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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1904)
:lC I I 4.- ii BLOCKLAND BROS. ; Island City, Oregon "' : Breeders of BERKSHIRE; and POLANDCHINA swine. ,' .. " We now have eight young bucks, pure , bred, Cote wold and ahropshires, ready for service,. anyone need ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them - Young stook always ou hand, and always glad to have yon call and see our hogs, aa we brerd them for the Farmor, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. - '-. ' BOSS Meat Market ' Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL -PUTCHEPS. , Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. Half a Carload of New Wall Paper. We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county in a single season, Tbla paper Is all for sala and must bo sold this seat on, We have brought two firat olaes paper bangers direct from Chicago, who are without doubt the most skillful workmen in Eastern who, with the Art first olass Piu i bangers already ia oar em ploy, gives us the beat working Co- the Inland Eippire. Stackland & PAINTS. 0IbS Lodge Directory. HAOLKB 1 Grande Airlo i KO k meeta every Friday nlfrht in K ol ( hall a 8 m VIsitlnK brcthorn Invited P atle:' . L (J UockWaii, W f n N aiayvllle, W 800. fOR BSTKltS OK AMKHTCA Court Maid Marion, Ho ti inecta enoh Tuesday In Klk'l Lull, Brothers are invited to nltend. At Helstier Chief Banger. CJVenderpool Kccgets. 10 0 F--La Grande Lodge, No 16 n ee.r u their hall every Hftiurdayuinht. Vltllug n.ern berw cordially invited to attend. i li Klnebarl N 'i B E Coolidge, See. A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge 1 0. 41. mectB every in tnd 3rd Satur--y oi each month. A 0 Wlllionia Sec, 0 D Huffman W. li. ghtful Route, Daylight Ricit Dizzy Crags, Leeji Cunous. A Gokleu Opportunity See na ure In all httr glorious beuuty, and then the iii'ino oi man's handiwork. The first is found along the line of the DeLver & Rio Grande Railroad and the latter at (he St, Louh ! orld's Fair. Your trip will he one of pleasure make the tuibt of it. For information and lllus trated literature write W. C. McBRlDli, Gen. Ag. ;. l'orlhind. On m .. m i v l ' McLachlen AND GLAbS 2 Wood Saw Having leased the G VV Alle steam wood saw, I am prepared to promptly take oare of all orders entrusted to me. W M And is, Corner Green wood and Bill streets Phone 73b' S 12 O I Beautiful Columbia River Folder A piiesengerdepartment.ofthe ..Ore gon Railroad & Navigation (Company baa just issued a beautiful and costly panoramlo (older entitled "The Col umbia Hirer, through the Casoade Mountains, to the Paoifio Ocean.' From Arliuitton tu Portland and from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of tl titer os t nrenhown while Mt kllood Mt Adams, and. Ma St Helen?, porpo tnally covered with snow, stand out in thore beauty. On the back of the map Ib nu interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port laud and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the benches and the San f'rani isoo trip by ocean- A copy of this folder may be secured by send Ins fonrconts In stninpa to pay postage to A Lt.'raig, Gouorul Passenger Agent of the ' 'iron 'tnilroad fc navigation Onmpat 01 lland, Oregon, Hy send ing tho address of some trinml in the East, nnd four cents in postage the folder will be nroinntlv untiled. SOLD 1ND RECOMMENDED BY A THILL, Diu;giat HAND OF TREACHERY ON CONNECTICUT Three Dastardly Attempts Made to Injure United States Battleship Con-necticut "New York, Oot. 8 The Herald to morrow will say that three times in a half year the hand of treachery has fail ed in attembta to wreck the battle ship Connecticut, launched at the New York nay yard Thursday. Only today the last drop of water was pumped from a compartment. filled from a bole bored through the hill inoh steel keel plates of the ship's bottom. The atory aaya that aix montba ago bolea were found bored through the Safe Blown Open Philadelphia, Oot. 3 The safe in the poatoflke at Roaemount, a suburb of the oity, was blown open early today and money and stamps to the -value of $200, stolen. Dividend oheoka