La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, September 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    W -L
suppose you try Bomo-Blue
Points or a chowder. After
that go down the list and select
the templing things we have on
our hill of fare und when yo've
finifhed dinuing you'll feel like
a king. There's no better place
to dine than : :.'
We hae the latest of every
thing the market affords, and
know hew to cook and serue it
Bring wife down, she wants a
change and it won't cost much.
Open evening?. -. '. '
We tell weekly Meal 1 1 cn
Tickets, Cah ... , ,
! Get The- Habit I
' f
V Of trading at the Nebraska Grocery Store and you $
9 cannot break yourself of it. Our goods are always
J the best, our prices are the lowes'. and bur stock is T
& complete.
I ' :
ReSrlC hnvina the largest stock of "Preferred"
m UvolUCj canned goods, Allen & Lewis special
$ brand on all their leading lines. We have juat re-
If ceived a new and complete line of Men's and Women's ?
X and Shoes which we invite you to
W " Oor. Fir and Jefferson Sis.
All who are building new .r rebuilding their
home?, can neatly finish their parlors, dining rooms
halls etc with a. 1 to 6 light Electolero, at a reason
able price, as wo are in position to undersell any
fixture iu the Inland Empire.
We have at our office a complete stock of assorted
styles of ceiling and wall fixtures of beautiful de
signs attd fiuisb. Also Shades ot HI designs.
We cordiallj invite the public to inspect our.
stock even if you are not ready to buy. Office
open from 7 a m to 8:30 p in.
La Grande Light and Power Co.
i! tr
III f r, i ,?t
5k s8
AK Your
U. 8. trnd Office at 1a Ursndo. "won.
ATiguit IS 11XM.
Notice la' hcrw'y riven (hut tli rnl'iiwittn
QKiimt Mttlcr turn fllcii o.Hlre f Ui iiniin
UiinakeftnAt jtrxior Itl HUPP rtoflil clrtim. n
thm nid nruir will i m.uW b'hyn the Cinmty
fi...b .rf llniitillA INniulv. IHvK.m rH Ivn.lM'lon
A bianurn, ofMrwhni.w'n for ho lot.
8 4- 5.Ud6. See . I e. I . It-J' "
.,,,n:: EEsi'Kjc
eonitliuuiia rosidflitcc ujhju
tKll Hilvard and J.Ab hoth of
MHehVm.Viron. d Hmiih C. Mumm and
KSS M iiayi both of onm.
W. I. Hunter & So'i have
Leased the McKinzie S'bbles
fcnd are prepared to serve the
public in a first, class mauuer
t reasonable rates , .
That is why people come here
for men's and by boys' shoes
The J. E. Tilt liw is our spec
ialty. Here is where price and
quality are combined.
Shoe Specialist DEPOT STREET
IhoImIM Truct Pultllo LnndSAto.
Nolle In hcrobv rlvpn that In ptimmnce m
InKlfiKMloim ftiiin the t'nni.ntMltiner I tin
OtMit'ml l.nii inei', under Hiittiorliy vwifd
In him v H4VII..11 S4VV T. S. KovimhI HtiUUt.
nn Hinondil b.v llnMut .r Lni;riM ttpi-mvod
KhruHrV ", r Will puncrd tooll trtt
puitlh wiliMit tt'n oi-ito-k. in., on u jiin
filf ln ut.t llf Un,, tl.w. NW,, WJ, Town-hip Smiulh. nwaW,KrtM.
; Any ... '"rtvs's
Mi.e.ilMtrlhol UnilnnH(t lMetl to tilt- their
rmhnn In UilHolTIre on ot lMrn UumIiiv nun-
ilrlritnttil for rommeneenirnt if male;
nlhrrwuw their right will be forfoHeO.
UuteU Auguit S, lw.
K W DavIb, ReRltter.
A A fliojrit, KM-Tjr.
General News
At Boise Idabu yeeterday the jniy
In the case of the state ts B Uappy lor
attempt at rape, returned a verdict of
not guilty. There Is no doubt bat
that the defendant will B Happy.
The experiment of osh g oil on tbe
streets and roads of Yakima will be
tried by tbe oity ooun:li.
Sweden has tbe old sat vessel In Eu
rope perhaps in the world ig tbe
aihooner Emmanuel, built in 1749.
