The Most Stylish and Most Modern Fall Millinerv I At Prioes Far Below Any : Previous Offer ; ; " : Now on Exhibition I n -1 ' Z JMrs. . R. Forrest, I - Masonic buldingon Adams avenue. I Beautiful Columbia jRiver Folder f A pueseniteralepnrtroerit of the Ore gon Railroad it Navigation Company baa ngt issued a beautiful and costly panoramio folder entitled "The Col umbia River, through the Cascade Mountains, - to the Pacific Ocean." roiu Arlington to Portland and from Portland to the -.Pacific Ooean, every curve of the river and every point ofsintvreat are shown while Mt iHood Mt Adams, andkMs.St Helens, poipo tually covered with snow, stand out in there beauty. On the buck of the map ia an interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the oceuu. not overlooking the beaches and the tan Francisco trip by ocean- A copy of this folder may be secured by send ing four cents in stamps to pay postage to A L Craig, General Passenger Agent of the Oregon Kuilroaii & navigation Compan t-.l'onland, Oregon, ly seud- :ng tlie address of some 11 lend iu the East, and four cents in portage the folder will be Dioinntlv niuiled. Real estate Snap Two acre treot, seven block; from t enter of La Grande. Good six room ed cottngo furnished completely and well, if desired. Two barns, large hen hnnseand ire enclosed paik over one iriied chickens, over 100 bearitg 'nit, trees including wiut.ii and Bum or armies, ceais, prunes, peaches and several verities .of clierrirs, one thousand raspberries, 500 straw berries twenty five shade trees, lawn, lionets and large garden rcaay ior ue, mieo wi lis, two pomps, ten shares in good water ditch. House insured for 7UU for three years. Part down. For particulars Inquire at this office. Columbia i'ft Commercial University Attn FOB CATAtOQUS Courees. Boarding soliool tor young men lioye. Box 348 University Park Station, P-irlUlJ Crrtjon A?E VOU GOING TU V. LO t.i so, p-rcliuse join- n r -u ' r I . . . ; i . i' ;en ' av 4i.i " rot i i. S'i I'AU., IH.NXER, COLOBAUO ."t 1.I.M.N or I'UKIiLO ! ra!ef call '.u 'ir ! A. m til ol 8A;e . i i . i -. jr. ii. t. ' : 'Atner m! ' m '' ' i re: ".itionafail up i ... i: Kr IJ. i.b J ten . ' I i HI P. . i .ADMINISIBATOE'S.BAUS., 1 By virtue of an order and '' lloense, made and entered by the Honorable County Court.oQ September 10, 1904, in the matter of the administration, of the estate of Angie A Wood, deceased, I will from and after October 22nd 1904, at my office No. 1110 Adams Avenue, La. Grande, Union County, Oregon, proceed to selljit private sale lote.nomberedeight (8), in nlook No, SO in Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon. Parties desiring to purchase said prop- erty mav deposit sealed bids ou or be fore said date, together with certified check-for ten percent of the. amount bid for said pioperty as a guarantee that said oifer will be complied with in case the offer is acrepted.. So offer will be considered for a sum less than 81200. Terms of sale, oash to me in hand. J.K.Wright, Administrator of the eatate of Angie A. Wood, deceased. Dated September 17, 11)04. IN TUB UNITED STATES DITBICT COUKT FOR THE UlSTRIOK OF OREGON. n tlie matter of) Notice of first J. D. Kerr ! Meeting of u,.lrPii..f . Creditors, lo the creditors of J. 1). Kerr, of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, nana KOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on : tne uiii , uuy ui .mk.. land fhA Rnid J. 1). Kerr, was duly ;adjudioated a Bankrupt, and that the First meeting ol the i roditors will be held at the olllce of the undersigned In ta Grande, Ongou, on iuesdny, (September 27 lb, iuu . a n'nini'L. In the forenoon. ol saiil .lay, at whieb time and plane said Creditois may aituud, prove their ilaiins, appoint a Trustee, examine the liunkriipi, and traimact such other business as rnny propeny come ueio -aid uioetiug. Twenty rive cents must itcrt.tnpauy ua.