D a u u a a a a u u a u u a y a u a a a a a a a a u a a A Stofe With We li'.ve but 11 iluing busi ness in tbij town for 5 a -i8 AD i in that ime th towu ujb JaCCOIu iioirly doubled iu pnpulu iou 4 During the same lime our business has increased FIVE FOLD. - In other wnrda our bueiuess lias ninde a great deal lucre rapid incr use ii.n ' ue towu Las. There are dozcnt ot reasons fortius all .! which you perceive if you begin buying drug stor goods $ us. In the first place we had a thorough training for pharmacy. In 'he second place we had ex ceptional opportunities foi ! arniug the prnctical side of pharmacy in a successful drug store if ih- bigltet eiai.d. mg. In the third place we have kept our eyes open and attended to bubiuees until we know the demands' of the people of this towu. : A. T, HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore nnotiG the ctiuRcne , CHRISTIAN SCIENCE S. Irene King, 1st Reader. The Christina Soieooe services i the home of J 8 Page old town v o Sunday at It a. in. All are "cord -11, invited. , - LATTER DAV BAINTS Sunday School .10 a m Rrgular services 2p, m Mutual Improvement Association meets oonjointly at :30 p. m. ., ELECTRIC FIXTURES : All who are building new .r rebuilding their homes, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc wjith a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in tha Inland Empire. We huve at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiliug and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of ill designs. We corlinll) invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office opeu from 7 u in to 8:30 p m. '-' La Grande Light and Power Co. Hfra,s The Most Stylish and Most Modern Fall Millinerv At .Prices Far Below Any Previous Offer Now on Exhibition j Mrs. . R. "Forrest, j MaiOQic buldiug on Adams avenue. . THE BARGAIN STORE An elegant assortment of TAILORED HATS And another lot of those new and styliih e just received p g Bring your heads and have them fitted. E M Wellman & co Adams Avenue. ; CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass every Sunday axoept the 4th at 7 and 9 a. m. Bueary and Bened lotion on the same days at 7:30 p. m. Mass on the lib Sunday at 7 a. in., no evening service on that day. Mass on week days at 0:30 a. m. . W.J Whyte, Rector M. E. CHURCH Sunday School 10 a m Kpwi rth League . - 6:30 p m Rev. F A Lawsop ol Bker City wi reao . at the Methodist ehurob Sun- ly b3ib morning and evening At the morning servioe lbs Lord's supper will be administrated. . BORN HUNTER In Wallowa on Beptember 87, WW, to Mr. ' and Mrs. ( has. Hunter, a son. KIEV'S CHE matter ot the Guar llanahlp ol the per' anna anrl Mntad nf Mffnuat V Puttv 'J. Beatrice Patty, and Frank A Fatty, I minor beira ol Thomas V Fativ de. ceased, aud wards of the undersigned. tuoir guardian, i will, troiu and altur iuo mi uay nciooer mu, ai my borne No. Uti) Adania Avenue. La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro ceed to sell at private sale the South en t quarter ol Section 34 ol Township inrea norm oi Range s oasi or tne Willamette Meridan in Union County Oregon, tor the beneUt ot said beira ana (ueir estate. Terms ol sale, easn to me In hand. Zora Patty. Guardian ot the persona and estates ol arnsat 14 fatty, it uealrloe ratty and Frank A Patty, Minora. Dated September 10, 1901. Oct 31 ''. E. CHURCH, SOUTH " Sunday Sohool 10:15 a m Freaobing 7 :80 p m Subject "TheConvereioJ ot 8t. Faul There will bs singirg by the malt quartet. O. P. Orookel t , pastor St. PETER'S EPI8OOPALCHUR0H 18th Sunday alter Trinity Sunday Sohool 10 a m Morning prayer and sermon 11 a m A lay tervioe All invited. PRESBYTERIAN OH JBOH Preaobing tomorrow Ham and 7:30 by pastor Rev. Edwin Hays, morning theme; "Burdens" Evening theme "Indifference In Re ligion". Sunday Sohool 10 am Jucior E ideavor 3pm Senior Endeavor 6:30 p in I Prayer meeting, Thursday 8pm A cordial invitation is given to all who oave no oburch borne to attend these wrvicea with u. On t'bnraday Eveoing at 7:30 Riv. Erlft'in B. Hays will be installed pas tor of the Presbyterian oburob Rev. J 11 Barton the moderator ol Presby tery will preside and ask the ooostitu lonal questious. Rev. W S Holt will preach the sermon. Rev. W L Van Nuys will give the obarge to the pastor and Rev. Mi'ligan will give the obarge to the oongiegation. The Choir under theiiireotion ol aus. L)b will render upeeial music. A oordial invitation is given to all to attend. 