pricings will save you from 10 to 26 per cent. . ; - $12 50 Overcoats here $10 00l , Made of black Kersey, sateen lined, made with velvet " ooUjp. J A coat well worih 12 50 This sale . ; $10 16.50 to $8.50 suits, this sale, $4.05. Just 12 of these ; suits .Yours for . . . '' '. $4 95 WHITE ROSE r FLOUR Ts milled' with the idea of blea-.iug every dealer's high- I class trade-custc-er? who appreciite quality. The 1 name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill co. guarantees re liability and highest grade in every sack 01 flour bearing the White Rose brand. Pioneer :; Flouring Mill Co. WARSHIP BUILDING BY GOVERNMENT a a Take Care f Yoin Trophies I will pay from tl lo $10 for mala Awt heada han I led according to directions. The dotted lioea on oat of neck and bead (how where to rip the akio. To blci d jour game cat the JugaUr at low down aa poaalble ever cat the throat. Commence to akin by making, a out from the hoae of the born to back of the hea thence down the back of the neck to top of ehoald -M axonnd the side to point ot brisket, work the skin carefully a iv "ie hoe ot the horna. when the ear is reached cat off those to akuil. . rds remove the flesh who the eye la reached ran the tinner In fioin "'aide and raise ap the eyelid to avoid outting It when 'he tearpit 11 w whii h is near tb oorn-. ot the eye, work the ekin out of the cant, u a point of the knife when the corner of the moatu is reached (ii tfn and expose the teeth, leare all the black lining on the lip also a1' irtilege on thn nose. Bait iieaTily and roll op for 24 boars '.ben dry. in hade Cnleae salted well and d-ied in tho shade your work is all loa lothing bat salt Oat as much of the flesh olf the bead as possible and the brain oat the note at back 01 bead oare tbe ander Jaw oonea wuuii a the skin keep it from wrlnkilna 1 will also mount roar trophies al I uwia prioea WM HAWS Tajcidermiat Tbe faot that the first large Utile Bhip to be co atruoted in a govtrn ment yard baa been bollt in the same time as that required to oons'raot a sister (bip 11 What is probably the best equipped privale yard in tbe United States, is -matter that la giving the Navy Department no little satisfaction, for it baa disposed effect ually of tbe popular bolltf that war ship construction vin a government yard a necessarily tedious, eostiy, and poorly done. How it has come about that sucb ao impression exists is a question that takes as back to tbe day of the build ing ot the "Maine' and the "Texas" Both of Ihete vessels were long in construction, the cost of which was very high, but this la explained by tbe fa t tbat when they were bul It oar navy yards were suffering from very serious political interference, and 'Vre burdened ltb a large number of employees who bad gained tbelr en trance to the yards tbruogh political influe' oe and regarded their poel tiros as of that kind in nbiob a minimum amount of work ia to be t one for. a maximum omount of pay. To tarn out eftl. lent work under such oiroam- siances, especially in the d ifhYult art of warship oonatrnctioa was a simple Impossibility as the various naval constructors soon found out 10 their sorrow Moreover, when tbe "ilaine" : and be "Trias" weie i.uilt, steel war ; ship construotior, wasin its infancy in this country, and the navy Tarda were' but poorly equipped fcr the task mnob of the plant being quite out of date i Todhy, howevei, we have change)! all tbat. Thanks largely to the energy j and rouraze ot the late Chief Naval ' Constructor, oar navy yards have been ' tntliely emancipated, from politic '1 1 control, 1 e drjdoct', building, and plants hare been built and natalled, until today oor best yards, and not ably that at Brooklyn are in first c'ase condition, end capable of turning out tbe very best work. It It now neai ly to years stnoe the new reKulatlone wie put In force and it vraa decided 1 1 put them to a search ens test by ordering the construdtlon at the hrocklvn navy