-bclfiiu tiled. I)at. d at La orsnda, Oregon, Sept ember 15, 1004. F. S. Ivanboe, Referee in llnkruptcy Ci iovinn A Runaway Match The . Stewart Opera . Boose will have the the New fork success "A Runaway Match" by Hark J Swan, as an attraction for next Friday eve Sept 30, Tbejilay Is oonoeded to be one of the very cleverest of - farce comedy oaui positions Mhat -has ever been presented on tbe Amerlcon stage It is brimful of tbe most ludiorous situations and laughable scenes while the Hoes are bright and olevor and at tbe same time .there Is nothing' that would offend the moat exactiug.. . The praduciug company is oomposed of clever people, many of whom : ap peured in the original oast when the play was presented in New - Tork where it was a reigning success for an entiie Beason, Among those figuring in the principal roles are to be mention ed the Meiers Waif red Wil.en, Jack Prentls, Ed Perry, Frank Adpleton, B Honder, T Douglas, and the Mieser Claire Washington,' Louise Neyera and Myrle Bunn. Tbe organization is under the direction of the well known firm of Muler & Bates.. Mr Jos Mul-J ler baa diieoted and managed many ol the highest class theatrical and ope rail- eal and operatlo attractions that have twen offered the American playgoers during- the present decade among which are to be mentioned the Pollard LUUpution Opera Company Tivol i Road Company ; and Nance O'Neil Mr Thomas Bates oomei of the famous theatrical family of the same name. No Harm To Look It is now possible to get for 85 oents what you have been paying $1.60 for sucb books as Bed Bock, . Missippi Bubble, Cast'eCiany Orow, Right of Way, Audrey, Janije Meredith, Dor thy Vernon, David llarum, and many other ol the bast late oopyright books formally sold for $1.50, we are now selling for 85 cents. Drop in aod look at them over, you are just aa weloorue whether you buy or not. ..Newlin Drug Co. For Sale Light bay .buggy team if eatle) Work single, doable or saddle. New pole .buggy and,new Jight hsrnesa complete. Inquire of M rs . E W hitney, Whitney Bouse, Adams Avenue. FOR SAm-Dalty. oows. inquire .at the Grider farm, KID No. 2. fOR riiLE 8 seres of land and house of 0 rooms 4 acres Ui.benriug orchard one acre in strawberries, stables for 6 horses and oat houses plenty of water 20 minuets work; from P O for '"particulars oall at grocery store of W j AloKarlane. 9-1-16.1. , FOR 'SALE A four room house oheap If taken at once.' Almost new and in best residence part of ' town. In quire at this ollioe. S 20-27 v BLOCKLAND BROS. Island City, Oregon - Breedera, of BERKSHIRE and POLANDCUINA SWINE. ; - We now liavo eight young bucks, pure bred, Cote . woM and sliropshires, ready for service, anyone need . , ing choice bucks, should see these to -, appreciate them Young stook always on hand,' and always glad to : have yon call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for ; tbe Farmor, and ask you to compare our paices before. ' buying some where else. FIKfc PROOP SAFE For sale,' weight 2300, price : $501 Call or write La UrauJa Pawnbroker Phone lfiSL Furniture For Sale J' And house to. .rent apply to (Mrs t-heareropposlte B tar Grocery North ' ol track. 1 For Rent Eight room on North Fir Street en quire of Mrs Shearer. 8-tf I Tbe.building formerly occupied by the Salvation army..' For full part s': titulars and rates inquire pi Mrs a u iuoer. &ug. ai 1 1 . .. .: i. , j UOUrJE TO RENT The proper Deri son can seoare a llrat class residence in good part of town . by inquiring of J N Wilson at his residence ou ." Biroh street. " 8t ! Notice Every Friday afternoon at half past two o'olock beginning Sept. . 