La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 30, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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One Day
Cough Cure
We've seen a remedy advertised to cure coughs
in a day. Better keep the cough and shun the
remedy. You would be drugged, noi cured. ' .. ;
There is inflamation to be removed, healing to
do, waste matter to be expelled before a cough is
rightly cured. White Pine Cough Balsam cannot
cure at ail unless it cures rightly and it requires
from three to five days to cure most coughs. Re
lieves quicker than that of course. 25 and 60o
Adams Avenue,
Bought and Sold. Cash paid for any thing of Value.
We have bargains always on hand.
, Work Harness; $6 00
Trunk ., 1 50
Heating stoves . . $1.50 and up
Oak bed room suit 16,00
Oak extension table 5.00
Oubbard .4.00
Lounge 1.50
SiWagou 1.10 00
The La Grande Pawnbrokers
Corner Fir and Adams
Remember we still buy and eell kind m, ....
oi Second Hand Good. J J fhOnC J 30 J
Concerning People Who Come
ad go and Other Items
of Local Interest.
For Every
Ush Purchase
Of one dollar and for every dollar paid on account
from Oct 1 to Nov 1 a ticket will be jsued entitling
the holder thereof to a chance in our $35 00 Suit
drawing which will take place on the . eveniug of
Nov 19 at 7:30
Suit now on display in our window
Ross & Andrews,
Gents' Furnishers and Tailors I
N W Harnett, of Atbena, Is in the
B W B Smith, of Baker City, is in 1
the oity.
Iven Jeffries, formerly bookkeeper
for the Bascbe.Sage Company -here,
and latterly with the Stoddard Lam
ber Company iu La Grande, arrived
here yeaterday morning and will prib
ahly be employed here In the future.
Sumpter Reporter.
John Jamea of La Grande and Chas.
Chandler ot Pleasant Valley, were
among yesterday's arrival at the Sag
amore. Baker City Herald.
J L Thompson of La Grande, la
visiting in the oity a guest at the Kolb
Halter City Herald.
The heavy passenger traffic on both
west and east bound trains Is tLeoaase
for much irregularity in their sobednle.
The Elgin train brought in nine oars
ot sh'ep from Wallowa county which
will be shipped to Colorado and pre
pared for the Chioago market.
The latest news from Mrs. Roberts,
who is in the Good Samaritan hospit
al, is that she is now rapidly improv
ing and Mr. Roberts expeots to return
the first of the weok.
J L Corbett is down from the mines
up the river and does not expect to re
turn for several weeks.
Rev. O B Crockett, pastor of the M
B Church South ol this city, returned
last evening from a visit to Spokane
and other Washington points.
FOR RENT Office rooms, inquire at
O F Coolldge's paint store.
Jack Childs expeots to leave Tues
day for Walla Walla where he baa the
contract for constructing a large septlo
sewer for be Walla Walla Meat and
Gold Storage Co.
Mrs Smith, who has been visiting
her aunt, Mrs J A Frawley, left this
morning for Huntington where she
will vijit friends for a short time be
fore returning to her home in Portland.
A Store With
A Record
We beun doing busi-iii-ss
in this town for 6 yeats
In it at tint: llic town has
tieilv duiiile'i in population
Pnrire the fame lime our
business has incr- a-ul F1VT. FOLD. In oiler words
our business Iihs ihkIi i, gio i ! 1 more rapid increase
than the town lm '1 1 en i u- zui. f ri h-o is for this
all of which you iU iii.ei t il'w u lr (sin tmjirg drug
store goods of us In i he liist plnre w had a il.orough
training (or plmm icy. In 'lie second plxce ve had ex
ceptional oppnmmii lit f'N I inning the pnict nil side of
pbarmucy in m i.ful i!iug stoic tl i Ik- lilcst stand
ing. In the thiid 1 1 e e have k. pt our ej es v u and
attended lo bus-ine- until we know the i demands of the
people of tins town
Dr. Uauthorn has established dental
parlors over Hill's drag store and
now ready to receive a share of the
poblio patronage. On another page
bil professional card appears.
' Hesdamea M L Causey and F
Moore entertained the members of the
High Five oiub at the borne of the
former yesterday afternoon. Mrs
Causer woo first prize and Airs. F L
Meyers second.
The young ladies of the Damen
Krant met at the borne of Miss Maud
DeLong last evening. .