yard of 01, e of tbe largest battleships ever built for any navy. sAt the same time tbe eon tract for a alnU-r ship waa plaoed at tbe private yard of the Newport Nswa Shipbuilding Com piny one of the most completely equipped world. i , , . The results have exceeded tbe most sanguine eipectattons of the Navy Departments for in spite of disadvant ' agfs under which , the . .Brooklyn navy yard labored owing to the faot tbat it had to build entirely ciane before the plants In the ,nd ,ar8e gen ready for use, three water ditch. Houbs Insured for H700 for three years. Part down. , For particulars, inquire at tbis office TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3. 1878 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. p.s. Land office, La Qinnrtt, Orwon. nof. i, iwi. NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION Isolated Tract.-Public Land Hale. keel of the vts.el Could be .laid, the Intto Notice l hereby given that In compliance with the provlstoiiH of the not of OooareiM of Junea I8s. ontlllecl "nnot for the sale of timber landa In tho HUles of Cullfornl. Ore. OOII. NeVUda. Nlirt WuidilnDtnn TawtSWtl exlended to all the I'ulilla Ijinil HUilcn b'r act of August 4, mi l jl, e Hmlth of U OinuJii. Oouuty ot Union, Htalo of Oregon, ol . has this day lilcd In Uils ollloe lilt sworn ' nu. ' Conneotidnt" has been bnilt In about the Ba ne time, namely, eighteen months aa was tbe "Louisiana" while both tho time of couatruotlon and the' cost of the vessel have been consider ably less than was estimated at the time the order for the vessel was given and thla In spite ot the faot that tbe hours of labor are shorter and the pay is higher in governmert than it Is In private shipyards.-Scientific Ameroian. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR TUE DISTRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Thomas 1 Nioley, W. D. Long and 1 NOTICE OF OE THF FIRST MEETING Oli' CREDITORS. Mattla I.ons. aa Dart. ' ners under tbe hrm name of Nlcley A Long, BANKRUPTS, and aa Individuals, BANKRUPTS. To the Creditors of Thomas Niolnv W. D. Long and Hattie Long, as co partners under firm name of Nlcley & Long, and hi Individuals, all ol La Grande, Union oounty, Oregon, and eaob a Bankrupt: NUTK K IS UEKEnr GIVEN, tbat on the 28th day of September, 1904, the said :homas Nicely, W. D. Long and Mattie Long, as a oo partnership, under the firm-name of Nioley 4 Long, and as Individuals, wweea h duly ad judicated a bankrupt, and that the Hrat meeting of the Credltoia will be held at the office of tbe unJer-igned, in La Grande. Oregon, on Friday, the 21st day of October, 1904, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, of said day, at wbi b time and place aaid creditors may attend, prove tbelr olalms, ap- point a '1 rustee, examine the Bank nipt-, and transaH such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Twenty five cents must ac company each olaimed A ed. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, O ber 3rd, 1904. P 8 Ivanboc , Referee Real estate Snap Two not tract, (seven block from center nf Im Grande. Uood m room ed cottag.t furaiahed eanipletety end well, if deal red. Two barne, Urge ben hnneeend wire fiooluKd park overoue Ueneral Lund ottloe, nudsr authority cstPd tu amended by the act of ConKreHH uppmvoa Kebriiry 5W, IbUi, we Will prooeed to uttVr lit SUDHO BHie, Rl U' 0 C1O3KB, Dl., OD 1110 mil nr of We pte ra Iter, 1W4, al this offloe. the following traot oriantl, to-wU: SWhi NWX Htw.28TuwDHbIpasotiihrmnce38. KwM. Any and nil ponous olatmlng advemely the above-deacribed land tiro advined to (llo tbelr oittims in tuiH omceoa or uemre thedsy Above deHlgnated for commence in t tit of Hiild aale; other wiwe tbelr rlgbta will be forfeited, Dttted AactutS, 1904. BW Davis, Rofflstor. A A Hoberltj, Rocelver, tho niHtenieu lit ,77 rli " w or neatKja So. I iuTowiihliipNo iS KNofitVBj.W.Mr t rtiiu iriiiui:urrMiiuNiiow thut the land wmikiii i uitro vHiuuuie lor