a a a a u a a a a a a a a a a ii a a a a a a a a a a a School Books and Supplies - FOR THE MULTITUDE. Second hand books nearly as good as. new and at almost half the price. THE NEWLIN DRUG COMPANY Adams Avenue, LA GRANDE OREGON E. P. Staple E. E. Romig ROMIO & STAPLES --GROCERIES-- A lull and complete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fanoy canned and luuoh goods; Tinware, granite ware and wooden ware. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Qood service and quick delivery. Phone 431 4 4. How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? ' ' THIS iS A QUEbTlON THAT HAS BEEN -y ASKKD TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yea, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; numely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous siruin rost it; aud at the saran time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting mid Assiuiululing Buflicient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL' DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription LVufcgist La Grar.de, Ore r -,-, LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR RENT A suite of rooms nicely furnished for light boose keeping at the oorner of Fourth andQ streets For further particulars apply to or addreai. . , ' Mrs E O Moore, 1017, :th st. FOR SALE Good Nine Roomed Flus tered House with closets pantry and bath. Centrally located, good cellar, lawn, city water. AIbo wired through out. AddreBS Box 008 or Phone 547. Concerning People Who Come ad go and Other Items of Local Interest. SECOKO HAND GOODS Bought and Sola. Cash p; id lor any thing of Value. We havl bargai is always on hand. Work Harness .TfG.lKI Trunk! 150 Hi nling dove." $1.50 and up Oiih lira r.i i m suit 16,00 Oak PxteiiHion lalilr 5.00 Culihard 4.00 Lounge 1.50 3i Wagon , 10( 0 The La Grande Pawnbroktrs Convt F5r ;nd d;ns Remember we still buv of Second Hand OiwIjjI Remember we still buv end sell l kinds ini . ro . ji A IIUUI. . u Will Landrnm has secured the post tion of oar ohecker at Umatilla. Mrs John Collier and daughter have returned from an extended visit in the east. Miss. Cad Rynenrson his gone to Portland where she will spend seieral days. A "Runaway Matoh" will be the at traotion at the Opera House Friilay night. A marringe liauenae was Issued today in the clerks ottloe to Joseph E Nelson of California and Miss Alice Cols ot this city. N K Imhaus, the well known inin iiilt man of Baker City, acoompanied by his wife aud daughter is in the city on business. sjpi Wm Hawes who resides in the eastern portion of the city !.s reported to be very low with nervous prostration is considered quite critical . Rev J D Gillian will hold preaching service at Islaud City tomorrow Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Regular Wednesday evening services will he held every two weeks. Mr and Mrs Li W Damon leave Thursday to maVo their home in Portland for the winter. Mr Damon has accepted a position with the Ro nilngton Type writer Co. The Ladles Guild ot St I'etors church are busy arranging for the Rummage sale which will bo hold at the Kilpat rick Impliment house commencing on the 7th of next munlh and lasting one week. Mr. and Mrs. U W Llivioe, who formerly rcldop in this o.ty, but now reshle in Dnyion, Washington, arrived ill the oity last ovouli'g and will ma n here a fiw dayi visiting friends and relatives. Mr Divine is now with the 11 J Thorianco hardware company i f Dayton, Wash., and has charge of one of the most important depart meuts of this extensive oompany. A wheat sale waa reported today at 72X cents, This Is the highest report ed price of the seaso i' Notwithstanding thej number of new bouses constructed. The supply Is nothing In comparison with the demand. ' Mr Jones who has been a resident of Island City for .the past twenty years died late last evening and will be burled tomorrow. A H Marquardt, who for the past two years has been engaged in the thilor business in Union, has moved to this city and 1 opening a shop in the Lewis building His sd will ap pear in tomorrow's Issue. . WANTED Special Representative In this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise an old established busi ness bouse of solid financial standing. Salary C21 weekly, with Expanses ad vanced eaoli Monday by check dlreot from headquarters. Horse and baggy furnished when neucssi j ; position permanent. Address Blew Bros. 4 Co., Dept. