r-MJrWjBtes VOTE DOWN Fori Sale . The Most Stylish and Most Modern Tall Milli AMENDMENTS nerv At Prices Far Below Any : Previous Offer Now on Exhibition j Mrs. J. R. Forrest, I Masonic bulding on Adams avenue.,, ' Beautiful Columbia River Folder A iitnerrtepnrlmeilof the Oro gbu.Kailroad A Kaviiiatlon .Company bat jiint iasued.a. beautiful and costly panoramio folder entitled "The Col umbia; Hirer, through the Cascade Mountains, to tbe Pauiflo Ocean." ironi Arlington to Portland aud from 1'ortluud to tiia Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of interest are shown while Mt llood Mt A (lame, aud.Mi.St Helens, porpo. taally covered with snow, stand out in there beauty. On the bock of the map is an Interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to tbe ocean. not overlooking the beaches and the Kan Franiiaco trip; by ocean- A oopy of this folder may be secured by send Ing four cunts in stamps to pay postage to A L Craig, General Passeugsr Agent nf tbe Oregon 'tailroud Jc navigation Coujpan p I'ortland, Orogon, Ky send ing the address of some ulend iu tbe JCaet, and (our oents in pontage the ifolder will be oiotnutlv niniled. ' Real estate Snap Twoncie treot, seven blocks from center ot La Grande. Ooul six room- d cottugu iurnibhed completely and well, II desired. Two barns, large hen limine and wire t'l.olostd park over one ndied ouiokens, over 1UU beariig '"It trees iueluiiiug w.utu and siun- r apples, peais, pruueB, .peaches and several vuritios .ot cherries, one thousand raspberries, uUU straw berries twenty live shnde truos, iuwn. lioweis and large garden ready tor use, time wi Us, two pumps, tin shares in good water ditch. Uouuo iusured for 70U for three years, fait down. Vol particulars Inquire at this office. Columbia University (Jolleuiute, I repHLiu-ry CoiUki oro al a d Cii-.,iii- ui..r tnU'ie u-ply rot OAULOaus u.uuos. Hoarding school tor youin: men & boys. Box 348 University Park Motion, ARE YOU GOIisO ec, titchase t in ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE;.' By virtue of .an order and license, oiude and entered by the. 'Honorable County Court on September 10, 1904, in the matter of the administration of the estate nf Angle A Wood, deceased, I will from and. after October . 22nd 1904, at my ollice .No. 1110 Adams Avenue, La. Grande, Union County, Oregon, proceed to fell at private sale lots.numbered.eight (8), In block No. 60 in Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grahiie, Union Oounty, Oregon . Parties desiring to purchase said prop: erty may deposit sealed bids on or be fore said date, together with certified oheck for ten per cent of tbe amount bid for said ptoperty as a guarantee that said oifer will be oomplied wilb in case the offer is ac-epted. So offer wid be oonsidered for a sum less than I12i). 'lerms of sale, cash to me in hand. J . K. Wright, . Administrator of the estate of An A. Wood, deceased. Dated September 17, 1901. IN THE UNITED STATES DITRIUT COURT FOR THE DlSTRIOl' OF OREGON. .. n the matter of) Notice nf first J. O. Kerr Meeting of ' Hh ok runt. Creditors, io the creditorb oi J. 1). Kerr, of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, Bank runt.. iiOTlCK 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that on tbe Llth day oi ceps ember, llXM, the said J. l. knrr. m, dnlv adjudicated ' f Uanlirui't, and that the First meeting oi the i red i tors will be held at the office of the tiudmsigned iu LaUraiide, Oregon, ou tuesilay, September ifitb, ima rl ten o'ntonk. Iu the forei.oou. ol said nay, at which time and plaee said Creduois may attend, prove their claims, appoint a Tiustee, examine the i.ankrtipi, and Irani-act ueh other bilBinesBas may piopeily come be, ore Mild mooting, Tw.uty five cents m st Hct-i.mouuy ea uolrlm Uleu, Uat.id at La urande, Oregon, Sept mibei 15, 1U04. P. ii. lvanhoe, Referee iu llniikruptcy A Runaway Match i The Stewart Opera ' House ' will have the the ' New ' Fork success "A Runaway Matoh" by 'Hark F. Swan, aa an attraction for -next "Friday eve Sept 30, Tbelay Is obnoeded ' to be one of tbe ' ery 1 cleverest Jof ' farce oomedy compositions ihatJ has ever been presented on the Americon stage It is brimfi.l of tbe most ludlorouB situations aud laughable scenes while tbe lines are brlgnt and clever and at tbe same time .there is notbiDg that would offend the most exacting. The producing company is composed of clever people, many of whom ap peared in the original cast when the play was presented in New York where it was a reigning s access for on entire season. Among those figuring In the pnnoipal roles are to be -mention ed the Messrs Waif red Wilton, Jack Prentis, Ed Perry, Frank Adpleton, B Hender, T Douglas, and the Miser Claire ; Washington, . Louise Neyers and Myrle Buna. The organization is under the direction of the well; known firm ot Muller & Bates. . Mr Jos Mul ler has dlreoted and managed many of the highest class theatrical and operali-1 cal and operatio attractions that have been offered the .American playgoers during tbe present decade among wbiob are to be mentioned the Pollard Lil'lputioo Opsra' Company II vol i Road Company and Nance O'Neil Mr Thomas Bates come of tbe famous theatrical family o( the same name. ' Citation O it. j tit -s 4 i" '. it i . ii . I K'l.PALL, DI.NVIflt., COLUKA; .. tl'MMir., or IUBHLO. ror rntfre call on ui,i hi a. a t eb ol ie : .i i it. i-i-i l jj, I. - . i hor fiirihor mi iritu I reMrv.it lime mil 'i A II Mt Oonuld . In Kt l'nr lui i. i in u lit-: t-ou.vr' i.ourt, kor TUB I'OU.XTY Ol'' UNION, bTATh. tiF OKEiiON. In ti.o mutter of the guard-1 iaiiship of Jo,so N lumn-'. Citation u. Oh, u .ttllUll' ) To J. mm-N Kjlin'iacb, said Miuoi, and .Mary Ka uibuck, his guardian and ... xi ..i k u, uud ail other .?i-..i- iu l. ...!.., i in iho eatutu of aai.i MIllT (i UKKl'.NG: ill lOu huinOo. the a.lllu Ol U7i'g"ll, i i n me i . n ty i i cd and required to .lie I ill . lie lOllli.) eoml Oi tt.e tnte ii.Ko , o tho o.ii. ! of ';uoti, at . ,. n.i.i; vii.ii. n r ii,. in I a Uia i e iu the on . hi I'nui , nil Snlurda San Francisco, Sept. St. The sor erelgn grand lodge of Odd Fellows this morning voted down tbe proposed coDstitutknal amendments providing for tbe admission of persons of 18 to the order, chsnging ot titles if officers of tbe grand ledge, providing for representative in the sovereign grand lodge for the Itebekahs, for changing the term ot the representative ' from two to one year, and the admission of Indians and mixed blood to the order. For Kent Three houses for rent on R. F. D. No 1 will (make liberal terms to. the right persons. Special inducements tu long term leasers. L B Hyatt. R F D No. 1 La Grande Sep, iS3 Oct, 23 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 - - NOTICE OB PUitLIOAIION - :. U S Land Ollice, La Grande, Oregon. July 10, 19U4 Notice is hereby given that in com liance with the provisions of the sot f Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in he SuneB of California, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Territory, " as ex tended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 1, 1892, Eliza E Fowler, of l.a Grande, county of Union, state of Oregon, haB this day filed' in this o tlli 6 her sworn' statement Nn, 3161 tor tbe purchase of the E NEJi A E SKi of Heotion No. 29 in Township No. 4 aouth. Range Ho. 85. E. W M. And will offer proof to sliow tbat tbe land sought is more valuable' for iis limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estahlish her claim to suid land before the Register and Re ttiver at La Gran'e,'Oregoii, on lues day, tbe 4th day of Oobober, 1904. She names aa wi'neses: Frank Har ris, 11 C Cotner, lora it snook, George E ow'er, of La Grande. Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above described lands are requested tu fl e their claims iu this ollice on or b. lore (aid 4tb day ot Uot. lU4. ' E'W Davis Register . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION -U. 8. Land Office, Ia Umtnle, Ureson. . AllSUHt 5, luol. yotlec Is hereby slvon that ttie followliig- -tl Keltler niei nieil iiiiiiue oi nin iuiuiiik It. II. K. iruor In suiitiort or his otutm irnnr will to inuile before the liter anil Itceeiver-of thi 118 I Anil Ulline ml tlut i-nld li t.viti.r unit Iti i hii ttiiinilc. i iieitmi. on sept. AI, IWt, vli: i Light bay .buggy team tgeoUe) Work single, double or - saddle. New polo bugg; and . rw ,il(ht harness oouipleU. Inquire of Mr. E V bltuey, Whitney Houw, Adtu Avenu FOR SALE Dairy eows. lui)uliw ,t ' the Grlder farm, R If 1) No. H. rORSALE 8 aires of Uud aud house i of 0 rooms 4 sores In.betrlug orohtrd , one aire in aura berries, stable for ; 6 horses and oat houses plenty ot - water 20 minuets work from P O for . partionlara call at grocery store of W ; MoFarlane. 9-1-10-1. " :. FOR tiALE A four room house obesp ' if taken at onoe. Almost new and '. in best residence pat t of town. In ; quire at this office. " 8 20-2i hAt PKOOF SAFE . - For sale, weight' 2500, priceCoOi Call or write Ls Gran Je Pawnbroker Puone 168L- Fumiturc For Sale And house to lent- apply to .Mrs bhearer opposite Stsr Grocery North ol track . For Rent Eight room on North Fir Street en- quite of Mrs Shearer. 8-tf . rhe.bailding formerly occupied by the Salvation army. , For full par- ' tiiulara and rates inquire ol Mrs S C Zuber; Aug. 31 1 f HUUBE TO RENT The proper per son can seoura a first class resldenoe in good part of tott u by inquiring of J N Wilson at hie residence on BiioU street' J. . :. 2t Furnished rooms to rent. Inquire of Mrs A Id btover, Hilts house north of car shop Phone 1801 S, 18. ' FOR RENT Furnished rooms' tor rent. Apply to Mrs. M A Auams, 130U O street. Phoue 58 3. : ' Sept FOK RENT Housekeeping room very nicely furnished. Two blocks westot High School, on the ooxner of 1st and M sr. THREE NIGHTS STARTING THURSDAY SEPT. 22 DICK SUTTON'S BIG suew 10c 20c and 30c cents no more 20 PEOPLE 20 BAND and ORCHESTRA CbsDgo of play e.oh and every, night " ' A Ruined Life A Pair of Black Eyes Down by the Sea New novelties, Specialties. Songs , and Moving Pictures between Aots , ' - The Great Train- Robbery 'i - ' '. . -'..--' ' - ' . . " ' .' ' . .' " " . - -" .:''-. .-.-. .- ' "I " . . " -. , .',. WiiNtEU: rt orkof uuylttnd, cos -ing preferred, by a young, able-bodid married man with good recommenda tions, aud is not afraid to work. Apply at this office. No. 82tl, J1.I111 Keller,, of Im Oruode, vim. for lliu i v;i, hlu&wm oecuon IVruJtfcltanseOT&WM. lln tiainiw tliomllowltw wllnewie t- prove U ii:iIIiiiiiiuh nliieiii'e up.m aiit culltvntmn lit s.ild lima, vis: A J I'llts, Conrart Htroebcr, Kiml limine antt J-jIid Mow, all of La Urando ' , b. . navt,. Itarliter. LOST Tbe crown' off of a Kuight " Templar's embhua with a setting of five small diamonds. Finder vill please leave at J M Berry's stor. a.i i i receive reward. "'1 LOST 3-r in . J iajei will pleas J leave -' ' me office and get liberal re i war'! ' "' 1 " it. LOST On tbe streets of La Grande, an abstract of title from the office of La :. Grande Investment Company.. Find er will pleaee return to office of La Grande investment Company, . .. Position Wanted Young utu scjiiri mill- io geiier merchandise and bookkeeping desires nnail Inn Moderate salary. Refer ences lurnisbed. Address L, P O box 007, city. v .8.17 Bids Wanted The plauB and Roeotication for iLe pxbimt building are now in tbe office ol M . L. Oausey and bids lor its con atruction will be received, up to Tufe day evening. Teams Wanted '' To btul lamliei from Ladd - Omyon to I.e Grande for particulars enquire of WnxOrmond orStoddards : Planing Milt. Pent. 19W FARMERS ATTENTION I have purchased the SPO KANE CAFE and it is my in teiition to make a special effort to plfense the farmers, In order to do tbiu I have decided to furnish a special meal Saturday