MAN WITrf MON EY 'u Grande Evening Observer A is always in a position lo dic tate his .own terms when mak ing bargain.'? RaU estate offers no bet'er investment than 4Q00b H'ARMS wW&"arVoffcring4o bfyraP with ready money some choice farms at hargain counter prices. rr. i nere j na cnarge -o - give you mil particulars. If you're hokmg for a "snap" now is the time to get it. Don't lose the to eo soon. i i CUBBEY BROS., Editors Props JLa Orancte investment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, hti Grande, Oregon Entered at the folk tffflbe a La Qnndd, Or(oii,'u' Second Class Mail Mattar. . Published daily except Sunday One year in advanoe. . . . . . $8 50 Birmocths to-idvance rrr.S B 0 Per month . . .. . .'i . .", .".66c Single copy. . . . . . . . . . J. .6c WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPT .27,199 iDRPlDODODPO 0 D OtfUtt'DO D a WHITH ROSE; - FLOUR : ..a ik-v. ! I? milled with the idea of pleasing tev'e'ry( dealer's high-!- " olass trade-custo'"'!-! iwhd ajpp'recaf.n. : ;' K name of the Pioneer Fldnring Mill Co; guarantees , re-, D liability and ' highest grade in every sack of ' floor1 bearing the White Rose brand. Pioneer Flouting i Mill Co. BiaDDasiDDDoaaDDDaooDD n. fJSii Whenever your life seems hard to lire, And the-way.seem rough and long; Whenever tbe world seems loath to give A bit of Its mirth and tong; - When you seem to be oast on 'the shady t- Vbere the world is steeped in sin, Jost open the doors of voat heart ail- qnlts wide, . And let the Snnshlne in. ' - '' - - ' 1-11 V p'AKkfck'S LETTER, After 'cogitating over what he wanted io say jTor seven ty nipe days, Judge Parker on Septem ber 26, gave the public his letter, formally, aooepting the nomina ted1 lit! Detn'ocrattc candidate for the presidency, 'tendered him by nun ioutwiauu . iiauuuii .vuur TURKESTAN ALKAtiFA -! i The Dry Land Alfalfa growa without irri- gation. ; BROME GRASS v. Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of i (" Garden Seed ' in bulk .- c Barley. a.":v.; JEFFERSON AVE. Seed Wheat, Baled Oats Etc --The-onlySeed-House inUnion Go u nty . I Thone 1571 'iWftV'i .Ml rt," r ONE MIGHT ONLY A FESTIVAL OF LAUGHTER Firirlav Sept 330 Muller and Bates present Mark E. Swan's Hilarious Mirth -provoking tfuccess "A Runaway Match" "it Uttoairay' Match H h at the third venae yesterday jammed the theatre both afttTDoon and even ing and pleated tbe 7 people i well that a lot ef them are Urttt'g'5gain next week.-Sea'tle Times. Monday, Aug. 27. I 1" u n a a a si FOB PRESIDENT - THEODORE -JIOOSE VELT, f f'NewlYork " ''POS'vlfc'B'ipBESIDENT ' CHABLES W. FAIRBANKS j ;' Kr'indiana;: j ?r ', FOR PRK8IDENTAL ELECTORS OiB. dimmiok, ! '.r'l Glackmaa A. c. hough, Josephine HART, ; . VjliiCA Polk j. a. fee, . Umatilla - SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, DRUGS "LrGrande ;Dri Cross Drug Co i on iy believes in the Gold Standard is not for tbe Observer to say. j On the other subjeoti treated by Judge Parker in his letter ho maintains his reputation for caufloi' , ; : j i!-'- Lsa CURIOSITY AROUSED , ' The emphatic; 'declaration oi Judge Parker in his, letter of ac4 ceptance-, that he "unqualifiedly believes in the Gold Standard" arouses no little ourioBity among the people as to how W J Ijryan will ' frame his future stump speeches in behalf of the judge.1 A speech from Bryan in advo cacy of the election of a man to the presidency who "unquali fiedly believes in the ddld Stan dard" will be g duriosity;! V FUN THAT'S CONTAGIQTS All the new. songs of this season 1 "No you haven't , f-' t )' Hefard them; theyrre new. . PRICES: a 26o, 60o and 76c Seats now on sale D D a a n ventioa at St Louis Mo July 9th 1904. While the letter fills over five columns in close print . in . the journal of Portland, and