Don't Forget The ladies of La Grande are Invited to call at J D Mckennon's to sample Fluff pure wheat staroh tor dainty deserts. Columbia University Collegiate, Preparatory Commercial and Gram mar Uraile krrvt rot catawwub Conrces. lioanilnp school tor young men i boys. Box 34S University Park Station, CorllnJ Oregon AK C YOU GOING TO ST. LOU so, pr relate your ticket via the ISLAND I'RIHOO BiVl'EMS 0 of routes going or returning Si.PADL, DENVER, COLORADO MI'KlftUH, orf UUIILAJ. For lates call on your local Agent tos of aale: June HI -17-18 July 1-2-3 It. 8-9-10 Sei t. 5-0 7 Oct. 3-1-5. r'or farther information and ataplng t reorvations call upun or address A II Mc Donald Gen' 1 Auent bt . FortltnJ, Ore I. OTICE KOlt POBMUATIOH. stone than fcr narlcultuml eHlui-! his o ulin lotiuitl lUKuncrana K!tilvo lla tlintMr or . iui'po:.ea, and lo laua bt'iura iIia ui iiim onice si OruiKle, Ureaon, uo Thunidiiy, the 25tb day Auuusi, IWM. . He nam a wlln ischi K E Conlny, Island City. Union County. Orucou, Dan. Mlllor ' Cove, Union Coniity, Oiexoii, Lee Binllli and Curmu ainUhof Mliluy, Billon County Ore. Any slid all persons claiming nilvorsely the abovo diwcrll od land. ro reonostnt to Ilia tliolrulaltns In this ofrlce on or bafora said ZjIU day of a(uat, IWI I. K IV. DavU. SUm1tr. NOTICE ol HEA iilNQ of 1'IXAL ACCOUNT IN THE OOUN'I'jr COURT OP THiU STATE ORI5UON FllR THE COUNT Of UNION In Ihe matter ol : be estate ol Mary A. Kernsn, DcosuseJ. NOI ICIS IS H1SKEUY GIVEN, that tbe undcialiihed Ailniinlstiulor of the fSta-eolMary A. Reman, deceased, did on the 11th day of July, 1001, Hie with t' e Clerk of the above rrtitl'il Couit, his Kin I Account, and that the Court th"n and there made an ordur flxInR August lRth, 1904, at one o'clock, P. M., nt said day, as the time lor heaiinx Objeetlnna thereto, at llm Court House, in Union, Union Oounty, Oregon. Dated thla July I2tli, 1004. iuji a lsii, Aumtoistrator. F S Ivanhoe. Attnmav fnr Admini strator. Department of tho Interior. Laud omos at 1a Ornnde, Omron. Notice Is hereby slven llial the tnlltmlnu nMUied M-ltler ha fllwl notice ol his Intention to make fllia Uronf III atlnimrt nf l.l. ..ii.n and UiHtNMhl prxKifwIll te tnale before Ihe SUMMONS. In tne circuit Court or theBius or. Oregon for Union ( jr. LO WILLIAMS, Plalnlll t'ABHIA A WILMXMS. Defendant. lo t)asla A Wllllsms, the above-named deren'lani; in th- ntine ot the Mute of Orekoa youaru li'reliy iciurrMl to appear and answer u e complaint Oled against you lu the anova atnltled suit on or belore tbe 2lat day o o.tober. Ilicl. And If you fall to .o answer, for waul thetoof, tne plalntlll will Ube decree against you for lliedl.Molnlion of ihe marriage c .ntrrirt ex. sting between you and the plain tin and for cjU and dirlnirMoinenli or tlitw suit. Tn. a summons Is published In Ihe Eastern Or w.rn Olinerver.a weekly llew.puKir imtill.hrj In Union o.i!Tnty Ureaon, by otiler or he Hon. K Aert Kakln, Jo'luo or the Kmiith Judlolal Iiir. I or the Circuit Court oi Ihe Slate of .X. "l 'Myeawcea lor SIX COUBeoullve weeks, I the nrsl r SHeatlon the.eor to bo made on the . ' Utll duv Ol rilumliee. I.a'i A k ..ZY. . eillou on the Ala day ot October, IUUS, which - .mo vi u uajr oi eepiemDer,. Realap raiid kreelver of the I;. H t La i. Rrande. frrewnri. nn In.n.r iwi H. K. Ho TWl, WsrKsre;baarulviniteT. Ijiil'ra'.ifle ndred chickens, over 100 beaTlgi2'Vr.'',Kirlilt"l,'i"fui'nT.d''a rr apples, pear a. prunes. Deashea and several rarities .of cherries, one ; K. w He names the rotlowlng wltneea to pnivo bis eonllnuntis rel'lenee uron and en tlva- tlon oTnald land, vis: Ktniik U......jr V"i" tbonaand raspberriaaT COO strawberries ' .K,:'.''r' 9T" ""'1". Minard Ksiiiu all oi a a al r I . , .. LS Irrallde 'Jreson. a W. DAVU tOalster. twantsSaaaluulaln.. I.-.. M I Lrallde iJregoo. fcUUKKK ABII Wll,l AUarney i.n flaiatlir Fred G ;Lawson Wholesnle Uealsjr In HAY and GRAJN IN CARLOAD LOTS. . 81ater Bldg. La Cntnda, Or T. H 1-a