amoun ting' to from (5000 to f 10.000, address ed to wealthy suburbanites, werj alto taken. General News J W Woodward, a pioneer of Port land, died Friday. He came to the oity in 1853. , The 50th annual session of tbe Con gregational ministers and ohurohes ol Oregon has just closed at Portland. Mary Batt iglie, the Infant daughter of an Italian gardener; was drowned in a tub of water at Portland, Friday. Dr E B McDanlels, the youngeBt practicing physioian in Baker City, will run for mayor of the town at the coming oity election Policeman Ole Nelson, who was shot in Portland by Highwayman Walton, three weeks ago, has been discharged from the hospital recovered. R K Brown, a miner, dropped 500 feet down a mining shaft at the Ymir mine, near Viotorla, B C, Thursday night. Death was instantaneous, every bone in his body being broken. The women in charge of the Lewis and Clark souvenir ooins have Just re ceived a card of thanks from Alice Koosevelt, fir the firat of the isBue of these coins, v,hich was presented to her by tbe Portland women. Jay N Saylor, of Astoria who plead ed guilty to a charge of robbery, was given four years in the penitentiary, Judge Mclirido remarking at the time of passing sentence that robberies ara becoming too common. Oregon Lumber Astoria, Oct. 3. Fifteen lumber cargoes were sent from th" Columbia I river during the month enling Sep tember DO. TMb Jo9a nut include ten million feel coutained In a log raft towed to fan Franoisoo by the steamer Leggott. The total shipments exclus ive of lb') log taft for the month, do. mastic and foreign, were 11,443,131 foet. The Pension Roll The Obseiver reoeived Monday morn ing direct from the Pension otllee at .vasbiugton City Ibe annual report of Fugcno F Ware, Commissioner of i'euslons, for the year ending June 30 100 1, from which tbe following figures me ta'eu: ; r - ; When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing:. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. mm AMI TAR stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB to a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung vi". . Th I aid Ht Had Consumption A Marviloui Cur. B, nCflaUIISI, IUW, it no better until I used sumpi It helix.- -v ,,ul from the start and stopped the anittina of blood and tba pain ia my lungs and today I am sound ; THREE SIZES 25o, . REFUSE 8UBSUITUTES the center, rivets la tbe hull allowing a leakage. . Tbe seoond attempt was made when the ways were obstructed before tbe launching. The third effort was diacovercd soon after tbe vessel touched the water. In one of tbeoom. partments water was diu.o.ereil. It entered tbrongb a hole bored through tbe keel plate. i' ..,..-!. The oompartmeut was qoiokly filled. There ia no clue to the perpetratora of the? outrages. s On June 30, 1901, there were 991,762 names on tbe United States pension rolls to whom were paid $111,093,571.,. 49 in that year. ; - ; The United States has paid to pen sioners since July 1, 1790, (3,179,717, 161.65. Of this ?3,i'83,271,717.42 baa been paid Since June 30, 1861. Tbe oost per oapita tor paying pen sions isai.77. On June 30, 1904, there were 7,007 persons in Oregon drawing pensions from the United States to whom were paid up to June 30, end of fiscal year, $908,9. 8.f 2. . INDIAN AGENT APPOINTED John J McKoin has been appointed superintendent of the Umatilla ludian agency schools to succeed Charles Wilkliis, and is expeoted. to arrive here about October 15. Mr. McKoin is at present in charge of the Selltz reservation, in Lincoln county, Oregon. Pendleton Oregon. Late Survivors Daniel F Bskemau, the last surviv or of the war of the Revolution, waa born in- Sonouarie County, N. Y., September 'i 172 1; died in Fretdom, t'attarauus County, N. V., Apiil 6, 18U9; aged 109 years, 6 nioutbs and 8 daya; and thus one of the heroes of the Revolution, who fought to b lug tbe Uu. ted Stales into existence, lived to tee Lee surrender at Appomattox tnd to eco Alastta purchased from Kusaia and added to the Union Hiram Crunk is the only surviving pensioneJ soldier of the - war of 1812. Senator Hoar's Son Worcester, Mass., Oct. 3. Genera Rock wood Hoar, son of the late United Slates