La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, October 01, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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1 A tP n. a rvttr r r mu fir1 ivtii! -tk nwn
t v.,.::,x, VOMIMF III t.:' -r- - " . r.DAwnp - nppr.nM catiidhay pvfmimh rwrmttFO i ion '''.';.'''!',-i-
i 1
The Estimated Total
Gold Output for the
. Year jn Alaska Was
: $26,000,000.
army an seventy its battalloaa of In
fantry, eighteen squadrons of eavalry
and 376 gana. -
Including the reserve! Nodiu'e army
consists oi forty (oar battalions of In.
fan try, nine eqoadrons of cavalry and
Tieo Taio, Oot. 1 Ruaalan offloera
admit it ii tbeir intention to remain
on Russian war vessels in Port Arthur
and that they will attempt to escape.
They say they axpeoted the movement
about a week tfo and that It may now
be expected daily.
Observer Special
Seattle, Oot. 1 Tie Alaska sessoo 1 J P'" ' ' "inUr fruits
for 19M U oluaed so far as shipments
to the North are concerned. The
Faoifio Coait Steamsnip , Company
baireoeiveri advioes from the Whit
: Pass Yukon Railroad not to aeoept
any more freight for interior points in
Alaska beyond White Hone as it wll
not be able to handle it.
' All tba north ooast lines ars prepar
ing for the rush of those eoming out
from points in Alaska.
There are a few shipments of treas
ures to come. On the whole it has
been a good season for gclddiggers,
The gold produelod of the entire
northern distriot for this yesr is ca ti
mated as follom: "
Klondike, $11,000,000! Nome, $1",
000,000; Tanaoa, 12.000,000; all other
dietnats, $3,000,000; total $26,000,000.
War News
l (Observer Special) '
Molcden, Oct. 1. A great obange in
the situation has occurred The Jap.
unese now appear anxious to take the
defensive and have fortified a poiition
northwest of the Yental mine. Ac-
vording to the best esti mates obtainable
from the Japanese, the Japanese army
now confronting Knropatkln comprises
144,000 intantry, 6,300 cavalry and 630
guns distributed sa follows :
One division at Bentaiaputz, two at
the Yental mine, four on the rail ay
north of liiao Tang, ona . near Hiame.
adense and one at Sandepu.
" The Ensslan osti mates of Kurokl'a
The management of the Lewis snd
dark Eipoltlon has erected a speoial
scientiBo cold store plant at Portland
to preserve fall and inter fruits uf
the 1H0 crop to be used on the p
in the Horticultural . Hall daring all
next anmmer. Fresh stock will be
pleoed on the plates every two days in
order to have this supply constantly on
hand. The fruit snd especially winter
aiiplca will hsve to be sent direct to
the exposition storage p. ant aa aoon aa
picked. Each plate will have the
name and addn aa of the grower which
will do more to advertise the fruit in.
teresis of this oountyas well as the
entire Grande Ronde valley than any
tnlng that oonld possibly be done, but
in order to do so the fruit must be
properly paoked wrapped in proper
kind of paper to stand ould storage.
John E Hough baa agreed to receive
the Irult, prepare, paok and ship as
per directions. Now too fruitgrowers
must get in and do yonr part and try
to hsve a fine disp ay of winter apples
there during all the spring, anmmer
and fall season of 1905 Everyone
will have a fair and even show for the
premiums whiob will be sent dlreot to
the grower. Now the more premloma
diplomas and medals we can seooiv
the better for the country." All fruit
growers arc requested to oall at the
office of John R Hough opposite Alex
andei's blaoaemith shop anu he will
explain what is wanted, etc.
This was the ' Decision
Reached after a Hard
Fought Battle of 20
founds. , ;
Resting Easy
Light For Haines
J F O'Bryant, to whom a twenty
year elect i In light franchise was
granted Saturday night, went to Baker
Tuesday, to make arrangements for
drawing op the franchise, and tran
sacting other business in oonneotloo
with the enterprise. Reoord.
. (Observer Speoial.) .
Woodwards Pavilion, Ban Krsnoisco.
Joe Gana and Joe Valoott, holders
respectively of tba lightweight and
welterweight championships, fought
twenty rounds to a draw Sept. SO.' The
decision waa not well reoslved by
many spectators who seemed of the
opinion that Oans . should have been
The I'ght throughout waa furlons.
