LA GRANDE OBSERVER VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 24. 1904. NUMBER 271 i TRAIN WRECK Two Severely Wounded and One Probably ' Fatally, . Tblaoity was tbroira into intense ' exoitement tat evening about Bo'closa: by the rapoit that tbe east bound pss engor doe hers at 9 KM w wrecktd n ear Patty and many passengers and t talnmen w-r killed. : : ' , It was sometime nr.lil the exact f aow oo old ba nbts.ined. '' Q1;. - Tfeinmsater VYalib sent en angina anl eoaob immediately to, the seen with phytioians whiou upon their ar rivsl tbey found only two men injured Ooe ni a passenger J.J. Ferguaon who bad bsen working lor ike eon pant a Pendleton for esverat ssont a and m returning t bia borne at Wi ear. Us waa atanding in the amokiog oar talking when the amaah Dp occur -ed an 1 the next thing ba knew be waa bains kindly eared for by nnknowa frlenda on the train. He aoon regained oooecioueoeta bia injoriee ware mostly about (be need. Ha ia up and around The other unfortunate man eeeioa to bate bead riding tbe "blind" and waa badly enl and brnlard in tbe bead and wai brought to tbia ofty and oar- lied on a atratober to the offios ol tbe oimpeny pbyeioiana Dra. Baoon ft Hall, In an unoooscious condition and bat not fully rallied yet. ; . ... The engine did not leave tbe traet but the tender, b.ggege, mail oar and ojaeu did. Tbe wreaking train " waa on tbe aoene about tea o'olqek it waa early morning before tbey got tbe traot ol-ared. Tbe damage to oara and traok will amount to several thootand dollara. . Twenty Men Killed Siloant Springe,' Ark. Sept. 84 While lorty men were working today on an iron bridge being erected over Grand rivar near Grove, Indian Ter ritory, forty milea waat of bare tbe eoafi'ulding oollapeed. Twenty men are reported killed and many o there injured. - Bm J D UiUilao returned from tbe Wallowa, county thla areniug . and will occupy the pulpit morning and eve log tomorrow at the uaua' boure .. '' Hra. J IB Hyde, who la ooti nested with tbe Oreaent Knitting Milii ol thla olty, left thla morning for a few daya visit to Baker Ctly. Cook Wanted A B Cooler wanta a cook, women pre tend, man and wife can secure employ, oent. . Mr Donley can be lound at tbe Sommer Houaa almoat any day. Sept2I 29 . ' ADVANCE OF JAPS UPON FU PASS The Japanese Assume the Offensive and Ad vance Upon the Russians THE BARGAIN STORE A new ana handsome line of American EMWellman&co ;.' y-'- 4damt Avenue. . St. Peteraburg, Sept. J4 Ganeral Kuropatkia telegraphs that tbe Jape neaa hate aaaumed the offensive and have edvaneed from Beotalaputsa on Fo Fata whiob ia off the railroad be tween Mukden and Fuibun twelve milae from Mukdoa. ,. ; f fit. Peteraburg, Sept. 84 A dispatch received here statee that the Japaneae ban carried Karling Paaa . by aoault after a devesting dm f mat all . . arena TbeRawianeloaiSSOmen. Borne Sept. 84 a. telegram to tbe Tribune aaaerta that tbe Japanaw heedquarttra bate beesf. tranaferred from JLlaoYang to Teotai. General Kurokl aooordlng to tbe telegram ia gradually drawing bia loroee nearer Mukden and baa now reaehad a point 26 mllee to tbe eastward of that eity, SMALL JAPANESE VICTORY Tokio Sept. 84 An offloial telegram etatee that adetaobment of Japaneae attacked a tone of Boeaiana near Heiniuobuang on Sept. 86 . 'the Rus sians were driven off to the northward leaving 19 dead. The Japaneae lootee were alight. . :'- "' s , r (Special to tbe Observer t Paris Sept 23-The Matin's St. Petoraaurg eorreapondent telegraphs: "Telegrams of which the ; general etaff aa yet baa no knowledge reaohed tbe ozar thla morning. I oan affirm Iliad Mtci oeiiniii n Port Arthur, regard general asaault, mora furioua than pre tlona aaaaulta, attsoking tbe town on three aides simultaneously, employ ing their whole forces, beingdetermin ed to finish the business. "Tbe Russian mines blew up whole battalions. V- 'General Pock dtstlngnahed bin::::!, directing the fire from the wall, which the Japaneae reaohed after aa inde- scriable massacre. The whole of Togo's and Kami mora'S squadrons are aiding the atrug gle which It la feared will be Bnal. The besieged forces are fighting aa In fur- naoa. A' perfect storm of sheila falling, "In Bt Petersburg ths facta concern. Inej tbe trmglo event are wholly ua known. - At tbe court hope le not en tirery abandoned." M. Carlson Dead Mr. 0. b. Carlson tbe anfortaaate man wbo suffered the amputation of an arm aetata! daya oauaed by aa ac cidental shot gun wound died, at 11 o'olock last evening at , tbe home; of Prof, and Hra. Henry Henaon where he baa beei oared for slnoe tbe injury. Tbe funeral will be held from tbe Freabyterian obnroh tomorrow after noon at 8:30. Tbedeoeaaed leavea wife and four young ohlldren the eldaat being eight years of age, tbe youngest an Infant babe bora this wsek. Mr. Carlton baa been .. engage din tbe wood business at 'Kamela for nomoer of yeara and wis highly rt peoted by all. c. ' NINE GIRLS KILLED BATTLE OONriNaBD TWO DAW Chetoo. Bent. 84 Noon A Japa nese wbo arrived at Dalny says a bat tle began