She was a privateer ami is now in tbe
timber trade. " ''
Held Marshal YaiUBgata la the old
est Japanese gene'al Retire in tbe
present war. He is eixty six. Kurok'
la sixty. Oka is fifty elitbt. None of
tbe general staff is under forty six.
General Herman Haupt, tbe oldest
living graduote of West Point, wasap.
pointed a cadet at the age of 13 by An
drew JacKSon.
Reuben Lesser, of Spokune Wash. , a
child aged eight, found a box of rat
bisouit yesterday, of whiob he ate, and
to which be treated bis brothers,
Adoph, aged 11, Fred, aged six, and
hia slater Annie, aged four. Reuben
Is dead from tbe effects of the poision
ing and the others arn dangeronsly
Fire destroyed tbe of Mrs.
A Murphy at Huntington yesterday
afternoon, tbe building and contents
being a total loss. Tbe sympathy of
the entire community is witb the un
fortunate lady.
Three months suspension Is prom
ised all University of Oregon students
who participate in bazing new students
James Inman, of Looking Glass, Or.,
has aunounce I that be is a candidate
for president of tbe United States.
Portland High School m dismissed
Wednesday becanse of oold weather,
the heating plant not having been
placed in order for tbe winter yet.
A Port'and flour mill Ins just re
ceived ao order for 10 carloads of flour
from Boston, this being the first order
of the kind ever received in Portland
Thirty five Oregon and Washington
people who bare been duped by John
Alexander Dowie, bave desrted him
and left Zion City for their foimer
Lays Off 2,000 Men
(Observer Special)
Topeka, Sept, 21, The Rock Island
luid olf nearly 2,000 men in Kansas
tjday to reduce operating expenses.
For Kent
Three houses for rent on R. F. D
No 1 will make liberal terms to the
right persons. Special inducements
to ion i term leaser L B Hyatt.
R V D Mo. 1 La Grande
Sept. 23 Oct. 23
Cook Wanted
A B Conte-y wants a cook, voinen pre
fored, man and wife can so ure employ
ment Mr l.'onlev can be lound at the
Sommer House almost any day
Sopt 22-29
A eturtling incittont, ia narralml by
John Olivnr of VliilnMelphlu, as follows:
'1 whs in an nwlnl condition. My
ekin wue almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue oontuii, pain continually in back
and Bides, no apjH tito, growing wenker
day by day. Tbroe physii-iane had
given me up. Then i was advised to
lieu Electric Bitters; to my gre?t joy
the first bottle made a decided im
provement. I continued their use for
three weeks, and am now a well man.
t know they robbed the grave of
another victim." No one should (nil to
ry them. Only 50 cents, guaranteed,
at l.a Urande Drug Co., Dd Newlin
Drug Co'e., drug; store.
Kasto'U Orpiion I'lisini-sa C lledg
eho-l of Sh trihand. and Normal
linker CMty, Origin., ftad four calls
Jn tenngr:iphorf las' we-k and was
'innblo to All thatn-at!. Onr Btudonts
et u 'Oil position when competent.
Business iu-n rail on us when they
want reliable competent help.
Vow is he tiin fr younz people
o enr U j
Piaotlcat B11 'tioMi methods Are
tatiunt. The it line Sysem of
Hhiirhnot ia ;tn.0ght which can be
' leanird In ftWofrT half tbe time the
dd Sh.uled Svstnma.
TuMmand Bord reaajnable
M O Perry Prloo.
0 21-10 DAW
U. H. Land Otltue, Ij Orando, Orvcon
Not ire i hervliv riven tluit In i oinpllitt.'ce
with t)u prttvtsiniiN of the nol of iVumn-it of
June K, 17n. pntillfMl "An ml for the Mile of
tlttilwr IhuiU hi the Htiitra of I'ultforiila, Ore
gun, NevmU, und Wnhtniilon Territory," iu
exir nded u nil the l'uhllc l.ttul Siun liy ael
Of A UK list 4, 1SV2, fhtTin II. lhan..e, of
l it V. lOMH t V (if Mil II I . k wtiilA it l?
ha thi (lay tfl'tKl In this offline ht nworn
ffmieinfiu sft ir.i,, ror tins piirehime of .