The members of the Kaffee Klatecb
were entertained by Miss Margaret
Kirk this afternoon.
"A Runaway Match" at the Opera
House tonight. V
O E Lemmons Is running the O R 4
N yard engine at Pendleton in tbe ab
sence of A Gustafaon, who is taking a
short rest. .:-,.' a '. ..
FOR SALE! A five room house just
completed, with bath, water aud
septio sewer system, in popular resi
dence portion of tho city. For par
ticulars call at the O F . Coolidge
paint store.
There has been a lively skirmish
among local buyers for oats tbe past
few days and the prioe has reached the
$1.05 mark. The Grande Ronde Cash
Co., parohased 20 oars from growers,
in the north end ot the valley this
week. .
Our friend F R Suydan is certainly
having his share ot this world's troub
le, jnst at this time having a felon oh
each band and they are just at tbe
state when one is resting easy tbe other
needs lancing.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Binder leave
Monday for their new home in Ontario
where he will open a grocery a id bak
ery. . -
Mrs Agnew expeots to arrive horn
Dayton Wash In a few days and will
open a' Kindergarten eohool Her
terms will be $2 per month per pupil
or $3 for two ohildren in the same lam-
ily. Mrs Agnew received ber train
ing in Germany and comes highly re-oummended.
The oity authorities are building a
new and muoli r.eaded walk on the
Bant side ol Kim St between Wash
ington and Adam Sta.
The recent rains were jnst enough
to set the i lows agoing all over tbe
Mrs J K LbuIis, of Ouvp, was a bus
iness visitor in cur city luduy, and re
ports . very 111 in g getting along ni'iely
on their hoe fruit firm it that pin'.
i E. P. 8taple t-1. Homlg
. ( .
A full end complete line of staple and fanoy
eerie. Fancy canned and luneh goods;
granite ware and wooden ware. -
Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products
always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. t ,
Phone 431
Just received and must be sold next week. To do this
you may select anything you want and I will make the
Price Nearly at Cost
This big stock consists of Bed Room Suits, Iron Beds,
Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, Curtains, Carpets,
Linoleums; Plain, Cane Seat and Upholstered Chairs and
. Rockers, Parlor Sets,. Etc. Complete Ktichen and Din-
in $. Room Furniture, Heating and Cook Stoves, Harness '
Saddles, Briddles, Collars, Chains, Tools and in fact the
Biggest Lot of Second Hand Goods in Union County
Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of
Repair work. Carpets Oleaned and laid .
fl. B, Haigten Pho2n0e5, F. D. Haigten
Highest Prices Paid for Second Hand Goods.
In these dsys of the Increasing
nse of electriolty the danger
of .having yoor watoh magna
tized is greater than in tbe past.
Iam in shape to demagnaiize
your watch right away and put
it In as good shape as when it
left the, factory. 'J here is no
necessity of running the risk of
having your watch lost or
broken sending it away when
you can get it made as good as
new at borne by a practiole
workman at a low coat.
hot Off The Griddle
la the only way to serve oakes. Everv
body knows t' at's how they get theta
at our restaurant, and that's why
we're alwaysjushed during meal hoars
For rt R Men lOo at Newlln Draff
Co., tf.
Half our Life
Is taken up with eating, and drinking
and Bleeping. Tbe sleeping you don't
know much abmt but the eating yon
do Why not then eat tho best? It's
wonlertul what a good, satisfying
meal we can serve you for the price.
Come as often as you please and we'll
always be glad to see you.
We tell weekly Meal' .
Tickets, Cash $4-3W
J. H. Feare, the Jeweler
The nnual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large
STOCK OF FURNITURE, Carpets, Linoleum, Mattings,
Window Shade, Pictures, Et-, will bear your most critioal
investigation. Our stock is c implete. Our price? right.
Undertakers and Embalmers
: A. T. HILL,
5 . Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore
- .
LAA J J. m m m
S T 0 V E S
We have the Anvil line of wood and coal Heating stoves.
This line is one of the best medium priced Hues of stoves on the market. Well known
in the East where the selection of a stove for the long, cold winter months means much .
buy iug stoves.
and thoroughly established
Look this line over before
The Golden Rule Company
1808-1310-1312 Adams Avenue
Largest Store Smallest Prices
iad the Daily Observer
'MH1I HMI II huh mint