at Port Arthur September 19, and continued September '20, but be ia unable to give detaile. On Mptesaps 21 and 88, the bombardment was eligfct. The Japanese further aald that on verfled rumors had. been , received at Dalny to theeflect that tbe Japanese had made some gains. Ohlnem from a village near Port Arthur confirm the foregoing and add while off the Miaotao lalanda yester day they heard firing. ' '. :'..Vi',.."i Narrow; Escape A apeoial train conveying the Arch bishop of Canterbury from bar uar bor, Maine: to Washington was wreck' ed on' the H 4 A railway at a station near East Brookfield, Mass. yesterday, J tHTKt Sorgan. U WaU Jtreet time, but neUber of the two proini. nent men were injured : No serious in inrles resulted, but several of the train binds were slightly hurt NOW FOR EXHIBIT; HALL Commercial Club Will Start Soliciting Com v mittee. Olnoinnati j Ohio; Sept .84 The vault in tbe rear of the aohool bouse at Fleas tot Ridge a suburb . U this ol'y collapsed tbla morning and over 80 children in tha building are report ed to bavn fallen into tbe vault. Eight ol tbf m, all girls are dead. The build ing waa a frame atruotura and bal been standing for yeara. . : i , The flooring of the vault gave way wbioh precipitated tha ebildren into tbe death trap li Beams that at recess time the Tbe Commercial olub has taken the up the matter of aeon ring tha Exhibit Hall and the solloltlng committees are expected to commence .securing funds Uon iay. Two committees bave been . appointed, one to solioit from the. farmers and fruit growers and one to viait the property owners and business men of this city. -:. Thla oannot prove otherwiae than a good Investment At thla time of the year there is a heavy travel to this ooaat and as the great majority buy ., their tlekets to the terminals, this ex hibit will give those who Taa through our city something to think aboat. The building will be brilliantly Il luminated with eleotrlo lights whloh will make a handsome showing to psae- ohildren made a playful ruth into an engera on both evening trains. ontnouae wuen sue a our gave wey pre OeiR PALL STYLES FOB ' RENT Housekeeping, room very nicely furnished. . Two ' blocks west of High Sofaool, on the corner of 1st and M st. 1 av OiDitatlnt a largs number into . the vault below. ? . i '. The exoitement is intensified by the wild complaints of the parents of the children against the school officers who aald the building'- and- gronada had been inapeoted before the opening ol aohool two weeks ago.: A few min utes after theaooldent happened every utensil available la tho neighborhood was brought i.ito requisition and men went into the vault and oarried out .the b-rfloa and tbe sebool was trens- At the time of the )f accident tbe vault contained lour feet of water and the nine that were killed aarved to fill up the vault an that tba other 13 were not drowned , .01 the 12 retoued it ia reported tbia afssroocn tbat perbapa eight will die of internal poitoning and broken limbs. . - - Russia Out of Coal i Vladivostok Sept 24 Overtures are elng oondurUd through German channels with Liverpool firms with a ttsw to arranging for dispatching ooal. ffeVrtirtalifrom ty Russian warships. ." ; OFFER BIQ BON3S ' Liverpool Sent, 24--Russlan agsnts' are offering 9 shillings a ton for. ooal tor tbe far east 1 Another Offer of 15 shillings a ton is added to tbe 80 11 the tbe blockade Is successfully run and tbe ooal delivered at Port Arthur. . 'SB: We , bare lust received a small shipment of onr FALL 8TYLE8 of COATS and SUITS. II youxpeet to Uy a SUIT, it will pay you to look our line over, as it will be to your advantage and you will be sure to et tbe RIGHT THINGS. . r e r Deciai values in i - Ladies' Tailor Suits made iu this Fah'a most popular styles neatly trimmed in velvet end buttons, made up in blaok and blue serge and novelty Ruitings with good silk .linings, suite actually worth ! every cent of I5, your choice for ' $12.50 The Chicago Store THE BUSIEST STORE IN TOWN Adams Ave., La La Grande, Oregon. Boy's Corduroy CA School Suits v in ages from 8 to 14, extra good weight cor duroy, well made and lined, a suit with value stitched in every team, made ffr the hardest kind of gervice, only 12.60 ' - s 1 ' ' Boys Knee Pants x 50c 60c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 $l.25 Ladies' Skirts, $1.50 up We are proud of the values we oan offer in this department and. have amp's) evi dence tbat our patrons appreciate the wide , range of patterns; styles .and. real worth. Don't fail to come in and see them before you get your fall skirt ' t $1.50 to $12.50 THREE BIG DON'TS ! Don't forget that we bave a large assortment of ladie&' fall hats, in tailored and trimmed . j Don't forget that they are the product of the best designers and most skillful workmen , Don't forget that we can save you from 10 to 20 per cent oo ladies' hats , Ostrich Tips and Plumes 25 per cent M:h " Wfflisn All hew fads " in Ladies' Belts and Combs n i k ! it -it 5 !i I I it V4 i v r f: It 6 ' I If ' i saw saving A ir