Lot I, Mf. IH, I p. ft nth. rniinc So, K'-, NKW
No. . M, liaticf No, As K W.M.
And will otror proof to nhow that th land
Ktmrfht In moro vliiittlr for tt.i thnhvr or
stone Hum fnr nurK'tillnml pnrptwt, and to
pfUuhltMi ht clnltn to Mild land tn-fore the
Kt-rttfttiT and I twelver ol thin otDrv at I
UniiW, nnvon, on Mindi4r, th ilh dy of
lvml-fr, lt4.
Il nnioea h wltneaMw: Ralph II. BullU,
of Mtrtrkcv,tron. KUard 1W.oi, of HUrkrjr.
OrPH'n, tftnk . Mnt'hyt of !, (.lrott, Abe
tUmtiu, of I'erry. .noo.
Anv and all person olalinln adverwly the
aUjvc d"Nrtroi land are mintl to file
th'lrrUlmi In thlmnll on or before antd
sin day of December, LH.
H. 9f. D.iTla, Relator.
Portland Markets
Another our of eastern egs has ar
rived in Portland but has had no elTcot
in weakening the market, as local
.fresh egg remain at 2oo per dozen,
i and the reoeipta are small.
I Poultry receipts still continue heavy
and ail the poultry raisers seem to
. . l. : .. . U .. . I. f i.A I ... t n -all nnri
land the indications are that the large
amount ol stock Drouent in lor saie
will have a tendency to weaken tbe
market. The turkey supply i report
ed quite large, and if the hi'avy receipts
continue, prices will undoubtedly fall
off. ,.
Witb large offerings from all por
tions of tbe northwest tbe hay market
,1s showing a weaker feeling " today,
but bo far tbere are no obanges in tne
The immense orop of potatoes raised
in California, quantities of which are
being shipped toOngon baa had a
weakening (ffeot on the : market and
prloes aro some lower today
The best grade of butler . is acaroe,
but prices in this line still remain the
same. "
On aocount ol the large receipts of
small hogs from 130 to 140 pounds,
yesterday there was a smsatioual dr.ip
of II per hundred in this lii.e. The
best bogs are still reported at SO.
. Today's quotations follow:
Wheat, export price.. ......79o to83o
Barley,-' best $22 to $23
OatB 26. to (27.60
Hay, timotby.. : $15 to 111;
Butter best oreamer . ... 27c
Butter, ordinary.... 20c
Egi!8, per dozen.. T. . . .23c to 25c
Chickens, per pound 120 to 13o
Potatoes per owt $1.25
Onions, per owt . . . . . . . . .$1.50 to $1.76
Apples, best, per box $1
reaches, best, per box. . . . . ,75o to OSa
Beets, per taok. ....$125
Cabbage, per pound ...,2c
Steeis $2.75 to 83
Cows 82
Bull $1.75
Stags .$2
HoiiS, best $3.75to?6
Hogs, feeders. $3.95 to $1.20
No Hunting
All persons are forbidden to hunt
with firearms or dog on my land tin
dwrpain of being pn-6ectiled for tres
8ept 6 Nov 7)
Joseph Anson
M.M.Austin of Winchester, Ind.,
knew wbat in the hour , of need.
His wife had such an unusual ' aso of
stomach and liver trouble, physicians
could not help her. He thovuh' -f and
tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she
got relief at ouce and was finally cured.
Only 25c, at La (5 ramie Drug Co., and
Newltn Drug Co., Drus, Stores.
Hy virtue of an order and license
made and entered by tbe lion. County
Court of Union County State of Cre
Bon, on September tith, 1901, in tbo
matter ot the Guardianship ot tbe per.
8 (lis and estates ot Erru'Ht Putty, 'i
Betrii Putty, an i Frank A Tatty,
minor heirs ol Thomas V Patty de
ceased, and wards of tbe undersigned
tbeir RuarJian, 1 will, from and after
She 2lst day . f Oi tober 1901, nt my
home No. 1410 Adums Avenue, l.a
Grande, Union f'ounty, Oregon, pro
ceed to sell at private sale the Houtli
ea t quarter ol Section 31 of Township
Three North of Kanue 39 Ent of the
Willamette Meridan in L'nion C unty
Oregon, for the bi'.eUt ot said heirs
and tlie:r estate Terms of sle, easb
to me In lian l. Zora E Patty,
Guardian of Uim persons and estates
of Ernest N Pntiy. 7, lie -trice Patty
and frank A Patty, Minors.