Senator Hoar, . will be nominated for congress by th repub lican in tbe Third Massachusetts dis trict, aocording to present plans. All the other aspirants have dropped oot. Gold & Silver Output Washington, Oct. 2 George E. Roberts director ol the mint , has com pleted the calculation of the produc tion ol gold and silver in the United States and the w. rll for tbe year 1903, The total gold output for the United States for tbe year was $73,600,000 and silver $29,300,000. Of this amount Oregon produced $1 300,000 in gold and $61,000 in silver Washington produced $280,000 in gull and $160,000 in silver. Tim total . world's output for the year was $325,500,000 in gold and $92,000,000 in silver, 111. UWWI BfllU 1 IIM1 .UU' FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. and well. 50o, and $1.00 I Don't Fail To read tna extra specials for Tues day and Wednesday Id tbe Big Fair ad (May. - ' r- ; ;. Notice of Dissolution . Notloe la hereby riven that th partnership existing between L Still will and 3 Vaodermenilen, a firm trans, acting a general bntober bualnesa in tba oity of La.Grande, Oregon, waa on the firat da; of August dissolved, by mutual conseot. It beinu 1 agreed that the J Vaadermeulin con tinue tbe business and tbat L Btlllwlll withdraw from the butiness, and tbtt the said J Vaodermenilen collect all accounts due the said firm and nav all debts against the said firm, .- Dated tbia firat day of October 1901. ' L StlllwiU and J Vandermeollen. W Oct. 28 GEYSERITESOAP - Tor R R Men lOo at Newlln Drag Go tf C. B. Cauttiorn DENTIST Office Oyer Hill Drug Store, La Grande, Oregon " For Rent Eight room on North Fir Street en. quire of Mra Shearer. 8-tf The building formerly occupied by tbe Salvation army. For full par tleuiara and rates Inquire of Mra 8 O Zuber. Aug. 31 1 f FOK RENT Housekeeping room very nicely furnished. Two blocka west of High School, on the corner of 1st and M at. W NTED: Work ot anyklnd, coo ing preferred, by a young, able-bodi'd married man with good recommenda tions, and is not afraid to work. Apply at thia office. LOST The crown off of a Knight Templar's emblem with a setting of Ave emal diamonda. Finder will please leave at J M Berry'a atore wi receive reward. tf LOST On the streets of La Grand", an abstract of title from the offloe of La Grande Investment Company. Find er will plesee return to offio of La Grande Investment Company. f OR SALE 8 acres of. land and houee of 6 rooms i aorea in bearing orchard one fl' re in strawberries, atablea for t) horses and oat houses plenty of water 20 minuets work from P O for particulars call at grocery store of ,W MoFarlbue. 9-1-10-1. EOR SALE Five room house in good residence portion of town . Will be sold cheap if sold at once. Inquire of H P Lewis or Wm. Worstell, La Grande, Oregon. Oct 1 Furniture For Sale And hauBe to rent apply to Mra Shearer opposite Star Grocery North ol track . No Hunting All 'persona are forbidden to hunt with firearms or dog on my land un der pain of being pit secuted for tree pass. Sept 6 Nov 7) Joseph Anson Piano Tuner Have Prof. Hendrloka tune your piano. It will pay yon to do ao. Tun ing and repairing carefully done. We kindly solioit your work. Oct 3 Prof. Hendricks Furnished Room Centrally located corner of Washing ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. For Sale One good second hand Kimball piano. For Particulars enqoile ot Mrs Ingle or Phone 1727 Rcsidenoe Cor. ol 3rd K. FRESH OYSTERS In bulk stj D MoKennon'a. FOR RENT A suite of rooms' nicely furnished for light bouse keepinj at tbe oorner ot Fourth and Q streets For turtber partlsulara apply to or addrea Mrs E C Moore, 1017, th at. FOR SALE Good Nine Roomed Plaa tered House with closets pantry and bath. Centrally located, good cellar, lawn, city water. Also wired through out. Address Box G06 or Phone 647. For Rent To small family who can give sat Isfnitory references, a furnished houae of a van rooms wiih all modern con veniences, InclU'iiog hot and ,old wxter, bath inside toilet, k c, The house ia conveniently and dealreably situated. For further particulars addteai Post Office box 603 10-1-tf. Pictures of The Wreck. Parties wishing piocpma of the rnnk a.n ium,. ,.m. l 1 i ... ,.j V 'il g l J. R. Smith's Jswf're Ktara : rreei rree . j ; "Fluff," the pure wheft ataroh will e demonstrated all week at J D Mo Kennon'a. FIRE PROOF SAFE For sale, weight 2530, prioe 050. Call or write La Gran Jo Pawnbroker Phone 15SL ...