La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 03, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    aK. J!wlariai&ii
'CUT . , J . ' j -i. i ; , , x ; I i
: . . ' ' t. .i.
' r v - " i - . , . -. -
r iBishoD Potter Earnestly
Solicits the . Church to
Assist in Stamping out'
Divorce Evil.
- -Its1
New York, Oct, S. Bishop Henry C
Potter attacked divorce io vigorous
terms in bia report fa-day io tba annual
ccnTemlon of the Protestant Episcopal
Diocese of New ITork. ' . .
Be dedared that tiniest), tbe ohoreb
set itself against the apread of the evil
eooiety would relapse iota a state of
praotloal barbarism. ,
Ha urged the clergy to - set .itself
agalnat divorce, wbioh ha obararter
izad as a "Godless license which flings
aside the most sacrerhvoas because of
vexatious onoongeniallty,"
For St Louis
Union county will bs wall represent
ed at the Hi. Louis fair in a few daya
The following party and Ibis list may
be increased are arranging to leave
next Wednesday : W G Hun er and
family, TJ GOonoband wife, 8 E Bine
hart and wile, Mra. J P Halley, Mm
Oartie German, Mrs 0 H Bidwell
' JE Beynolda and wife, Ed Oonley and
wife, Mrs A. B Oonley, J.b-Onnley,
and Hiss Nellie Grimmltte. Tbe
party include twenty-'our in ii.ll. . .
Magazine of Information
1 The Observer received B.turdw
direot from tne Department of Gim-
meroeand Labor, Waahingtoo D. 0.
its monthly summary of Commerce
and tinanoe, a quarto of 487 pages
These pages are fu 1 of figure , bowing
in dollaia and cents tbe amount of
things imported from or expired to
foreign countries and tbe volumoe ol
international trade. . The volume is a
THE New Autumn Styles in
Clothing Haberdashery & Hatt
L'aswi.iiMi issa'inM MidHniwl.
asicMAcia, arcaa a eej - VI
k . jMcNtsrsa. a. r. -JrW
In a great varieties and at
best quality appeal
The La
Writable magslloe of information
from which tha Observer will draw
liberally in future for (he benefit of Itt
readers. ' ' :
Sale Expert Injured
Spokane, Oct. S JtuN W. Boult
ufe expert (offered sericuslnjary at
Pullman, Wash, tod; by tba esplo
s on of dynamite which tbe robbers
bed left in the sale ' ol the Oregon
Bailroad A Navigation company.' Tbe
robbers tried' to blow open the sate
Tueedey night- ; Boult wee tepairiDg
it wheo the dynamite exploded.
Dowie Must Disgorge
Chicago, Oct. 3 Judge Tuthill to
day decided that John Alexander
Dowie muit give op 155,000 beqneatli
bim by Frederick Sutton, while he was
in the Zion bospitsl where be died in
190S. Tbe judge held that Button
was of unsound mind when be made
bia wil . r;i 0'.:v
Sheep To Colorado.
Elgin is ustaining its record, as- a
sbsep ebipping ' point. Twenty four
oar loada were shipped Irons bars last
Sunday. 8) Waiter Bros, shipped ten
oar loada to Colorado Tborsda; Aaron
Wade of Enterprise sold and delivered
4600 bead of lamb bare to F H John
son who reso'd them for shipment to
Colorado. Tbi ta all that baa been so far tbia week in the sheep
line. Recorder. ..
National Muster lo II
The master ro'l containing the
uau. of iba loldiers sod sailors who
have served the United States since
the foundation of tbe government
ebow that 8,304.995 men have ben in
the mili'ary and navy service of Ibr
TJoitid Btatasaa follow: Served in the
B vilutionary war.' 154,038 war ol
181 i witb Enclsnd, 256,730 Mexioan
war 1846-7, 78.718. Indian war 83 993
Civil war 1861-5 213,362, Spanish war
SIS 000 Philippines and China 146,-
tftl, making a grand total ' ol 3,304,-
Of these 2,871.516 have been oalled
equinped, paid and pensioned, ainoe
the Bepublican party came into power
an item Judge Parker seems to have
forgotten in his charge of eitravig
anoe. .. t ..... .
Are now ready for your inspection.; Here yon CA'
ee the artistic productions of tbe worlds beat makers o
Olothing, Haberdashery and Hats in wide aasortinoli'
of etyles and prioes. Everything in aptc-and-Bpnn new
fresh from tbe hands of the makers and bound ta i'tter-
?st every man and young mau who wants to (ires
tylishly at moderate cost.
