11 "II dW A MAN WITri MoNEY is always in a position to dic tate bis own terms when mak ing a bargain.' Real?" estate offers no better investment than ! GOOtfJrARMgf' v We are "offering foY.befyen.with ready money some choice farms G at bargain counter prions. tuvro id uu uMnrge tu give ?ou full particulars. If you're joking for a "map" cow is the time to get it. Don't Jo?e he opportunity, as they ere certain Wgo'sobb. .' ;-"Ti;v! jCa Srande investment Company; 1 . ' ' 1 , 1110 Adms Avenue, : : . v QraodQregon TURKESTAN- ALFALFA ; The Dry Land Alfalfa grows' without Irri-v gation. ", ' ""' BROME GRASS ; : Rd Clover; Al.fa ?nd all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat. Baled ' Barley, Oats, Etc.' " - The only Seed House ; inUnioa County. A.. V". Olwer JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeete ONE MIGHT ONLY Friday, Sept 30 A FESTIVAL OF UUGHTER ' Muller amd Bales present Mark E. Swan's Hilarious Mirth -provoking success "A Runaway KM.- A. -Ml. lTiaicn A Bona ay. Match at the (bird Avense yesterday jammed - lhe"'"tbealre ' both . a fit moon and even ing and pleated the J people so i1nj.il that' ; J J lot ef them are gain next some again;- week.-StWe Times Monday, Aug. 27. FUN THAT'S CONTAGtoTS All the new songs of (this season! "No, you haven't beard them; they are new. PRICES: 25c, 60c and 75o. Seats now on sale teeeeseeeeeee FULL MEASURES Chain wood by the Cord 128 oubic feet to the cord. 16-inch dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load. You pay for wht you get aud get'what you pay for. 4 Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY A Few Choice Bargains' in Wal lowa County Real Estate (1) 800 anr-a ot Un I, 18) ejre oipible of caltlrstloA, 111 t In fall town w lest. Hoa ru au-t otnsr bultilnji.-l gr iafaoraiIlorelirft. hotlM. karB ni iOOtl oiblMlnrt, 10. Mr la Ifall town nun: arrull stream ot water S through pU-A trrt barMa. at 111 1,0 outbuilding gut SHOiiieaitTr I" ' i . .... , ... -mi.,. Im ihin.h nlartoa A hnI Mmh il I. MW 0 ic'iu of lamt part ul whk-lt ia lha So.u of mmdoW; food houae and id.. i.Yul Hrr ilil nr tor. Tola il a a-raat barrala. i N)et4 01 Dm land at U per H.T- Tlwa art a law at Ih. man, aura W, hare to oVr ID tb way of real rtata bargains. ' Far nirUln paeUoalan addraaa, ' - McDonald M'Dfu liel WALLOWA, OREGON Li Grande Evening Observer CUBBEY BROS., Editors at Props Entered at the Pott OtBpa at La anode,- Oregon, ' at Second Class Mail Matter. . - J. ". . - Published daily excopt Sunday- One year in advance. ..... 6 50 Sir mocthr in advance. .3 50 Per. month .65e Single xopy . . 6o FRIDAY EVENING,. SEPT 30. 1904 . FOB PRESIDENT . THEODORE ROOSEVELTj ;6i;iW York';'..'1; VOVL VICE PRESIDENT . , CHABLES W. FAIRBANKS iej;,;;-.'; ;6f Indiana' " ;. FOR PRE8IDENTAL ELECTORS , SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, DRUGS : ' AT ;" v . La praiide Drug Co; and Red Cross Drug Co the selection of Judges of the Court 6f Appeals. Two Judges and each State convention.' ihae jquairy, alto all stone on the 230 acre made tone nomination,- witn an endorsement by both conven tions. 'y- J ?i' V? O, B. DIMMIOK, A, C. HOUGH, ' j. N. BART, J. A. FEE, ; Olackmas Josephine Polk Umatilla THE PANAMA CANAL , ; Having ben duly crowned, it wonld be the part Of wisdom for P$ ter of Seryia to keep the key to the oyolone cellar handy. When the Panama Canal is in Deration " the distance which a bushel of Oregon wheat will have to; travel in ocean going; sliip. to!reaoh ' ' Liver pool V Eng ln'd will be 'shortened by 6,000 miles..