will be read with interest by : the men who ihteoTd tS'vota for "Parkei to find' out,' if possible, what meas ures' (hey are going to reoord their votes in favor of, many will reaoh the end of . the long letter without obtaining the de siied information. The 1 letter! is16arefully' and cautiously' writ ten. In style, in many places, it reads very much like a judi cial opinion decisive of a de murrer that raised 'nothing but cold lifeless law points, ' inter posed to prevent the triai 'of .the case, .before the court ,o its . merits, . in the . decision of which the' judge adroitly labors to avoid giving 'out any intimation as to what his opin ion isj!or whet may be bis ruling on the case when it finally, retches him on its meuts as to the right or wrong of the parties before the court. 1 However,, there are some par agraphs thai ' afej leis'qtscure, than any other utteranc9, that the public have, heretofore been taken in 5rifidence eboudh by Judge ParTte'f'fd'sfiow plainly on important pubho questions. 1 Thft olia Iffitwrtant" ouestion orl wliich thV attitude' or belief of the Judge, with referenoe thereto hss been problematic is the currency.' This his letter, after his seventy nine days oogi trtibn in the vicinity of Wall Streetseems to Settle all doubts which may . have existed, and settled tnem in accordance with the wishes of Wall Street - In bW'letter'rJudge' ' Parker' uses these words referiug io his views tb 'tne' Gold Standard, as , .ex pressed in his verbal speech .ac cepting the nomination; "I wish here, however, again to refer to my views 'therein 'expiessed as to the Gold Standard, to declare again my unqualified belief, in said standard." m- 7 1 Just how the Democrats who have, for at least twelve- yYar8 )een denouncing theGo'ld Stan dard can suddenly turn and support a man' ho unqualified- It takes the same number of officers $ofcbnduct .ttfrl 'business of a small county, as of a large one. ; Tammany Hall doubtless, gave a knowing wink and took a drink iipon ! reading ' Judge Parker's remarks' about Reform of Government Expenditures . Errors' like1 straws upon the siir j face flow; .'.. , i,. He who would search for pearls musf"divebelow.;': "Apple1 Sale r The Hood River jlaoler reports that the Hood River Apple Grower's Un fion has Bold Page & Son of Portland 30 oars of Spitzenberg and i'ellow Newtown apple and four oars of other varieties, Far VbnulBese . reasons" therJceT W kept Secret. .'.The. Union recently sold two cars of Grovensteins oft prioes rangingrfrom 85 cents to one 'dollar 'per box. . " " NOTICEOF ESTRAY ' NOTICE IS HfiREBYGiylEN 'that there same to my olace near the city of La Grande on or about August tbe twentyfltth 1904 one sorrel gelding, with white mane and tail, branched IO on left shoulder, and that same! Is now held by me awaiting payment of pasterage bill the payment o( this advertlsemflnt, andthat saine". anltaal will be held by me uiitll such vbarges are pald. Owner may' lecovei' said animal wheiT au6nonarges' are paid and the ownership of said animal is proven at La Grande;" Oregon. 'Dated this 27 day of September 1904, signed H B Bellmer - , 9-30-10-30 ' No Harm To Look ' It is now poisitle to get tor 85 eent what you have been paying 11.60 .(or euoh books a Red Bock, Ifiaaippi Bubble, Caat'eOi any Grow, Right, of Way , Audrey, Jaulje Meredith , Dor thy: Vernon, David II arum, and 'mahy other of the best late Copyright' hooks formally sold for 11.60, we are'' now selling lor 15 cents. Dropin aDd look at them bver, you are just a weloooie whether jori buy or not.v.. : flfi - ,,. , , : r' - . ':, -,Newlin Drug Co. Notice.. Every Friday afternoon at half past two o'clock beglpning Sept. 16 there will be a meeting at ;tbe! home of Mrs. Geo. Blakeat lsliiia Olty lor the pur pose of reading the Writings of the NewOhurohgiveo totheWprld'throngh Emanuel Bwedenborr( r"' Jvv . Any one interested to knowing what tbe New Church teaohes is cordially invited to be prese t.. ''v - li-b! OtAIfBOJa'ltMBB'W-n-S Geyserite soap lOo Newlin Drug Co . Uao. Palmkb.. ' f. M. Baasr. 