10a m B PT18T CHURCH Sunday Sohool Classes lor all ages You sre invited. Sermon 11am Subject, "The present and the future" 7:30 p m termon, rubjnot, !'Tbe Loneliness of Jesus." "Come tbou with us and we will do tbee good." CENTRAL CHURCH of CHRI8T OPPOSITE 80MMER HOUSE O H King Minister Bible Bchool 10 A M Mornini; Woisbip 11AM Evening Senice 7:30 PM Sermons Mo'nin, "Jaiing lor eaob Other" Eveoing "Who counts one and where A coidiil invitation to all whose duties permit them lo attend. WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or -. BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond tKe reach of medicine. No r medicine can do more, WASG1YMUPT0DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia' St., Evansvulo, Ind., wres: "Foroverfivs rears I was troubled with kidney ami bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. - I had three of the best physicians who Aid me no good and I was practically given op to die. Foley'a Kidney Cure was recommended ana tne nrst Doitie gav me great renal, ana alter taking the second Doric I esiiily cured." TWO SUES, 50c AID ftOt. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY V. I. Hunter & Son ' have Leased the McKinzie S'ables aud are prepared to eerve the pubito u a lirst class- manner U reasonable rates. - HARD WALL PLASTER Only ousts about 6o per yard I more than common plaster, and worth many times over. ADVANTAGES . No danger of freezing as it can be used in zero weather fceine flexible instead of brit tle as all sand mortors are it will dent like wood when struck or jammed, iustead of breaking Dours, wiudowx, pipe holes, eto are eatiiy oat through it It is a non oonductor of eleo- trioity and thus prevents snort circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or com icon latu it cnuiains uo acids nor chemicals to corrods' It will ot barn nor disintegrate by fire being a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or Mister Parties having plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given ' L REISLAND, Phone 37 That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros" canned - fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc Special attention given : to phone orders . " Geddes Bros. ULDAUIECOIUSElUan AT HILL. Druggist Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the co paatnersblp of Win. Grant and Harold Herron, an'ier the firm name of Grunt 4 Herron, has this day been dissolved Harold Herron retiring. The bucinesB will be conducted by Wm. Grant who will pay all debts and collect all amounts due the firm. Dated at La Grande, Union county, Oregon, this SOtli day ol September, 1904. Wm. Grant, 0 30 10 30 Harold Herron. ACUTE RHEUMATISM Deep tearing or wrenobing pains, occasioned .by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first moving the limbs and in cold or damp weath er, is cured quickly by Ballard's Hnow Liniment. Oscar Oleaon, Gibsou City Illinois, writes, Feb 16 lKOti: "A year ago I was troubled with a iiain In my back. It soon got so bad 1 could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's 8dow Liniment cured me." 'Joe, b0o, 1 00. Sold by Newlln Drag Co. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly- Ol all the Salves you ever beard ol, Buoklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Ifbrns, Soros, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Tiles. It's only 26c and guarauteed to give satislartion by La Grande Orug Co., and Newlln Lrug Co., Llroggiet. Dissolution Notice Notice la hereby given that the co partnership of J V Boss and A V An drews, under the Arm name of Ross A Andrews has this day been dissolved J V Robs retiring. The baainess wiil be continued by A V Andrews who will pay all debts and collect all amounts due the firm. Dated at La Grande, Union county, Oregon, this 28th day of September, 19J. J V Ross, A V Andrews JCH00L - miK Opposite the Bominer House. One of the best musical institutions in the state, four rooms used lor mneloal Instruction. 