Jlrf t I.M JO M IfJ ( i i - FALL OP II It G SAL Si 0 THE FAIR o Lowered Prices J in La Grande ' a And the baying pubho have s shown their appreciation. 1904 J at this store will slmost double J any preceding year. . .'" at 7 a. m. THE Of Dress Goods, Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Gloves, Tailored Suits, Skirts, Furs, Hats, Clothing, Shoes, Etc. NEWEST AND BEST MERCHANDISE . J ' This Sale Commences WED SEPT. 28 J .... - Come the first day if you can, - but if you can't, then come any of the following days. : From the Markets of the World is Here For Your Consideration BIGGER AND BETTER Bigger stock, better values, Another year's experience in studying your waits, combined with our superior buying facilities and our I strictly cash policy enables us to sell you like merchandise from 20 to 30 per cent less than the credit stores have to ask for same. Note the extremely low prices Listed Here. Study this circular from A to Z. Its money Saved for yoin Read. SALE COMMENCES WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 AND CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, OCT. 8 At 9 p. m. $1.25 Gloves for 89c Drummers' samples, five dozen, popular shades, regular sizes, very.' best makes, two pair for about the price of one) any size at this sale 89c Special For Wednesday Real 30e, Bleached sheeting, 90 inch. 27o " " 81 27c " " 72 26o Unbleached " 81 28o " 72 6c House lining 36 ,.24o ,22o 20b 20e 18o 4 SALE OF SADIES COATS $8 Coats for $5 Handsome lato Full coats, Satin and sateen lined, strictly man iauored. A iuckv purchase by our own jNew loric buyer at a fraction over 60c on the dollar. Commencing Tuesday until all are sold ,'. $5.00 .,$3.75 Misses' and Children's Coats, Worth $5.00 and (6.00, at this sale for $19.50 Tailored Suits for $13.50 Pebble Cheviot, lined with skinner's satin, faced with finest watered silk, comes in black navy and brown. Goes on sale Tuesday. Choice $13.50 $12.00 Tailored Suits for $7.85 Buy your nrw fall suit now and save about half 25 walking skirts, worth UP t9 $4.00, special price for this sale $2.25 Dress skirts, worth up to (8.50 for this sale Just 12 of the very finest representing a (ample line and priced at half their real worth, 4.95 $4 95 FURS, FURS, 30 per cent saved by buying your furs here during this sale. A special purchue made pos sible by buying a quanity and paying spot cash, enables us to soil furs for about 70 cents on the dollar. Specials for Thursday 7o Prints. ....... 12io CraBh .'. . . . , 25o Oil Cloth . . . , 15o Bath Towel .. 25o Hose ........ C5o Henriettas ..for 5o per yard ..for 9o " . ,for 19o " for llo eaoh . .for 17o pair ; ,.for49oper yard $1.25 Petticoats for 85c Just 30 to sell at this price. Fine black . . mercerized satin, made with a doable hem and dust ruffle. . Any length, this sale. ........... . . ..... . .85o CLOTHING NEWS Great bargains and sensational pricing of Men's and Buys' Clothing. Come here and make comparison, see the dif ference between our CASH PRICE and the credit store price. Why puy from 25 to 85 per cent more for the previ ledge of buying on ciedit. . - The big sale starts Wednesday Men's $8 Overcoats for $5 Jut like the cut, made of Kersey, sateen lined, silk velvet collar, full box back. Your size is here, for this sale $5.00 Men's $8 suits for $6.50 Special lot 20, Mon's suits, worsted, caasimers, etc, worth $8. CO and (10 U0. Choice for ihis sale (6.60 $10 Coats and Vests for $5.95 Just 20 to so.l, sizes 36 to 40, every one of them worth twice what we ask during this sale. Choice $5.95 Boys' $5.50 suits for $3.95 Strictly all wowl, three pieoe suits, ages 9 to 14 years. Special price for this sale (3 96 Buying for spot cash enables us to underbuy, selling for spot cash enables us to undersell WOMEN'S SHOES Sunset shoe $3 The "Sunset" shoe for women: as gocd as any $3.60 shoe, made of very host vici kid welt, turn and tued, sole, Blu cher cat, correct for fall, only....$3.0C Children Shoes The Academy For children and Mioses, comes in box calf far school wear, fine vici kid for dress wear. Sizes 6 to 8 this sale $1.35 Sizes 8i to 11 this sale 1.50 Sizes Hi to 2 this sale 1.75 MADE FOB US PETERS SHOECQ ftT.LOUU. More Money Savers RAN DUM ITEMS 35o Men's suspenders th 25c Nazareth waist So Luster cotton lOo Pencil tablet, 500 sheets 75c Chatelaine 25 o Ladies' belts. 7Ec window shades 10o all Linen handksrebiefs lOo Toilet soap 15o Silesia is sale 15c " 19c 8 for 25c ' 5o " 64c " 10c 45e 6o " fc 10c Blankets and Comforts Our bedding was all purchased befote the advance, consequently our prices today are below that of the factory. MEN'S SHOES Diamond special $3.50 A Bhoe with a $5.00 look; a shoe with a $5.00 wear. Comes in fine vici kid kangaroo kid and vclour calf; blucber style correct tee for fall, only . .$3.50 Millinery Specials $1.60 street hats this sale $ .60 75 " .25 3 00 Trimmd hats .. . " 195 2.25 GMS trimmud hats .75 BOYS' SHOES We tell you here of the very best shoe that money can buy, our guarantee with evory pair. The Never Rip, mado of the best Kan garoo, sizes 2i to 5 this sale $2.60 The Koh-I-Noor, box oalf and vici kid sizes 9 to 12, $1.75 sizes 12i.to 2, 2,00 sizes 2 Ho 6 2.25 Try a pair Yom save at least 30 per cent by buying your supply of underwear at the this store. Special for tbia sale Real 35c women's vests and pants, eaoh 25o Extra hoavy, Jersey ribbed, fleece lined, glove . Biting Can't tell them from the 50c kind. 75c Oneita Union Suits for 58o During this snje you can buy regular 75o and 85o women's wool Oueila Union Suits all sizes for 58c Extr Special, 500 garments for 25c each. Vest and pants and shirts and drawers for girls aud boys, heavy fleeced, Jersey ribbed, well made values up to 35c, this sale 25o 1 1 WEISS' , ) . I : I i t W 1 ; ; f ft ' I ,. u. . J. 1. I I; ff IL