Pate I s '.) a t - 1 1. 1901 (
eit noroland, KnriR. May 1902. !
Raad Snow Liniment Co. o ir Snnw
I.inimont rnrtd an o'd sore on tho Ride
of my chin that wna Buppnspd to bo n
rancwr. The o-o who stubborn nud
wonld not y?1d to treatment, m.tU
X tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in eho't order. My sister, Mrs
Sophia .1 t 'anion. AHonsrille, Miffln
'"o, Pa, hfteaeore ami niistrnflt that
It fs a cancer. Please send her n
50c bottle. Sold by Newlin Drug Co.
IT. H. land Office, La onnde, Orrcrtn.
AllKUHt I, imh.
NotlcM hereby lven that the fotlowlnif
n&mrd e tiler hn flioil aoiltwor ln lntcntt :i
to nmtte flnnl prour tn mi). port of ht ciulm
an tl that nattl prwr will in tmtde tn-fore llm
Kpitlster ftnt Hroeirer of (he IIS Und Uitlt-e
it La O run tie, Orenon, on Sept. ?, im, vir
H K NoK.Vti. Klmer B tllvfr, of Minohriiu.
Omiun, ftr the NWI Her. TIN, H.ftKWM.
He nm the followlnir wttgeui to pnve
htH ennttnnona restilencc np-m Htil oultlrnt Ino
of aald land, vli: KHimiel Hrvson, John
I OntdiUl, H of Metwbarn, Oreffon.
nnnun, vitwgB anur-inii and iMcar Van
K W Davia, RrIMer.
Notice Is hreby Kiren.tlmt the co
partnership heretofore existiriK botwi'en
the nndersiau- d under the firm name
of McCoy A McKarlane, iu the trooery
business, at La iran!e, has been die
solrett by mntunl ai;reomeut. The
busine-a will b continued by William
McFar'ane. Dated, Atuat 1.', 1W .
James .McCoy.
8 H9'3 W. MoFarlaoo.
Opposite tbe Summer House.
One of the best mustcul institutions
iu tbe siato, l''our rooms used ior
musiual instruction, 15 grades of inu.-ii:
ta.igiu. Utpaimeut 1, a rooms u.ed
for the 3 II rat grados. children at Llia
age of 5 and older ooine one hour ever)
day. Department 2, 2 rooms for grades
1 to 15 tor pupils of all ages li e lut
est course test practical musical in
struction, iliairul coutetts fur med
als overy few weeks.
E PORTER DAY Principal
MRS DAY. Assistant
Furnished Room
Centrally located eoruerol Washing
ton and 6th Streets. Known us Goo.
Bull's lodging houBo.
For Sale ;
One good second hand Kimball
piano, , For Particulars eoqui:e of
Mrs Ingle or Phone 177 Utsidence
Cor. o!3rd K. -. .
beep teariui! or wreuchini; juins.
occasioned .by getting wet through;
worse wneo ar. rest, or on ursc uioviriji
the ltuibtfand in cold or damn weath
er, is cured quickly by Ballard's ttuow
Mulmeut. Oscar Uiesou, Gibson City
Illinois, writes, reb 10 1M2: "A year
ago 1 was troubled with a pain ln my
Da.ii. ic soon got so uuu 1 eouiu not
bend over. One bott.e of liuuard's
Snow Liniment cured me.'- 2.c, &Do,
,1 UU. Bold by Newliu Drug Co. '
Tbere'H nothing like doing a tiling
thoroughly. Ol all the Salvos you ever
beard of, liucklen's Arnita Halve is the
beet. It sweeps away ami cures liurus,
Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers,
Skiu Ertiptiuns and Piles. U'sonly L'm:
and guaiauteed tu give sutiefairtion by
La G ramie Drug Cu.t and Mewliu Drug
Co., Druggist.
hen you buy a couh medicine for
small children von wsnt one in which
you can place implicit conlidence. Vou
want one that not only relieves bur
cures. You wlint one that is iimpies
tiouably harmlds. I on KMit one that
is pleusauc to take. U: eiubcrluiu's
Cough Kerned r tne.-te all ol these con
liitions. Tlierd is nothing ro good for
he coughs and col. Is iu M lenr, to child
ood For sale by All Drue-is ta.