16 -there will be a meeting at tbe home of Mrs Geo. Blake at Island City lor tbe pur pose of reading the Writings . of the New Churob'given to tbe World through Emanuel Bwedenborg. Any one interested in knowing what the New Church tcaohes is cordially invited to be prese t. furnished rooms to rent. Inquire of -, Mrs A U Mover, Hilts bouse north of car shop Phone 1801 8, 16. ' FOR RENT Furnished , rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs.. M A Adams, , 1300 O street. : Phone 0U3. . . Sept FOR RENT Housekeeping room Very nicely furnished. " Two blocks ' weBtol High School, on the corner of 1st and M at. ' ' 4 MEAT MARKET; Stellwell ft Vandermuelen, Proprietors. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL r.BUTCHEPS. . ,4 Highest market prioe paid for all kinds of ,bu toilers' ; stock Hides, pelts and furs. ., Also chickens fe poultry. r. Half a ' Carload of 7New Wall ' ' We have lutt received half a car load of the newest .. , T . - j; j) and latest wall paper, Half a carload i means 20,000 r g rolls. ;" This Is more paper than any one (irm , ever ' thought of bringing Into this county in a single season, a 11 1 " - M . This paper Is all for sale and must be sold this season,.-1 Ws" jj bavs brought two Bret class paper bangers direct from1 Chicago, who are without doubt the mast: sklllfnl, workmen , In Eastern 9 who. with the Bv. flrst olass o . 1 hansera slreadr la oari em V. ploy, gives asthe best working f v , I he Inland Euplre. : ' )) Stackland &s McLacWen For Rent Three houses for rent on R. F. D. No 1 will .make liberal terms to the right persons. Special Inducements to long term leasers. L B Hyatt. . BFO No. 1 La Grande Sept. 'J3-Oet. 23 W tNTEDi .Work of anykind, coo ; ing preferred, by a young, able-bodied married man with good recommenda tions, and is not afraid to work. Apply at this office. FRESH OYSTERS In bulk at J D McKennon's. FOR SALE Eiiilit lots and 7 room bouso, pnoo $1900. House alone . ellOO. 8 tots (80 . Enquire of J ' linker. St WANTED Tb re? good Mrs. Anna James. seamstress Sept 15 EOR SALE Five room house in good residence portion ot toVn, Will be sold choap if Slid at once. Inquire of H P Lewis or Wm. Worst II, La Grande, Oregon . Oct I ! 3 Us ,Vl i;' t, V.! ! Inscl!" f'rc !- -IM Utile t' ,"i.onpi:y r.i r' r. t W ! Mi- l.t it ,. p.. - - xmn On 10 lt- 't t U'-t e lour fl c ..... -LiU-kllc. Ther rural? jttM sn-1 sufllswly IX THE COUNT COURT, FOR TU K COUNTY OK UNION, STATE OF OREUON. In t' o mutter of the guard-) ianship ol Je-so N Kuiin-J Citation. Li-ch, a Minor ; . T.i .1, rin.- N K.dinbnch. tuid Minoi, and Mary Kulmback, hie guardian and ..cxl k n, auil ell oihor persms in t- . .1 in il.u o.-ilHte of sa.d Minor GREETING: In the nameot the s ate of Oregon, Vou are iuriiiy ci ea o:iu rei)oire-i ii .. in i.. in, ml ol I ho diiti; I I 'ipgon, oi 'he ( on ty of '. nion, nt l:B((url ooiii h i ' la Gia-i o iu the (Oii-i'y o' L'nio , "n Snlurda. i e Hi d-(y of 'lei' l-r. V.m nt 1: r'u i. ii ike ffrrf.'onoi ihit day. ni ' er i. el ow dins.', ll am. ,.nii ve ly Her"'1""" M"ry ImiIm 1 n ''. K'i- "linn of ihe pers u nn n-tM . t!: i.r - ; iii'd in nor, niay, , ,- i, i ci ..f In-i u t aut' oriz . ?. ; P :n . ii'il "ii' "v( T nc her I ,...,.!.. lit ii i i jj ( - hi ; i. .. mii .N I-1. In I : it- . . i.ji'i iii ' In' u owV-flou. r ! cri it 1. ' ''('! ! I r -I ii ; .m i I- I e '-v S " '' 1' 1 1' i j ,. j7 -. v ! , a ii I S'f (ii i . ii. , v, iM;s.i. tc i M A I'.irnr II jo.ii.-e '- -I. ii'; ('(.ur of th in.!- i f i ii !- , f.x the o t f l iimn i!i ii a-si "f esiil c er' -t; , i 7' h il r WI-' - '"" i , i .