BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE, and POLANDCHINA SWINE. We now have eight young bucks, pure bred, Cots wold and shropshires, ready for service, anyone need, ing choice bucks, should see these to appreciate them YouDg stock always on. hand, and always glad to have you call and see our hogs, as we brefd them for the Farmer, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. ' H J M e a t Mar k ett .-. Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors. ' WHOLESALE - AND RETA1L .JjBUTCHEPS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry Half a Carload of ; New Wall Paper. We have just received half a car load of the newest and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000 . rolls. This is more paper than any one firm ever thought of bringing into this county In a single season. Tbli paper b U for sale and most be sold tbis season, W have brought two flirt olaas paper banger direct from Chicago, ' who are without doubt the moat skillful workmen in Eastern who, with the five first olaas pn. i hangera already in oar em ploy, give aa the beat working ti - the Inland Empire. Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. eiLiS AND GLAbS CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET taking advantage ol every oi aotnal fouling . ; rule aboil Lodge Directory. KAOI.KB La Granite Airio 55 F O Hi moeu every Friilar ulnUt In K ol ! lull a' S na Visiting brethern Invited U. alien (J C Itockwell, W P a. tt mayvlllo, W Boo. fORESTEHS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marlon, No 22 niccta each Tuesday tn Ela'a ball. Brothers are iDVlted to intend, Al Holnner Chief Fsnnr. C J Vanderpool Ktvfcec. I O O F La Brando Lodgr, No 16 c .u tlicir hall every haturday night- VHtUug n,era born cordially Invited to attend- SE Rlnohart N U H B Coolidgo. Sec A. t'.&A. M. La Grande Lodge o. 41. meets every 1st ind 3rd fiatur j.j of each month. A C Williams Bco, C D Huff man W. It ii in rr i ill ghtful Route, Daylight Ride Dizzy Crags, Deep Cunttus. A Golden Opportunity Se nature In all her glorious benuty, and then the acme ol man's haudiwork. The first is found along the line of the Denver & RioGrantle rinilroiid l iid the hitter at the St. L- uis World's Fair. Your trip' will 'ie Wood Saw ' Having leased the G W Allen steam wood saw, 1 am prepared to promptly take oare of all orders entrusted to me. W M Andte, ' Corner breenwood and H ill streets flioue 730 S 12 O GOES CRAZY UPON CONVICTION The following are the oases on tlte docket to be disposed o( at tbeOotober term of the circuit court aain general ly the caw however some are - oarrled over: '.''".,'''"":. . ":. ' i. .'. ' , 1 ;', EQUITY .,: . ;; ',. W. F. and Ellzabtth Berger PH. . v Wallowa H Co. Enterprise M Go. Mur sweiber Bros. E 0 Hayes, to recover note and mortgage and $17000 dar- age. '.. . James Begg pit. vs. Murphy Bros. 4 0 0 Pebnington, little of Lot 3. blk. 7, Cnggans Ads involved. . Jjaaie Bowman vs. Edward Bowman divoroe prayed for oruel and inhuman treatment alleged. . ; ! .; y '' HLBurelvs.JL Hendman eta Plf. alleges error in deed ezeouted. " 1 Florence Dobbin vs. Frank Hempe To prevent opening ol road. Crawford & Finn vs. Union county Roar matter." . ..'.',':.'." , , Clara F Christian vs. Chas.L Chris tian, divoroe asked lor on grounds ol cruel treatmeat. - W m Henry v . A P Oaylor et al, to recover money. ' - Mabel Flak vs.- Madison J Fisk , divoroe prayed for alleges adultery. ' - W H Ewin and J R Herr vs. H R Robinson , restraining order asked lor. O. 8 Frenoh vs. Helen and Robert i Warren, partition cf property prayed for. . . G L Hoffman va. F N -Watt,, water right. . law oases Bacon A Hall plf. vs. Gbaa G Baker and wile, to recover money for pro fessional cervices. O W Bigger vs. Chas A MoGrary and wile, to recover rentals. , Bacon & Hall y, J A Matott and wife, to recover money for professional a 'rvioes. s The Alrleno Nat. Bank vt. Rich mond & Wright, to recover money. , J F Alden vs. Grand Ronde Lumber Co. to recover for boraes injured. Amalgamated 8ugar Co. va. Henry Srriker, to recover bonus. , . .; Amalgamated Sugar Co. vs. Geo. W. Robertson, same. - M80roseov. WB Oampbell, to reco ver money. ' '. Enterpriae Habit Co. vs. Fetor Beck to reoovtr mone . J if. Harris v. U D and G W Ruck man, to recover mouey. Edtrlla B. Holmes vs. J H Terry and wife, to recover possessions. W G Hunter Adme. vs. 8 F llich ar Ison, to recover rental. Fire At Lewiston v i Bpaoial to the Obaerver i Lewiston, Idaho Sept. IS Fire to night destroyed a row ol frame, build ings on First street and for a period threatened the business section. All the paraphernalia ol the Masonic and Elks lodge was destroyed. The loss is about $14 000 with small insurance. Eight room on North Fir Street en quire of Mrs Shearer. 