Ouly ousts about 5c per yur.l
more thitu common plaster, and
worth many Uma over.
' No danger of freezing as it
oau be uaeci iu zero wentbor
Being llexible instead of tjriu
tie as all sand mortors are
it will dent like wocd vh-n
struck or jammed, instead of
breaking Dours, windows, pipe
holes, etc aro easily cut tliruiih
it It is a mm comiuelor of c.leo
trieity and thus prevents short
cireuitlug It adheres equal! v
well to brick, stone or coninjun
lath It cnimins no iu-ii!.H nor
chemiculs to corrods It will
not burn nor disiniirnle by (ire
boiny a perfect pioicition- fur
wood frame work It will undo,
no condition pit or blister
Parties having pl;:sl'.'i'ine to
do should cousult me regarding
this class of woik . E.-itiniaU'a
'dieerfuily givn
E. REISLAN0, Phone 371
Serves them any stvle you $
.Script Script J
rfiilui-.-l, r.iv for imimxlmtniM- aiti- t
wliem lnt pnc. f
. .. , r. v. i .iiit. v, J
i Iwiilwruiuiniiif re PI.!, l unln l, Or. f
Tonight and
.Tomorrow fair, oooler tomorrow
AN'o 2 Eust boun I 0:10 p m oritime
t. Ho 5 West ' ft :f p m on time A,
v . i. '
That the way to reach a
man's heart' is through his
stomach. Try it by ; usin
Gectdes Bros" canned traits,
delicious beraies, lettuce, on
ions, and radishes, just fresh
from the garden. We are
the first store the farmtih
call on and of course we get
the cfioice of everything.
We always have the fresh
est eggs, tatter, etc.
Special attention given to
phonf ordfnT- j
Gsddcs Bros.
Is open for inspeeliou.
Iu fact, '.ve will lie ploa.-ed to
show you ituou;;)) ouj; euliro
eslablUhitlaiit. Hverythitiy; is
kept srrnpiiimialy neat and
clean and wo liiive no heiteney
in shoeing the most f-is'.iilious
how our meat-3 ate himdlfd. We
now have rm U;. st improved .
sausage ni'vihitte and' ami se!i
you 8,r.sujtt in a!i ttyies.
Bock & Thomas
A Git IS AT Si:St?ATlON.
I Tliuro win n bi.; tifjtj'wu in Leewvillo
jlu'iatlil, WtlMfl-VH'.LirOA!) of Unit
placi', wh' warjVKiflt'ti to din. hiiil hin
j lifo ftvoil by lfc Kite's N'f' Uifcovury
i dun-tl iii''ii;l,MTili' Hgt- itiroin A wl.h mil,
j hut yn .r Nm- I)i.s;vVr;' y mo iin-
1 moiiiiitu n.i. ! . mnl pi.t;t f.iurt'!Ul.'P
I etfi'i-tt'il a . uplct' cure." Similar
! iu:ei .if ;r- Himipn -nt 1 eiimoMui,
i UroiirhitH v.ii. .irip art; numerous, li'i
tlis p erie-iit reiiK'il" hr aIi t:iru:tt ithti
' triuliliM. J'ri-t VJc. uu $1,
;!):-f J uy Ltt i irf :. in ini tj.i.
Sacred M . art Aztfcmy
li tntlo, 0-fj, n TiiiJ vci
known mutit.ition, v -ii-bu-to I oy tne
ms'i'-s of -it .ii-ci, a'fjr Isr-x.! iltint
c-i-ctttioiiid a in i: i r A iii -, i, i v .
P'R im l ,ii:Hiu.r "'ti "rd u u li'.s
Proper in a on) , n lie f -r tin i-r H'si
ion -if icu-ii ,t: p- dVi il'y "9t
u d t:v s h-.hti .ikj.u i Iu hi,-
in is . ttvnli.c c-f.ilsi : i'l -s
1 "., '. ''U''!
.. T.-t it '-t
i .
.S.I p. in.
8:: O. ni.
.ll'U . : i
(V, u'.J
, vh f'p-;
a in K'.-i
on-, a- i,.t
j 1
j ao r n
rucin- every live .Ihjs
.X, !