We especial) invite your examination ol the new
Autumn styles in the famous ;
Michaels -Stern -
For which we are sole
'Men's Au'umn SarK Suib are here at a price rang - ol
!f 7 50 to $20 00 sometbiug to suit all purses.
Unusually fine fabrics, in single , and douitle.
j breasted sacks, beautifullp tailored and full worlli
18 00 ate lo be found in our large
collection ol Sack Suits at
Are here at a price range of $5 00 to $18 00. A wide
election of fabrics in every style, and unus- tP-f
nally big value in our Autumn overcoats at r -- '
JEJaberdashery atd Hats
pri. et that will surely tempt you to buy, if correct styles and
Id you. Come and tee the new things.
Grande Cash Store.
Bulgiirian Army Pre
pare, for War and Se
cure a Loan of 20
Million Dollars L
Vienna, Oct. 8 In spite ol the re-
oent visit of Ferdinand of Bulgaria to
Emperrr Fran en Joseph at Schoen-
bruno on which occasion tbe prinoe is
said to bava promised to use all bia In
fluence to Keep bin or. ruly people quiet
li looks as if Bulgaria onoe more pre
paring for war., ; - ::, A
The Bulgarian army will be equipp
ed witb new field artillery of tbe latest
model and the government bat through j
ins bank. ' ' ' -
Tbe loan was riven ba tba exnraes I
oooditioo that tbe Bulgarian govern-
. k... .k. Ann r. li.
army irom tbe Krupp faotories at
ran instead of from Crensot, as origl- j
Daily intended and alto place orders.
fn. -ll m mmlmilinn vith ft ftriM. I
The Bulgarian government also,
doddq iitwii w vuy an oivuiriKw iur
the hnildinff ol the new Eaki-8aara-
Zarsmbi railroad and all rolling stook
for tba road in Germany aud tnemploy
Gjrman engineers in its construction.
Airship Race Postponed
St. Loui", Oot. 3 An extension of
30 days has been granted the oonteit
ants in tbe $100,000 airship competi
tion at the world's fair by tba execu
tire committee
Indians Terrify Whites
Seattle Wash, Oct 1. A thousand
whiskey orased Indiana terrorize the
western part of Ban Joan ialand and
oalla for outside help are made by the
arightuned whites. Tha revenue ant-
- Clothing , , .
agents here.
ter Grant haa been asked to deprive
the Indians of whisk- y and force them
across the border Into British Oolusal
bia wbere they .belong, . Until the
Grant arrives there ia no protection
tor the doien little settlements along
the shores ' Ban Juan taore Vancou
ver island,,.
Be ports of outmgea and violenoe
are momentarily ezpeoted, as the al
titude of the Indiana ia ao threading
and many whites have fled from Iheir
homes. .Tbe party comprises about
Broke World's Record
i Pittsburg, Oof. 8 At tbe Devil is
land t.aek tbii afternoon Barnsy 01 1
fleld in a peerless 24 a isr power broke
tbe world's record going tan miles in
a light weight car,tlm; 10. ..minutes
61 and I S seconds.
Celtic Holds Record ;
' New York Oot 1 -Tbe Whits Star
ateamer' Celtio arrived 11 here 1 from
Liverpool and Queenetown and had on
board tba largest number or persons
ever brought tq this port on r single
steamer , ' . el-.-! stn:; .
The liaVoonaiated of 310 saloon 23S
second cabin and 2,388 third class pas
laengera, -wunner orew oi soi, inia
makea a grand total of 8,818, peopl e
At Qeoatown more than 100. imml-
KImu" wo ion uuuiuu wr im m ui
En-11?01"' ' " ' 'V " ' " ''1
'' jr.. cr l
11 U Alt lUK
uea Blotnes, Oct 1. twenty won
vaua uoiibtb w eauoiian a noma ror
drunkard's wlvee in Iowa ia one of tbe
bequeata ol the lata James Callahan;
the eooontric philanthropic millionaire
. Hr Callahan was a Strang advooato Vit
temperaaoe during the latter years of
bia life and gave freely to tbe oaune,
Baby Drovned
San Francisco Oot 8 Hilda Kelly,
3 years old was drowned in a tnb of
water today. The mother found tbe
little one when the child wia dying,,
only a few minutes after baby Hilda
had gone out to ply in tbe rear yard
at her home.
Falls in Well
Redding Cal Oct, 3 AJ Cunning
ham four years old tumbled into a
3 foot well at Auderson today and
caromed on bis father, Louis Cunning
ham who was working at tbe bottom
andjthe father was hurt tba worse of
tba two, being considerably bruised.
Tbe boy waa nnoathed.
