A8 A STARTER ' suppose you try some Blue rants or a chowder. After that go down the list and select the tempting things we have on our bill of fare and when yo've finished dinning you'll, feel like a king. There's no better place to dine than AT OUR RESTAURANT . We have the latest of every thing the market affords, and know hew to cook and serue it Bring wife down, she wants a change and it won't cost much. Open evenings. MODEL. RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIOHT We sell weekly Heal $4.50 ncKeu, uasn Get The Habit ! ..- : , fOf trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you T , cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are ". always .J the best, our prices are the lowest and our stock - is x X complete. ?..'.'::.'.;.':'.' i., I . - : . :" ; $ D-fflM having the largest stock of "Preferred" m UvollivJ canned goods, Allen & Lewis special V . brand on all their leading lines. We hare just re W ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's ? and Shoes which we invite you to iuspect. fC. RALSTON, NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE J Cor. Fir and ELECTRIC FIXTURES All who are building new .r rebuilding their homes, can ueatly finish their parlors, dining rooms halls etc with a 1 to 6 light Electolere, at a reason able price, as we are in position to undersell any fixture in the Inland Empire... . . ' We have at our office a complete stock of assorted styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de signs and finish. Also Shades of ell designs. We cordially invite the public to inspect our stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office open from 7 a m to 8:30 pm. La Grande Light and Power Co. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATIOM O. 8. Land Office l U Orande, Omton, Aupul 18, Iffn. Kotkets herrfr riTtn that th. following amni acttlrr lui Sled notice ol hli iniemion to nuke finl proof In rappirtol hl i claim, and thai uid proofwill ne made before the Oounty Clerk at Umltilla Coonty, Orton at Ptodlelon Orwton.onuept. jO, 1II,tuH E No S6,, JojI AStaalon, of Mechm. orejnn for the Kill 3 4, s, and 6. DM M. Tp. 18. R. ! E M e nauitl the follow, witoerJ to prrrw n1" eominuoui reallnce apoo and cultivation ol "'tefr'rTHilTanl and John Todd, both of Moacham. Oreiion.and Hmlth C Suntoo and "Ta M Uii both of Athj, OBjoa. Kegiaier. SUMMERVILLE LIVERY W. I. Hunter & Soa have Leased the McKinzie 8'ables and are prepared to serve the publio iD a - first class manner at reasonable rates. TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE Tbut is why people come here for men's and by T)oys' . shoes The J. E. Tilt lino is our spec ialty. Here is where price .- and quality are combined. ' C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET Jefferson Sis. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Isolated Tmct Public Land Sale. Notice la hereby given that In panuanos of InHlracttone from tbe Commlwlonor of the Ueneml Land office, UDduf autliorltr Tented in blm by Hectlon 1VA U. H, ReTlaed HtatoUw. aa amended by the act of Conjrrea apltroved Februarr JS, lutA, we will proceed to offrr at public aale, at ten o'clock a. m., on the 3Ptli dnr of Heplemoer, 1901, at thia omce. the following tract of land, to-wltl N N WX Hec. 29, Townablpsaoutu, ranse88, EwM. Any and all peraone clalmlna adreraelr the abore-dearrtbed land areadviard to Ale 'i lr elalma In thia omce on or before the day above dealgnated for commencement of aafd aale; otbenrlae tbelr rlghta will be forfeited. Dated Augusts, im. K W Davis, RegtuteT. A A Hoberu, Reoalrir. nnonG THE CHUKCHES ; CHRISTIAN 8UIEN0B ' ,8. Irene King, 1st Reader. Tbe Christian Ooleooe services at the home of J 8 Page old town every Sunday at 11 a, m. All are oordlally invited. ... V LATTER DAY BAINT8 Sunday School 10 a. m Regular services v. 3 p. m '. Matoal . Improvement . Association meets conjointly at 1 :30 p. m. ; CATHOLIC CHTJBCH Mass every Sunday exoopt tbe 4th at 7 and 9 a, m. Rosary and Benediotion on the same days at 7:30 p. m. Mass on tbe alb Sunday at 7 a. in., no evening tervloe