8-tf HOUBK TO RENT The proper, per son can sec are a nrst claas reudencs In good part of town by Inquiring of J N Wilson at his residence on Blroh street .' 3t Large Apportionment County school superintendent E. E, Bragg is now engaged on making the apportionment ol the county and state school' money. He wll have be same completed by Monday hut it oei tain il will bs in excess ol last years amount and will eioeei $20,000. . "; For Rent - ; ' jhree houses tor rent on R. F, D, No 1 will Intake, liberal terms tp the right persona. Special Inducements to long term leasers. L B Hyatt. .. R K D No. 1 La Grande , Sept. aa-Oou S3 , ;, ,r ; , ..; GEYSERITE SOAP -ForR RMen lOoat KohI.u Drag Co, Real estate Snap Two acre tract, seven blooke from center of La Grande. -: Good six room ed cottage furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen hnnse and wire enclosed park over one ' ' ndred ohiokena, over 100 beariDg 'mlt. trees including winter and sum . r apples, . peaia, : prunes, peaohea and aeveral verities .of oberries, one thousand raspberries. 500 strawberriea twenty five shade trees, lawn. Boeis and large gardeu ready for use, three wells, two Dumns. ten shares in eood water ditoh. House insured for 700 for three years. Part down. For particulars Inquire at tbla offloe. v Don't Forget ' The ladles of La Grande are invited to call at J D McKennon's to sample Finn pure wheat starch for dainty deserts. " Ontario, Ore. Sept. 2tW Circuit court for Malheur county adjourned at Vale Snturday. The case ol J.tmes Col well for sim plicity in t' e murder of Warren Cur tis wtiioh was committed at Narrows Harney cuunto in 1902 w given to the jury late r-rulay nigin ana Bamr- tiaUft 8c ti 28 Two of the prison day morning they returned a verdiot er, who el(wne,i (rora the B:l Ings jail of manslaughter and Saturday after-: j4sl Frj,j,y njght bave been captured noon Judge Davis eentenoea lyoiweii nor Cuater 40 mje, eaat 0f Billinaa. Escapes Caught to serve hx eara in the slate prienn Sho ly after receiving his sentence Oulwili who was acting strangely Fri day night became a raving maniao. Sunday afternoon Sheriff Liwrcnce with two gunri's departed with Col well They are charged with complicity in a numbir o! robberies in Billings. Possw are still out bunting for the other. ? "Kid" McCoy Wins laud George T Miller -vim is serving life sentence tor the 8fme for (Obfervpr HppcNl) O.I I: V aA rl...r.niaiO f A n.tialoj fia(- 'JO UtflAtt Ma ore of pleasure uiaKe tne that it be(,ftmB neoeflMrv to .l.ce him Coy was givnn the decision over Jack Of It. tor information and lllUS in ,(tra gbt-jicket. Mil'er who was a '(rw.n)9ullivau ofB aton at' the end trrtttid llternttire write witneaa in the cme did a 1 be could toj( U)H lwDtieth round tonight Tha . C. McBKI Dh, Gr-t.. Agt. 8bield Colwejl 1 h4 M &i lat tl0m lhe ,Urt both Portlnnn, Ort?i Eastern Oregon Busineaa Oolledge Sohool of Shorthand, and ' Normal Baker Olty, Oregon, had tour calls for Stenographers last week and was unable to fill them al). Our student get good positions when competent, Business men call on us' when they want tellable competent help, Now is the time, for young people to enroll, ' Praotioal Business methods are taught. The light line . System of Shorthand is 'taught which can be learned in about half the time the old Shaded BysUuns. ... ' Tuilionand Board reasonable' MO Perry Prino. 