Falls Into
The River
Albany, Or. 3 While a 'ores of
bridge carpenter working uudrr tbe
direction o"t u oounty court was en
gegtd to building a mw hridgs across
Orabiree orecit, )2 Tiiles from Albsny
a aerious accident ooourred Tbe old
br.dge weakened by many years ol use,
was utilised sea false work in theoon
truotiou of the new bridge. The
heavy timber-run out on thaold struc
ture caused tne b'lrlga to oollapse,
throwing tbe entire I ro ol hilo down
into the nrcam 20 leet Inlnw vheie
. bey fell among a inn "f linibors it
I hs old bridge. The men wr- qn ck
ly eitricated ftorn tiled 1'iia vh':n it
was found trut only tliree Ind iu
taiosd iojurks none of which rs var
ious. The man ' urt tbe wrntl had
some large aplin'r r io L;n siile hut
these were extracted without the aid
of a surgeon and tba entire fore re
turned to work, Tbe ony dam i.
that tba force will ba fetor.d li in
coostrnotioo work for a few da Uu I
tbe debris can be cleared ay.
Circuit Court
Clioolt Jndga Bohert Eakin opened
tbe October term of the circuit court
this morning in the auditorium of the
Commercial olub. Tbe docket wae
read and oaaea arranged for trial. The
fatbtr's psitoer but ber perente
ed to their marriage on aooonntof
age. - ,
Oral to be beard this afternoon is tbe
Stevens Lithograph Oq. ye tbe Farmers
k Traders bank. There is only about
1100 involved in the Istue.
Tba following jurymen were axonaed
0 E Davis, 8 M Cioff, H P Campbell,
T G Wilson, A J Goodbrod and Albert
Hutchinson. .
. The grand jury oonaiste of Jamee Mo
Coy, foreman, John Neeley, Ed Mur
phy, A H Parsons, John O' Bryant, P
Znrbrok and G W Prope.k.
The court appointed J W Kennedy,
court bailiff, H W Stoner, grand . jury
bailiff and E B Taylor jury bailiff.
Tbe grand jury immed ately went to
No mora will the Bolt voioe cf Cen
tral exclaim,' "Good morning.' Nev
ar again may we lis en to that melo
dious "Number, please I
.The v edict haa gone forth at tbe
ffloes of the Pacific States Telephone
4 Telegraph oompany that all. this
must cease and the "hello girls'Voon:
fine themselves absolutely to business.
Therefore, .it when you start to niaks
ap angagamant this mornlngj you re
ceive a ourt "Numberl" and noapiwt-
ising salutation from tire girl "at' the
other and, remember their ia a reaaon.
, Tbe company has Installed an operat'.
or whose sole oooupatlon is to listen
to what the girls say to customers," to
register the time it takes them to make
a connection, and to report develop
manti.; Io- one column of a large
blank sheet there Is a spaoe In which
ti mark the minutes aud seopnda of
each girl'a 'unneoessiryoonversatioh''
during a day. ' Another oolumn pro
vides for black marksdueto aaucinass,
and still another will tell how much
time she requires to answer a call after
the number drops'T This system bomei'
under the bead bf deportment, and
girl's (alary as well as her. standing
with the corporation depends upon it
Go be careful. Don't blame tha
operator. Oregon Journal
Heinze Seeks Office,
. Butte Moot.j Oot 8 A AUgUit
Helnza, tbe millionaire mine owner,
who has been fighting tbe Standard
Oil oompany, bas for the first time
oonsented to bsoome a candidate lor
orflios and this morning accepted tbe
nomination lor the legislature on tbe
Democratic tioaer. He will be en
dorsed by tbe labor party, populists,
auti -trust republicans and anti-trust
T is a positive .. pleasure tun cord,
amri' tbe general i Demooratlo ohaot,
tha' the Hon Henry flanaaway Divis
stands like a rook lor tbe protective i-
Whila tbe Democialic otmpaignTezt
0 it k ' oiling for tarif reform, and
S bioking op the Bt Louii platlorm's
di deration that tbe protro:lte tar i ft"
is "rnbbbry," and wh:lo a ral ol Far
kir's newtpaper supporters arebnoklng
up tbe text b.iok and b'gging H w Ler
j dn the same, that broth iv a b iy, as
Mr D.roley calif Mr Davis, steps lor-
ward In West Virginia a' d says in his
furmal campaign fpeech : "I in for
a 'ariff that will yield sufficient revu
n ilea lor tbeeconominal and prop r ex
pendi ures ol the government, and in
that tariff I b lievi incidental protec
tion to our Indu tiei Is tight and prop
xt. I sue no reason foi changing my
pillion as then tttef,"" " " '
How dear and simple aud under
standable tbnt ti-1 Talk about youtb
ful vigor I Why, Mr Davis ia tue only
man in bis party who bas "nerve"' to
rtsp uo and klok tbe platlorm on
which, be stands all to smitbsreeni
without i quiver of excitement. He
is a gr- d old mau, tbat Is what be lei
1 . no rsson for obsnging my po
hI' ' 'e says, snd be is right. Ha
b ' elMcansee any. Irish World.