- . . .- ' -. - , , By the present route around CipVHorn we ''pBy' foi ,14,000 miles, by the canal the charge will be for 8,000 miles: The farmers of ' Oregon, who ship produce to a market - in Europe, and the . consumers ' of European staff on' the ; Pacifip coast,, can eee, at a glance at the abjvb figures, the importance to them of having tne canal fin ished at' the earliest; 'possible, moment. ' It takei no marshalling of fig ures to inform the Oregon- farr men and' conaumers of Europ ean goods that the'shorteuing of the route six thousand miles by which their produce - reaches a market, -and a corresponding shortening of the line of travel over ' which stuffs from Europe must come, will be of great nnoialJ'beneBt ' to them The difference in the price leceived foi the wheat crop oh an Oregon farm, after the caual is complet ed from that now .prooured, will nut ue iur irutij Btai. uuu uuuujr taxes pn the farm from which the wheat was cut. Praotically every year xomtiletinn of thte IHnna'iaf is proorastinated naeanf' to .our people a loss equivalent, to, tje amount paid eacn; year by "them for state and county taxes. completion will not only add di rectly to the price of wheat and. fruit exported - to Europe bjut will not only oheapefe tlie' Euro?. pean svuus ' consumeo oere, ouv will in all reasonable oro. eheapett fherates on the tranpr continental r'au 'roads, ' as tb rail reads will thenhave, lo fig ure on the ocean ships, b.aving six thousand fewer, miles, oyer which to carry, freight to. and front Europe ' for V the, Pacify slope. , ' - j The people of this -coast hayn a vital and tremendous interest in the early completidn if-tSe oanal, Common sense dioUteB that in the choice of; a map, to put in charge of that great enter prise, they oast (tjhoir yotes fojf man whose x,trown 'u,9 rong tried characteYistic 'is'; to" 'do things and do them promptly, in preference to a man whose most ardent admirers cannot name a single act ne nas aone of importance to the general publin. New York Democrats are only fearful that when David B Hill retires be will insist on the open door being left wider open then ever. ELECTRICITY AT THE DALLES The Dalles Chtouiole ' giraa out the IqllowiDg; ... M- "Tb W-oo,Wate.oa.e HilbqgOo bat demoost-jatedd the feMibility.of eleotrioal (ranamlMloo of water power From White Hirer Dall, about .7 aiilee.dUt.nt from the Dll, It ba brought power to thia.oity, -whiob la now utlliaed tj operate tbe machinery of two larre wiat miUi. the eleotrio lighting of the municipality and other prlfate enterprise!, planiDg mill, and maobine tbopa - W understand that It baa (or sale revrral horie1 poser not in uso." Notice I hereby notify all persons that I am pastdre and all parties are hereby for bidden from taking stone off of said tract. - '.J J l Mars;;i TO BENT Elegantly famished front room inl( private, ; residence. : No at)tdren. .Convenient to ; business dlstrlot and, high hool, , Inqnire o( B B Haisten, corner 6th and O it. Pbone 205U . . Oct. 6 .. ,r ; Notice r Every Friday atterijnoq at half past two o'olock benlnning Sept. 16 tkere will be a meet log at tie borne o(i-Mrs. Geo. Blake at Island Ulty lor the' par pose of reading the Writings of the New Oharah.glven to the World tbroogh Emanuel Bwedeoborg. ' .' . Any one interested In knowing what ' the New Church teaohes Is cordially Invited to be prese t. , RAIL ROAD MEN fleyserite soap lOo Mewlln DrngOo , tf ' ' i : r Am Now Ready ','::: '.. '' for rusiness ' , I am a graduate of the Welander Cutting School, New York, android, a diploma therefrom. ' I am a, j praotical cutter and designer. ' Give me a chance,.