9-21-10 21 DAW for R.n: Beautiful Columbia . River Folder The.bulldiog formerly occupied byl A pasaengerdpartmect.of.UieOre- the Salvation army. For full par-' goo Railroad Navigation Kompaoy titular and rates inquire of Mrs baa Just iasnad beautiful and oostly 8 O Zuber. Aug. 31 1 1 Furnished rooms to rant, Inquire) of . Mrs A L Stover, Hilt honaa north ' of oar shop Phone iotll S, 16. FOR RENTFornlshed . rooms tor rent. Apply to Mrs. M A Adams, 1306 O street. Phone 563. Sept FOR RUNT Uouaek eeplng room very nicely tarnished. ' Two blocks west ol High Sohool, on the corner of 1st and M St. WANTED: Work of any kind, eos - Ing preferred, by a yonng, able-bodld married man with good recommenda tions, and is nut afraid to work. Apply at this office. panoramlo folder entitled "Tha Col ombia' Ritar, through tha Cascade Mountains, to hePaiflo Oosaji." tram Arlington to r-tland and from Portland to the ' PaclBo ' Ocean, "vary carve of tha river and Mh-ary point of.lntttreat are aho wo while Mt Rood Mt Adams, kndJMs.St Helena, porpo. " tually covered witk "Kiow'( aland oat in there beauty. On the back of the asp i an Interesting story Id detail of the trip frOuf Huntington to Port land and from "Portland to tha ocean. -not overlooking toe beaches 1 and the San Francisco trip by' ocean- 'A "copy of this folder may be aeoored by send ' Ing fouroents in stamp to pay poetage to A L Craig, General Passenger Agent of tha Oregon Railroad as navigation Com pan Portland, Oregon, ' By send- - ing tha address of some friend in the East, and four cent In 'portage the folder will be oromotlv mailed, r ' LOST The crown off of a Knight Templar's emblem with a setting of Ave small dlamonda. Finder vill pleaae .leave at J M Berry's store a,t 1 receive reward. y- if LOST t3f- ii '.,.b. ' e tauei will pleas leave -' (ma otBca and get liberal re ward. -- . at About October 1st I .will receive a arge shipment of bulbs, consisting of tulips, hyaolntha,4 narolsals, oroeiis and many other oholoe flowers. Oct. ober Is tha proper month to obtain tha best results. Order early. 'Phona 1101. Green House. ' Sept 1128 LOST On the streets of La Grande, an abstract of title Irom the otfioe of La Grande Investment Company. Find' erwill please return to office of Li Grande Investment Company. ' WANTED Three good Mrs. Anna James. . aeamatreaa Bept 16 tORS&LE 8 acres of land sad bouse of 6 rooms t aoras In bearing orchard one acre In strawberries, stables for 6 horses and oat houses plenty of water 20 minuets work from P O for particular call at grocery store of, W MoFarlane. 9110-1. - ' FOR SALE A four room house obeap If taken at onoe. Almost new and residence part ol town. ' In quire at thla offloe. ' 8 20-27 FOR BALE Eight lota and 7 room house, price , $1900. ' House alone IU00. 8 lots $80i. Enquire of J Baker. . . ) 6t EOR SALE Five room house in good residence portion of town. Will be ' sold oheap if sold at once. Inquire of H P Lewis or Wm. Worstell, La Grande, Oregon. Oct 1 Columbia S1, Comineroial Uni ve r sity 8m'.dr Zl APf LT FOR GATiiiOUUI . (Jources. Boanling school tor young men & boys. Box 34S University Park Station, Pjrilanl Oregon ARE YOU GOING TO ST. LOU so, purchase yonr ticket via the ISLAND FRIBCO SYSTEMS, c of routes going or returning 8T.PAUL, DKNVER, COLORADO SPRINUS, or POEItLO. For rates call on your local Agont. tes of ssle: June 10-17 -18 July 1-2-3 K. 8-IMO Sept. 6-0-7 Oct. 3-4-5. tor farther information and Bleeping r reorrations call upon or address A H Mc Donald 1 Gm'l Agent '.I H Bt , Portland,-Ore I 1 ...... .1 When your lungs are sore and Inflamed from coughing. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. WtsEY stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con-" tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB lung Ths i L ' a safe nd never failing remedy for all throat and old Hi Had Consumption A Marvslous Curt. t, Ressoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctor said I had con- sump. -it no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helpw from the start and Mopped the spitting of blood and the pain la my lungs and today 1 am sound and well. THREE SIZES 2So, 6O0, and $1.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES SOLD AMD RECQMKEXDED BY Bulbs Coming H Cook Wnnted A B Conley want a cook, women pre. , fered, man and wife can tecare employ- ment, . Mr Uonley can be lound at tha Sommer House almost any day. (Sept 22-29 Citation! i Position Wanted Young a it experienced in genera merchandise and bookkeeping desires position. Moderate !alary. Refer- encea famished. Address LFO box 607, city. S17 Bids Wanted The plana and specification for tLe exhibit building are now in the office of M. L. Oausey and bids lor it con struction will be received op to Tues day evening. . . Teams Wanted To haul lomlieJ from Ladd Canyon to La Orande for partlculara enquire of Wm Ormond or Stoddards Planing Mill. Sept. 1928 IX THE COUNTY COURT, FOR . '"! THE OOONTT OF UNION, . 