Gana started off like a winner, enjoy
lnga decided advantage in opening
two rounds. . ,. . . .,
After the second round, however,
when toarard the middle of tha oo teat
Aaloott employed hta right almost ax
luslvely to Gana' body and kidneys,
he gained a deoided lead
iter the tenth round Gana succeed
ed in evading most of Waloott's viol-
oua swings and forced Waloott to
change hla tactics.
From elcenth to the sixteenth it
was nip and tuck, first one and then
the other taking the lead, The tide
turned in Gana' favor , in the seven
teenth round This round Gais met
aTt of AaTontfr-rhshea' with straight
rights from the shoulder and forced
Walcott to fight baok wildly.
The nineteenth rrmnd nearly saw
Waloott's finish. Gana started with a
tremendous right smash on Waloott's
jaw and aoon had Walcott in apparent
The wentieth and last ronnd was a
repit tlon of the preceding round. .
The decision of the re'eree waa
greeted with tamnlons booting and
hissing and ories of "Gans," "Gana."
After the fight it developed that
Walcott had broken his right arm.
' (Observer 8pecial)
Washington Oct 1 The condition of
Postmaster General Payne whose er
ions illness was aunounoed last night
oontinned extremely grave throughout
today. There were times during tba
day, notably early this morning and
late this afternoon, when the attending
peyalolana beleived that death waa
near but the patient responded to the
berolo remedies applied and seemed
to regain some of his lost ground
Early tonight Payne fell into a reat
ful aleep which the doctors regarded as
enoour aging for a good night. ,
, , 10
"Anaway Match"
A crowded house greeted "A Runaway
Matoh" at the Opera Honse last night
and it waa the beat play presented
here this season; a continual ronnd of
laughter from start to finish' with
scarcely a dull moment. , Miss Wash
ington as the leading ladv is a clever
actress and tha sonbrette and corned?
Ian were excellent in their parts, the
comedian e poolally causing many a
hearty laugh by hla humorous jokes;
'A Runaway Hatch" la pronounced
one of the best oomediea ever present-
edbere. a.; -...,,.
tended and enthnalattlo mass meeting
of the sympathisers of tba New Ameri-
i party movement held in the
Grand theater tonight, the following
state tloket presented by the nominat
ing obmmlttee appointed at tha first
meeting of the party two weeks ago
waa adopted; ,
Goverdor, William II Ferey secre
tary of state- Walter James attor oy
general Samuel McDowell, . anpertn
sendent of pblio Instruction Issae N
Smith" representative ' In congress
Judge Ogden Hiles.
No nominees were presented for any
of the judical offices or as presidential
electors these being purpossly omitted
from the ticket. ,? , ; ; ,
September Weather
Through the kl idneie of volunteer
observer W. A. Woratell,' we are. able
to give our readers the followloc sum
msry ot the weather for , September
Tha mean temperature fur tbe month
was 61; tbe maximum was 94 on tha
6th; tbe minimum was 31 On the" llth
tbe total precipitation, rainfall 1.01,
clear days SI, cloudy 8, partly oioudy
6, nolroit during the mobth.
Again Does Business
3 with Her Little Hatchet
and is Again Lodged -
in jau, i,....-.: :
aa? . x l? j.rr2r
miners viei injuncuon
' ' (Observer Special)
Leadvllle, Oct 1-Judge Frank . M
Owers today issued an - Injunction
against the members of the Leadvllle
Mining District association restrain
ing the association from proceeding
farther to compel the miners to for
sake tbe Western federation Miners
snd taae out retain their 'positions.
Application was made by the presi
dent and eeoretary of the local miners
anion.. The defendants.; comprise
nearly every mine owner and mlnej
manager in tha camp, , , ,
THE New Autumn Styles in
Clothing Haberdashery & Hats-
leu.. . Wis
Ai6 now ready for your inspection. Here yon ca'
ee the artistic productions of tbe worlds best makers o
Clothing, Haberdashery and Hats in a wide assortment
of styles and prioes. Everything in spic-and-spun new
fresh from the hands of the makers and bound to inter
est every man and young man who wants to dreai
stylishly at modsrate cost.
