La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 26, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    AS A STARTER :..
; .. suppose you try some Blue
Points or a chowder. After
that go down the list and select
the temntinc thin cm we have on
our bill of fare and wheu yo've
fi nished dinning you'll feel like
a king. There's no better place
to dine than
. we nave tne latest ot every
thing the market affords, and
know hew to cook and serue it
Bring wife down, she wants a
change and it won't cost muck.
Open evening?.
- We nil weekly Meal ,
'lionets, uasn.
I have reopened my shop on
North Fir Street. You will
find my shop well supplied
and the 'prices to suit the
times. Yours for business
Free delivery. Phoue 1601
1 Get The Habit :
Of tradiug at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you
cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always
F the best, our prices are the lowes, and our stock is
2, complete.
brand on all their leading lines. We have just re
ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's
and Shoes which we invite you to iuspect.
Oor. Fir aud Jefferson Sta,
All who are building new .r rebuilding tbeir
homes, can neatly finish thnir parlors, dining rooms
halls etc with a 1 to 0 light Eleotolere, at a reason
able price, as wo are in position to undersell any
fixture in the Inlund Empire.
We have at our office a complete slock of assorted
styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de
signs and finish. Also Shades of Ml designs.
We oordiallj invite the public to inspect our
stock eveu it you are not ready to buy, Office
open from 7 a m to 8:80 p m.
La Grande Light and Power Co.
V. I. Hunter & Son have
Leased the McKiuzie B'ables
and are prepared to serve the
public in a first oIubs manner
it reasonable rates.
That is why people come here
for men's aud by boys' shoes
J lie J. IS. Tilt lino is our spec
ialty. . Here is where prioe and
quality are combined.
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET
By virtue of an order aud license
made and entered by the Hod. County
Court of Union County State of Ore
gon, on September Gth, 1004, in the
matter of the Guardianship of the per
sona and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z
Beatrice Patty, and Frank A Patty,
minor heirs of Thomas X Fatty de
ceased, and wards of the undersigned
their guardian, I will, from and after
the 21st day of October 1901, at my
borne No, 1410 Adams Avenue, La
Orande, Union County, Oregon, pro
ceed to sell at private sale the South
ea t quartor ot Section 31 o! Township
Three North of Ranne 39 East of the
Willamette Meridan in Union County
Oregon, for the bei:eBt ot said heirs
and their estate Terms of sale, cash
to me in hand. Zorn E Patty,
Guardian of the persons and estates
of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrloe Patty
and Frank A Patty, Minora.
Dated September 16, 1901. Oot 21
having the largest stock of "Preferred"
canned goods, Allen & Lewis special
Map showing Union oonnty and pro
posed new county (within the heavy
lines) with Union as the oonnty seat.
The question of the organization of
a new oounty out of that part of Union
county directly tributary to the oity
of Union, is being diaausseu by many
of our taxpayers, and the above map
shows an outline of the territory it is
proposed to embrace in the new oounty.
Still another suggestion Is the .at
tachment of this portion ot Union
county to liaker county
These propositions are quite likely
to materialize into something tangible
about the next session of the legists?
In the meantime, the taxpayer might
do well to post op on the faots ot the
oase. '
ThlB new county would include
about twenty townships, less than one
third the present area ot the county,
which oontains about 70 townships.
This new oounty would have mure ter
ritory than Sheiman, Columbia or
Polk counties, which contain about 19
townships each ; more than V amhill,
whioh has about 18 townships; the
same as Washington, whioh has about
twenty townships; and nearly twice
that of Multnomah, whioh has about
11 townships. So the new oounty
would have enough territory.
As to tbe vote and . population, the
following figures tell the story. The
vote at tbe June election in tbe pro
posed oounty etood as follows: Union
No. 1, 280; Union No. 2, 241; Cove
229; North Powder, 105; Antelipe,23;
and Big Creek, 43, a total of 981 votes
As there were cast in Union oounty at
said election 3.738 votes, it will be
seen that tbe uw county has only
little more than one-fourth ot the votes
and population; yet by a comparison
with the vote of last June, the new
MliS Sbanklin will serve Fluff at J
D McKannon'a every day this week.
Special Excursion to the World's
The Denver and Rio Grande, in oon -
neotion with tbe Missouri Paciuo,
w.U run a series of personally oon-
ducted excursions to the World's fair
during June. These exouraious will
run through to St. Louis without
change ot oars, making short stops at
prinoipal points onroute. Tbe first of,
.hese excursions will leave Portland
J-ine 7, and the second June 17. The
rate from La Grande will be W0 to St.