Married .
Harried at BskerCity Sept. 14 1904
John Hoke ol Wa'la Walla to Hazel
Uoffman of Medical Springs by Judge
Travillisn ol Baker congratulations of
their many friends extended. - "
obifoTT T'"r""01 ol"'-u-nn,w -Tor- ,auf aiwwirc.. . ,,. JL,
her riTi , n , btn,I,0D- C00" separate table, known now a tbe
lOonrtofCnloa County BUto, of Ore-1 Training Table for ihla they are very
? A '
Officers of Nonporcil
Cork Works . Arrested
iron .
Life Preservers,';
Washington Octb 3 Ao slleged H
eoalplrsoy Which was deva'oped by ol
floiali in the department of oom meroe "
and labor and, tba department I jus-,
ties today resulted, ik'.ths arrest ai
Camdeu N Jof J H Stone,., ,H 9 Q'-j'n ,
ard Charles W Biirs'and James Ru'f, v
ofJBoers of tbe Nonpareil. Cork wurk. .
They were apprehended under an in- , J'
diolment found 8?p,embef 29 by the -A . .V ;j
United 8t tea grand jury at Treut-o, .'. J,
obsrging them with iw'n8pl(yCt9'de'V'iHiSi : " "
Iraud tbe government and projudioe
tba administration' ol steamboat .(totaWS!
ai'eotion laws by putting upon tbe .
market compressecV oork blnoks eon-
taihiog in the cunter ao Iron b r
weighing efgbt ounoev '"''"' ""
yf . ) it i- y '. r . ; S
Though ex-senstot. ,,H
O. Davit It ,
. 0ndldte ,0' Vioe P" ,ldent. on tb
Demooratlo tlok't an I prSeurntily '
agrees witff tb1 'plalfof .11 1 adopted by 1 V ' '
the convention which nominated him, "
wbiob . ''denounces pr.troniin arob f-::';:' 1'5
Shot His Foot
Tbe 11 year old son of Mr and Mrs
Geo Wells who reside on the SaLdrldge,'
while in the Si t of ahootlng a chiokeu,
tbe gun went off premature, tha bullet
taking effect in tba foot.. Dr Ulggara'..
Iressed the Injured member and the .
little fellow ia getting along oloaly.: '
w th uo aerioua raaulta anticipated.
Portland Markets ,
' Wholeaale prioes todayareai follower
Wheat, export price,., B3o to 88a,
Barley, best .21J0 to B.b'
UaU 126. to 127.60
Hay, timothy w.. .... 15 to SIS
Butter bestoreamery 27.0 to 30
Butter, ordinary , ...25o .
Eggs, per dozen.... .......,23c to 25o
Chickens, per pound Hio
! Potatoes per owt .'...SI $1.15
Onions, per owt ........ 1.K) to 11.75
Apples, best, tper box.,,...,.76oto II
Poaches, best, per box Ok) to 76o ,
Beets, per taok..... ..1129
Cabbage, per pound. 2c
.76 to3
...$3 95
Bulla , ..
j 8to
beat... -i. ..
Hogs, feeders.. ........... i.
I would cough nearly all niv bt lonn
writea MrsChas AddIbitsk-. of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hsntly getauy
sleep. , 1 had consumption so bud that
If I walked a block I viulil counb
frightfully aud spit blood., but when
all other meiiii'lnes failed, three $1.00
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
wholly cored ' me and 1 rained M, i
pounds." Its ahaolutoly guaranteed
to cure UOughs, Coldi, La Grippe,
Bronchitis and all Throat and- Lnni
troublea . Price 50c and $1 00. Trial
bottles free at Neln liruj Co. . s
If you are ianquld, dapraaaed and
incapable fur work, et Indicates that
your User ia out of order, lierblna
will assist nature to throw off bead.
aobee, rheumatlam and ailments akin
to servoosness and restore the energlee
and vitality ol sound and perfeot health
J i Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes,
March 2J 1903: "I have need Herbine
for tbe peat two years. It has dona
me mora good than all the doctors.
Wben I feel bad and bave that tiied
feeling I take a dose of Herbine. It
la tbe beat mediolne ever made for
chilla and - fever." bOcta a bottle, '
Sold by Nawltn Drng Co.
j : i vi