of each week whicb I oajl the Farmers' Dinner. This meal, will include all-that the market affords ad will, be served in regular family style. ' This will be the beat meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 cents. When in the city call at the Spokane Ca'te and see exactly how good a meal' you can buy tor 25 cents. L REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, et;gs and chickens. . J F Johnson, v Gtv Scavenger Vaults, Cesspools and Weils : Cleaned . ' All work done bv Scavengers ' 1ST. Mason Phone 1841 La Grande Or. The World's Fair.Routc Those anticipating an Eaattrn tiin, or a visit to thai LoauSana Paroham expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook (he advantages offered by the Missoom Pioirio Railway, which, on aomunv of Its various routes and gated - ways,- nas oeen.. appropriately. -names 'The World''! Fair Route." : Pasengs Iroin the Northwest take the MiasorjRi rAiupiu trains from Den ver or' iuetjlf win. siiuvko ur cicuer going direct through tbe Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver aad Pueblo to St, Louis - without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between Kansas Oity and st Louis. ' ;' Write, or call on ' Wi G.- HcBrlde. : General Agent' I2f Third st, Portland for detaited InformsUon mdllluatratied literature. tf. '. Lodt;e Directory. KA0I.K8 La Urande Airie im PO H mocti euery Friday oUht tit K ol r -ult a' 8 m VUltloR bretheru Invited V. atui.i C UooVwcU, We a St aarTllls, W Sso. K0RKSTRR3 OP AMBfUCA-Oonrt Maid MkHon, No 23 meet eatib Tuesday In Ela's halt Brotueia are Invited to attead. l HcUUor Cblel ttanKer. OJVaade-pool kecBcc IOOf-'LaOrande Lodge, No 16 n j, their hall every Saturday night VMIlug Ibem bera ooidially invited to attend. S E Kloehart N i H G Coolidge, 8eo A r 4 A. M. La Grande Lodge . 3 41. meets every 1st nd 3rd Satur ' y of each month. A O Williams See, O D Huffman W. si. ghtful Route, Daylight Ride Dizzy Crags,' Deep Canons.' A .Golden Opportunity 9e nature - in all her glorious beauty, and then the acme jof man's handiwork. The first lis found along the line of the Denver & Bio Grande . Aailroad. and thn lattnr at the St. Louis World's Fair. Your trip will he one of pleasure make the most Oi ii. r or information ana inns trated literature write W. 0. McBRIDB, Gen. Agt. Portland. Oreer in- i ii i i . ot lltt I f.l I I. II II mil hn fit SIMnfl Ult ft I "1 l bus rlMSaoht Torfli L Ii 4, C'tt''i. and I ii -- . . , if. trtn itiacnua ci . . , ' CH Wtw'a UHIS EjiIV H!e - j SklM. liar t amptl ana n r rit s ee saleiy Ihat lita fnn'' , la ' cks i4ni One to I o b.i ..' mA . lw la ' " 4 votJU ellv.Uv eathfcrtU. They tl, svrely M(ilab n4 abMhilaty' They tonle tha live I i ' I'- . I ll..t : f t 11 Oil , 1H04. ul I : v i n n .b.t day mi:-, if mi' .li.ii Mnry h l'i s u nu i uud in ii .i. Iin' iti,. . i ;i t nut ' oi u. ami onering her I i, ; 1 U:in. vl"K '" I" n.l .. l. II .Vino i,.',- dii. i-1 i-r. iu, i i. i t i i-t in ... .. i.. it. r.-. , :i 'I I-' &lf." rii.-ll li -., i A : i.iv!H'ti nt court nl Hi , ,1' l hn .i ll t -f a al i.f i-htd cuiirl d i- hi ' . lit' I. ii . I r i k . I' r. f A : h l, ; N A It V v I II ,. ...... l:e.t'e c-. 1 1 KM . m;i- IS N, S' 'I- i:rt n When your lungs are sore and Inflamed from coughing, Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. FOLEY'S MIV ALU TAB stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAB '9 a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung Til I uld It Hid ConmptlM-A Mtmtoai Curt. L s, Ressontr, Iowa, writes: "Ths doctors uld I had con- i.Uh,L Jt no better until 1 used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It help . ,,t from tho start snd stopped tbe spitting ot Mood sod the psia to my lungs and today I am sound snd welL THREE SIZES 25o, tO and S1.00 V REFUSE SUBSUITVTES . 1 SOLD IXD RECOKIENDED BY , O. DaWlx Co., Cktleaslo nsawMsSMsasBawsssaHsasa,' w By All Uruisis bo TUl A. '1 iiil 1, 1 trrgia