Lolls and return. Uxouraionists go-
ing Ala the Denver 4 Rio Grande have
the privilege of returning by a differ-
eut route. This Is the must pleasant
wav. as well aa toe most delightful
route to cross the continent. I he
stops arranged give an opportunity
of visiting in and about Kansas City,
it you wish to accompany one of these
excursions write at once to W C . Mo
Bride. 124 Third street, Portland, for
sleeping car reservations. ;
If you are lanquld, depressed and
incapable for work, at Indicates that
your liaer is out of order. Heroine
will assist nature to throw off head
aches, rheumatism and ailments akin
to nervousness and restore the energies
and vitality of sound and perfect health
J J Hubbard, Temple, Texas, writes,
March 22 UftM: "1 nave used nerDine
for tbe past two years. It has done
me more good than all the doctors.
Hhenl feei bad and have that tued
feeling I take a dose of llerblne. It
is the best medicine ever made for
chills and fever." GUcU a bottle.
Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
U. a Lantl uffioa al L uranUci, Oregon,
August IS, 1D04.
Nolle 111 hom'f (tin th in. following
imniM fettle, has fllrtl nutlre of hit Intention
to mikt Anal ptuor In upp.,rtof hli claim, and
ih uld proof will nc mik befor the Count
Clerk of uiulUtaOoWv, Owon at IVmlleton
ureaon.onbepL jO, IWH, mil K No S64S, Joel
ASUntoo, orMeacbam, onfon, for the Kite
J. 5. n.l 6.SW M, In. I M, K. i K
1 natnre the following witeeMee to prove Die
coniinuoue reelJeoce upon euil culltmloa o(
aid buMl, !: .
tleorgen, HiWenl end John Tood, tMth of
aleU'hftm, tlrvgon, and Hmlth C. Stanton mod
connty would have more votes than
the following Oregon oountles, to wit :
Carrey, with 672 votes; Gilliam 863
votes; Harney, 90S votes; Lake 783;
Llnouln 968, and Wheeler 820 votes.
Other counties with about tbe same
nu nber of votes, as the new oonnty
would have, are Klamath with 1,504,
Molheur 1,287, Sherman with 1,022,
and Tillamook with 1,102, These
counties, though the population Is not
yet large, are prosperous and progress
ive, as ,would be tbe new oounty here.
The new oounty would embrace all of
road districts numbered 23 to 33, both
inclusive, and Unioj and North Powder
with total assessable property valued
at 1,300,035, and parta of districts
numbered 11, 12, 13, and 34, which
have taxable property valued at $601,-
213; so the new oonnty would have
probably no less than 11,500,000 of tax
able property at present valuations
Would this bo sufficient to maintain
the new oounty? A comparison with
other Oregon counties should answer
the question. The following counties
have approximately the same amount
oi property, or less than tbe new oounty
would have, the figures beii g taken
from the 1'.'03 rolls, to-wit: Columbia
1,822,832; Crook $723,428; Grant
739,717; Josephine 11,800,606; Lake
91,74047; Lincoln 8943,804; Wallowa
11,761,121; Wheeler $1,125,350, bo the
new county would have nothing to
fear from that standpoint. With an
eoonomioal adminietratlon, those best
posted on the situation insist that the
new county iould maintain itsgoyern
ment and wipe out its debt.
The above facts are published for the
infot mation of the general public, and
will be continued from time to time,
Tbe impression prevails that tbe
new oounty' Idea may take definite
shape a little later in the season
Union Republican.
Eastern Oregon Business Uolledgi)
School of Shorthand, and Normal
Baker City. Oregon, had four calls
for Stenographers last west and was
unable to fill them all. Our students
get good positions when oompetent,
Business men call on us when they
want reliable competent help.
Now is the time, tor young people
' to enroll.
Practical Business methods are
tauaBt xhe light line System of
Ki i.ih h.
ooorui.uo. -UR... "
learned in about half the time the
0,j goaded Systems,
. ., ,.Wa-
M P8rrT no.
1 9.01.10 21 DAW
" ,
The Piano
We're selling now
costs $250.00 else
where Big buying and
big selling does it
Eilers Piano House
351 Washington Street,
corner Park
Portland, Oregon
Write us for particulars.
$5 or (6 a month buys one
Opposite tbe Sotnmer House.
One of the best musical institutions
in tbe statu,' Four rooms used for
musloal instruction, 15 grades of music
taught. Depaimeot 1, 2 rooms ued
for the 3 first grades. Children at the
age of 5 and older oome one hour every
day. Department 2, 2 rooms for grades
1 to IS for pupils of all ages . The lat
est course beet practical musical instruction-
Misical contests for med
als every few weeks. ..
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY. Assistant
Furnished Room
Centrally located corner of Washing
ton and 6th Streets. Known as Geo.