-.. For Rent .' Three houses for rent on H- F. D No 1 will imake liberal terms to the right Dersona. 8dmUI (nrlnnamAiiia tu long term leasers. . L B Hyatt. K F D No. 1 La Grande Sept. 23-Out 23 . . GEYSER ITS 80AP Tot R R Men 10c at Newlin Drag Co. Eastern Orenon Business tlulladira ,Sohool of Shorthand, 'and Normal Baker Oity, Oregon, had four ralla for Stenographers laat week and wai unable to All them all. Our students get good poaitlona when competent. Bueineas mm call on ua when thav want reliable competent help. Now la the time (or younir people to enroll. Practical Bnilnesa methoda ant taught. Tba light line System of Shorthand ia taught which can be learned In about half the time the oiu ouaaeu rjyaieme. Tuition and Board reasonable" M,0 Parry Prlno. 9-21-10 21 DAW Citation IN THE COUNTY COURT, FOR THE COUNTY OK UNION, r 8TATE OP OREGON. In the matter of the gnard-1 ianehip of Jetae N Katm- Citation. baob, a Minor ) To Jeaae N Kalmbaob, said Minor, and Mary Kalmback, his guardian and next of kin, and all other persons In tereeted in tbe estate ,of said Minor GREETING: In the name of the state of Oregon Yon are hereby cited and required to appear In the oonnty oourt of the state Oregon, for tbe county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande in the county of Union, on Saturday) the stb day o( October, 1904, at 1:30 o'olock,' It. the afternoon of that day, then and there to show oanse, if any, you bave, why the petition of Mary Kalmbach, guardian of the peraon and ' estate of the auove named minor, prayj ing lorgin order of the court authoriz ing, licensing, and empowering her to sell tbe real property belonging to hluj the said Jesse N Kalmbach, a Minor (sobjectto the widow'sdower therein,) ton it : an undivided half interest in and to theSW of Sec In, InTp. lJS. K. 17 E. W. M., and la Sherman county, Oregon. WITNESS: the Hon. M A Harrison, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, with the seal of said oourt affixed thia 7th day of Sept. 1901., ATTEST :.J B Gilhatn, Clerk. ADMINI8TRATOR'8;SALE. By virtue of an order and license, made and entered by the 'Honorable County Court on September 10, 1904, in the matter of tbe adnilnletratlonj of the estate of Angle A Wood, deceased, 1 will from and: after Ootober 22nd 1004, at my office t!Io. 1110 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, proceed to private sale lotu numbered eight (8), In block No. 60 in Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grahile, Union County, Oregon. Partiea desiring to purchase said prop erty may depoalt aealed blda on or be fore said dute, together with certified oheck for ten per cent of the amount bid tor said property aa a guarantee that aaid offer will be complied with ip case the offer la ao-epted, ' No offer will be ooneidered for sum leaa than 11200. Terma of sale, oaah to me in hand. J. K. Wright, Administrator of the estate of Angle A. Wood, deceased. Dated September 17, 1904. IN THE UNITED STATES DITRIOT COURT FOR THE DI8TRIOK OF OREGON. n the matter; of) Notice of flrat 1. D. Kerr ! Meeting of Bankrupt. I Creditors. To the creditors of J. D. Kerr, of La Grande, Union bounty, Oregon, Bank rupt. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tbat on tbe LUli day of Sept ember. 1904, the aaid J. D. iverr, waa amy adjudtoatnl a Bankrupt, and that the First meeting ol the t reditnra will be held at the olllce of the undersigned In La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, September '27th, 1904, at ten o'olock, In the forenoon, ol said day, at which time and place said C'reditois may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Trustee, examine the I'ankrupt, and transact such other business as m iy properly conn- be ore aid meetinn Tw uty Owoi .l- m at aciimiaiy ea bol lni fi ed. Datnd at La Grande, Oregon, Sept amber 15, 1904. F. S. Ivanhoe, Referee In Bankruptcy.