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. as OUR FALL STOCK OF WALKOVER SHOES Call and See Them $3!50 I Ross & Andrews, 5 '. Gents' Furnishers and Tailors 1 ft OS-TE-OP-A-THY Do not drug your nerves iuto insen sibility. Tbey are tbs monitors of life which warn you that pbysioial wrong exist in your body or that phy siological error has crept into your manner of living Remove the "les ion ' If it is a bodily lesion the Os teopath will attend to that for you . If the fault is in your liaoito correct them. When the cause is removed your nerves will ba at peace with you. Do not treat effect. Gal at tbe sources of troudle. A Runaway Match It required the genius of Mark E Swan to imagine the oiroumetanoes which combine to produoe tbe clever est of Amerioan farce comedies known as "A Runaway Match". Among! the famous productions which he has given to the stage are "Browns in Town" and "Whose Baby are Sou" but these are far excelled in both humor and plot by his latest conceit to be presented at .Stewarts Opera Houte Friday eve Sept 30th. It will be produoed by the original east of ; plnycs who are everywhere praised by the press critics for their exception ally olever work, while tho play itself is commended as beiug equal to the lute Charles H lioyt's famous pro ductions. The plot is one; succession of b 1 morous situations which are so natural and at ths same time occur so unexpectedly and opportunely as to keep an audience in a constant state of humorous bilaiity. The play futhoimore is built upon a legitimate plot unl is devoid of horseplay. Uatcby special ies are introduced by the var'ons members ot the cast. Holler A Bates the well known theat rical firm have the direction of the present tour of tbe "A Runaway Match. TWO BIG LOTS OF SECOND GOODS Just received and must be sold next week. ' To do this"1 you may select anything you want and I will nake the . ; : Price Nearly at Cost This big stock, consists of Bed Room Suits, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Sheets, Curtains, Carpets, Linoleums) Plain, Cane Seat and Upholstered Chairs and Rockers, Parlor Sets, Etc. Complete Ktkhen and Din-A " ing Room Furniture, Heating and Cook Stoves, Harness Saddles, Briddles, Collars, Chains, Tools and in Tact the . Biggest Lot of Second Hand Goods in Union County ' Remember we do Upholstering and all kinds of Repair work. Carpets Cleaned and laid. : -I.. fl.B, Hasten Pho2n0e5, F. D. Haigten NOTICE FOR PUIH.1CATION U 0. Wiuu I'laco at ua Ofanue, vrugun. AUKUlt 18, 1TO4. Notice In hem'y riven that the following tinmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of Mi claim, and HUt prom Will oe mauu uuiurv 111c vuiivj I'lnrLrnf 1 1 ml til 1 a Cannlv. Oreiron at Pendleton Orugmi.onfcst'ut. jO, 11WI, vi H E No 86tl, Joel A Stanton, of Mcachttni, Oregon, for tho lots -1 . . a...u Hn !. Tit. 1 h. K. a E w M ' 1 1 iuins the following witnesses to )irove his continuous ruuuciicc upon aim cuhivmidd oi Georno'u, Ililvanl and John Todd, both of Jumci M. Uiiya, both of Athena, OnKon. H. W. Davis Kegister. WATCH MAGNATIZED In these days of tbe increasing ; use ofeloctriolty; the danger of .having your iwatoh magne tized is greater than in tbe past. I. am in shape to demagnailze your watch right away and put It In as good shape as when it left thej factory. Ihere ia.no necessity of running the risk ot having your watch lost or brcken sending it away when yon oan get it made as good aa new at home. by s praotiole workman at a low cost. J. H. Pcare, the Jeweler HOUSE CLEANING TIME The unual fall cleaning Time is now here and our large STOCK OP FURNITURE, Carpets, Liuoleum, Mattings, Window Shade, Pictures, Etc., will bear your most critical investigation. Our stock is complete. Our prices right. J R ANDROSS Undertakers and Embalmers Phone 91 Residence Phone 367 HOUSE FURNI3H1NQ3 1202 Adams Ave M4 A WHOLE CARLOAD OP BARGAINS I During tbe pat thirty days we bare received MORE THAN 28,000 POUNDS of raerchhndise of various kinds These goods were purchased by personal selection rroni the best markets and factories iu the east and west, and we now assert, without fear of succejsful contradiction, that we have THE LARGEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' IN UNION COUNTY Aud are prepared to offer better values in all lines than ever before offered in Eastern Oregou The Golden Rule Company 1303-1310-1312 Aduun Avenue Smallest Prices IM the Daily ' Observer "' IIIIIIMUMIW La.re.est Store