We especial invite your examination ol the ne
Autumn styles in the famous ' ; 4
Fine s Clothing ; '
For which we are aole agents here.
Men's Au'umn Sack Suits are here at a price rang ol
$7 50 to 20 OO-r-sotnetbiug to suit all purses.
' Unusually fine fabrics, in. single and double,
breasted sacks, beautifullp tailored and full worth
118 00 aie to be found in our large t2t 5
collection ol Sack Suits at
Are here at a price range of 5 00 to (18 00. A wide
selection of fabrics in every style, and unus- tt-J pf
ually big value isr our Autumn oyerooats at P4- ?
Such dlsenses as laryngitis, pbaryn
gitls, nssal catarrh, brunchitia, pneu.
moniaand pleurisy are Inflammatory
in character, Inflammation varying In
severity from ilight congestion to se
vere ulceration of tlisoee. i But all
are indicative of too muob blood In
the diseased area, doe to an obstruc
tion of circulation. This condition
osteopathlo treatment overoomes by
manipulation wbloh removes whatever
is Interfering with the freedom of blood
flow through the vessels; for no such
stoppage of circulation could exist
without some pressure upon these
vessels. Osteopathia treatment relax
es mnscles and corrects the misplace
ments that fd hi thos mohiiiiical ob
structions ...
Circuit Court
The October te m of the circuit c urt
convenes Mot ay The docket Is nut
a long one a d unless the grand jury
finds more lian ia expected tbe couit
will not bo In fc l.i i ver three aeeke
Tbe new oomt huiise is not complet
ed and the court will be held lu tbe
Commercial club
This will be tbe first eeislon of the
oircait eoa t bi-ld Is La Grande since
tbe removal of tbe county seat.
Pension Order 7&
The Democrats are making such a
fuss about pe.ieloq order No. 78, tbst
the readers of the Observer may know
just what that order says, it is pub
lished In this iasue.
We hope they will read It tarelully,
and see if tlipy cap And in 'tsny usur
pation, violation of the con-tltnllon,
or disregard of common justice of
oommon sense.
Bmait Haberdashery ana tiata
In a great varieties and at prj. es that wiU surely tempt you to buy, if correct styles and. tb,
best quality appeal fd yon, Gome and see the new things.
The La Grande Cash Store.
r .,' , "Oyster Bay N Y. Bept. 19
"My Dear Mr Williams:
"I am la receipt of your letter of
the IStb. Inst , inviting me to be pre
sent, at the North Dakot. Btate Irrl-
Ration Oongieas on the 87th iost. and
wish it were possiblj for me to ba pte-
ssot but 1 regret to say it is not.
v "Caring the time of my Presidency
there baa bsen no messuro in wbich
I hsve taken - keener interest thau
that wbloh started the polioy of Na
tional aid to tbe cause ol irrigation.
"I have felt that tbe use ol the river,
and smaller streams of the Htstas of
tbe great plains and Rooky Mountain!
for Irrigation was even mors Impor
tant to the. futtre of tbis .country
than the improvement of the course ol
these same rivers, lower down, as an
aid to navigation, and when 1 bsosme
President one of tbe first things
to which I turned my attonteon waa
the effort toseoure tbe paaisge of the
taw which inaugurated tbis system.
" congratulate the people of North
Dakota indeed, I congratulate the
people of all the Unitd States oo Ibe
f4t . bat tbis work has biiiun. ' '-.
' It will hi of Incalculable vslne t)
th' people of the semi-srfd regions,
nd therefor j tbe people of the whole
'ountiy, for in tbis pountry whatever
WHfs part of it beueflts all. .