- t r I I i. l: . I m. KLT0X City Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Wells Cleaned All work done by Scavengers 1ST. Mason Phone 1S11 La Graii.lo Or. LOsT The crown off of a i Knight Templar's emblem with a setting of live small diamonds. Finder will ' please.leaTO at J M. Harry's store and ' receive reward. tf : LOsT 93-' in ...b. j' i Jjei will pleas S leave-1 tun ofllce and get liberal re ! ward. . 2t LOST On the streets of La Urunde, an abstract of title from the ollioe oi La Grande iuvostmout Company, Kind er will please return to ollioe of La Grande investment Company. Position Wanted Voiiig ma dt.Di'liicjl ia geaera morebandise and bookkoeplng desires position. Moderate ;salary. - Refer ences lumished. Address L, P O box 007, city. , 8 17 Bids Wanted The plans aod specification lor the exblnit building are now in tbe olfloe of M . L. Causey aud bids for its con struction will be received up to Tues day evening. Teams Wanted To bsul lumhej from Ladd Canyon to La Grande for particulars enquire of Wm Ortnond or Stoddards Planing Mill. Bept. .19 20 PAINTS.1 eilaS AND GLAbS 9 in-) Lod&e Directory. KAOLES La UntDdc Alrio t O k IDMU evory ti naay nmtii ia it ol I- nan te s r m Vailing brathoru Invited ly. alien .. C 0 Boekwell, W If a. N MayTllle, W Beo. KORKHTKHS OK AMKITIOA-Oourt Mild Marlon. So U nieets eaab Tuesday In Kilt's halL BroUieni ars Invltod to ai teud. M Uoliner drier Banner. O J Vanderpeol Keettao. , IOO F--taQrmnd0 Lodge, Vo IS tractr Ji their hall every HAlurdaynlsht. VI titles ntm bers ooidiallv invited to attend. S Kloehart N U 11 R Ooolidse, Bee. A, i',4A. M. La Grande Lodge o 41. meets every let and Srd Batur jy of each month. A O Williams Sec, O D Huffman W. M 'jT.ghtful Route, Daylight Ride .Dizzy Crags, Deep Oanoua. A Golden Opportunity See uature In all bar glorious beauty, and then the acme of man's handiwork. The first is found along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and thn litttnr at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will he one of pleasure make the most of it. For information and illus (rated literature write W. O. Mc BRIDE, Gen. Agt, Portland, Oregrti Wood Saw . Having leased tbe G W Allen steam wood saw, f am prepared to promptly take oare of all orders entrusted to me. W.M Andis, . Corner Greenwood and Hill streets 5 Phone 1863 8 12-0 I " FARMERS ATTENTION Lnave purchased the SPO KANE 0AFE and it is my in tention to, make a special effort to please the farmers, In order to do this I have deoided . to furnish a special meal Saturday of each week which I '-call the Farmers' Dinner. This meal will include all that the market affords and will be served in regular family style. This will be the best meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 eeuts. - When in the city oall at tbe Spokaue Cute and see exactly how good a meal you can buy for 25 oents. - REMEMBER wo pay ; leash for butter, eggs and chickens, i J F Johnson. . i .ISSaVSWaySSffpPJWaaS fm-- - - ' ' - - Lriiwnm 1 1 rwrrMirs -liiav mm. :mm When your lungs art sore and Inflamed from coughing:. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. HUM flCl Tflli stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains jio harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR in a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung '.'''. The I lild Re Had Consumption A Manrtlont Care. L s, Reasonsr, Iowa, writes: "The doctors ssld I had con sumpt t no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helpt.. - ,(.! from the start and stopped the spltUnt of blood sod tbe pain ia my lungs sod todsy I am sound sod wall. THREE SIZES 25o, BOo, and $1jOO REFUSE SUBSUITVTES IT. i: A S: ! BINAKY (in , a r ,h .i I I.r r'. I in - - fan rn i'" I i 1 1 1 ni ivni SOLD JLKD EECOKBERDED BY a C. t Will Si Co., ChteajJ- Residence pliuiie 701 I A 'J Uii L, lnnegis W By All Dnuwists