3. M.CiiDaCH. President . .Vice President J. M. Berry, J. M. Ohureb i A. B. Conler. GeotH CtaaV" ' riaahlAi'. ta, flu P.ln... I , , - " . , -u.u.w. La Grande' NaViokAB f ...nT:.;. - j vuo'. La Grande,: Oregon " CAPITAL AND SURPLUS," $72,000.00 TraaaaeU a general banking business. nyaan4:sells exchange on ... all parte of the world. , , Collections a snecialtv. ..... .. i.-fli" i jj .t. c ,ii (ill.: ; I ' Finely Loat, ';Weir'Iniproye(i s-Room1 House For ! Sale. Also Other Qty Property, At ! GRANT & HERRONS , : . ............ -- H--"m:: 1...-; ,, .'.'.):; i.-. ;, . ' v'i'l The eleotrio'railrpad' surveyors are now In the Minam. locating and ;aa oerting tbe amonn'"''''1-,vatlable power. GEY8KKITK SOAP . . Takes the greaee and btck off and loaves the skin soft 10 0 3 lor 25 New lin Drug Co. . : rj ThdPiano We're for ... - j '.'i selling now $167 costa $250.00 else whero Big buying aud big selling does it at Eilers "Piano "House 351 Washington Street corner Park v . j Portland, Oregon ' ' Write us for particulars. $5 or $0 a moj'h buys one here. t How dear to my Heart is the old-fashioned wishboard 'j :W t ' That mAfHin. naiul M.h u t i - - ... . UDDU vv aou vu HUDU 1 WUO H UOy, i With its zinc-oovered ridges the suds used to play in And soap bubbles gamboled t n.y ohlldish joy. , a P'ttimes have I watched hor when wearing ber knuckles. , . As over the ridges oar duds she would rub,. ' ' f I ne'er will forget how She'Shlashej and she slath'erep ' ' ' The old fashioned wash board that stood in the tnb. J -- CHORUS, , , ! u. The old:fashioned washboard; f t' . : ";' J i",i':V. J) iJi.Tne ziiic corered washboardt: t ' a The back-breaking washboard that stood in the.tub. - S " 8ome folks alwayi kiok'about up-io-date lauddries, ' And say they wear out their clothesievery day; But give them to me, so I will, have a hot dinner . At home, with the small of tbe soap. suds away. I know that the washing machine is muoh easier , J On all of our olothes than to take them and rub Till tbe buttons an J bosoms are loBt and worn out J . .. .. by. the old-fashioned washboard that stood in the tub; We are not tbe old fashioned kind. X. B C L AUNDR Y I85i , .PHONE j ,s.J L A J l..w' S ilBHBIIBBBDBIBl d m 0 a D Farmtrrs'-and" 'V rfrder National Bank, ,. , LAGRANDEi OREGON Capital Stock fully paid - '$ 60,000 Surplus fund - i - . '-, :" 13.000 V Liability of Shareholders l 60,000 , : Responsibility - . . '138,000 We do a general bankirlg and exohange business. ' rafts bought and sold on partem and. foreign banks. an JOSEPH PALMER, President, ... ; L ' J.'W; SCRIBEii bashier g b an BBBBBB BB aaniafa Ban .. PULL, MEASURE tf.-KJ. .(0''1 Chain wood by trie ! Cord , "" .- . -U. ..M. , . ... 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch . dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper lhan t y ttie "load. You pay for what you get aLd.gel.wliat you pay for. Phone 571 , iVfuenaa H. W. NlBLEY 1 - j .1 .. w-J c A Few Choice Bargains in Wal lowa County - Real Estate - lit 20( I91.....l. .., rail sown wheal. -Uoo-ie rarn anlotbir builliaii. -V r . W mo ere. m (A) 2,n, s3U in CAUIr in trttre on I hit nrnnttrt P.i tin wiL. 'Mfo1'oilttl-Prf..i!') per acre Ttiiii i sreattumlii rro. toui orchiot h.K. W ..1 tooS ouiTnhdlnM. SB un, in f.ll in w ana part 01 wnwa is lb Hnl of meadow: irood honie and be place will take oniMluainn rood hi i ,e,l 1KI inm n( h.v h. , M'DFiniel WALLOWA, Kr lurlhor particular! svitlraM.1 66 M' Don aid '.' ' it . ... .-r..rr; '".V;'