on that day. Mass on week days at 6:30 a. m. W. J. Whyte, Beotor St. PETER'S EPISOOPALOHUBOH 17th Sunday after Trinity Buuday Bohool 10 a m Litany, Sermon and Holy Oommuniun at .:' ' : - ' "11 am The Rev. John Warren of Heppuer will offioiate and preaob at these ser- vioea- ' ; . . Alayservioe " All invited. GERMAN LUTHEHAN ' There will be German Lutheran eeivioea at the North Methodist oburob Sunday Sept. 26, BiSO o'olook p m. ; ' K Haase, pastor ' PRE3BYTERI AN OHjBOH Preaching tomorrow 11 a m and 7:30 by pastor Rev, Edwin Hays, morning theme i "God Is Love." Evening tbeme "Ready For The Bride-groom's Coming" Sunday Sobool 10a m Junior Eadeavor Senior Endeavor How the World is Prayer meeting, 3 pm 8:30 p m growing better" Thursday 8 p in A cordial invitation is given to all wbo have no oburob home to attend these services with us. B.iPTIBT 0HCH0H Sunday Sobool : Classes for all ages . You are invited. Sermon - . : 10am 11am Subject , "The Three Cruoifixions 1110 p m sermon, subject, !'Tbe thing Yon Need." Oome and cot it, "Oome tbou with us and we will do tbee good." CENTRAL CHURCH of CHRIST OPPOSITE 8U.UMEB HOUSE OH King Minister Bible School ' . 10 A M Morning Worship ; - 11 AM Preaching at Hilgard ' ,30PM Evening Service - 7:30 PM Sermons Morning "Some Open Doors for this Congregation" Evening "The Sure Fouodatien" A cordial invitation to all. - Neighboring Exchanges Mrs Geo England and little son ielt Wednesday morning lor Salt Lake City where they expect to spend tbe winter for tbe benefit ol Mrs England's health. Scout. It now seems .probable that Union will ship twenty or tveoty-uve oars oi prunes this fall, instead of ten as last week reported. Several large orohards are yet to hear from. Tbe woolen mill at Union this week received an order for 7,400 pairs of blankets from a Chicago house. Rev J O Walker and family are now nicely located at the Metbodist . par. onageMr Walker Is tbe new Methodist minister and oomes to Union with a record as a wide-awake and energetic man and Is a valuable acquisition to our community. Don Conklin is oomplllog ststistlos or tbe Grande Ronde Eleotrio com pany and is doing Union this week. Gen Goodbrod is erecting a new prune dryer on bis plaoe and expects to dry 40,000 pounds of fruit from his own place tbls year. Mr Goodbrod is showing the proper spirit, and bis ac quaintance with the handling ol fruit makes it certain that he will turn out a superior article from his dryer, J T Camp, of Alameda, California, is in the oity, figuring on entering tbe newspaper field in Union. Union Republican. Daniel Chandler, one of tbe earliest pioneers of Union county and a mi dent of Elgin at present was In Wallowa the latter part ol last week on hie return from Enterprise where ha had been to visit bis daughter Mrs B 13 Combs and family. Mr Obandler raised a large famlly'of oblldern and has been no small factor in converting he western wilderness into a prosp erous and settled country. Wallowa News. FRESH OYSTERS la bulk at J D MoKennon's. AGAINST LOCAL OPTION Pendleton Pept gS An organization was formed last night lor the purpase of combatting tbe local option forces their attempt' to carry Umatilla county against saloons, The meeting was held in the rooms oi the Commer cial association alter that body had adjourned. -. 'v ,V V fourteen local business men and property owners were present. Mayor W IP Matlock was elected chairman ol the meeting and J B Uiokaon secretary Those present were called upon to express their views as. to what should bejdono in the matter F G Mcintosh informed those present oi what steps bad so far been taken by the local option people in she fight. According to bis statement tbe county pellt.on yet lacked one hundred name of having the number required to make It effective. Speaking for tbe saloon men he said he thought it wise for those of his profession to remain in th background but that through the Ha tall Liquor Dealers association they could confer with tbe newly formed body. , Turning the papers . he bad over to the secretary he then bade tbe members good night. ; Judge