- .,i .!-'' 1 A. H. Marqurdt l TAILOR La Grande,, - Oregon . How dtar to my heart is the old-fashioned washboard , 7 - Tbat mother oaed to wash on whan I a i. 1 ' - Wtth its line-covered ridges the ends rued to play'ln Efattleship Launched Brooklyn Wsvjr; "Yard," -Sept. SO Amid the obeera'so! thousands the waiving of flags and booming of can non the battleship' Oonneotiont de signed to stand as -the most impres sive i I fighting maobines afloat was snooes(ully laDjncnBd at 11:16 this moroiqg, ' . . , ' Mil Alice Vellefl.a gramtdaughter ol Qidaoo secetari o( tbe navy under Lincoln christened the btlileahip. . '.. . ' -' ' 1 - Commander Assassinated (Geneva', BwitZ' rand, Sept, 30- Word bat been received here that Col onel Bikoff; commander of, thiKossian r guard on the Turkish Irontifij ia3 been assaninat--I. It.'s,. not stated whether or not tue aaaaa in is known. Ooloe 1 Bikoff reoent'.y helped the Turks in an atttek npou Arma lan revolutionists in which, au, Arme lian bearing a white Bag was. killed u he ItaUpproaohed ibe Turkiab troops. Fol lowing the attack upon the Atmen Mans, Colonel,, P 1 FT ptrmitted the Cpssaoks who bkJ juiued. the Turks to pillage and mutilate the corpse of kibe Armenians. : - And soap bubbles samboled to n.i nhllHIah., inv Ottlmes have I watched her when wearing ber knuckles. . As over the ridges oor duds she wonld-rab, I ne'er will forget how she snlashed and she slatbarop J The old fashioned wash board that stood in the tub. CHORUS One good thing about both parties in New York they do not allow politics to enter into The Piano We're selling upw for $167 costs $250.00 else- where Big buying and big selling does it at Eilers Piano He use 351 Washington Strce',. - corner Park Portland, Oregon The old fashioned washboard: Tne zinc-covered washboard; ' The back-breaking washboard that stood in the tub. Some folk's always kiok about up-to-date laaJdries And say they wear out their clothes every day: ' Bat give them, to me, so I will have a hot dinner At home, with the smell of the soap suds away I know that the washing machine is maoh easier m,!,?,? P ?f onr oloths than to take them and rub Till the buttons ani bosoms are lost and' worn out By the old-fashioned washboard that stood in the tub. " We are not the old fashioned kind. ABC LAUNDRY PHONE j i85x ststaaatsaata aaa t ' " OFrCrriF.Rfl- 4 J "iKJivivBBa mi i ' Uao. Palm bb. .- .'l PthM... i u r . . H- ar Vh A. B. Conley, Geo. L. Clea- J.M.OHBwa. Chier er, Geo. Palmer F.L.UKTBBS and Geo L Cleaver Assr. Cashiers LaG 3655 A. T JRANDE 1NATIONAL KaNK La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking bu.lneas. Bnv. and sail. h.-. Collections a specialty. all parts of the world. a etSStes-eaaa i a.., . . City Property For 1 Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room House Sale. Also Other City Property At GRANT & HERR0NS For Write us for particulars. $5 or $6 a moatb buys one here. M a rarmers' and Trader! National Bank, LAGRANDE, . OREGON Capital Stock fully paid . 60,000 Surplus fund . , . 13 oiin Liability of Shareholders . 60 000 Responsibility ... .. . - jJJJ . r!fu horfrrfff11" AQi businew. rafts bought and gold on eartern and foreign banks! rl II 11 JOSEPH PALMER, President J J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier J 1 .' jra-r