1 STATE OP OREGON. In tha matter of the guard-) ianahip of Jeaae N Kaim- Citation. baoh, a Minor ) To Jeaae N. Kalmbaoh.f said Minor, and Marv Kalmhanlr. hia onarillan anit ' next ol kin, and all other persons in terested In tha estate of said Minor . GREETING: ' In the name of the state of Oregon Von are hereby cited and required to . appear In the county oourt ol the state Oregon, ior the county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande . In the county ol Union, on Saturday the 6th day of October, 1904, at 1:30 o'olock, Ii. the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause, il any, you have, why the petition ol Mary Kalmbaoh, gnardlan ol the person and estate of the above named minor, pray Ing foran order of the court authoriz ing, lioenalng, and empowering her to sell the real property belonging to him the said Jesse N Kalmbaoh, a Minor (subject to the widow'sdower therein,) " Umit: an undivided half interest Id . and to the HW oi Seo. Id, InTp. lJS.- R. 17 E. W. M., and In Sherman county, Oregon. . ' 1 WITNESS: the Bon. M A Harrlaon, Judge of the county court of tha state of Oregon, for . the eonuty of Union, with the seal of said : court affixed this 7th day of Sept. 1901 -j ATTEST :y BiGlltain, Clerk. Pictures of The Wreck Parties wishing picture of . the wreck can secure same by calling at J. R. Smith's Jewelry Store. 1 Purse Lost Between Al Goods farm and tbis oity. Krown bag containing $2.06 silver flnilfr please leave at J R Smith ewelry store. Sept 0-29 Free! Free will Mc- "Kluir," the pure wbert starch e demonstrated all week at J D Kennon'e. 1 FIRE PROOF SAFE Kor aale, weight 2503, prloe $50. Call or write La UrauJa Pawnbroker Phone 1681. Furniture For Sale And house to rent apply to Mrs Kbaareropposite Startircoery N"rtb ol track . No Hunting All 'persons are forbidden to hunt with firearms or dog on my land on der pain of being pn secuted for tree Pass. 8ept O Nov 7) Josoih Anson Piano Tuner Hare Prof. Hendricks tun your uiano. Il will pay rou to do so. Tun ing and repairing carefully done. We aiuf..- biiiiui yuur worn, Oct 8 Prof. Hendricks ADMLNISTRATOR'S.SAXiB. By virtue of au order and lioenee, mads and entered by tha 'Honorabl County Court. on September 10, 1904, In the matter of the adtnlniatratlonj of tne estate or Angle A wooa, aeoeased. I will from andj alter October 82nd 1901, at my offloe kNo. 1110 Adams Oregon, proceed to private sal lot numbered eight (8), in Hook No. 60 in Chaplin's Addition to tot Olty of La Grande, Union County, Oregon. Parties desiring to purchase aald dtod. erty may deposit sealed bids ou or be fore said date, together with certified oheok for ten per cent of the amount. bid for said pioperty as a guarantee that said offer will be complied with In caae the offer is accepted. No offer will be oonaidered for a sum less than 11200. Terms of sals, oaah to ma In baud. J. K. Wright. Administrator of th estate) of Angle A. Wood, deeeased. Dated September 17, 1(04. IN TUB UNITED STATES DITRIOT COURT FOR THE DISTRlOr OF OREGON. n the matter, of) Notlos of erst SBI J. D. Kerr V Meeting of bank runt. 1 Unwlitura. To the creditors of J. O. Kerr, of La Orande, Union County, Oregon, bank, ruut. - NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, that on the Lith dar of He lit em ber, 1904, the aaid J. D. Kerr, was duly adjudioatel a llankrupt, and that the Elrst meeting 0' the Creditors will be held at the ofTlceof the undersigned in LaGrando, Oregon, on 'luesday, September Kith, 1904, at ten o'olock, In the forenoon, ol aald day, at which time and place aald Creditota may attend, prove their claima, appoint a Trustee, examine the Bankrupt, and transact such other business aa may properly come before -aid mooting. Twrnty Hveceuts must accompany eacbolrlm Qled. Dated at La Orande, Oregon, Sept- ruber 15, 11)04. , F. 8. Ivanhoe, Referee iu Bankruptcy. A T BILL, t;; 1