Lowell wbo had lingered after the adjournment of the Commercial association was called upon for an opinion and in leply stated- that he had been an advocate of local option and still was beoause it was an Anieri ban measure But ss to tbe matter of shutting the saloons out of Pendleton he did notoonslder that praotfeai and was opposed to such action. The judge did not remain for the rest of the meeting. - ' ;'- T U Taylor stated that he was opposed to local option and would fight It in every way possible devoting both time and money. ,Others followed in a like strain and it was decided to form a permanent organisation to oppose the carrying of tbe county against saloons. A motion was made by Lee Teutsoh a committee ol three be appointed to draw up by laws and formulate a plain of action. The committee as Unally seleoted is as follows: J A Borie, J H Haley and J B Dickson. The meeting then adjourned to meet' again next Tuesday night to form a permanent organization. : GUARDIAN'S SALE By virtue of an order and license made and entered by the Hon. County Court of union County State of Ore gon, on September 6th, 1904, in tbe matter of tbe Guardianship of the per. sons snd estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrice Patty, and Frank A Patty, minor beirs of Thomas K Patty de ceased, and wsrds of the undersigned tbelr guardian, I will, from and after tbe 21st day of October 1901, at my borne No. 116 Adams Avenue, La Grande, Union County, Oregon, pro. ceed to sell at private sale the South. eat quarter of Section 81 of Township Three North of Range 39 East of the Willamette Meridan in Union County Oregon, tor the benefit of said heirs and their estate. Terms of sale, oasb I to me in hand. Zora B Putt v. 1 Guardian of tbe persons and estates of Ernest N Patty, Z Beatrioe Patty and Frank A Patty, Minors, Dated deptembdr Id, 1901. Oct 21 Eastern Oregon Business tioliedge Sobool of Shorthand, and Normal Baker City, Oregon, had four calls for Stenographers last week and was nnable to fill tbem all. Our students get good positions when competent. Business men call on ns when tbey want reliable competent help. Now Is the time, for young people to enroll. s Practical Business methods are taught. Tbe light line System of Shorthand is taught whlcb oan be learned In about half tbe time the old Shaded Systems. Tuition and Board reasonable' M.O Perry Prino. 9-21.10 31 DAW Piano Tuner i . Hart) Prof. Hendricks tone your piano. It will psy von to do so. Tun ing and repairing carefully dune We kindly solioit your work. Oct 8 Prof. Ueodricks , CASH MEAT MARKET I have reopened my shop od North Fir Street. You will find my shop well supplied and the prices to suit the times. Yonrs for business Free delivery. Phone 1001 I. HARRIS . Opposite the Sommer House, One of tbe best niusioal Institutions in the slate, Kour rooms used tor musical instruction, 15 grades of music taught. Depaimeut 1, 'A rooms ured tor the 3 first grades. Children at the age of 5'and older oome one bour everr day. Department 3, 3 rooms for grades to id tor pupils 01 all ages me lat est oourae best pmotloal musical in struction. Masical contests for med als every few weeks. , E PORTER DAY Principal MRS DAY. Assistant Furnished Room ' Centrally located corner of Washing, ton and 6th Streets, Known as Geo. Ball's lodging house. For Sale .-; ': ..;; ... V One good second ' baod Kimball piano. , For Particulars enquile of Mrs lugle or Phone 1727 BoBldenoe Oor. of 3rd K. ; ; " ACUTE HHEUMATISM. Deep tearing or wrenching pains, occasioned ,by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on first moviug tbe limbs and -in cold or damp vreath er, is cured quiosiy oy uauara'a onow Liniment. Oscar Oleeon, Gibson City Illinois, writes. Feb la 1902: "A Tear ago 1 was troubled with a pain in my Da, a. it soon got so Daa 1 couia not bend over. Ono bottle of ballard's Biiow Liniment cured me." 2oc, SOo, el 00. Bold by Mewlln Drug Co. MAKES A CLEAN SWEEP ' There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever beard of, Buoklen's Arnica Halve is tbe best it sweeps away and cures Burns, Soros. Bruises. Cuts. Boils. Ulcers. Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 26c and iruaranteed to fflve satlBfaotion bv La Grande Drug Co., andNewlin Drug la., Druggist. BEST COUGH MEDICINE; FOR ' CHILDREN, . ., . hen you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in whlcb you can nlace implicit confidence, l'ou want one uiat not only relieves out cures, ion want one that la unaues tionably harmless, ion want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's CoiiKb Kerned r meets all ol those con. ditions. There is nothing so good for he coughs and oolus inoiuent to child. ood. For sale by All Druggists. HARD WALL PLASTER Ouly ousts about 5o per yard more than common plaster, and worth many times over. - ADVANTAGES No danger of freezing as it can be used iu zero weather - Being flexible instead of brit. tie as all sand mortors are it will dent like wood ' when struck or jammed, instead of breaking , Doors, windows, pipe boles, eto are eaeiiy out through it It is a no n conductor of elec tricity and thus prevents short circuiting It adheres equally well to brick, stone or common lath It contains no adds nor chemicals to : corrods It will not barn nor disintegrate by fire beiug a perfect protection for wood frame work It will under no condition pit or blister . Parties having plastering to do should consult me regarding this class of work Estimates cheerfully given E. REISLAND, Phone 271 SEPTEMBEO MEANS i OYSTERS R LOY Serves them any style you wish Script Script OlU e'l'! fnrwt rtwrvn, Riiprnveil. tin- rcwnilitftl, roeviy for i.mntxiifl sue UK tar wnerea uuwvmv pric.- itiaTnber ol Commerce liJdg, Portland. Or. v. r.n r. ii.kiirt, WEATHER FORECAST - . Tonight and .Tomorrow fair, cooler tomorrow ' - t THE TRAINS No 3 East bound 9 :10 p m onttme W . No 5 West 8:6 p.m on time m .IMI That the way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach. , Try it by. usinp; Geddes Bros' canned fruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh .from the garden. We are theTirst store the farmers call on and of course -we get the choice of everything. We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc k - Special attention given to phone orders. , . . Geddes Bros. I, .6fTsr OUR BACK ROOM Is open for your inspection., In fact we will be pleased to show you through oor entire establishment. : Everything is kept scrupulously ; neat and oloan and we have no hositenoy in showing the most fastidious how our meats are handled. Wo now have .the latest improved sausage machine and . ean sell you sausage in all styles. Bock & Thomas A GREAT SENSATION. us sen i Indiana, when W. H. Brown ol that ilaoe, who was expected to die, bad his ife saved by Ur. Kit .lug's New Discovery for UoiiBumntlon. lie writes: "I en dured lnenlterabte agonieafrom Asthma, but your New Discovery gave me im. mediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cuies of Consumption, Pneumonia, llronchitli and Uriparennmerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 60c, and fl, Uuaranteed by LaUrande Drug Co. and Newlln Drug Co., Drngglata. Sacred Heart Academy La Orando, Oregon. This well known institution, condnoted by tbe Misters of St. travels, affords excellent educatioui.1 advantages. Music, draw ing and painting optional studies. freparing young latiies lor the profess ion of teacnlnir a specialty. Boarding and day si'bool opens the llrst Mondny In Heptember. Hot catalogue address Bister Huperlor. Aug A Oct 4 Oregon id UION PACIFIC Tim Rehftdul LA OBAKDB, NO. J M p. m. Nl. . 1:80 a. m. Salt Laa. Deurar Ft. MO. i. 6 00ft. m. NO 6 Worth. Omaha. Kannaa Cllr, Ht. Loala, Utatoasu u aaai. Portlfcnrt. ImIIm. Per Day ton. Po meroi J fcWa m ;Colfex, MowMW.Hpt SrQS p I rtud a ith TU Hpt Portland, Dntlm, Vm4 dtcton UmaUlla Wal inw, i,sswiBUn,tiirax Moaoow, WmIIaoo War NO 6 8:30 ft m 8:S pm dner, MpokHae nd oilier points emit mad 'Rlnnti Cltr. AlloeL Bund ft? 9:15 n aiuuityra iuu r.iHiD oonnexalont. atWalo n wiiu kiuko lorpoinu iniTiiiuwB ooont J Ocean Huwmera between Portltuid rvt Ban FranclBuo erery flvt dayi E. O, K00BK, Agrat