' W b bast wishes, bslieve me, sin
tV . Sneolario the Observer VV-"
'Wiobita, Kan. Oct. 1 The Inepret
sible Oarris broke forth in the firtt
onslaught against tbe rans shops aod
hell souliioua" that she baa started lor
more tban a year. This town Is some
what famed ss aplaoe where Ibe pro
hibition law Is a Joke, end it was not
at all difficult for tbe anthosiastio
Carrie to discover an assy" mark. At
the head 61 sli tils band and, armed
with be-noted hatohet Oarrle Nation
marched on one of the largest retail ;
liquor stores of the eity.Wit1! brr
ware Mrs. Lucy Wilbelm, Mrs. Lyda
Mounts and -tira. Myra MoHenry. At
the first plaoe they were shooed oft by
an offlorr of the lw and a couple of
bir'eodura but tbey were not t) be de
prived of tbeir prey sod the oalvaeada
marched on the, handsome establish
roeot oi MahaD, a wholesale sopply
company In the spiritual b verago
line. ' "" , ' ," - v ') :
Tba quartette' charged on the big
plati glass window of tbe establish
ment and tbute within ware astound
ed to bear the crash' bl falling glass
and mingled with the sound ol con
luaion a temperanoe nyinu. Altar
tbe onslaught the four knelt In prayer
on tbe glass-ooTiradsifJowalk aod re
main. d there uutila nunibirol oSloers
and. the patrol wsgon arrived
:. "Are you - saved brotberf queried
Carrie when an officer tapped her oo
tbe arm..- -7, '
I don't know so mucb abut tbt,"
he replied, "I have-a warrant .for
yonr arrest." ,...;.... ' '
. "Well praise the Lord for that,"
said Carrie aod the man woo owned
tbe , plioe echoed, "Amen."
Reading Room.
T'io east rjora of Central Church ot
Cbrist, Open every dsy from noon to
six In tbe evening. ially and weekly
papers, magasines . aod books. . Men
ud boys cordially Invited. Strangers
always welcome.
Honor of Hoar
Hpefltal to tbe Observer i
Lewiston. Main Oct. 1 eoskr
Frye preaidpnt prn-lem of Ibe United
States aenate tO'l iy named ('ih follow
ing sepatori tp repieaent thearuute In
the fpnera) of Senator Hoar oo . Uqn:
Senators Lodge Piatt of 0. nno.
pqt, Bale. Prjden, Bpooner, Beve ridge
Forskey, MoOomas, Btewart, Oookreil
Baoon, Daniel, Ocrman, Morgan and
New Party$ Ticket
(Observer Special)
Salt Lake Ocl.l-At a largely at
Another excellent family bss left
Union as a result of the removal of the
ooqnty seat to La Qrande, Judge
B.kiu and family are arnong the first
settler of Union and it ia with th
fcesnest regret tint tbeir friends and
neighbors saw thtm depart for another
fyjme. Soou.. . .
M .-a Olive Jones left for Union tbis
m ruing to vlsi with Iriends a few
The 8 Tfo Day Adventists of Union
M ..) are holding a qnerterly Con
li'ii'nq Meetings at Union today and
Mr. Eokley, father ol E L Eokley
and brother of Mrs. B O Bwsckbammer
leaves this week for Nebraska. Mr.
Ecklay has bsen a resident of tbis
oonnly lor a number of years and was
in California in an early day. 8oout.
Portland Markets
Wholesale prioes today areas follows :
Wheat,, export price 83c to see
Barley, beat. . . .- ptl.OO to VJ3.M
Oats 126. to WM
Hay, timothy.;.. .....116 to lit
Batter best creamer? 27i to SfT
Batter, ordinary., .......,2(ic
Egss, per dozen.. 23c to 25c
Chickens, per pound.. .....llKo
Potatoes pef owt. j ..II 1.15
Onions, per owt j 1.60 to 11.75
Apples best, per box,
Peaches, best, per box
Beets, per saok..
Cabbage, per pound.,..,,,
Hogs, feeders..
..76c to $1
0o to76o
......11 S5
63.76 to M
...I..,. 1.75
Judge Robert kin and famil y took
theit departure for La' Grande this
week. Judge Eakin and lamily have
apent the hettur part of their lives In
Union and their departure Is gres-ly
rSgretted by our people who will wlxh
tbern prosperity, happiness and oou.
septmeotin their new borne .Renabi
ioian. d . . 1 f .
Judge Eakin of Union eonnty has
been secured to bold the regular No,
vember term of court in this oounly ,
thh fall. Canyon Oily Eagle, i
Do not forget the Rammagesals at
Kilnstricks lmpllment house begia
Ing Oot 7th and lasting one week.
There will be bargains at tbe Rom
mags sale.
If yon have any rommaga to dispose
of call op Mrs 3 D Slater or Mrs J H
Stevens. ,
The Ontober session of tbe oocnty
court will convene next Wednesday,
;t i