Ball's lodging house. - '
;. For Sale . :- -
One good second haod Kimball
piano. For Particulars enquiie ot
Mrs Iiglo or Phone 1727 Kcsidenoe
Cor. of 3rd K. -
Deeu tearing or wreuohine .wins.
occasioned ,by getting wet through;
worse wnen at real, or on nrsi moving
the limbs and in cold or damp weath
er. is cured auioklv bv Ballard's Snow
LLiniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City
Illinois, writes, Feb 16 1902: "A year
ago l was troubled witn a pain in my
oacK. it soon got so oaa i could not
bend over. One bottle of Ballard's
Snow Liniment cured me ." 25c, 50c,
1 00. Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the Salves yon ever
heard of, Buoklen's Arnica Halve is tbe
best. It sweeps away and cures Burns,
Soros, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers,
Skin Eruptions aud Piles. It's only 25c
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
La Grande Drug Co., and Newlin Lrug
Co., DruggiBt.
hen vou bin a couch medicine for
mail children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence. Vou
want one mat not only relieves out
euros. You want one that is unques
tionably harmless, ion want one that
is pleasaut to take. Chamberlain's
Cough Reined r meets ail oi these coa
litions, rners is notmng so good lor
he coughs and oolds incident to child
ood For sale by All Druggists.
(Duly custs about 5o per yard
more than common plaster, and
worth many time? over.
No danger of freezing as it
can be U9ed in zero weather
Being flexible instead of brit
tle as all sand mortors are
it will dent like wood when
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Doors, windows, pipe
holes, etc are easily cut through
it It is a uon conductor of elec
tricity and thus' prevents short
circuiting It adheres equally
well to brick, stone or common
lath It enntaius no acids nor
chemicals to corrods It will
not burn nor disintegrate by fire
being a perfect protection for
wood frame work It will under
no condition pit or blister
Parties having plastering to
do should consult me regarding
this class of work Estimates
cheerfully given
' E. REISLAND, Phone 371
Serves them any style you
OIM-HmH fhrvftf twnnrft, Approved, nn-n-mrmiiHit,
fa.ijr fur ituturxliatc uo uy.
, L t , M-.HF, H.HIIfT,
-baiubrr oi Commerce bll, i'onlaod, Or.
: . Tonight and
Tomorrow fair, oooler tomorrow
Xno 2 East bound B:10pmontluie
T No 6 West 8:6 p m on time
J -
That the way to reach a
man's heart is through his
stomach. Try it hy using
Geddes Bros' canned fruits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, ana raaisnes, just tresn
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmers
call on and of course we get
the choice of everything. .
We always have the fresh
est eggs, hatter, etc
Special attention given to
phone orders.
Geddes Bros.
Is open for your inspection.
In faot we will be pleased to
show you through our entire
establishment. Everything is
kept scrupulously neat and
clean and we have no hesitenoy
in showing the most fastidious
how our meats ate handled. We
now have the latest improved
sausage machine and san sell
you sausage in all styles.
Bock & Thomas
There was a big sen sation In Leesville
Indiana, when VV. H, Brown of that
place, who was expected to die, had his
life saved by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. He writes: "1 eu
dured InButTerable agouicsfrom Asthma,
but your New Discovery gave me im
mediate relief and" soon thereafter
effected a complete oure." Himilar
cuies of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis and Gri p are numerous. It's
the peerless remedy for all throat and
hint; troubles. Price 50c, and $1.
(Juarunteed by La Urauile Drug (Jo.
aud Newlin Drug (Jo., Drnggists.
Sacred Heart Academy
La Grande. Uresnn. This well
known institution, oonducted by the
listers ot St. Prupcis. afford excellent
ednoatiouhl advantages. Music, draw
ing ami painting optional atujles.
Preparing young ladies for the profess- t
ion of teaching a anecialtv. Boardincr
and day school opens the tirst Monday
id ceptomoer. f or catalogue BUtlress
Sister Superior. Aug 4 Oct 4
jo tt
UEP1BT Tm a,,,,,, rm0H
NO. 3 .,
S:d0p.m. Salt Lake, Denver Ft. .0, -
NO. S. orth, Omaha. Kanaai 5 m m.
S.SU a. m. "J'. SI-Lonli, Chicago MOS
and Kaat. 8:5 j .m
Portland. Dalln, Hon
NO L J""""' "Valla Walla, Nn
Daylon, Fo meroT, N0
fcSOa m i5Collx, Moaoow.Bpb- . ,.
kaneannu 9M p m
-o a ilh via ttpo-
Portland. Dalle,
NOS dlclon Umalllla WaU Kn a
Moncow, WallaoeWnr a..n.
:S pm dnir, tsnoaane aud "-"em
f other polnu eaat and
north via Hpokane.
BBBdSi 'WW", and El,ln m
Bunday eonnecllona at Klein Sao'p
:1J a m Willi forimlnU
i In Wallowm munlr
OflMfl HtMlnaH h.l-.. O . I 1 .
"'""- a ."iwi rurumu ana
Ban Francisco every five days
S. O. HJJiiB,