15 grades ot music taught. Depaiineuc 1, ti rooms ured (or the 3 Brat grades. Children at the sue of 5 and older oome one hour every day. Department 2, i rooms (or grades i to 15 (or pupils ot all ages The lat est course beet praotlosl musloul in struction. Miairul oonte&ts for med als every few weeks, E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant WANTED" Special Represents ivo in tbla county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established busi ness bouse of solid financial standing. Salary 121 weekly, rith Expenses ad vanced eaoh Monday by oheck dlreot (rom headquarteis. Horse and buggy furnished when nooessary; position permanent. Address Blew BroB. 4 Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111 CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop oo North Fir Street. You will find my shop well supplied und the prices to suit the times. Yours lor business Free delivery. Pboue 160) I. HARRIS TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people come here for moa's aiid by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt liuo is our spec ialty. Here is where prioe and nnniitv am onmhinerl. BEST COUGH MEDICINE FOR ' children. r w DDRTf.N hen you luv a cough medicine for " 'sviv, ,all.c.h:'!in.!.0",.nin-?..l" whJc5 Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET want one that not only retieret but cartta. Yoo want one that la unques tionably IjartnlaM. ton waot one that la pleasant to take, (Ji.amtrarlaia'e Couch Kemed ; meet all ol these 000 ditions. Thert It oot him 10 Kwl for modern d entered ljr tbo Hon. County GUARDIAN'S SALE Hf virtue of an order and license SEPTEMBEp R MEANS H OYSTERS LOY Serves them any style yo J wish Script Script he roughs and oolds IncMent to child .Oonrtot Union County 8Ute ol Ore- fit ood Tp or tale by All Druggiats. on temb., 6th, 1KM, in the 1 J - J OHt-4lM fore, trnve, Hypmvt, nn mnrin, r iy for immUiatl m any. wlitiQ, Ltnr t pricm. v. v. r. ii.Kiipr. hambr ot com mere iildg, fonland, or. OUR BACK R00AA Is opeu for your iuspection. In fact- we will be pleased to show you through our entire estHblishmeut. - Everything is kept scrupulously, neat aul cleun and we have no hesitenc iu showing the most fastidious how our :nu its ate handled. We now havu Im latest improve 1 sausag- luaciii'ie and san sell you sa'.'.oigc in all styles. bock gl 1 nomas A GREAT SENSATION. There was a big sen nation in Leesville Indiana, when W. H. Brown ol that place, who was expected to die, had his place, who was ezpecteu lo die, had his life savod by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, ile writes: "I en dured iiiiullerahle agonies (rom Asthma, hut your New Discovery gave me Im. mediate relief and soon thereafter effected a rainplete cure." Similar cuies ol Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Uriperenumerous. It's the peerless remedy lor all throat and lung troubles. Price 60c, and H. lius ran teed by La U ramie Drug Co, and Newlln Drug Co., Drngglsta. Sacred Heart Academy r - n i. rit. i- a it L.II VjrawllUUa - 7IVH'Ut 1MB WCII known institution, conducted by the Maters of tit. Krancia, atforla excellent ed-matiouhl Bdvantauea. Mitaic, draw ing and pamtinif optional atudlea. Prepririnif vouuk ladles for the profess ion or learumK a Hneoiaity. and dav s hooj In Heptember. Staler Miperior. Board Ins una On tlret Monday For catalogue addrMra Aug 4 Ort 4 IS OREGON vo Union Pacific NO. 8 8:M) p. m. NO.S. Iiu a. m. rtnit Lake. Iletirar Ft. Worth, Omftha, Kaiiiu NO 1. 6:00 a no NO ft t pn Hundur J:I6 a fi Tim rV!h-f..ii LAOHAMDIL dleloi Valla Walla, lHa.Vlnn. Hiimarin toffix, Mncow,Hpi mmuv ttanu and a th via Hpo kan. a let on Umatilla Wat luta, LewlHloti.ColOal Hiwrow, Wallace War dner, Hnoknaa and Olhrr poltitneMlaiiil norui via npokana. 'Msnd' City. AllralJ iiiii'i'i. hiim riKiu wnt --:i')nt titKiKlD lth ... .or ik) lot tn V lii.nri ntiuntv NO, I. ft.ftO a. in. NO 8:6 .I0 NO 1 .OB p i NO .MO a at Ocean H team era hetwetm Portland and Ban FrmnotKo every five days . K, C. MCOHK, Agent ieotomirrnarrisg on Moonotof ntr lDHon CoaT Mpernte table, known fiow'Vthi Lie. ' lOonrtof Union County 8tot. of Oi. Tralnln-r T.hl. L .hi. . "